Read Severed Angel Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Severed Angel (2 page)

BOOK: Severed Angel
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Chapter Two


As soon as
Prez's old lady Teresa started to freak out after listening to her voicemail and her friend wasn't answering the phone, he called in some of the brothers to find her. She should have stuck to the plan and gone straight to the bed and breakfast if you ask me, but no point in bitching about it now. For some reason my gut was telling me this wasn't good, it was more than a case of getting lost, it sounded like she'd strayed into Carnal territory, and they were some crazy fuckers you didn't want to mess with.

I almost laugh when I pull up and see Satan running away on his bike along with his pathetic excuse for brothers. Luckily there are more of us than them or I'm damned certain he'd have stayed and shot it out. Carnal don't know the true meaning of a brother in an MC. They'd turn their backs on one of their own for pussy or money, and not think anything of stabbing him in the back, both figuratively and literally. Trust me, I know.

I step into the store and see a girl run into the back. While my brothers check out what Carnal have been up to, I decide to follow her. I stop in the doorway looking around, there's blood everywhere and Frank, the shop owner, lays dead on the floor. What is Satan thinking? Killing innocent people and in front of a woman. That's the problem though, Satan doesn't think.

I look at the girl, standing in the midst of this murder scene, she's looking scared shitless but she's easily the sexiest woman I've ever seen. Pretty fucked up that I'm a little turned on right now, I'm hoping she can't see my cock straining against my jeans. I see her start to fall and manage to catch her just as she's about to hit the floor. She lands in my arms, her auburn hair flowing everywhere, eyes closed and her full lips slightly open.

"What the fuck happened?" I look up from my daze to see my club brother Dragon glaring down at me.

Prez walks in right after, looks down at us and laughs. "She's fucking fainted at the sight of you. Told you you're a scary looking fucker."

Dragon steps closer as Ink and Disney walk in. Dragon decides to act like a damsel and screeches with his hand on his forehead, "Oh Angel, you're so good looking I'm
gonna faint."

The guys laugh but I'm not in the mood. "Shut the fuck up, go get her keys. We need to get out of here."

Disney leaves, grumbling about some shit, and Ink steps forward. "Elvis is on his way with the truck for the girl."

I shake my head. "I'm taking her in the car, Elvis can load my bike."

I look up to Prez for approval, he gives me a funny look before nodding his head. "Gotta ring my woman, she's fucking freaking out. Want her at the compound where she's safe from those fuckers"

I effortlessly pick up the girl, following them all out of this shit hole of a store. I lay the girl in the back of the car and shut her in. Elvis comes running towards me from the truck he just pulled up in. He look
s towards the car and back to me. "How is she?"

"She's fine. Probably a good idea to put her on lockdown. You know what he's like, he doesn't stand for witnesses watching his shit."

"This was Satan?"

"He drove off as we pulled up. If I didn't know it was him, the look on the girl's face when she saw me would have been proof enough."

He huffs and nods his head. "Take care of her, she's like a second daughter to me."

I nod. "Got it." At Severed we respect women, even the club whores get more respect than they would elsewhere, but old ladies and club members' daughters are special.

"Oh and Angel? Her name's Eve, don't be calling her girl again."

I nod, even though as VP I rank higher than Elvis, he's been part of the club longer than me and is the son of an original member.

I get in the car, grimacing. I really don't want to be seen driving this girly piece of shit. I watch the boys carefully lift my bike onto the truck. We leave in a convoy to return to the compound. We left Carnal's shit for them to clean up themselves. Frank didn't bother with CCTV so that'll make it easier for them. Eve will be the only loose straw in their clean up.

As I drive with Eve in the back I think about Satan. Carnal MC are as different as you can get from our club. Severed MC was formed by men who loved the biker life and we still have some of the original members and their families as part of the club. We stay
within the confines of the law, earning legit money from our businesses. Carnal are the total opposite. They're all about money and violence. They run drugs, protection rackets, trade weapons and have recently started trafficking women; fucking disgusting.

They are brutal, Severed may be legit but we still know how to look after ourselves. Nobody hurts a Severed member and Elvis has made it clear Eve is part of his family, so we'll protect her the same as one of our own now.

I think about where we stand with Carnal. Does Satan know that Eve is Severed property? If he hurts her he knows we'll retaliate. He doesn't like anyone witnessing his business and I have a feeling she did, hence her reaction to me. That means Satan will be after her, and if Satan's after you, you better be ready. Either way, Eve will have the full protection of the club, and she'll need it if she's going to survive.

On the drive back I contemplate the history between me and Satan, he's my baby brother, and from the moment he could walk he's set out to take anything and everything that I care about. It's as though he has this insane jealousy that I'm the eldest. It came to a head a few years ago when he destroyed my most prized possession and was ostracized by the club. That's when he moved to Carnal, it's as though that club was made for him, he's a VP like me now. He's always been a vicious little shit, the kid you'd find out back of the shed torturing kittens and puppies, the one who'd lie as easily as breathe to get me into trouble, the kid caught smoking dope at the football game.

And the reason Eve freaked out when she saw me? Well, that son of a bitch is my twin, Kellan.

Chapter Three


I come to with a start, unfamiliar with my surroundings, unable to see much in the dim light of the room. My thoughts come rushing back and I start to panic. I'm lying on a bed, a very comfortable, very large bed, and I'm still dressed in my jeans and shirt. In the shadows I can see a couple of dressers, a bedside table and three doors. My eyes drift to the corner of the room, and I draw in a breath as I see the large, sleeping figure in the chair. I let out a strangled moan, obviously loud enough to wake him. He stands and approaches the bed. "Eve?", he questions nervously.

I know that voice! Launching myself from the bed as fast as I can, I run across the room and throw myself into his arms, bursting into childish tears, needing the warmth and comfort this man can offer. "Elvis. Oh god, I've missed you so much." I sob, his arms drawing me closer to his large chest, comforting me.

"I've missed you too
darlin'," he huffs. I step back, taking in the changes since I've last seen him. Elvis is a huge man, not in a muscular way, just heavily built, with a beer belly that enters a room seconds before he does and juts over the top of his waistband. Every inch of his arms and neck is sleeved in colorful tattoos. I suppose, if you didn't know him, his size and image would be pretty scary. I know the real Elvis though, soft as a teddy bear, and a gentle giant to boot.

He leads me back to the bed, encouraging me to sit. The
mattress sags as he joins me, still holding me close with his arm around me."You've got yourself in a hell of a mess darlin'", he looks me over, taking in my travel weary appearance and sighing deeply. "Prez needs to talk to you when you're feeling a bit better. He needs to know what happened so we can work out what to do with you".

He looks sad. I hate that it's me that has put that look on his face. Quiet tears are falling down my face. Even in this quiet room, wrapped safe in Elvis' arms, I can't erase the image that is on constant loop in my brain. The store owner falling dead to the floor, blood pooling everywhere. I start trembling, as the
realization hits me, I've witnessed a murder. Elvis draws me even closer, placing a kiss on my forehead. "You're my family darlin', we'll keep you safe, I promise you." I look up at him with weary eyes, I want to believe him, but for the first time in my life I'm not sure he can keep his promise to me. Those men I saw yesterday were deadly, but Elvis is the kind of guy who never makes false promises, his word is his bond, and I hate that I might be the cause of more heartache for him.

"Where's Teresa?", I question while wiping away my tears. "I can't wait to see her". I need my friend.

Elvis laughs. "She's giving Prez shit for putting the two of you on lockdown here at the compound," his whole face lighting up at the mention of his daughter. "She's never been happy living here, that's why they have their own house off compound." That explains the simplicity and coldness of the room. When I saw Elvis I immediately thought we were at Teresa's, but we're at Severed's clubhouse instead. Elvis continues "She's been sitting with you since we brought you back, I offered to sit with you so she could go grab a shower and get something to eat", he looks me over, "talking of which, you hungry darlin?".

I give myself a mental once over, I am hungry, crumpled and weary, but I'm not sure I could stomach food right now, my stomach is turning, making me queasy. Elvis looks at me, understanding without needing words. "Tell you what, you go grab a shower in the bathroom there", he points to the door nearest the window, "and I'll go get you something simple like fruit and water, how's that sound? None of us men eat that shit, just the chicks, so there's plenty of it." I barely nod my head in response. Elvis helps me rise from the bed, guiding me to the bathroom door. "I'll be back soon


I turn the shower on, turning the temperature up as high as I can stand, needing to scrub the horror of the earlier events from my mind and body. I look for something to wash my hair with. The room obviously belongs to one of the guys as there are no feminine products in sight, just an all in one shower gel with a woodsy pine scent. I hate the stuff, but it will do for now. I step under the stream of water, my back to the shower head, breathing out a small sigh of satisfaction as the warm water caresses my head and the back of my shoulders. I've always loved getting my hair wet in the shower. My douche-bag ex always complained I spent too much time in there, but I didn't give a shit. I love taking a shower. I lather my hair with the shower gel, then scrub my skin red, unable to get the dirty feeling to go away. I'm not gentle, but it doesn't help, I still feel soiled. I rinse my hair and look around the compact bathroom in search of a towel. Great, the guy who lives here has obviously never heard of a bath sheet, I think as I pick up the tiny towel, trying to fasten it around me as best as I can. It hugs my breasts tightly, barely skimming my backside. It will have to do for now, until I find my suitcase. There's no way I'm wearing those dirty clothes again, I want to burn them, they're contaminated by the horror I've witnessed.

I step back into the bedroom, noticing a tray of fruit on the bedside table, a silent thank you to Elvis gracing my lips and I reach for the water gulping it down greedily. I lay back on the white sheets, reaching for an apple, so tired that I fall asleep with the apple in my hand, uneaten.



I bump into Elvis as he's leaving the kitchen with a tray of fruit and water in his hands. I smirk at the image, it's fucked up. Elvis and water isn't something you expect to see, Elvis toting a couple of six packs is more like it. "Angel," he greets me. "Eve's woken up so I'm just taking her something light", he motions to the tray.

I reach for it, "I'll take it in for you, Prez wants to talk to you. He needs to know what sort of girl she is, how much of this she can handle, and that daughter of yours can't stop cursing at him long enough to give him a sensible answer", I laugh. Prez sure is pussy whipped by his woman, I know he's in love, but fuck, he needs to man up around her.

Elvis passes over the tray, giving me that look of his, the one normally reserved for anyone messing with Teresa. "Go easy on her Angel, she's normally a tough cookie, she's had to be, but this time she's running scared."

I nod, "Don't worry Elvis, I'll look out for her", I call over my shoulder as I head for my room. We'd put Eve in my room, it was the only decent room aside from Prez's. It meant I'd have to bunk with one of the brothers for now, but I guess I could make this small sacrifice.

Receiving no answer to my knock I ease the door open slowly, the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom. I move across the room to place the tray on the bedside table, passing the bathroom door on my way back. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. I push the partly open bathroom door a little wider and peek in. Holy fuck! Even with the misty shower glass I can see the outlines of Eve's amazing figure. Pert breasts, firm thighs and a tight ass, I feel myself harden just at the thought of being in that shower with her. I know I should move, but the sight of her rubbing her hands all over that lust
-inducing body of hers has me stuck. I can't see much detail, but what I can see is enough for my groin area to be painfully tight. Elvis had made it clear that Eve is like a daughter to him, so this isn't going to happen, I'm not going to lose his respect for a casual fuck and casual is all I can do. I make no promises, that's why I stick to the club whores, they know where they stand. No fucking feelings involved.

Re-adjusting my cock in my jeans I leave the room quietly as I hear Eve turn off the shower.


An hour later Elvis and Prez were still in the office, I'd love to be a
fly on the wall, but I know any decisions to be made will be discussed in Church, and with the situation being as serious as it is, that will be happening some time soon.

I make my way back to my room to see if Eve needs anything else. Sure I could have sent a
prospect, but I can't help it, something about Eve fascinates me. Again there is no answer to my knock so I walk in, it is my room after all. Opening the door I come to a halt at the end of the bed. Fuck!

Eve lays there on her side, naked, tangled in my white sheets, the towel fallen on the floor at the side of the bed. I shut the door behind me so nobody else can see her and stand and stare. She has a grip on the sheet in a tight fist under her chin, the sheets cover her breasts, but leave all her smooth back and ass exposed, one thigh wrapped over the sheet. Her hair is spread out over the pillow. She looks peaceful in her sleep. She's sexy enough to tempt even a saint, and I sure as hell am no saint. My cock is hard, about to bust the zipper on my jeans. This girl is
going to kill me, she's so fucking tempting, but I can't go there.

Eve stirs, making a sexual moan. It may have been a sleepy moan, but to my horny ears, it was sexual. Before I can move she opens her eyes, spying me standing at the foot of the bed like a freak. Her eyes open wide with terror and she screams at the top of her lungs making me wince.

Fuck! I wish she'd stop doing that when she sees me.

BOOK: Severed Angel
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