Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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He nudged her legs apart and put his full erection against her softness. She moved herself against the ridge, creating a deep ache inside her. His fingers ran along the edge of her short shorts and then underneath to touch the wetness gushing from between her pussy lips.

“You’re so hot and slick. You want me as much as I want you. Come home with me tonight.”

“I can’t. Maria and Gramps will know what we’re doing.”

He leaned his head back. “Honey, it’s natural. See how suspicious your grandfather was because he hadn’t seen us show this excitement for each other. Anyway, we have a good excuse. We need to plan for my guests who will arrive tomorrow afternoon and leave Sunday morning. Then, the next Saturday we get married.”

“We really shou—”

He stopped her. “We’re not going to postpone the wedding. I don’t care if we only have my parents, your grandfather, and Maria here.”

She leaned her head against his chest and tried to ignore the movement of his fingers sending shivers up her spine. “Janice is coming tomorrow to help.”

He gave her a quick peck and stepped back from her. “If I don’t stop now, I won’t be able to, and we’re a little exposed here. We’ll continue this at my house, tonight.” Taking her hand, he started back. “You can call Janice and see if she wants to fly in with the other guests. The plane will land them on my private airstrip.”

“All right.” She pushed her hair back and straightened her clothes as they came out of the trees. “Behave at dinner.”

laughed. “It’ll be a strain, but I’ll do my best.”

Samantha ran upstairs to freshen up and then joined
and Gramps at the dinner table. Gramps was in a good mood. He and Jackson talked about the two ranches, while Samantha enjoyed just watching their faces and listening to them. When
mentioned Samantha going to his house for the evening Gramps readily agreed. “I’m tired and going to bed early anyway.”

“You don’t need to work so hard, Gramps. We have plenty of help, and I can ride out and check on things.”

“Don’t take my work away from me, child. What would I do with myself but sit around here and miss your grandmother? No, I’ll be fine by tomorrow morning. I’ll come in earlier in the afternoon.”

Although Samantha worried, she knew any further conversation would only upset him and not accomplish anything. She kissed him on the cheek and stuck her head in the kitchen door to tell Maria good-bye. Then, she and Jackson went to Gramps’ truck.

“Since you have to drive me home, and you’ll be returning on your own, I won’t keep you with me as late as usual,”

“Like there is anyone around here that would harm me.”

“Even in the country, strangers can be passing through.”

“I suppose.” She climbed into the driver’s seat.

Open truck windows let in the sweet fragrance of night-blooming jasmine. Samantha glanced at
. “You look tired.”

“I had a busy day, and there’s a full weekend ahead.”

“Why did you decide to have your employees here at this time? It seems like later after our wedding might have been better.”

“Well, there’s something I haven’t told you. Guess now is as good as any time. You mustn’t tell anyone, preferably not even your grandfather or Maria. I trust them, but just a slip and the wrong person might overhear and upset my plans.”

Samantha drove into his yard and stopped the truck by the front door. The house was dark, and only the stars and moon lit the area around them. She turned in the seat to face

“Whatever are you talking about? You’re making it sound very mysterious.”

“I’d planned to have it as a wedding surprise for you.” Looking directly at her, he said, “About six months ago, I realized the times I was the happiest were when I stayed at the ranch. Building my business had been exciting the first years. Not so much anymore. I’m tired of traveling, staying in hotel rooms, and even when I was at my townhouse or the beach house in
, neither felt like home. Not like the ranch did. To shorten the story, I’m turning over my company to one of my senior associates to take on the job as CEO. I’ll stay on the board and keep the majority shares.” He opened his door. “Let’s go inside to discuss this further.”

Shocked by his words, Samantha followed him. She’d never expected he’d ever decide to leave the high life in the city. He’d never given any indication he didn’t love the traveling and being so busy.

flipped on lights as he went through to the kitchen. “I’ll get us a glass of wine. Make yourself comfortable.”

She wandered across the large living room to the side windows. Outside, the trees waved in the breeze and a lone hound dog howled. She wasn’t sure how what
had just told her might affect them. She’d expected, wanted to take charge of the ranches, and thought they’d see each other mostly on weekends or maybe not even that often.

“Here’s your Riesling wine. Come, join me on the couch. Tell me what you’re thinking about?”
asked as she settled at one end of the long sofa and curled her legs under her.

She stared into her wine and then took a sip before speaking. “You let me believe I’d have the running of the ranches while you jetted around doing your corporate business.”

“You made the suggestion to run my ranch and yours. I never said yes or no.”

Temper rising, she took another big swallow of wine, hoping she’d cool off enough not to lose her temper. “That’s semantics. You let me think you agreed.”

“No, as usual, when you want your way, you don’t look or notice the other person’s reaction. You assume they agree with you if they don’t verbally say no. So I suppose, knowing you, I am at fault.” A wry smile crossed his face.

Samantha handed her empty glass to him. “Now you’re being patronizing. I’m going home.”

She started to leave. She stopped, surprised to see
’s face flush and his lips tighten. He rarely lost his cool.

“Just remember, not a word to anyone. Hopefully, you can get past your childish temper tantrum and help with my guests, perhaps even be my hostess during the activities. They’ll arrive at the airport in the morning.”

Hot anger rushed through every muscle in her body. She strode quickly to the door and swung it open. “Good night.” She slammed the door and hurried to her truck.

“Childish tantrum,” she mumbled to herself. How dare he accuse her of having a tantrum. Snapping the truck in gear, she threw dirt from under her wheels and roared off.

* * * *

watched her leave. He ran a hand through his hair. He must be tired. He’d shown little finesse in that conversation. At least Samantha knew there’d be no rolling over him with her choices. Not all the time. Her control issue was her one major fault. Everyone had at least one. He smiled at the thought. Samantha probably had a handy list she could read to him of his shortcomings.

He had a lot to get done in the next week, if he planned to tie things up in
. Plus, he had to convince Samantha to still marry him. Going into the family room, he placed their wineglasses in the sink and headed to his bedroom.

There was one more secret she didn’t know.
One that might totally blow them apart, forever.

Chapter Seven

Samantha drove to the airfield on her own. She’d half expected
to call and apologize. He hadn’t. As she drove into the parking area, she saw his truck. Her heart gave a small jolt.

A jet had already landed and parked. A tall, darkly tanned man came down the stairs to the tarmac and waved at
. Their voices carried across the short distance.

“Drake, welcome. I’m glad you rearranged your business to be here this weekend.”

“It has taken me much too long to accept your kind invitations. When you said I’d meet the woman who finally convinced my friend to marry, well, then I knew I had to drop everything and meet this incredible woman.”

Both men laughed and shook hands. When they turned in her direction, she knew
had seen her. Her curiosity was aroused about this stranger. She glanced at her black slacks and emerald blouse. She was glad she’d decided to dress up a bit for the company.

led the stranger to her side. “This, my friend, is my bride-to-be, Samantha Riley. Samantha, my best friend from my college years and one of the best international attorneys in the country, Drake Terrell.”

“I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Riley. Please ignore the over-glorified description of my job.
tends to exaggerate.” He bowed his head to her. “I see how you won my friend’s heart. She is beautiful,

Samantha blushed.
put his arm around her. “Both inside and out, although a little feisty at times.”
tightened his arm when she started to pull away. “I think the other plane is about to land with the rest of our guests.”

The three of them watched as the plane landed and taxied closer. Drake’s private jet had already started toward a nearby hangar. The plane rolled to a stop, and the door opened. Adults and children hurried down the steps to be greeted by
and introduced to Samantha.

Janice was the last to appear at the top of the plane’s stairway. She waited while several families in front of her climbed down.

“Magnificent,” Drake said.

Standing close by, Samantha overheard his comment. She glanced his way and noticed his attention was on the door to the plane, where Janice stood. Sunlight sparkled off her auburn hair. The breeze molded her bronze blouse and short skirt against her body and exposed her long, tanned legs.

“Who is she?” Drake asked.

“My best friend, Janice Dedrick. She’s an attorney in
. You’ve never met her at some of your lawyer gatherings?”

“No. I’m seldom in
. Mainly I go there to visit
when he needs help with any international legal concerns.” He smiled at Samantha. “I find I’m even more pleased to have made this trip.”

Samantha studied his hawk-like features. “You will remember she is dear to me.”

Dark, mysterious eyes looked deep into hers. He nodded his head. “I will.”

had arranged for the children to have a hayride back to the ranch. There was much giggling and rowdy laughter before they all settled down, and the wagon, pulled by two horses, began to slowly head along a dirt path that led directly to the barn. Two parents had climbed on board to chaperone the excited children. Samantha smiled at the group as they left.

“In a few years we can start taking our children on hayrides,”
whispered in her ear. A shiver brushed over her.

She started to reply when Janice, hurrying across the tarmac, came to her side. “You two look cozy,” she teased.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” Samantha hugged her friend tight. “At least I know one person in this crowd.”

“Actually, you know at least two,” Drake Terrell said as he joined them. “Won’t you introduce me to this lovely lady?”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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