Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Ready to get out? If so, I have a suggestion.”

Samantha raised her eyebrow. “I’m afraid to ask what it is.”

“Nothing terrible. I’ll give you a towel, and while you remove your wet underclothes, I’ll get some lotion and give you a massage.”

“That sounds dangerous. I’ll be nude.”

“Darling, I’ve seen you nude before, and I said I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

Her heart tripped faster. She started to say no, to take her home, but found the words spilling out of her mouth were just the opposite. “All right. Still, you will stop if I say so.”

He didn’t wait for her to change her mind. He handed her a towel from the cabana, situated at the darkest end of the patio, then went inside. She barely had time to wrap the towel around her before he returned with a large bottle of lotion. He took her arm and directed her to a double-sized lounge chair. It was wide and long.

“Lie down on your stomach.”

Samantha managed to lie down without dropping her towel.
straddled her and pulled her wet hair to the side. Soon, she felt his hands filled with lotion begin to massage her neck and shoulders.

“Relax. You’re full of tense knots.”

How did any woman relax with a nude man straddling them and his warm hands doing wonderful things to her muscles and skin? He kneaded away all the aches and tension as he moved along each arm and then took long strokes over her back. When he got to the towel, he lifted her enough to pull it off her backside.

She had a fleeting thought to protest, but he hadn’t left her the energy to move, much less say anything but moan in pleasure. When his strong hands caressed her buttocks, fluid seeped out of her pussy and fire licked along every nerve in her body. She started to move around.

“Stay still. I’m not through yet, my love. I’m just getting started.”

slid further down and massaged each thigh and leg before continuing to her feet. His fingers slid lotion over her toes and instep. When he rubbed her feet, any lingering tension flowed away. He left her feet and did a quick rub up her body until he wrapped his body around her.

“I’m going to turn you and continue on your front,” he whispered in her ear then nibbled on her earlobe.

Low inside, an ache began to build. She gave no resistance as he moved off of her and rolled her to face him. His hunger made his face look drawn. His lowered eyelids hid their expression. A cool breeze rippled across her skin, causing her to shiver.

He straddled her again, wiped the lotion from his hands, and began to massage her scalp. “I love your hair. When it’s dry, the strands flow through my fingers like silk.”

Lowering his head, he kissed her cheeks, the corners of her mouth, and sucked on her lower lip. His hands moved to her neck and shoulders, caressing her while his tongue tasted and teased her mouth.

Continuing his exploration, he nuzzled her neck. “I can feel your pulse beating against my lips. You smell like flowers and taste like the sweetest nectar.” His husky voice made her ache.

He had her almost breathless as his body and hands circled her, becoming an extension of herself. His teasing tongue tasted her belly button and licked her skin to her pussy lips. She raised her hips to meet him, but he surprised her by changing positions and pouring cool lotion on her feet to restart his massage.

Her whole body throbbed and hungered for him. She wanted him inside her. She moaned, twisting around.

His deep chuckle only aroused her more. “Be still. I’m not done.”

Heat flowed upwards from her feet to touch every overly sensitized inch of her body. He kissed each toe and her instep, taking what seemed like forever. It was heavenly, and yet she wanted, needed more.

Finally, he began to kiss her ankle, lower leg, and then he rubbed more lotion on her thighs and began to massage her, especially along the inner thigh.

She stared up at the sprinkling of stars above and the slender curve of the moon. Vaguely, she heard a rip as he opened the condom package. Quickly, he moved back to her, and his lips ran across her clit, arousing her to a fever pitch. He separated her pussy lips and tasted and touched all her most intimate places. Her insides clenched and unclenched, starving for his attention. She raised herself and opened her legs further, moaning the words, “fill me, please fill me.”

He moved up the length of her, where he could lick her peaked nipple. His fingers reached down and stroked just inside the opening to her wet, tight pussy. In her impatience, she took hold of his warm, stiff cock, and moving his hand away, she positioned him right at her opening.

“Do you want me to make love to you?”

“Yes, yes, push inside of me. I can’t wait another second.”

His cock slipped, just barely, into her gushing, wet pussy, and then he rubbed his thumb over her clit. Samantha raised her hips and pulled his buttocks toward her, but he controlled their progress, holding back and entering inch by inch until her head thrashed from side to side.

“Say you want me again. I want to hear the words.”

“I want you, damn it.”

He plunged his wide cock in all the way and ravaged her mouth while his body thrust in and out, taking her to a level of pleasure she’d never known. His kiss muffled her scream as she exploded with tremors rocketing through her limbs. A few more strokes and he pushed in hard one last time. His body stiffened as he crushed her to him.

Gradually, the shaky world settled.
lay on her, breathing heavily. He pushed himself up with his arms and stared down at her. “You’re all right?”

Samantha’s heart still pounded in her chest, but she nodded her head yes. Another second and
rolled off of her.

“You will marry me on Saturday, two weeks from now. Invite whoever you want, big wedding or a justice of the peace, I don’t care.”

She wanted to remind him she wasn’t always going to take orders, but at this point she had no energy or desire to say anything. When reality returned, she blushed at the thought that she’d forgotten they were outside, even if behind high walls. Also, all her plans to resist him had melted away at his touch.

He rose and pulled on his jeans. “I’d better drive you home. Otherwise I’ll end up keeping you here all night.” She put out her hand, and he pulled her to him, gave her a quick hug, and kissed the top of her head. He reached for her clothes. “I’ll help you dress.”

“Oh no. I’m quite capable of dressing myself. Go inside and give me some privacy. I’ll join you in a moment.”

started to say something, but instead, he strode across the patio to the door. “Don’t take too long.”

Samantha took a deep breath and dove into the pool. The cool water dissipated the heat from her body. She swam two laps before getting out, drying off, and dressing.
had come to the door.


“Yes.” But she doubted it. Would she ever be ready for all the changes swamping her every day since she’d asked
to marry her?
had been her best friend for years. She’d known him better than any other man.
She thought

Yet, the man who accepted her proposal seemed a different entity.
I don’t know him at all

Chapter Six

glanced at Samantha several times as he drove her back to her ranch. Inside the truck, the silence was thick with unsaid words. He pulled close to the porch and turned off the engine. Outside, an owl hooted in the distance and several dogs barked.

“Are you angry about what happened tonight?” The words came out before he thought about them. Had he pushed too fast? His own strong desire had no patience. He’d not even tried to pull back.

Samantha glanced at him. “Not angry, confused, tired.” A brief smile crossed her face. “I’m totally relaxed in a different way.”

His lips curling into a satisfied smile went unnoticed. “Let’s go riding tomorrow or, I should say, today. We’ll talk.”

“I’ll think about it. Call me later.” Samantha opened her door. “Don’t get out. I know my way in.”

He waited until she disappeared inside before starting his truck and heading home. Her scent clung to him and was in the air around him. She excited him in a way no other woman had. He’d known for a long time he wanted to marry her. He’d never dreamed of the intense desire she’d release in him.

Tonight, he’d taken her slowly at first and then fast and hard, a raging fever of need and want taking control.
raked his fingers through his hair. He’d always been a controlled man in his business and personal life. She’d brought out a side of him he’d never experienced before.

He wanted Samantha more than anything or anyone he’d ever desired. She’d marry him. She cared for him, and hopefully she loved him, but loving meant letting go of control, and for Samantha that was difficult. Still, whatever means he had to use, he was not going to lose her.

* * * *

Her ringing phone woke her. “Hello.”

“It’s time to wake up, sleepyhead,”

Samantha looked at her clock. “Ten. I’ve got to get dressed. I never sleep this late.”

“Get ready. We’ll go riding.”

“I’m not even awake yet, and I have to check with Gramps to see which part of the ranch he’s working today.”

“Your grandfather stopped by early. He’s headed out to his south field. I sent one of my men with him so you wouldn’t feel you had to help.”

, I really don’t like this attitude you have that you can control my life.”

“We need to plan our wedding. I’m going to call my folks after we talk and make some decisions. I thought you’d like to speak with them. It’s your choice. I have plenty of work around here I can do. In fact, that might be the best idea. You can think about what kind of wedding you want to have, and what we need to do to get ready in two weeks. We’ll go riding tomorrow.”

She hadn’t really wanted him to change their plans. Her annoyance at him arrogantly taking control had backfired on her. But this would give her time alone to build up her defenses. Really, she had to stop melting into a puddle at his feet.

“All right, tomorrow is better.”

“Good. I’ll ride over around seven in the morning in time to have breakfast with your grandfather.” He hung up.

Samantha stared at the phone and shook her head to wake up better. She’d gotten her way, but it didn’t feel good. Not at all.

She dressed in her old jeans and a comfortable shirt, pulled on her cowboy boots, and grabbed her hat then headed downstairs.

“Good morning, Maria. When will Gramps return?”

“Not sure. He didn’t say.”

Samantha took a biscuit off a platter by the stove. “I’ll eat this on the way. I’m going to join him.”

“He thought you and Jackson were riding out together.”

“Nope. We both have our own things to do. See you later.”

Her mare, Princess, let Samantha know she wanted to run. Samantha enjoyed flying across the meadow with the breeze in her face and sunshine beaming down on her. She’d returned to her element, nothing but trees, cattle, and open land stretching as far as she could see. The fragrance of wildflowers tickled her nose. In the distance, she saw several of the ranch hands working on a fence. Gramps sat on his horse observing them. She pulled Princess up and headed in their direction.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - The Billionaire Cowboy Takes a Wife (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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