Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)
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I beam at her. “I would love that. Thank you.”

She leans in to embrace me as she whispers in my ear, “Perhaps with your protector.” Pulling back, she smirks and winks at me. My heart drops at the suggestion.

Warrior of Heaven, thank you for gracing us with your presence. Please do share what I’ve told you at once with Eve’s sentinels,” the majestic queen asks.

Of course, your grace. Are you ready to return, Eve?” he inquires.

Yep. Thank you again for everything, your highness,” I say one final time.

“Until next time
, child.” With that, we are returned to the earth realm and the training room where I’m sure I’ll be enduring more punishment this afternoon. Ugh. Maybe I will just run away to the Fae Kingdom forever.





Feathery ice crystals
fall in delicate patterns from the puffy storm clouds as I admire the brush strokes of gray that obscure the cool winter sky. I trek my way in the snow-covered gardens.

undled up for warmth, I follow the path all the way through the white birch trees toward the lake side of the grounds.

With each step, the sound of crunching snow echoes off the lifeless trees, disturbing the peaceful quiet of nature and marring the
untainted soft white blanket. Even in the middle of winter, when the flowers are not in bloom, the garden is beautiful.

the frosty air, I allow the coldness to fill my lungs. Though not as lovely as the Kingdom of the Fae, this place has its own natural allure. I can’t explain it, but there’s something drawing me to the stillness of the sleeping plants, soothing me and providing haven.

Perhaps it’s just my innate need to be close to nature.

The lightly falling snow surrounds my serene refuge, encompassing me in my own earthly snow globe. I brush off the white marble bench and sit, allowing the bitter chill to seep into my jeans, numbing me. The small lake on the left side of the private grounds is now frozen over with a thin layer of ice.

I shake my head
, releasing the tiny white flakes from my damp hair. The frozen droplets of water cling to my strands like a life force. I stop as my body embraces the wave of warmth that only he brings.

“One of these days, you’re going to freeze to death
,” Asher says across from me, leaning on a birch tree with his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. A shadow of concern falls over his handsome face.

My body
purrs with exhilaration at his proximity.
Crap. I really need to get my hormones under control.
I can feel my eyes soften at the sight of him, but I remind myself to put up my shields.

“Have you come to punish me some more?” I ask
in a snarky tone.

The right side of Asher’s mouth tilts upward. “No. I won’t apologize either. You need to become stronger and more strategic when you fight or you won’t last against a demon.”

I cock my eyebrow at him. “I lasted against Kaiden.” He pins me with his stare.

Asher’s head sh
akes slowly. “He was a gargoyle and not a very impressive one at that.”

“Is that so? You mean it wasn’t the impeccable training you and Callan
gave me?” I ask, my eyes searching his. His face is serious before morphing into his panty dropping, come hither look.

bestows his signature sexy grin. “Perhaps. I am pretty awesome.”

My eyes flicker to the lake
in an attempt to keep in the emotions that are too close to the surface. Then I return to the deepness of his gaze, yearning to get lost in him.

“I spoke to
Tadhg. He said Leo is getting better each day.” Asher breaks my reverie.

“That’s good. I was worried about him.”
An uncomfortable silence lingers between us.

watches me. “I need to go to London with Keegan and Callan. There’s a Spiritual

of Protectors meeting, and our presence has been requested by Michael and Uriel. I’m assuming they want to discuss what the Royal Supernatural Court talked about with Lady Finella and provide their approval for our realm jump to the Eternal Forest.”

” I cringe at the sadness in my voice. The thought of him being away from me makes my anxiety levels rise.

bond alerts him to my flustered state. “Abby and Kenna will watch over you in my absence. I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he offers in a soft tone meant to calm me.

I nod
, wishing he wouldn’t go and then chastising myself for wanting him to stay.
I need help.

“While I’m in the
council chambers, our link won’t be as strong, therefore I won’t be able to feel the bond as clear as I normally do. Do you think, for once, you could do as I ask and stay inside with the girls tonight, so I don’t have to worry?” he asks with insistent eyes.

I lift
my eyes to his, trying not to lose myself in the deep blue layers. “I can try.”

“Not good enough. Do more than try,
siren,” he says in a pleading tone.

I swallow the guilt
I feel for, once again, making him see me as a nuisance. “Fine.”

“Thank you,” he
replies on an exhale that comes out in a cloud of smoke from the cold air.

More silence.

He stalks over to me and crouches so we’re in one another’s line of sight. “I’m sorry if it felt I was rough on you during training. It’s being done for your protection.”

I offer a weak smile. “
You were quite the jerk. I get it though.” I watch him, watching me.

“I’m also sorry for my behavior toward you. Setting us straight, it was the right thing to do, siren.
You’re right. We need to focus. I am first and foremost your protector. I appreciate the reminder that it’s all I can be,” Asher says in a soft, sincere tone.

What did I do? “Ash—”

He cuts me off.
“I took an oath and I intend to see it through without the added consequences of breaking the rules. From now on, I will respect our roles and restrain myself. Consider us protector and charge only. Yeah?” he asks, eyeing me.

My entire body sinks at the
consequences of my actions and what he’s saying. “And friends,” I add, hopeful. This is not what I wanted.

His eyes never leave mine as he nods
once, accepting my understanding and approving the ‘friend’ title. His hand reaches for my hair, gently brushing the snowflakes off. “Please come inside where it’s warmer.”

ten more minutes to get my head clear.” It comes out in a mere whisper.

“Five more minutes
before I send the girls to come get you,” he states before standing to leave.



“I’m sorry,” I
offer solemly.

Asher looks away with pain on his face. “
Me too, siren. Me too,” he murmurs. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Behave, yeah?” With that, he extends his wings and disappears into the sky. My body completely shuts down in panic at watching him leave like that.
What the hell?
I close my eyes and inhale again, trying to get a grip on my wild emotions. They’re all over the place. The moment is broken at the sound of clapping from the wooded area near the lake.

I open my eyes and
snap my head toward the forest to see what the intrusion is. On guard, my hands move instinctively toward the daggers I know are sheathed to my legs.

. “Bravo, daughter of Heaven.” I barely register a jovial voice.

My eyes land on the ground and take in
a small, dwarf-like creature that appears out of the tree line in front of me. My eyes widen.
Holy shit, it’s a good thing I’m sitting down.

He can’t be more than six or seven inches tall
, if that, and has a complete look of mischief etched on his face. For a brief moment, I look around, wondering if I’ve officially lost it and am envisioning things that aren’t real.

The small being
places his hand over his heart, eyes dreamy. “Young, forbidden love, it’s so romantic. Although you and the gargoyle, well that was such a pathetic expression of feelings.”

“Who are you?” I demand
, proud that my tone sounds strong.

The tiny creature hobbles over to me
and bows dramatically. “I am Godry, my lady,” the grotesque creature introduces himself in a formal, yet small voice.

Godry?” I repeat. “What are you, some type of elf or something?” My eyes dart to the woods in search of danger.

He stands tall and narrows his tiny brown eyes
at me. “AN ELF?” he shouts, though to me it sounds like a squeak. “Do I look like a fucking elf?” he spits out with disgust.

I guess my lack of knowledge with regard to supernatural creatures has offended him.
“S-sorry, it’s just, you’re freakishly small. Are you a fairy then?”

His face scrunches as if he smelled something rotten. “Do I look like
I twinkle and have little wings, you overgrown human imbecile?”

, watch it!” I warn sternly. “I’m far from being an imbecile, you ugly forest creature.”

hobbles closer to me, giving me a better visual of him. He looks like a little old man wearing knight’s armor. His ears are long and stick straight out from each side of his head, which is covered by grey straggly hair that falls into his beady brown eyes. I notice the creature has the most disgusting pale-green, wrinkled skin and he’s missing a few teeth.

I force down my
repulsion and look him in his miniature eyes. “Please, enlighten me as to what you are and why you are here?” I ask with fake sweetness.

He scoffs. “I am a goblin.”

“A goblin?” I repeat, unconvinced.

“For the
daughter of Heaven, you are impolite and unintelligent,” he states snidely.

I tilt my head in a threatening manner, stand and cross my arms. “
If I were you, I would be careful not to insult a giant that’s hovering above me, you annoying little creature, or I’ll squish you with my boot,” I say and lift my foot for good measure.

“I’m so scared,” he mocks and pretends to shake.

My anger levels continue to rise even as I attempt to rein them in. “What’s a goblin?”

“Yes, it would seem you are u
neducated. What does that fine specimen of gargoyle see in you?” he says, disgusted and bored.

“What do you want
, little gnome?” I ask through a tight jaw.

“I’M NOT A GNOME. I’M A GOBLIN,” he shouts but
it barely registers in my ears.

I exhale a frustrated breath. “Fine, what do you want

“I would be happy to tell you why I’m here
, my lady. First, it will cost you. You see, us goblins are known to be a bit greedy. We love money. You show me some and I’ll inform you of the why,” he states, as if that statement has won me over.

We just stand there staring at one another
until finally the fact I can’t feel my hands or toes because of the icy weather breaks me and I search my pocket for change. I find a dime and throw it at him. It is almost larger than he is. “Talk, goblin.”

“Thank you
, my lady. I am Godry of the Quaboag Tribe. I’ve been sent by Yester Castle to inform you of the dangers of the lake,” he says in a formal tone. “Although, to be honest, with your bad attitude, I should let Saraphina devour you.”

I prowl t
o him in agitation. “Who sent you and who is Saraphina?”

“Y-e-s-t-e-r Castle,” he says slowly as if speaking to a child. “Kenna must want to slit your throat a thousand times a day.”

“I’ve had enough of your mouth.” I turn to walk away.

He just stares at me. “You
know nothing of goblins, do you? So then you have no idea we possess various magical abilities. Keep walking away from me and you’ll be waiting, in the form of a frog, for your dark prince to come back. Ironic right? I wonder if Asher would be willing to lip lock with a frog, even for you, Batya.”

I release
one of my daggers. The metal noisily slides out of the sheath with a whoosh and clanks as I spin and point the very tip at his tiny throat. “Who. Is. Saraphina?” I ask in a calm, slow voice while I stalk back toward him.

“The Lady of the Lake. She’
s a selkie who works for Lucifer.” He shrugs, annoyed with our exchange.
That makes two of us.

My eyes dart to the frozen l
ake. “Why were you sent to warn me?”

He sighs. “My tribe owed
the London clan a favor. Our Queen, who is also a soothsayer, saw you sitting out here while your protector was called away to the council and felt you should be made aware. I pulled the shortest straw hence my crappy messenger status. Now you know and I need to go back to the castle where it’s warm and the demonic creatures I consort with are not as crass as you.” With that, he glows green and vanishes into thin air.
What the hell?

BOOK: Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)
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