Read Trust Again Online

Authors: Christy Newton

Trust Again (7 page)

BOOK: Trust Again
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“The whole time I was gone. But it’s over now. I left. I finally left.”

“Oh, baby girl.” Her father's blue eyes swam in tears. “Did you call the police?”

“No. Please, can we just put this behind us? I don’t want to think about it anymore.”

Her dad sat quietly for a few minutes. “Promise me.” He placed his hand gently on her cheek. “Promise me you’ll never go near him again.”

Ellie nodded, heartbroken.

“If a man ever hits you again, you’ll call me or the police. Abuse is wrong and it is not your fault.”

She pressed her lips together and nodded again. “I was afraid. I’m not afraid anymore.”

He kissed her forehead. “Good.” He sighed. “Good.”






Chapter Eight



Ellie left her dad’s feeling lighter. As much as it had pained both of them, it was the right thing to tell him what had happened to her and why she’d not made it back home until now. But she needed to see Jacob. When he opened his door, his wide smile confirmed he was happy to see her.

“I missed you.” He lips caressed hers and he pulled her inside.

“I missed you, too.”

He kissed her again, this time making her want more. So much more.

She pulled away before she changed her mind. “Can we go out somewhere?”

A smirk played across his lips. “You mean you don’t want to stay here and snuggle?”

Ellie giggled. “Yes and that is exactly why we should leave.”

He sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”

Jacob locked his door and walked with her to his truck.

She climbed inside and smiled. “Where do you want to go?”

Jacob shrugged. “I guess where everyone in this town goes when they don’t want to be alone.”

“The diner?”



The next day, Jacob looked at the blueprint and then at the pile of lumber, shingles and nails next to him. She was going to love this. It had been a busy morning for him. First thing he’d done was paid for the lot he was standing on. He was going to build a home here. No more daydreaming about what it would be like. He was making it happen. And he intended to share this home with Ellie. They were meant for each other. Now he just had to convince her of that. First step of his plan was to build a playhouse in the exact replica of the house he wanted to build for them.

As he lifted his hammer, his cell rang. “Hello?”

“Mr. Jacob Jones?” An unfamiliar woman’s voice asked in a serious tone.

He narrowed his eyes. “That’s me.”

“This is child services. We have your nephew.”

Jacob dropped the phone in the dirt and then picked it back up. “My what?”

“Your nephew, s
ir. Regretfully, your sister has passed away, so we have Milo in our custody until the proper paperwork is filled out. How soon can you come to Chicago?”

His forehead crinkled. “I don’t have a sister.”

“Is this Jacob Jones the son of Claire Jones?”

“Yes.” His head pounded like a hammer.

“Then you do, indeed, have a sister.”

He stumbled on a brick. “You’re going to have to better explain what is going on, because before this phone call, I had no idea I even had a sister, let alone a nephew.”

The lady cleared her throat. “I wasn’t aware. Mr. Jones, maybe it is better if we talk about this is person.”

Jacob leaned on the stack of wood. “No, I need to know now.”

“Very well. Your sister, Jolie, committed suicide two days ago. She had postpartum depression. She left a letter and listed your mother Claire Jones as the next of kin, whom we found to be deceased. That would make you, Jacob Jones, son of Claire Jones, Milo’s guardian, unless you want to give up your rights to the state.”

Sweat beaded up on Jacob’s head. “Can this be proven?”

“Yes. We would perform a DNA test before the boy is handed over to you. Also, the proper paperwork would need to be filed.”

He swallowed the lump in his throat. No way was this happening. “How old is he?”

“Nine months.”

Jacob couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even think. The words sister, suicide, nephew and adoption were echoing and spinning around in his head. “Yeah, I’m going to need some time to process this.”

“I understand, Mr. Jones.”

Jacob didn’t hear the number or address the lady spoke, nor did he remember her hanging up when he looked at the phone in his hand five minutes later.


“Hey, Ellie, can I leave about ten minutes early today?” Payton asked after she’d stocked the last of the boxes.

Ellie shut the register. “Sure. No problem.”

Payton grabbed her purse from behind the counter. “Thanks, I need to stop by the post office before they close.”

She nodded. “Okay, see you tomorrow.” Ellie watched her employee walk out the door. After a few minutes of staring into an empty store, she opened up the jelly bean bin and took a few. She chewed the fruity candy, looking around at her place. Business had been even better than expected. In fact, she may even need to hire another person if it kept being this steady. As she was closing up, the ringing phone grabbed her attention.

She picked up the receiver. “Oliver’s Toys and Treats.”



Heavy breathing.

Ellie’s heart raced and she slammed the phone down. She tried to swallow, but couldn’t. Fear crept into her mind. What if it was Bryce? Could he have found her? She forced herself to calm down. No, he couldn’t have. After a few deep breaths and thoughts of Jacob, her heart rate returned to normal.


“This is unreal, man.”

Jacob sighed. “You’re tellin’ me.”

“Take it from me, you need to tell Ellie.” Ryan placed his hand on Jacob’s shoulder. “Sooner rather than later. Just look at what keeping the truth almost cost me with Maisie.”

“That’s different. Beth was involved, and you thought it was your kid.”

Ryan shook his head. “Not much different. A baby is still involved and could affect both your lives.”

Jacob rubbed his face and groaned. “I don’t know what to do. How can this be happening?”

Ryan shook his head. “Things have a funny way of happening at the least convenient times, my friend.”

Jacob looked up to the sky. “What if she doesn’t understand whatever decision I make? I mean, I have to think about this little boy, too. If he really is my nephew. What would be best for him? I could be a single father that doesn’t know the first thing about kids.”

Ryan tilted his head back and forth. “You may not be single for long. Aren’t things going good with Ellie?”

“Yeah, but I can’t just expect her to be a mom to a kid that isn’t hers. I mean, I know she loves kids, but I’m sure she had an idea in her head about having her own child... not raising someone else’s.”

“Again, not your decision to make. If you do take him, you have to leave it to Ellie to decide if she wants to be a part of that.”

Jacob grabbed a hold of his hair and made fists. “Aren’t there a ton of loving married couples looking to adopt a baby? Would he be better off with strangers?” He sighed. “Hell, I’m a stranger. I’ve never met the kid.”

“I’m sure you’ll do the best thing for everyone.”


Still trying to process what he was about to do, Jacob packed his duffle bag. He wasn’t sure how long he’d have to stay in
Illinois. If this little boy was his nephew and he brought him home, he’d have an instant son, not exactly the same as instant coffee. A little person would be depending on him. Not that the thought of having a child had never crossed his mind, but this was one hell of a way to become a dad.

The thought that he could have had a sister and that she took her own life was enough to deal with in itself. He shook his head, then looked up to the ceiling.
Mom, how could you have kept this from me? Why did you give her up?
He knew the answer without her answering him. She’d been a young, single mom, and it was all she could do to take care of him. But why keep him and give up his sister? This was so crazy! The two people he wanted to talk to and confront, he couldn’t.

His heart ached. He’d heard of postpartum depression but hadn’t heard of anyone committing suicide because of it. His doorbell rang, and he took a deep breath to calm himself.

He opened the door to Ellie’s worried face.

“What’s wrong?” She looked down at his duffle bag and back up to him, a frown forming on her lips.

“Come in. Sit down.” He motioned over to the sofa.

“Jacob, you’re scaring me. You sounded odd on the phone, and when you told me to come right over, I did.”

“It’s okay. At least, I hope it will be.” He took her hands. “I got a call from someone that gave me quite a shock. I’m still trying to process it.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “But I wanted to tell you what was going on before I leave.”

Ellie pressed her lips together. “You’re leaving?”


Jacob wrapped his arms around her and she kissed his cheek. He was a good man. As afraid as he was, he wasn’t running from a problem… he was running to it. The tears in her eyes were not what Jacob thought. She wasn’t upset with him or the situation—she was proud. Proud of him for doing what was right and proud of herself for finding Jacob and falling in love with the right man this time.

“I’m so sorry, Ellie. This is not how I wanted to start our lives together.”

Ellie shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for your loss, that you’re hurting. Don’t worry about me.”

“But I
worried about you. I can’t help it. Don’t you see that by now?”

She closed her eyes and kissed him slow and deep. When their lips parted she smiled. “I do.” She stood up. “I’ll be here when you get back.”

He looked at her like a confused little boy. “Here, in my apartment?”

Ellie laughed. “No, I meant here for you Jacob. No matter what you find out in Illinois, or what you decide, I’ll be here.”

He grinned and placed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m so happy to hear you say that.”


When Ellie got back home she felt anxious. Jacob had been so open and honest with her, and she still had yet to tell him that she couldn’t have a child. Probably the same reason she secretly hoped Jacob would bring his nephew home. She was selfish and a horrible person. How could she think of something so tragic as a blessing? She paced around her apartment long enough to count as exercise. Unable to relax, she drew a hot bath and poured in extra bubbles. As her body sank into the warmth, she closed her eyes.

Her life played before her eyes in slow motion. So many mistakes, so many moments wasted. If she had just had the courage to leave the first time Bryce slapped her.
She sat up in the tub, her shoulders shaking with sobs. The hot water had turned lukewarm. Cold, she hugged her knees to her chest.

Five minutes later, she forced herself to get out of the water and dry off. No matter what Jacob decided, she would be okay with it.


After Ellie came out of the stock room, Payton handed her the phone. “It’s Jacob.”

“Thanks.” She took the phone, anxious to hear from the man she hadn’t spoken to since yesterday. “Hello?”

“I miss you.”

She smiled and walked to the far corner behind the candy counter. “I miss you. How is it going? Have you seen him yet?

“I did. He’s so cute. Looks like me as a baby.”

“Have you decided what you are going to do if he is your nephew?” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

“I have.” There was a brief pause. “Would it change things with us if I were a single parent?”

Ellie grinned. “Oh, I don’t know. It may make me like you even more.” Customers walked into the store. Payton walked over to them. “You’re a good man, Jacob.”

“I’ll be back in a couple days.”

“Call me when you get back.” Ellie disconnected and grabbed a handful of jelly beans. Taking this relationship slow might no longer be an option.

Ellie turned around when the shop door opened. She smiled when she saw it was her dad.

After looking around, he walked over. “This place looks wonderful.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

He eyed the colorful display between them. “I only wish I would have thought to add candy a long time ago.”

“It’s working. The store is thriving. I’m even hiring on another full-time person.”

He smiled. “I’m so proud of you.” He pointed to the chocolate bars. “Do I get a discount?”

Ellie tilted her head back and laughed. “How does free sound?”

“Sounds like a deal.” He unwrapped a candy bar. “Are you handing out Halloween candy tonight?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it. Are you?”

“Of course. Why don’t you come with me? I saved the pumpkin seeds. It’ll be like old times.” He winked. Halloween had never been a scary holiday in the Oliver household. Ellie would dress up as a princess or ballerina and hand out candy to all the kids dressed up as ghosts, witches or vampires. Her dad would bake pumpkin seeds and tell her fairy tales instead of horror stories. She loved her holidays with him and was glad to be back home.

Ellie smiled. “I’d like that.”

BOOK: Trust Again
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