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Authors: Christy Newton

Trust Again (10 page)

BOOK: Trust Again
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Chapter Twelve



Ellie’s nerves were on edge as she knocked on her mom’s door at the Garden Roof Inn. Still not sure what she would say to her, she’d driven over anyway.

“Ellie! You came.” Her mom smiled. She was still in her PJs, and it was noon.

She took a deep breath and nodded. “Can I come in?”

“Please, come in.”

Hesitation coursed through her as she stepped into the room. The bed was unmade, and an open full-sized bag of chips and a can of soda were set on the oak nightstand. Dirty clothes were thrown in the corner. The ugliest picture of flowers with a plaid matted frame hung over the bed. The place was a wreck.

“Sorry.” Her mom walked over to the bed. “I can make this real quick.”

“It’s fine.” This was so awkward. Maybe even more awkward than her high school prom date leaving with a guy.

Her mom flipped the comforter over the rumpled sheets and patted the bed. The woman was messy.

Ellie took a seat on the lumpy bed. “I don’t really know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. You came. That says a lot.”

She had to know something that had been bothering her. “Why did you turn to drugs? What caused you to do such a thing?”

“I suffered from depression. It was no one’s fault, but I found that pills could give me the relief I needed. Not just the ones prescribed for me, but stronger. After a while they weren’t enough. I needed more to satisfy my cravings.”

“I—” Ellie swallowed. “You hurt dad, which hurt me. There were hundreds of times I wanted a mom and I didn’t have one. Dad had to talk to me about periods and boys. And he did, vaguely. But he did his best.” She secretly cursed the tears blurring her vision. “That being said, the past is the past. I can forgive you, but I can’t promise that I’ll ever forget having to grow up without a mom.”

“Oh El—sorry, I mean Ellie—that is all I can ask. I want to start over and get to know my daughter. I know I can never make up for what I’ve done.”

“I’m not saying we’ll ever be close, but we can see what happens.”

Her mom nodded. “Can I hug you?”

She didn’t want a hug from this woman, but she’d promised herself that she would try. “Okay.”

Her mom hugged her tight, like she was trying to get in years’ worth of hugs at once. Ellie hugged her back loosely.

Ellie pulled away after a moment. “One more thing. If you ever start taking pills again, I want you to leave and never ever come back. I have a family now to think about, and I do not want them subjected to anything like that.”



“Let’s do it.” Ellie kissed Jacob’s luscious lips. “Why have a long engagement? We’ve both wasted so much time already.”

Jacob arched a brow. “Are you sure? This is your first time. You don’t want a fancy wedding?”

Ellie laughed. “We’ll still have a fancy wedding, silly. Viola, Maisie and Ginger are planning it.”

“What if it snows? Is the canal really a good idea?”

She placed her palms on his soft beard. “I’ll buy a warm dress.”

Jacob laughed and pulled her to him. “I’ll keep you warm.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.” She bit her lower lip.

He frowned. “I’m sorry we don’t get a proper honeymoon. But I don’t want to leave
Milo for more than a weekend.”

“Hey, neither do I.” She smiled. “I’m sure we can make the most of those two days.”

“As much as I’d like to start that now, I better get to work.”

Ellie looked at the clock. “Me too! I’m hiring another full-time person.”


Viola gasped. “That is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen!”

Ellie stood in front of the mirror with Viola, Ginger and Maisie surrounding her. She knew she’d found the perfect dress. The bodice made of white velvet was soft and warm. The skirt was silk overlaid with sheer crinoline sewn with tiny iridescent pearls. The thin white gloves came up past her elbows. She truly felt like a princess. Joy filled her heart as she placed the long veil over her hair.

“Honey, you are a vision.” Ginger smiled and touched her elbow.

Maisie nodded. “I think a winter wedding is very romantic!”

Ellie bit her lower lip. “Jacob is worried it might snow. I kind of hope it does.”

Viola’s phone rang and she walked away. Ellie glanced at the back of her gown in the mirror.

The sales lady came over to them. “Do we have a winner?”

Ellie smiled. “Yes, we do.”

Viola walked back over. “It’s all set. The canal spot you wanted is booked. As long as it isn’t below freezing, the fountains will be on.”

Everything was falling into place, for once in her life. Ellie changed out of the dress and back into jeans and sweatshirt, unable to keep the grin off her face.


Just as she’d hoped, it snowed just enough to dust the colored limestone beneath their feet. Ellie held on to her dad’s arm as he walked her over the iron bridge. The water fountains made a soothing sound as the water splashed. The white reception tent was glowing with candle light in the distance.

“You look so beautiful,” he whispered as they made their way to the crowd of people. Ellie noticed her mom standing in the back row on the end. She’d shown up. It was a start. Ellie was at peace no matter how their relationship turned out. As bad as the answers were, she’d finally gotten them from the mom that had become a stranger over the years.

As soon as the wedding march played, Ellie’s eyes misted. The moment felt like an out-of-body experience. Ryan winked at her with Milo in his arms and Maisie by his side holding Blossom. She swallowed her tears of joy as she made eye contact with her groom. Jacob looked so handsome in his black tux and crimson tie.

She handed Viola her bouquet of red roses and turned to Jacob. When he took her hands, he was the only thing she saw.

He smiled and whispered, “I love you.”


Jacob’s heart threatened to pound out of his chest. Ellie stood holding his hands. Her cheeks were bright pink from the cold air. She looked stunning and nothing he could ever see would compare to her beauty in this moment. Making her happy was his new mission in life.

He slipped the gold band around her finger without doubts, only hope and trust. This time it would be forever—he knew that more than he knew how to breathe.








On Christmas Eve, the snow fluttered around outside like a shaken snow globe. The three couples sat around the eight-foot tree decked out in multi-colored lights, ornaments, gumdrop garland and shimmering ribbon, drinking hot chocolate. Ellie looked around at her friends sitting in her living room. Frank had his arm around Viola, whispering something in her ear. He’d made it home in time for Christmas. Thank God. Ryan rubbed Maisie’s pregnant belly.

Ellie listened to the sweet sound of Milo breathing on the baby monitor upstairs, snuggled in his crib. Tomorrow they would take their son to Grandpa’s to open gifts. Jacob stood up to add another log to the fireplace. Their home was everything Jacob had promised and more. Ellie wasn’t sure what she did to deserve how her life had changed when she met Jacob, but she was thankful for her family.

Jacob walked back over to her and placed a rectangle box with a large, red bow on Ellie’s lap. He grinned and placed his hand on her knee. “Where are you, Ellie?”

The gorgeous man in front of her wasn’t a dream or an illusion. He was real and he was hers. “I’m right here.” She smiled and pulled the lid off of the box. Before moving the tissue paper, she paused to look at her husband. “I already have everything I could ever want.”

Jacob winked. “That makes two of us.”

Ellie smiled and looked down at Milo’s adoption papers. A warm sensation came over her. She was a mom… officially. All the jelly beans in the world couldn’t make her happier.



























Christy Newton is a hopeless romantic with a weakness for dark chocolate. She lives in
Indiana with her supportive husband and two amazing daughters. Christy loves to hear from her readers. Learn more about her at




Other Books by Christy Newton


Stolen Hearts

Something to

Treasured Hearts

A Guide to Love

Begin Again


BOOK: Trust Again
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