Read The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica Online

Authors: Amy Morrel

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Horror

The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica (13 page)

BOOK: The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica
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She assumed the position and he rammed
his cock into her pussy.

“I know you can contact Kelly Lee
mind to mind. Do it, and send her everything I make you feel,”
he said.

He started slamming his cock into her.

“Lisa, Greta, on your knees. One
of you play with her tits, the other with her clit. I want her to
have a mind-blowing orgasm as quickly as possible,” he said

The two girls obeyed him instantly. The
redhead started to loose it almost as fast.

“Did you manage to do what I told
you?” he asked the redhead. “Is Kelly feeling all of

She nodded, her breath coming too fast
to speak.

“Good,” Jacob snarled.

He raised his voice and shouted.

“All of you who are Changed that
can hear me. If you want to serve me, pick a partner and start
fucking. Then all of you are to open communication with Kelly and
send her what you're feeling right up until after you cum. Let her
experience it herself, from all of you, at the same time.”

Jacob heard doors slam, but when he
looked around everyone that had been eyeing him was stripped down and
fucking with a vengeance. Everyone that had been minding their own
business had disappeared.

He looked at the redhead he was
fucking, pulled his cock out of her pussy and drove it into her ass
violently. He slammed in and out of her ass until she was near
collapsing, then came into her in a rush.

“You,” he said, “come
with me if you want to be my pet. Otherwise get dressed and continue
whatever you were doing. Lisa, Greta, on your feet. We're headed back
to the apartment.”

Jacob led them back towards home. The
redhead stumbled along nude, not even having taken the time to get
dressed in her eagerness to follow him. He slammed into the apartment
and found Kelly, lying in a puddle on the couch.

“You lied to me,” he said.
to serve?”

Kelly was flushed. She tried to speak,
but had no breath for it. Her answer rang in Jacob's mind.

I under-exaggerated. A compulsion to serve would have been more
accurate. You can resist, but it's hard.

“In that case, you'll require my
permission before you Change anyone else. I'm ordering that.”

But, it was needful. There are things you don't know.

“Whose fault is it if I don't
know something regarding this. I can only think of one person who
could have told me about it and that would be you, so it's all your
fault. I'm ordering you to tell me what it is I don't know that
required you to Change so many people.”

The mob, we've Changed a great many of them. One of the Changed
in the mob has reported signs of the Old Ones. The unexplained
disappearance of two professors a year ago, one of whom was studying
a ritual reported to be for summoning a Great Old One.

“So, you're saying this is a sign
of the Old Ones you spoke of before?” Jacob asked.

Kelly was slowly losing her flush. She
managed to speak her answer in breathy tones.

“No, worse. A sign of one of the
Great Old Ones. If the ritual was real, then those two professors are
now probably His servants. I will not speak the name of the Great Old
One, he would notice if I did. This Great Old One is of sufficient
power that he could bring forth an Avatar of himself on this plane.
Were he to do so, the Shoggoth would be threatened, as would you be.
The Avatar would insist that we serve him and slay you out of hand
were you to protest. Or possibly slay you just because he felt like

“Well, I was starting to get
bored with nothing but sex anyway. Looks like life might get exciting
for a while. You
keep me informed on this and I
be consulted before you take action. Do you understand me?”

As Jacob made his demands of her, Kelly

she thought,
make a true Master of him yet. He has the perversity, and he's
developing the backbone. It won't be long now.

* * *

October, 2014

A. Morrel

Other stories like this by Amy Morrel:

Caresses - Lovecraftian Erotica

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Erotic Stand Alones by Amy Morrel:

Her Resume - An Erotic Tale

Belonging - An Erotic Tale

Audiophile - An Erotic Tale

Ruthless Redhead's Revenge - An Erotic Tale on the High Seas

Skinny Dipping - An Erotic Tale

Renaissance Romp – An Erotic Tale

See Amy Morrel's other stories on her Author Page at:

Morrel's Author Page

BOOK: The Shoggoth Secret - Lovecraftian Erotica
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