Read The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica Online

Authors: Amy Morrel

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Horror

The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica (3 page)

BOOK: The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica
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“Then yes, I will stay with you
and give you sex. Plus, if you do assist me, then I imagine those
that I change might also gift themselves to you as well, if that is
something you would desire. I have seen in your mind that you imagine
yourself with many different girls.”

“I thought you could just change
shape to be any of them,” Jacob said.

“I can, but for now I can only
have one body at a time. In your mind, you imagine yourself with more
than a single girl at a time or as one of a number of men all
interacting with a single girl. With others of my kind we can provide
whatever is needed for any of those to occur.”

Oh my God! Hell yes, who do I have to kill?
Jacob thought.

Kelly appeared as though she were about
to speak, then stopped.

“Go ahead,” Jacob sighed,
“answer my thoughts.”

“You needn't kill anyone. For me
to be an exact replica of another person, so the feel is right for
you, you need only bring me a part of them. A hair, spittle, even
just flakes of skin. For me to convert one of you to Shoggoth all
that needs be done is for one of us to place a small portion of
myself in contact with their skin or inside of them. Once again hair,
spittle, or even skin flakes will work. The larger the portion of me
given them, the faster they will change.”

“That's it? Hell, I could arrange
that for almost anyone, even the ones that ignore me because they
think I'm a total geek,” Jacob said.

“Then we will work well together.
You will help me fulfill my fantasies and I will help you fulfill
yours,” Kelly said.

“Well, we won't be doing any of
that down here. Follow me and I'll get you out of this place. Then
we'll go back to my apartment.”

Jacob led the way out of the tunnels.
When they arrived on the surface, Kelly winced away from the sun.

“It's too bright out there, can
we wait until it dims some?” she asked.

“I have a better idea. Look in my
mind and I'll give you an idea of how to deal with it.”

Jacob pictured Kelly as she looked now,
but with the addition of a pair of dark sunglasses.

He watched as she formed them on her
face and tried to step out into the sun again.

“That doesn't help. They're still
part of me so the brightness is getting through. I can't see

Jacob slid his own glasses out of his
pocket and handed them over.

“Try mine then, see if they work
better,” he said.

The mock sunglasses she'd formed
disappeared and, after a false start, she managed to get Jacob's
sunglasses on. She stepped out into the sun.

“That's better. It's still
slightly uncomfortable, but I can bear it this way.”

Jacob led her down the side of the
stream, back to where he'd parked his car. He had to explain to Kelly
what the car was and what it did. When they got in, it started right

It might be an old beater with lousy gas mileage but at least
it's reliable,
he thought.

As he drove home, Jacob tried to decide
what he was going to say to his landlady. She was a busybody who felt
it was part of her job to stick her nose into Jacob's life
constantly. He only lived there because the rent was cheap. Knowing
what he did now, he figured that was the only way she got anyone to
rent her apartments. By the time he got home, he still hadn't decided
what to do, aside from just trying to get Kelly into his apartment
without being seen.

Kelly smiled as she watched Jacob rack
his brain for an excuse, but she knew the perfect way to take care of
the problem, and start in on her plan at the same time.

Chapter 4 – A Beginning

He got out of the car and went around
to the other side to open Kelly's door. It was less that he was
trying to be a gentlemen as opposed to being unsure if she could do
it herself. When he opened the door, she swiveled her legs and slid
out of the car. He was distracted from his plan of getting her inside
quickly by the sight of the toned, firm legs that he'd fantasied
about for years.

“Jacob, what are you doing now?”
his landlady called out.

Jacob winced inwardly. Kelly looked at

“Is that the lady you were
worried about?”

He nodded.

“Introduce me, I'll take care of
it,” she said.

Jacob sighed and turned around.

“Hello Mrs. Shaw. This is my
friend Kelly. Kelly, this is Mrs. Shaw.”

Mrs. Shaw sniffed and looked
disapprovingly at Kelly's outfit. Kelly stepped forward and spoke in
a bubbly voice unlike anything Jacob had heard from her so far.

“Hi, you're Jacob's landlady?
He's my hero today. I was at cheerleader practice and my dad was
supposed to pick me up and take me to dinner. Daddy left a message
telling me he'd been called into work so he couldn't make it. Jacob
was nice enough to give me a ride and since my mom isn't home until
later, we decided to have dinner together.”

“Young lady,” Mrs. Shaw
said. “You should go get dressed.”

Kelly shrugged.

“My dad had my clothes in his
car. Jacob offered to let me borrow something to wear, that's why
we're here.”

Mrs. Shaw's glare softened a bit.

“That's what you practice in?”
she asked.

Kelly's voice got softer and Mrs. Shaw
leaned towards her to hear better.

“It's the closest outfit I have
to what our uniforms look like. I decided practicing in this makes
sense because it gives me a better idea of how the routines will look
and feel.”

“Oh ... I suppose that makes
sense. I apologize for my comment, I didn't know. You should still
change into something with more coverage though.”

“Like I said, that's why we're
here. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Shaw.”

Kelly proffered her hand, Mrs. Shaw
instinctively reached out and shook it. Kelly walked back over to
Jacob. Mrs. Shaw stood there for a moment before she turned and
walked back to the office.

“Weren't we going to your
apartment?” Kelly asked.

Jacob nodded and led the way upstairs.

“What was that?” he asked.

“She won't give us any more
trouble after a couple of hours.”

“No, I meant that all American
girl routine. Where'd you learn all that stuff?”

“You just drove us through the
middle of town. I can't help but hear people's thoughts even when I'm
not trying. When I work at it, I can learn how to blend in very
quickly,” Kelly said.

“Oh, I suppose I should have
realized that. What did you mean when you said my landlady won't give
us any more trouble?”

“As soon as her Changes finish
she won't be any trouble any more.”


“I told you I needed to Change
people, that I needed to make more of my own kind. When you couldn't
decide how to handle her and she showed up right away, I decided that
she should be the first.”

“You Changed
? I
thought you meant changing some younger, more attractive people

Kelly grinned.

“Once her Change is complete, she
can be a younger attractive person, physically at least. She'll be
beholden to me as well since I'm the only one that can show her how
to make the best use of all the abilities she'll gain.”

“You can control the people you
Change?” Jacob asked.

“Not as such. But there is a bit
of a temperament change as well. They become more willing to please
and want to follow my suggestions. The Shoggoth were originally
created as a slave race. Even when they designed me they couldn't get
all of that out. That will carry over to anyone I Change as well.”

“That's good, I guess. At least
if you say it is.”

“It's a good thing in that it
will make it easier for those I Change to help reward you for my

Jacob shuddered for a moment.

“Mrs. Shaw? I don't know about

“Looks are malleable,” she
said. “I can look like anything you want. You should be happy,
now I know what those orifices should be like inside. I sampled a
portion of her when I shook her hand, at the same time I left a piece
of myself on her skin. So now things will feel correct for you.”

“Ugh, fucking Mrs. Shaw's pussy?
As gorgeous as you are, that's kind of a turn-off.”

“Of course I adjusted for
apparent age and the body you've given me. It isn't hers, it's mine,
or yours more accurately. Now I know what it's supposed to be like
inside is the only difference. It will get better still as I change
more people and have a wider variety of samples that I can work

Jacob nodded, grudgingly.

I need to get her more people to Change as soon as I can. Then
I don't have to think about fucking Mrs. Shaw's pussy.

“So, how often can you Change
people, and how quickly do you want to do it?” he asked.

“I do need to pay attention to
their Change to make sure it goes correctly. But only for an hour or
so and I can do it from anywhere close to them. Aside from that, I
don't have much in the way of limitations on it.”

“Good, do you want to go out
tonight? Look at a variety of people you can Change?”

“I would like that. I can see in
your mind that you would prefer to do that before we have sex again
also. So, give me a little while to ensure the Change is taking place
the way it's supposed to on Mrs. Shaw and then we can go.”

“Would you like anything to eat?
I'm going to make myself dinner.”

“Whatever you're having is fine.
I can extract nutrition from whatever is available.”

Kelly sat down and closed her eyes.
Jacob took the time to make them some pasta and put her plate in
front of her. He sat down across the room and watched her as he ate.

She opened her eyes briefly when his
fork struck the plate with a clatter. Kelly watched for a moment as
he ate then picked up her own fork, closed her eyes again, and
started eating.

Jacob finished his meal and took their
plates to the sink. He went into his bedroom and changed out of his
clothes since they were still slightly damp. When he came back out
Kelly was still sitting on the couch, but now her eyes were open.

Of course I get the girl of my dreams when my schedule is so
full that I barely have any time to myself. What the hell am I going
to do?
he thought.

She looked over at him and was about to
speak before she closed her mouth again.

“Go ahead, I guess you don't have
any choice about hearing my thoughts, do you?” he asked.

“No, I don't,” she said.
“What takes so much of your time? Why do you do it?”

“I'm taking college classes and


Jacob realized he'd have to explain, or
at least actively think about it so she could understand. He decided
that if he had to think about it, he might as well say it.

“I'm going to college so I can
get a decent job. I work so I have money to live on while I go to

“I see the decent job is so you
can earn more money. What is money? Why is it so important to you?”

Jacob opened his mouth, then snapped it
shut again. Finally he spoke.

“I'm going to think about a lot
of stuff, follow along and that will explain it.”

A minute later Kelly nodded.

“I see, money is what you give in
exchange for other things you need or want.”

“Close enough,” Jacob said.

“I don't see why you need college
or work to get it though. We can obtain it in other fashions.”

“How?” Jacob asked.

“I intend to change people into
Shoggoth. At a guess, from your reactions, there are those out there
who would pay enormous amounts for that Change. Either for themselves
or someone else. We simply need to determine how to contact them. In
the meanwhile, those we change will be glad to support us. I'm sure
Mrs. Shaw will no longer require money for you to stay in this
apartment now,” Kelly said.

“I wouldn't know anyone with
enough money to take the risk of revealing what you're doing. I think
that might be dangerous.”

“So we simply work our way
upwards. I see in your mind that you consider it to be a social
division. So we simply Change someone higher socially and have them
point out someone even higher. Do that enough times and we can be in
contact with someone of the type we're looking for.”

“Are you sure? I still think it's

“What could anyone do to us?”

“The people you want to sell the
change to? They're powerful. They're used to getting what they want.
A lot of them get it however they can, not caring about who gets hurt
in the process.”

“I've known true evil secondhand
from the minds of my kind before they disappeared. I doubt that any
of these people you fear are even close to being capable of what the
Old Ones were. I am not without defenses myself. They would find it
more difficult than they think to cause us problems in that manner.”

“That's easy for you to say. You
can change into whatever you want. I can't,” Jacob said.

“If you wish, I can Change you.
But then you would be more subservient to me. I prefer to have
someone to obey rather than to be obeyed myself. There are other ways
I can protect you though should the need arise.”

“Like what?”

“May I demonstrate?” she

“Be my guest.”

Kelly moved towards Jacob and blurred.
A moment later he found her enveloping his entire body. He panicked
for a moment, until he realized he could still breathe. After a
couple of breaths he realized that he had a raging erection again.
Every inch of his exposed skin was in contact with a warm, soft,
slick but not wet, portion of Kelly. He felt as though he were a
giant penis, engulfed in a like-sized pussy. His mind went offline
from the sensation, and when he could actually think again, Kelly was
lowering him into a sitting position on the couch.

BOOK: The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica
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