Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug (9 page)

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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Chapter 18


Ever since Michael came here, I just knew that it would be the beginning of the drama.  I know that sometime soon, Jay would be popping up as well.  I just hoped that things would go as smoothly as they went with Brandon and Michael.  I also hope that Michael does not have any ulterior motives because I know that would cause so many problems and problems I do not need because this baby is about to drop.

I know y’all are wondering who the hell is Jay, so I will go ahead and tell you.  Jay is a fine specimen of a man.  He is 6’3, chocolate, pretty smile, nice body I mean he is just the whole package minus the part of him breaking my heart.

Jay and I go way back. He is my first love and I have never loved a man the way I loved him, not even Ace.  I loved them in two different ways.  My love for Jay is just natural; it’s something that I couldn’t stop no matter how hard that I tried.  I always tried to push him to the back of my mind but no matter how hard I tried, he always came back.  We literally could go months even years without talking, but when we did it was like nothing changed.

Now, I don’t know how things will go if I do see him, especially since I am really in love with Ace.  It’s hard because you never really let go of your first love. 

I decided to go lie down and take a nap because this baby is taking a toll on me.  I’m tired all the time and always feeling lazy.  Just as I laid down, a liquid rushed out of me. I looked down and realized that my water had just broken.

“Oh shit!” I said as a contraction hit me.  “This shit hurts so fucking bad, oh my God!”

Baby, I’m in labor! Get here NOW

Okay baby I’m on my way.

After I texted Ace, I decided to call Mo so that she could take me to the hospital.  I knew damn well that I couldn’t drive while getting these damn contractions.  This shit really hurts.  I’ll probably get in a wreck trying to drive while a contraction hit.

I really wish that I would’ve found out I was pregnant way before when I did so that way I could’ve taken the proper classes on how I need to breathe and shit.  I feel like death is quickly approaching right now.  Call me dramatic but this shit is a near death experience.  I braced myself for another contraction.

“Oohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk!” I screamed as I squeezed the stair railing.

I quickly pulled out my phone to call Mo; I couldn’t take this shit much longer.  I needed this baby out of me now!

“Mo! You have to get over here now!  My water just broke!” I yelled into the phone.

“Oh my God! Something told me to come over to your house, T.  I’m five minutes away,” she said.

“Hurry up and get here!  I can’t take this pain much longer.  Oh shitttt.”  I quickly hung up the phone as another contraction passed.  The contractions were coming pretty fast with only a few minutes between them.  We needed to hurry up before this baby came out of me now.

Mo finally pulled up to the house after what felt like forever. I didn’t even give her time to get out the car because as soon as she pulled up, I started waddling my big ass to the passenger door.  Mo rushed over to help me in but I didn’t need her help.  I needed the doctor’s help pushing my baby boy out of my pussy!

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”  I screamed as another contraction hit.  “Lord, please let there be no traffic!”

Mo was driving like crazy but I didn’t mind because that’s what I wanted her to do so that we could get there as fast as humanly possible. 

Just when I felt like I couldn’t take anymore, we finally pulled up to the hospital.  We pulled up at the same time as Ace, Brandon, and Tae.  Once they saw Mo’s car, they rushed over to help me inside.  Once the nurses saw me, they immediately got a wheelchair and brought it over to me.

“I feel like I have to poop!” I yelled.

“Oh my God, hurry up and get her doctor.  She’s ready to push right now.  The baby is coming,” the nurse said and that shit freaked me out because I was thinking damn, I could’ve had the baby at the house had I not called Mo when I did.

“Do not push right now.  Hold off as long as you can, please,” the nurse said to me snapping me out of my thoughts.  Hell, she didn’t have to tell me twice because I was not pushing my baby boy into this world in a damn emergency room lobby.  Fuck that.

They wheeled me into the room and my doctor came right around the corner.  I only let Mo and Ace stay in the room with me while I delivered my baby.  The others were getting in contact with both Ace and my families so that they could come when Baby Kaleb was born.

Ace and the doctor helped me on the bed so that I could start pushing.

“Can I get an epidural now please, I can’t take this pain any longer,” I said to the doctor, basically begging.  If I could I would get down on one knee and ask.

“No, I’m sorry, but you are way past that point.  It’s pushing time,” the doctor told me and boy was I mad as fuck, and so was my baby, Ace.  He was way more serious than me.

“What the fuck you mean my wife can’t get any drugs?  So she gotta stay in all this pain? Hell nah, somebody better get my wife something or we are going to have a fucking problem!” Ace yelled. My baby did not play no games when it came to me or his son so I knew that it was about to be a problem.

“Sir, please calm do—”

“Ohhh shit!! I have to push; can I push now?” I interrupted them and Ace ran back to my side and held my hand.  Fuck! I was in so much pain at the moment I know that he felt it, but I’m glad that my baby let me squeeze him.

“Yes, it’s time to start pushing,” the doctor said.  “On the count of three, I need you to push as hard as you can until you can’t anymore.”

“One, two, three, push.”

I pushed as hard as I could and two more pushes later, Baby Kaleb was born.  They cut the cord, cleaned him up, and handed him to me. My baby boy was the cutest baby I had ever seen and I was not saying that because he was my baby.  He had light brown eyes and dimples like his daddy, but he had my auburn hair and cinnamon skin tone.  I was in love. 

It was a love that I never experienced before, the love of my first child.  I will do anything to protect my baby boy.  He will always come first in my life.

“Mommy loves you,” I said, and he looked up at me and smiled and instantly melted my heart.

The door opened and we all stared waiting for whoever it was to come in.  We all were in for the shock of our lives when DeShon walked in.

“I’m here to see my baby,” he said.

“Nigga, this is not your fucking baby now get the fuck out of my room.  My son don’t even look anything like you.  You better hide too, because you know that they are looking for you.  You lucky I want my man here with me right now because if I didn’t then you would not be standing right here much longer,” I yelled at him.

Kaleb started crying. It was like he knew something was wrong with his mommy.  I rocked him to calm him down and stared at DeShon until he left the room.  I had a feeling that he would be making another pop up before I got out the hospital.

Chapter 19


I knew that Kaleb was mine as soon as he came out.  He looked like a perfect mixture of Tanesha and I.  He had my dimples and eye and T’s hair and skin color.  I knew my son was going to be a heartbreaker once he got older.  I just didn’t need him bringing in any babies until he was out my house.

As soon as I saw him, it was like relief flooded all throughout my body.  My baby just gave me my first child and it’s like I found a whole new type of love for her than I had before.

When that nigga DeShon walked in, anger consumed my entire presence.  I could’ve killed him right then and there and that’s when my baby went off on his ass.  I loved seeing this side of her because she never really came out of character.  She had my dick hard, but too bad we had to wait for six weeks before we could get it in again.

I snapped out of my thoughts though because this nigga still had me fucked up.  He could live today though, because my son and my baby was more important and I couldn’t leave them right now. But best believe I had some of my niggas following him. 

“Damn baby, you got a nigga’s dick hard, going off on that nigga like that,” I told her.

“Well, for six weeks you gone have blue balls my nigga,” she said to me and started cracking up like she just said the funniest shit to mankind.

“You mean you gone have a sore throat and jaws for six weeks,” I told her, and I was serious as shit.  I couldn’t hold out that much.  Shit, I can’t even hold out right now because she really had a nigga ready to fuck.  I knew that she was not about to suck my dick right now but I needed something.

Congratulations daddy!

I looked down at my phone and saw that this hoe I used to smash back before T and I got together texted me.  I read it and put my phone back in my pocket before another text came through.

I know you, and I know that you can’t wait those six weeks so don’t worry daddy, I got you.  You know where I stay.

I felt like my dick grew a couple more inches at that text.  I know it’s wrong but shit, T and I fuck literally every day.  How can I go from every day to not at all for six weeks?  A nigga don’t believe in jacking off when there were plenty of bitches ready to fuck whenever.

I know it was fucked up, but I was going to take her up on her offer.  I just really could not wait that long.  I love T with all my heart but sex is also a major part of a relationship.  I know y’all thinking I sound stupid but hey, to each his own.  What T doesn’t know will not kill her.

I’ll be there in 15 minutes.

I shook away the guilty feeling that was brewing and made my way over there to get what I needed.


I was outside the hospital trying to get my mind right.  I was still feeling some type of way about the whole situation with Tae.  I didn’t want to act too weird about it though, because I didn’t want Brandon to start to get suspicious about me and him.

After everything that Tae told me, I started to feel what I used to feel for him and I hated that.  He always had a way of pulling me back in.  I didn’t want to ruin everything that Brandon and I had going on because truth be told, I was very happy with him but part of me still wondered ‘what if’.  

“Damn, watch where you going!” I yelled until I realized who it was that bumped me. 

“Oh shit, my bad Mo.  Damn, you was about to beat the shit out of a real nigga,” Ace laughed.

“Shit, you right! And you need to watch where you walking for real too! But I’ma let you pass. Where the hell you going in such a hurry anyways, nigga? You just had a damn baby, y’all can get DeShon’s ass later,” I told him now starting to wonder where he was off to.

“I’m going to handle some business right now, but I will be back before you know it, sis. Peace,” he said then continued to rush off.

“Mm hmm, let me find out,” I said as I watched him run to his car.  While watching him, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I, too, was being watched and it was starting to make me feel some type of way. 

Just as I was about to go back in the hospital to check on my girl, I saw Tae talking to a nigga that looked real familiar before he went inside, then Tae came heading over to me.  I checked my phone and saw a text from Brandon.

Baby, I will be back there later to come and get you, okay?

Okay baby.

When I looked up Tae was staring in my face.

“Nigga, why are you all in my damn face being nosey and shit?” I asked Tae with a smile.

“I see a nigga still can bring out that beautiful smile in you though, so I know you ain’t tripping about me being in your face,” he said and I can’t even lie, he was right about that.  Damn, why was he making me feel this way.  I am a happily engaged woman. I don’t know why I can’t get that through my damn head right now.

“Anyways.  Who was that man you were talking to?  He looked real familiar like he was somebody that I knew,” I asked him.  I just couldn’t pinpoint where it is that I knew him from.

“Oh yeah, you know him, that’s Jay.  Remember, he used to date T?”

“Oh shit, yeah, I do now.  Why is he here?  I hope he not here to start no mess like you are trying to do.” I told him because I already knew the game these niggas here tried to play.  When they have you, they try and act like they don’t want you but when they can’t have you, they want you.  Why is it always on their terms?  Shaking my head; these niggas won’t ever act right.

“I’m not here to stir any mess that does not want to be stirred,” Tae had the nerve to say.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said and turned to walk away.  I do not have time for his shit today.  He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him and started to lead me in the direction of his car.

“Nigga, what are you doing?” I screamed.

“Girl, come on, I ain’t gonna do nothing to you. I just wanna sit and talk to you.  Don’t act scared of the nigga you still in love with,” he said and I rolled my eyes and against my better judgment, I followed after him to his car.

He opened the door on the passenger side of the car and let me in. Then, he went around to the driver’s side and started up the car. 

“Tae, I thought you said that we were just going to talk in the car?” I asked him.

“We are; I am just moving us into the parking garage where there are less cars.  I don’t want anyone watching us,” he said, and I agreed because I didn’t want it getting back to Brandon that I was alone with another man in his car, or that I was alone with Tae in his car.  I know that he would trip on me as soon as he heard that news.  Also, I was glad that he was moving the car in there because I still was having this eerie feeling that someone was watching me.

We pulled up into the parking garage and he parked the car in a secluded area and turned to face me.  We stared at each other for a few moments before either of us uttered a word.  I honestly couldn’t hide the fact that there were still strong feelings for this man, despite everything that he has done to me, but I just can’t be a fool for him anymore.

“So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?” I broke the silence and asked.

“Us.  I see that you still feeling a nigga and I want you to make a move when you ready.  You think that this is the nigga for you but you know that it’s me.  It always has been and it always will be,” he said. 

“I don’t know why you think that you even deserve the time of day from me because you don’t,” I said and that’s when it happened.  I should’ve known by the way that he was looking at me while I was talking that this was about to happen.

He leaned into me and said, “You just wasted your breath saying that to me,” and he kissed me so hard and passionate it took my breath away.  Once he pulled away, he looked at me and it was on.  We went to ripping each other’s clothes off right there in the car.

He was sucking on my neck but I moved him out of the way. I wasn’t trying to do all that lovey dovey shit, I was just trying to fuck. I didn’t want to get a hicky on me and have to explain that shit to Brandon.  He pulled my sundress over my head and pushed my seat all the way back.  He started licking all over my titties and I would be lying if said that this wasn’t feeling good.

He got down on the floor and started sucking my pussy like it was the last supper.  He was really doing the damn thing.  He pulled out a condom and in one swift motion, he entered me. 

“Damn Mo, your pussy is so tight!  I can’t believe that you were holding out on me for so long.  I gotta have this shit forever,” he said as I rolled my eyes.  Again, I wasn’t trying to hear all the lovey dovey shit—I was trying to fuck.

He was fucking the shit out of me and I didn’t want to admit it, but his dick was pretty good.  He started pumping faster so I knew that he was about to nut and I was glad, because the guilt was starting to settle in.  I can’t believe I cheated on a man that has been nothing but good to me from the moment that he met me.  I had to get out of his car and get away from him. 

Once he pulled out, I cleaned myself up and I got out of the car.  I couldn’t be around him anymore right now. 

"Mo, what’s wrong, where are you going?” he asked.

“I can’t believe that I just did that with you knowing that I have a good man at home.  I just need to clear my head before I go back inside,” I told him and hurried away before he could say anything else to me.

As I was walking away, I noticed that a car was following me.  I didn’t turn around to check it out because I figured that it was just Tae making sure that I got back safely.  Boy was I wrong.

Before I knew it, I was being blindfolded or something was put over my head, and they put something over my mouth that made me start to feel lightheaded.  The last thing that I remembered hearing was Tae screaming my name, and then I blacked out.

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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