Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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She’d explain tonight that she’d been overly emotional and sprouted off without thinking. He didn’t want to marry her, not really. He hadn’t even accepted her offer yet. She had nothing to worry about. They’d both laugh about her silly proposal and settle back into their comfortable friendship.

That didn’t solve her problem though. Where could she find the right man? He had to love the country, want to live at the ranch, and not mind her control issues.
All right
, she admitted,
I do like to be in control

Her cell rang. “Hello,” Samantha answered.

“I’ve thought about your offer. I accept.” His deep, husky voice sent shivers through her.

“Don’t you want to talk with Gramps first?”

“Sure. Tonight I’ll ask his permission to marry you. He’s old-fashioned, and I respect him. He’ll expect the question.”

“We need to talk first.”

“Is there a problem?”

She heard the smile in his voice. “I may have been rash in trying to force you to my way of thinking.”

“No problem. I think you’re right. We’ll deal well with each other, and my folks and your grandfather will be overjoyed.”

Darn, what could she say now? If he asked Gramps to marry her, the deal was sealed and stamped. For once, she admitted her rashness had gotten her into a corner.

“We’ll talk tonight, before you see Gramps.”

“See you at six.”

She snapped her phone shut, realizing he had not agreed with her last demand. This situation was swirling out of control, and she had no one to blame but herself.

* * * *

Samantha paced across her bedroom. Outside her window the sun set with colors of gold and red painting the sky. She glanced at her watch, five forty-five.
had been due at six, but she’d heard him arrive five minutes ago. He’d greeted Gramps while she stood nearby, unseen. When the study door snapped closed, she tiptoed back to her room.

She’d hoped to have a few words with
first. Too late now. This was one time her impetuous behavior had gotten her into a situation where she saw no way out.

“Sam.” Maria called out her pet name and then knocked on the door. “Your grandfather wants you to join him and Jackson in the study.”

Samantha slid her hands over the short, champagne-colored dress she wore. She’d left her hair hanging loose. She opened the door.

“Tell Gramps I’m not quite ready.”

“You look beautiful,” Maria said.

That was the problem. “This is too dressy. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Maria shook her head. “I never thought of you as a coward.” She took Samantha’s hand. “Come on, you know Mr. Riley will get annoyed if you hold up dinner.”

Reluctantly, Samantha followed her. The study door stood slightly ajar. She heard male voices talking quietly on the other side.

Samantha pushed the door open. Both
and Gramps stood at her entrance.

“Samantha, why didn’t you tell me the good news earlier today?” Smiling broadly, Gramps walked around his desk, his arms outstretched. She walked into his hug. His fragrance of Old Spice with a hint of his cigar smoke surrounded her. An unexpected rush of love and sadness had her blinking her eyes.

Gramps stepped back still holding onto her shoulders. “You’ve made me very happy.” He glanced across at
. “
’s already almost like a son to me. He’ll keep you and the ranch safe.”

For the first time since she’d entered the room, Samantha looked at her prospective husband. Standing quietly to the side, he watched the two of them intently. His blue eyes had darkened, and his expression gave away none of his feelings. When his eyes connected with hers, a slow smile crossed his face. He took a leisurely survey of her from her head to her toes peeking out of gold sandals. A rush of heat went straight to her face.

“Darling.” He strolled toward her. Then he leaned down, brushing her lips with his. A shiver ran across her shoulders and down her spine. “I know we talked about waiting to tell your grandfather. But I had to ask for his permission to marry you before we fly to
tomorrow to choose an engagement ring.”

“Tomorrow? We’re herding the cattle from the west range. I can’t possibly go until later this week.”

“Nonsense,” Gramps said. “This is much more important. I have plenty of help.”

“I’ll send two of my men over, just in case they’re needed,”

“Fine. See, Samantha, you have nothing to worry about except your wedding.” Gramps nodded at her. “You’ll need to get used to the men doing the hard work. I’m sure
has other plans for his wife.”

had a devilish grin on his face. Samantha frowned at him. She’d better set this matter straight right now.

“My future husband has agreed I can run the ranches while he travels with his business. That will work best for both of us.”

Gramps frowned at her and Jackson. “What foolishness is this?
, did you agree to this?”

“It’s not decided yet, Sir.”

“We did decide,” Samantha snapped.

“We’ll talk later, darling.”

“Don’t darling me.” Samantha began to pace around the room.

“You’ll have your hands full, son. Still, few people know her better than you.”

“We’ll do fine, Mr. Riley.”

“I expect you will. Too bad my wife didn’t live to see this happy day. She was very fond of you. Enough discussion for now. We’d better head to the dining room. There’s no need to let Maria’s good food get cold.” Gramps slapped
on the shoulder. “This good news has given me an appetite.”

They both turned to let Samantha lead the way. Frowning at both men, she stomped down the hall. Just wait until she got
alone. She’d rip him a good one.

Chapter Two

Dinner went by quickly. Gramps and
discussed ranching issues. Samantha would have usually jumped into the conversation, but she was too flustered and instead picked at her food.

“Are you all right?” Gramps asked, turning his attention to her.

“I’m not hungry.”

Gramps grinned at
. “Too much excitement.” Then they continued talking.

Samantha looked across the table and watched
’s fleeting expressions as he listened to Gramps. The old chandelier, made of cow horns, hung directly over the dining room table, and the light brought out the gold in
’s hair.

He used his strong, capable hands to describe something to Gramps. Samantha found herself imagining him touching her, sliding his fingers along her neck to her breasts. She blinked. What was wrong with her? She never fantasized about a man making love to her. The talking had stopped. Both men stared at her.

Gramps reached across and touched her forehead. “You’re flushed and you feel hot. I hope you’re not getting sick.”

“I’m fine, Gramps, really, but it is warm in here. If you two will excuse me, I’ll step outside on the porch to cool off.”

shoved back his chair. “I’m finished. I’ll join you.” A teasing light shone in his eyes.

Surely he had no idea of her thoughts. She’d die of embarrassment. He pulled her chair back and followed her out the front door. At least now she’d have a chance to talk with him. Renewed anger at how he’d rushed things tonight began to build inside her. She walked to the far corner where they had more privacy.
followed and stopped right behind her.

Whirling around, she confronted him. “Why didn’t you wait? I told you I’d just been my emotional self and said things I didn’t mean.”

“The reality is you need a husband, and I want a wife. Your grandfather is pleased. We’re good friends. What can be wrong with the outcome?”

“That’s just the trouble. We are friends. I can’t imagine us being more.”

“Oh, I believe you can and did back there in the dining room.”

“How ridiculous. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Well, if your only concern about us is as a couple, let me put your mind to rest.” His big hands cupped her face. Startled, she gasped and stared up at him as he slowly lowered his head.

His mouth softly brushed across her eyelashes, whispered along her cheek, before settling on her lips. His tongue moved along her tightly closed mouth until she opened for him. He pulled her closer into his warm embrace as his tongue tangled with hers then moved along the edge of her teeth.

Her tingling breasts were tight against his firm chest. With one arm, he anchored her lower body against his hard arousal. She went weak, and heat flashed over her. Without thought, her arms went around his neck, and she moaned. Abruptly, he dropped his arms and stepped back. She swayed. He reached out to steady her.

“See. You don’t need to have any concerns about us.”

Samantha took a deep breath, giving herself time to pull her thoughts together. “This proves nothing. I’ve responded to a few of the men I’ve dated, but the very few who I’ve been intimate with have left me questioning what all the fuss is about. Sex is definitely overrated.”

’s laugh startled her. “I’m serious,
. You don’t want to be married to a cold woman.” She found her cheeks heating again. Although they’d been close friends, she and Jackson had never discussed sex.

pulled her back into his arms, but more of a comforting hold this time. His hand ran through her hair. “Don’t worry. I’d never describe you as cold. Trust me to take care of any doubts you may have.”

She pulled away. Part of her had wanted to stay enclosed in his arms, but she mustn’t. She would not allow him to make her weak. “This is all becoming much more than I’d planned.”

He moved to her side and stared out in the distance. “And your plan was what?”

“That we’d have a business deal, a sensible marriage.”

Turning to face her, his finger tipped her face up. “I will not agree to anything less than a committed marriage with, hopefully, children. Do you want to tell your grandfather the engagement is off, or shall we leave it that if you are at the airfield at seven tomorrow, you are agreeing to my terms?”

His eyes were hard and his expression stony. She knew he meant what he said. At least he’d given her tonight to think and to talk with Gramps once more.

“If I’m at the airport, then I’ve agreed with your terms.”

She walked to the front door and went inside.

* * * *

let out his breath. He’d put her in a corner, which had never been wise, but he had no intention of agreeing to a business marriage. At least not with Samantha. When she’d walked into the study earlier, all his blood left his head and went straight to his cock. Thankfully, Samantha and Gramps didn’t look at him until he had better control of himself.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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