Read Severed Angel Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Severed Angel (10 page)

BOOK: Severed Angel
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Just beyond the screen, I can see Diane bent over a sofa, her
arse on show. Behind her is her old man Dragon, both of them completely naked.

Dragon has a long whip, he's holding it high, ready to strike, and I gather myself for what's about to happen.

He brings the whip down quickly with a swoosh, hitting Diane's arse. Her back arches and she lets out a loud moan. I bite my lip, silently watching as Dragon continues to whip her, bringing Diane more pleasure than I thought possible from a whip. Her backside is covered in angry looking red welts. Dragon discards the whip, entering her quickly from behind. My panties are soaked. Dragon is literally fucking her brains out. I can tell when Diane reaches her climax as she shouts his name with her head thrown back in utter bliss. Dragon isn't finished, he slowly lifts her and I see her hands are restrained with cuffs. He lays her on the floor, telling her to leave her hands above her head, or else. If I was Diane I would keep my hands where he told me to. Dragon kisses down her body, only stopping when he gets between her thighs. My legs clamp together as I watch him feast on her, fuck me this is hot to watch. I look at Angel and see he's watching me. I quickly turn away. When I look back Diane has moved her hands and Dragon gives her a spanking with his hand as punishment. From the moans of pleasure coming from her I don't think Diane sees it that way. When Dragon starts to pound into her again Angel grabs my hand, deciding it's time to go.

I agree, reluctantly, I don't want them to catch me watching. That would be embarrassing.

Angel keeps his hand in mine as he marches ahead of me. My legs quicken, trying to keep up with his pace. Everyone seems to be having a good time and drinking as we move through the room, but we don't stop. Angel is on a mission to get me back to my room. I don't argue, I need him right now. Watching Diane and Dragon having raw kinky sex has turned me on so much that I think if Angel even thinks of teasing me, I'll jump his bones.

He loudly slams the door shut behind us and attacks me. We fall to the bed in a frenzy, tongues dance and teeth clash. I can't seem to get close enough to him. He quickly undresses himself and then me. When I feel his warm body against mine I sigh, I love this feeling.

"I knew you were a dirty girl hiding under all that sweetness." Angel growls between kisses. His words make me squirm.

"I need to be in you Princess." He turns me over fast so I'm laid on my stomach. I totally surrender when it comes to Angel. He lifts my hips so they're level with his hard cock. My head resting on the bed, this is something I'd never tried before Angel. Half my body is lifted in the air, supported by Angel. Then he's inside me, it feels so good my eyes almost roll to the back of my head. Angel completely has control,
pushing me away from his cock and then pulling me back again. I scream every time he slams me back onto him. He's so deep it's almost too much for me to handle. My hands grip the sheets as I come undone.

"Angel!" I scream and he groans, deep in his chest.

He hasn't finished yet, his assault continues. His hands becoming faster and he's pushing me off then back onto his cock. He begins thrusting, causing him to hit even deeper inside me as we join.

"Oh my God Angel!" I scream again. I can feel it, I'm going to come again.

"Say my name Princess." He growls.

"Angel!" I return, earning another powerful thrust.

"My other name."

It takes me a few minutes to figure out what the hell he's talking about, my mind fogged from this amazing sex. He wants me to call him Gabe? But everyone calls him Angel.

He slams into me, making me scream. "Princess." He warns.

He's close and so am I, so I do what he wants. I scream his name as I'm about to come.

"Gabe! Fuck me Gabe! Fuck me hard!"

And he does. He slams into me with no mercy and we fall onto the bed exhausted and limp.

Chapter Sixteen


I wake to gentle prodding. Slowly opening my eyes to see Angel looking down at me
;I'm pretty sure tha
s a look of lust in his eyes. "I've got to go Princess, club business."

He leans down, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. I'm shocked. I never expected that from this hunky, tough biker. I'm not one to complain, so I flash him a grateful smile, not wanting to say anything to ruin it.

I look over to the clock, groaning when I see how ridiculously early it is. We had a late night last night. Filled with hot sex, some rough, some gentle, which really surprised me. Angel had an odd look in his eyes as he thrust inside me, his strong arms surrounding me. That look did something to me, it ignited something deep inside and exploded as I climaxed along with him.

Angel catches my look and laughs at me. "You're the one who complains when I get out of bed and just leave."

I throw a pillow at his back as he puts on his boots. It misses him, falling to the floor. "Cheeky fucking prick."

He quickly turns with a devilish grin. I lay back down, pulling the sheet over my head to hide from him. The sheet’s quickly drawn back and I see Angel's gorgeous face looking down at me. He smoothes my hair from my face. "You really are something." He licks up my neck, turning my anger to passion. "Catch you later Princess."

He stands, shrugging on his cut, all the while still grinning at me. I mutter unintelligible curses as he confidently walks out. Fuck that man is pure sex appeal.

Turning back to the comfort of my remaining pillow, I pull the warm sheets back up. I fall back into a blissful sleep, naked images of a beautiful biker filling my dreams.


The next time I wake it's a much more sensible hour. I yawn loudly and stretch. I've decided today is the day. I need to talk to Teresa. I know she's grieving, I can see how hurt she is. I'm still hurting, it's a pain that will be there for some time. As hard as it is, you need to get up and try to act like normal. It's what Elvis would have wanted. He didn’t like all this sappy crap, he would want us to get on and live. Teresa is not pushing me away any longer. We've been friends for too long. We should be helping each other right now, leaning on one another instead of her hating and blaming me. Knowing the kind of person she is, I know what she's doing. She’s putting the blame on me to give her a channel for her pain, but I've had enough. I’m not taking it any more, I lost Elvis as well.

I quickly dress in my tiny denim shorts and a strappy colored vest, making sure my tattoo is still covered by the gauze. Last night Angel helped me apply cream to it and place a new gauze. I was shocked at the sight of blood on the old one, but Angel assured me it was normal, I'm glad he was there actually, because if
d seen that alone I would have freaked the fuck out.

I find my Converse under the bed and go in search of my lost friend. Having not found her in the main areas of the clubhouse, I head to the room she shares with Prez.

Knocking on the door I hear a muffled voice from the other side. "Fuck off."

That's Teresa alright. I choose to ignore her and open the door. Walking in like it's completely
normal for me.

"I said Fuck off." She says more loudly this time, when she sees me she glares. "And that especially means you."

The venom in her voice is a new addition. I've seen her look of disgust many times on some of our early nights out, when she didn't approve my choice of outfit, or drink. Teresa is a bossy girl who loves to get her own way. Some people call her a bitch, but she's like a sister to me and I love her no matter what.

"Well you'll just have to put up with me 'till I've said my piece then, won't you." I put my hands on my hips, standing my ground this time. "I'm not putting up with your shit any more Tess. For fuck's sake, you're
getting married in two days. You're my best friend, I can't take this shit anymore. I want this sorted, because we can't carry on like this."

Teresa looks up at me. She did look angry, until I mentioned her wedding. Then grief shows and she starts sobbing. "I can't get married without my Dad, Eve." She starts to shake now, "I need him, I need my Dad." she wails.

I haven't seen Teresa this broken since we lost her mother. She was completely devastated, but this is something else. Elvis has been her rock for so long and she always was a daddy’s girl. When her mum passed it was Elvis who finally brought her out of her sadness and eased her grieving. I'm not sure I can follow in his huge footsteps, but I have to try, for her. I slowly move to the bed, cautious she will shout at me to go away, but she doesn't. I sit myself down beside Teresa and pull her into my arms. I'm shocked and relieved that she lets me help her. Grateful that she lets me hold her while she grieves. This is what it should have been like from the beginning.

After a while her sobbing slows as she becomes exhausted from her tears. She manages to gather
herself a little as she looks up at me. "I know it's not your fault Eve, not really. This just hurts so fucking much, I needed to blame someone. You were there and it was easier to put the blame on you."

Knowing Teresa as I do, I know that's as much of an apology as I'm ever going to get.

We spend the next couple of hours sharing our favorite memories of Elvis. The time he grounded us when he caught us sneaking out to a party; the numerous times he found us on the doorstep after partying all night and put us to bed. Even trying to talk to us about the birds and the bees when we were twelve. That memory has us rolling with laughter. It feels so good to share these memories with her. There are so many happy stories surrounding Elvis, that's the way we need to remember him.

When our laughter stops she gives me a sad smile. "Thanks Eve, I really needed this."

"What's happening with the wedding?" I question. Teresa looks at me, her face showing how torn she is.

"Prez wants to go ahead with it, he practically begged me to. God I've been so horrible to him. But I can't do it without him Eve. He was giving me away. I just want to put it off for now."

I'm surprised by the tone of defeat in her voice. She's never been a quitter.

"Elvis wouldn't want that, Sweet. He'd be the first to tell you to 'get your bloody
arse down that aisle now darlin'." I use my best Elvis impression, it's so bad Teresa actually cracks a smile.

"Yeah I know he would."

"Who owns you Teresa?" I question. She looks up at me in confusion, but with a little fierceness I recognize as my friend.

"No one fucking owns me." she snaps. That's the Teresa I'm looking for.

"So, if no one owns you, why would you need someone to give you away?" That got her attention. "Go and marry the man you love."

She has tears in her eyes but nods anyway.

We spend the rest of the afternoon simplifying the wedding plans and Diane joins us. I can't look at her, every time I do all I see is her bent over with her arse in the air being whipped by Dragon. I'm trying not to let it show in my face. I'm obviously not successful because Diane turns to me. Looking me over.

"You okay there Eve, you're looking a little flushed."

I burst into giggles. Teresa looks at me, and I can tell she wants me to spill. I do a quick shake of my head, our signal for 'we'll talk about it later', and she gives me a smile of understanding.

Wedding plans all sorted and final. Diane leaves me alone with Teresa, sh
s barely left the room when Teresa pounces. I've missed this so much that it doesn't take long before she has me repeating everything I saw last night between Diane and Dragon. Teresa is holding her sides laughing. Apparently Angel and I weren't the first to walk in on them. Teresa tells me they're not shy about being watched. Well that explains why they were there instead of their room then!

We chat a little longer before my stomach starts rumbling, reminding me I've not eaten today. I manage to persuade Teresa to come along with me. People look at us as though we're going to go at each other at any moment. She's not bouncing around with joy, but at least she looks a little happier than she has the last few days. I'm happy to see we seem to have recovered some of our friendship, although it doesn't feel quite the same as it used to. At least it's a start.



After dealing with our club business, I stopped by the cemetery. Prez and the rest headed back, but Dragon stayed with me. I've been sitting at my mother’s grave for an hour or more, trying to understand how this woman could have raised such different sons. For as long as I could remember she'd always brush off Satan's behaviour as "boys will be boys", never grasping the evil he was becoming. Even when Beth died, she refused to accept it was his fault. Always reminding me that Beth had chosen
to end her own life. Not wanting to upset her I didn't argue.

She made me promise I wouldn't seek revenge on my brother. The club had ostraci
zed him for his part in the rape, and to her that was punishment enough. I didn't agree but I loved my mother, and no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't break my vow to her. When he patched in at Carnal he had little to do with our mother.
m sure that proved too much for her weakened heart. She faded away, not living to see the year end.

I rise slowly. "Sleep well Mama, I'll always love you."

As I'm making my way back to my bike I pause by Elvis' grave. The flowers are still there, but it's too early for the gravestone to have gone up yet. I sense a presence behind me, turning slightly I see it's the priest.

"The bible may quote an eye for an eye Gabriel, but I'm afraid the justice system doesn't quite agree with it."

He's not a stupid man, he's heard what's happening between our two clubs and who's responsible for Elvis death.

"Don't worry Father." I reassure him. "I'm not a bad man."

I pause before adding. "But I'm not a good man either."


I'm heading back to my bike, when some punk jumps out of the shadows and starts to wave a fucking knife around like an idiot, advancing on me. For fuck's sake he's hardly old enough to be out of diapers. By the way he's swinging the blade around, he has no idea how to use it, he's made a huge mistake taking me on.

"Where's the fucking girl?" he sneers, thrusting at my gut. The blade scratches against my cut making me pissed. Fuck, if he's marked it he's a dead man. I'm just about to lunge when Dragon sneaks up behind him, grabbing the wrist with the knife and twisting sharply. The sound of breaking bones penetrates the night air. Followed shortly by the punk's childish
screams. I shake my head in annoyance. Dragon pulls his now broken wrist up his back, forcing him to the ground on his knees.

"Who the fuck sent you?" Dragon growls.

I can't see a club patch anywhere on the kid, but he looks like he could be a fucking prospect or, an amateur bounty hunter. When he doesn't answer, Dragon twists the broken wrist some more.

"No-one!" He yelps, pain causing his voice to break. God he really has no experience in this shit at all.

"I'm from Carnal but they don't know I'm here. Satan's getting frustrated, taking it out on everyone. I figured I'd find out where the girl was and earn my patch."

Pathetic. Squealing so quickly. He shouldn't have said anything at all. Club rules.

He's whimpering now. This fucker wouldn't make it in our club never mind making it in Carnal MC! He's not tough enough or bright enough for either.

I'm not reassured by the news Satan is getting frustrated though. That means he'll be upping the
ante, becoming even more fucking psycho . We've timed our setup plan for the day after Prez's wedding, just three days away. Have we got enough time left?

I need to see Eve. I need to know she's okay, and fuck it I want to sink balls deep into her again. All night long if I can.

I kick the prospect in the balls. He'll be out of action for a while now. Motioning to Dragon we leave him where he's curled up crying, heading back to our bikes and our women.

BOOK: Severed Angel
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