Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug (8 page)

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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Chapter 16


When I got home, I was shocked to see Mo not there. When I go away, she is usually at home waiting on me to get there.  I figured that she was still with Tanesha especially since we just found out that she was 7 months pregnant.

That shit was crazy to me.  Like how the fuck do you go 7 whole months without knowing that you are pregnant?  I mean, she did look like she had been gaining weight, but it wasn’t anything that was too noticeable so I guess I can see how she didn’t know. 

I’m ready to put a baby up in Mo, that’s for sure, so she needs to bring her ass home so that we can make it happen. I pulled out my phone to call her so that she could understand how bad I needed her to be here.

“Hey daddy,” she answered seductively.  I swear just hearing her voice got my dick rock hard.

“Baby, get your ass home right fucking now and come handle this shit for daddy,” I said to her.  I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to be inside of her like yesterday.


“The fuck?” I said aloud.  Mo just straight hung up on my ass.  As soon as I started to call her back, I heard the front door open and I raced to see my baby standing there peeling off her clothes so damn fast.  All I had on was my boxers so I did the same, and she jumped in my arms and I started tonguing my baby down so hard.  We weren’t making love tonight, that’s for damn sure. I was about to fuck the shit out of her sexy ass.

My dick was so hard I know it was poking her in the stomach, so I picked her up and just slid my shit in there. She was so wet.

“Fuck, Brandon!” she yelled my name as I kept pounding my shit in her.

“You love daddy dick?” I asked her while turning her on all fours.  I had to get that shit from the back.

“Fuck! Yes, I love daddy dick, baby,” she responded, and that was all she wrote.  I pounded into her so hard all you heard was our skin slapping against each other and our moaning. 

“Baby, I’m cumming!” she yelled, so I let go with her and I’m pretty sure that she was about to pop up pregnant.

We laid there on the floor butt ass naked for a minute, before I picked her up and ran us a bath.  I would always cater to my baby because she truly meant the world to me.  I loved her ass so much it was crazy.

I had to talk to her because something wasn’t sitting right with me and I needed her input.  She always gave me a level head about things and that’s what I needed right now.  Once we both got in the tub, I had her back laying on my chest in between my legs I had to make sure that she was comfortable.

“Is everything okay baby?” She turned to me and asked me.  I guess she felt like something was up.  That’s why I loved this woman because she could read me like a book and know everything that I was feeling.

“Okay, so when we went to meet up with this guy named Tae he was telling us everything about what DeShon had been up to.  He also told me that he was the one that had been following me and Ace and that he was the one who sent niggas to rob us,” I started off by saying, and I could tell that she was in shock by what I was saying but it was a different kind of shock.  It was kind of like she was disappointed that he would do something like that.

I thought that was pretty weird. It was almost like she knew the nigga or something, but I knew that wasn’t possible because she obviously doesn’t live in Chicago, so I continued.

“He told us that basically DeShon ripped him off of 10 million so he wants to work with us to get this nigga back, but to be honest, something just does not feel right about this,” I told her.  I honestly felt like we were being set up in a way.  That is what my gut was telling me but he sounded so genuine. I was so confused.

I noticed that Mo didn’t say anything so I turned her to where she was facing me and I noticed that she was crying.  I was confused as fuck as to why she was crying. I didn’t think that I said anything to make her cry.  Maybe she did know the nigga.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I asked her.

“That’s him, that’s Michael,” she said.  Okay, now I was really confused.

“No that’s not, baby; his name is Tae,” I said. All I know is that if this motherfucker was lying to me, he had another thing coming and that’s for sure.

“I guess he is going by his middle name but no, that’s Michael.” I quickly got out the tub.  I was mad as fuck and this nigga had some explaining to do.  When will these niggas learn to stop fucking with me and mine?  I will go to war for Mo’s ass.

“Baby, I think that T is going to say something because she knew that was him too. I know that Ace had something to say when he saw the way that she was looking at him.  Please just stay here with me tonight, daddy.  I missed you while you were gone.” I just stared at her.  I was unsure of what to do because I was pissed and wanted to handle this myself.

“Baby, please.  I will Tell T to not tell Ace just yet.  If she already did I know that she will tell him to just let you handle it.  Please babe.” I couldn’t say no to her no matter how hard I tried, so I picked her up out the tub and dried her off, then I laid in the bed and pulled her back close to me.

“I will not let that nigga hurt you, babe.  I will always protect you, no matter what. If he tries anything with you, I will put a bullet in his head so fast he won’t see what hit him,” I told her, and I meant that shit one-hundred percent.



I couldn’t believe what the fuck I was staring at right now!  How dare this nigga bring his ass to my muthafuckin’ house after how he did my best friend!  He got life all the way fucked up right now.  I gave him the meanest look ever; just know that if looks could kill he would be dead right where he stood.

Ace looked at me and smiled, and I returned the smile and took my ass into our bedroom because I knew that he would follow me there and I could go the fuck off on his ass.  By Ace bringing Michael here, he was really disrespecting Mo and I don’t play that shit no matter who you are, so we have to have a conversation now.

Just as I thought, Ace came waltzing his ass in the door all happy go lucky and shit.  I couldn’t even be mad at him for real, but I had to let him know. 

“Babe, we need to talk,” I said and he looked at me with worry on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why the fuck do you have that bitch ass motherfucker in my muthafuckin’ house!” I yelled. Yup, I was mad again just thinking about it.  He gave me a look like he didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about, so I decided to fill his ass right the fuck in.

“That nigga is the one who broke Mo’s heart!  He did her so fucking dirty and we don’t fuck with him.  So because we don’t fuck with him, you don’t fuck with him, now get his ass the fuck out of my goddamn house, Marcus!” I know that at this point he knew just how pissed off I was.  I only call him by his government when I am mad as fuck.

“Damn bae, I didn’t know! I can’t just kick him out right now though because he’s the missing link to finding and killing DeShon. Also, you need to chill the fuck out before you stress my damn child out—I know that!” he replied. Just then I got a text message on my phone and I had a feeling that I knew who it was from.

T, don’t tell Ace yet. Brandon wants to handle it.

Sorry girl, I just told him but I will tell him what you said.

Okay T, see you tomorrow. I love you and my nephew!

We love you too.  Don’t worry everything will be fine.

“Earth to T! Hellooooo?” Ace said as I finally looked back up from my phone.

“Sorry bae, that was Mo. She says not to do or say anything about it and that Brandon wants to be the one to handle everything,” I told him and he agreed because technically, it was his problem to deal with.

We laid down in the bed for the night and I had a lot of heavy shit on my mind.  Ace and I were in sync with one another and could always tell when something was not right, so I knew that it was only a matter of time before he asked.  He pulled me closer to him and held me so tight as if this would be the last time that we both would be together.

“You wanna talk about it, baby?” he asked.  I knew I had to tell him and it was now or never.  I mean technically, he couldn’t be mad because of how we got together, so I just have to spill it and take whatever life throws at me with this one.

“Babe, when Mo and I went to the doctor today, he told me that I was 7 months pregnant, and you know that puts us back to the beginning of our relationship which means that I got pregnant the first time we had sex or…” I couldn’t finish before the tears started coming out.

“Or what, baby? Finish what you were saying, it’s okay, baby.  Stop crying,” he said as he held me super tight.  I guess he forgot that I was pregnant because his ass was damn sure squeezing the life out of me and the baby right now.  I was small for 7 months but that was because I just found out.

“You are squishing him, baby,” I said and he quickly loosened his grip then nodded at me to finish what I was saying. “What if he is DeShon’s baby?  I mean, we did have sex 7 months ago as well,” I finally said to him.

I turned to look him in the eyes so that I could see his real reaction.  He didn’t look mad but he didn’t look happy either.

“I know that if it’s his I can’t force you to be comfortable with that and I don’t want you to think that you have to stay with me and raise someone else’s child as your own.  You can leave me and yes, I would be hurt, but I would understand, baby,” I continued, and he still didn’t say anything. 

He kissed me on the lips then got out the bed and went to his drawer.  I sat up in bed watching him.  I hoped like hell that he didn’t leave right now.  Shit, at least he could wait until the baby was born.  I needed him.  He finally found what it was that he was looking for which was his lighter.  He lit his blunt then walked out onto the balcony.

I knew to leave him alone at times like this because I knew that he was in deep thought and needed to be alone before he finally spoke on whatever it is that is bothering him at this point.  I just hope he spoke soon.

After the first blunt, he sparked another one and then another one.  I was starting to worry; he never smoked back to back like this. At the most, he would smoke two back to back but not this much.  Tears started rolling down my eyes again; I just knew that this man was going to leave me.  Lord, why did this have to happen to me?

At least I told him though. I could’ve let this go with me to my grave and if worst case scenario came true and DeShon was the father, he would never know.  I couldn’t do that to my baby though, and I wasn’t one of these trifling bitches out here.

Finally, Ace came back into the room. He stripped naked and went to take a shower.  I wanted to go in with him but I was scared that he didn’t want to be near me just yet, so I just sat there still watching him.  He brushed his teeth and then came back in the bed.  I looked at him and he just kissed me and pulled my back to him, and after five minutes of silence, I started to hear him snore lightly.

“What the fuck?” I said to myself before I said a silent prayer that everything would work out.  I slowly drifted off to sleep only to wake up to an empty bed.

Chapter 17


That shit yesterday really threw me for a loop because I hadn’t even thought about all of that when she told me what the doctor said, even though Brandon had already brought it to my attention. I was just really happy that my baby was having a baby.  Then I ain’t gonna lie to y’all, she really pissed me the fuck off when she said that stupid shit about me leaving her.  I wasn’t going nowhere; even if the worst happened and the baby turned out not to be mine.

I just had to go and get some fresh air from the shit that I was thinking and I needed a blunt to help clear my mind.  Then before you know it, one blunt turned into three blunts. I felt T staring a damn hole in my head but I couldn’t talk to her just yet.  I was that deep in thought that I didn’t want to say anything bad.  I’m glad that she knew how to give me my space.

While thinking, I realized that technically I put her into this situation by coming on to her the way I did but shit, from the moment that I saw her pretty ass I knew that she would be mine.  Now, at first I was prepared to wait for her nigga to fuck their relationship up even more, to the point where she just said fuck it and came running to me, but I couldn’t.

I just couldn’t be mad at my baby, so that’s why after sitting and thinking, I just went and showered up to get back in the bed with her.  Don’t get me wrong, I am feeling some type of way, but I know that in the long run everything is going to be okay.  I honestly do feel like the baby is mine though, because I had been feeling the pregnancy symptoms and that’s why I went ahead and told her to take the test in the first place. 

To be honest, none of this shit matters anyways because at the end of the day, this nigga DeShon is a dead man walking so if the baby is his, then it’s not like he is going to be around to be a father to my son.

I couldn’t keep thinking about this situation though, because we had shit to handle and first things first, I needed to hit up Brandon and see what he got going on and what he wants to do about this Tae situation, or Michael I should say.

I don’t think that the nigga has any ill intentions though, because that shit between them was in high school and we all grown as fuck.  If he’s still on that shit, then I guess we gone have to body that nigga and keep it pushing.

I pulled out my phone to call Brandon but I heard the doorbell ring, so I headed there to see who it was.  I laughed as I opened the door for this nigga Brandon; he beat me to the punch.

“Where that bitch ass nigga at?” he said and pushed me out the way.

“Damn nigga; is that how you greet a nigga early in the morning?  Can I get a hello first?” I asked laughing at him.

“Nah nigga, you know what time it is.  Let’s get this over with and let me see what’s up with this nigga before we go any further,” he said just as Tae came walking downstairs with T waddling right behind him.  It’s so funny to me that her belly just appeared right out of nowhere. 

“Y’all muthafuckers ain’t about to start fighting up in my house so I’ma stay down here just to make sure nothing happens,” Tanesha said, and I laughed because I knew that she just wanted to be nosy and see what was going on.  She wasn’t fooling anybody.

“Aight my nigga, let me start by saying this. I didn’t know that this was the Tanesha that y’all was talking about this whole time which means that I didn’t know that you was with Mo.  That shit was in high school and I ain’t worried about her.  I did her wrong as fuck so I know she ain’t worried about me either,” Tae said and like I said, I believed him until he proved himself otherwise.  I hope that Brandon could believe him as well.

“Nigga, don’t let me find out otherwise,” was all that Brandon said before he walked out the house and drove off.  I swear this nigga was really crazy at times.

“Okay, well now that that’s settled, get ready so that we can get on the road,” I told Tae.  We needed this shit to be over with so that we all could go on with our lives.

I walked upstairs to get a bag together for the trip.  I just hoped that it wouldn’t take that long because at this moment, T was 7 months pregnant and I wanted this handled before the baby came so that we could live a happy life together with hopefully no more interruptions.

“So you just gone come back and then leave again, Marcus?” There she goes again with that government shit.

“T, chill the fuck out, girl.  We trying to get this shit handled before your ass have that damn baby.  Now, once it’s handled we will be back.  I will talk to you when I can and you know that so hush.  Come here and give daddy some before I go,” I told her.

“Fuck you, nigga,” she said and turned to walk away. But, I grabbed her from behind and whispered in her ear, “That’s what I’m trying to do now, baby.”

I bent her over and we went at it for a good hour and a half and then I left my baby to go handle this nigga.  I hope that everything went as smoothly as I thought it would.



To say I was shocked to see Michael, or Tae as they call him, was an understatement.  I haven’t seen him in a few years.  In all actuality, seeing him had me feeling some type of way.  It’s like my feelings just came rushing back even after all this time.

I couldn’t fuck with him like that though because of Brandon, and because he is a fucking liar and a cheater and I can’t deal with that.  I love my man Brandon as well, and I would never hurt him the way that I was hurt.  I know that I just have to stay away from him because I already know how he is.  He may have Brandon and Ace fooled but with me, it’s a different story.  I know the game that he plays very well.

“Mo, come holla at me for a second,” Michael said as he walked into my store. 
So much for staying away from him
, I thought to myself.  I was too tired to deal with any bullshit because I was running both Tanesha’s and my store until after she had baby Kaleb, so I hope he was here for something important.

“When did you even get back to Dallas?” I asked because I knew that they were in Houston looking for DeShon.

“I came back just now because I had to discuss some things with you and it was clouding my judgment,” he said. All I could do was roll my eyes because I knew that some bullshit was about to come about of his damn mouth, and I just did not have the time for his lying, cheating ass.

“Can we go somewhere and talk, please, Mo?” he asked, as I sat there staring at him.  I nodded yes and led him to my office because I did not have time for us to be out in public and risk someone telling my man.

“What do you want, nigga?” I said to him as we entered my office.  There was no point in playing nice and sweet because that would just be stupid as fuck considering the fact that I was still hurting over what he did to me a few years ago. 

“Okay, I know you are hurt by what I did Mo, so I’m gonna let you slide with that one but please believe, you better watch how the fuck you talk to me, girl.  You know I don’t play that silly shit,” he said to me and against my will, my panties got wet at the threat.  That was one of the things that I always loved about him; he didn’t take my shit.

“Okay, well what do you want, boy?  You think I need to respect you because your hoe ass definitely didn’t respect me.  So what?” I said, not backing down.  I don’t care how he felt about the way that I was speaking to him. Hell, he didn’t care about how he did me.

“I just wanted to apologize to you that’s why I came.  I know that I hurt you deeply and you probably will never forgive me, but I need you to understand why I did what I did.  A nigga was tired of getting blue balls, Mo.  I tried to be strong but bitches just kept throwing themselves at me and you wasn’t giving it up. So one day after leaving with you turning me down again, I got mad.  Kaleena just so happened to hit me up to chill and she started throwing herself at me.  At first I tried to stop her, but I started thinking about you and I just gave in,” he said.

I tried to keep my composure but this nigga really had me fucked up, and he was stuck on stupid if he thought that I was going to buy that.

“Even if that story is true, I still don’t give a fuck, and I am not trying to hear that because you knew from the jump that I wasn’t going to have sex. If you knew that you couldn’t handle it, then you should’ve never got with me in the first place!  You should’ve left me alone because now it’s me and not you with the broken heart,” I said and realized that tears were coming down my face.  At that point I didn’t care though, because I felt like I had finally gotten that off my chest and it felt great.

Michael got up and walked over to me and wiped my tears.  I looked into his eyes and I saw the love that he still had for me, and it warmed my heart and made my panties wet again. 

“I never meant for that to happen, Mo, and I wish that you believed me.  You’re right that I knew what I was getting myself into, but I’m not going to lie and say that it wasn’t hard.  Think of how long I went before I messed up,” he said.

“Yeah, it might’ve been a long time before you did mess up, but what hurt me the most is the blatant disrespect that you had for me!  You came in my face with some damn hickeys on your neck, nigga! And you wore that bitch’s clothes in my damn face like I wouldn’t notice. What’s your excuse for that?  I mean damn, you could’ve at least hid the shit!”  I said back to him.  No way was he going to get me to fold that quickly with his lame ass apology.

“I don’t know what to say Mo, damn! I was young and dumb so I don’t know what you want from me!” he yelled like he had something to be mad about.

“I don’t want anything from you! You came here not the other way around, so don’t get mad at me.  And nigga, you act like I’m just not supposed to feel some type of way about what you did to me,” I said.  Like, who does this nigga think he is coming here with that shit?

“I’m not trying to act like that I just… I don’t know.  I guess I’m just finally seeing how bad I hurt you right now and its making me feel some type of way,” he said.

“Well yes, you did hurt me and even after all these years I still love you,” I said to him.

Michael just looked at me with those intense ass eyes and I started to move back.

BOOK: Who Do You Love?: Trapped in Love with a Thug
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