Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)
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“About one hundred and eight miles
,” she offers, watching my blank face before rolling her eyes, “or one hour.” The exquisite sentinel giggles at my lack of metric unit comprehension.

“Thanks,” I say while throwing a piece of marshmallow at her before she returns with her own candy toss. Our momentary food fight is cut short by the in-flight announcement.

Ladies and gentlemen, we’re making our final approach to Heathrow Airport and will begin our descent shortly. In preparation for landing, please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened until we are safely on the ground in London,” the pilot says as the crew begins to tidy up the cabin and we all buckle in.

A few moments later
, the pilot announces our arrival and the cabin crew opens the door for us to exit the jet. We make our way down the stairs and toward the large Cadillac Escalade with dark tinted windows while Keegan and Callan help load our bags into the vehicle.

I shoot off a
quick text to my Aunt Elizabeth letting her know we’ve arrived safe and sound.  I expect her response time will be slow, in part because of the time difference and partially because my quirky aunt just learned how to text on her iPhone a few weeks ago. Asher wore her down until she finally gave in and allowed him to teach her.
God bless his patience.

Since this is my first time in England, I sit back and remain quiet
. Keegan drives out of the airport toward Wiltshire while I watch the scenery roll by. The weather is similar to Massachusetts. Cold, damp, and dreary. Even though the car temperature reads three degrees Celsius, it’s actually about thirty-seven degrees Fahrenheit. I draw my body inward, trying to keep warm.

Cold?” Asher asks, moving closer.

offer a small smile and slight nod while watching London go by as we get onto the M5. Part of me is excited to be here. However, the other half is saddened Aria isn’t here to experience it with me. The guilt starts to spread in my chest as my hand massages the area, attempting to ease the ache.

Asher notices
my anguish and makes an effort to distract me. “The manor isn’t too far from Salisbury where Stonehenge is located. I’ll show it to you while you’re here.”

force a smile. “That would be cool.”

studies me, our bond alerting him I’m faking contentment. “It’ll get easier. The sorrow will lessen with time and you’ll begin to heal. I promise.”

“I know.” I return my gaze to the
grey landscape outside the window. “Why are you called the London clan of gargoyles if you live in Wiltshire?” I need a subject change to divert my thoughts.

concedes to the topic switch. “Our main residence is our building of flats in London.”

My eyes shift to him, mouth agape. “You
own an entire building of apartments?”

He nods once. “E
ach of us live in our own place. Keegan and Kenna reside on the third floor, Callan and Abby stay on the fourth, and I have my own flat on the fifth floor. We have a guest dwelling for visiting clans on the second and the first floor is for Royal Gargoyle Council of Protectors business. It’s mainly an office space with a conference room we use as a general meeting spot.”

Talk about property management,” I say in astonishment. The house in Massachusetts would be more than enough in my book since my aunt’s entire home can fit into their kitchen.

Asher just
shrugs. “Most of the gargoyles in England prefer to stay close to the city and when my father first relocated from France, he established the clan’s base in London, so that’s where we ended up living. At that time, each family had their own floor. When our parents didn’t return from their business trip, we took over the building and separated the flats this way.”

I sympathize, k
nowing from experience how the loss of your parents affects you. I reach my hand out and grasp his, offering him encouragement. He returns the gesture with a genuine smile.

So how’d you end up in Wiltshire then?” I glance over at him.

We didn’t move to Wiltshire until my mother discovered she was pregnant with Callan. Keegan and I were both born in Manhattan, though we spent much of our younger childhood in and out of London. It was her wish for us to grow up in the country, surrounded by gardens. So when we weren’t in New York or traveling, we split our time between London and Wiltshire. Now we just use the manor as a vacation home, or safe haven, if needed.”

“How come we don’t just stay in London then?”
I ask in confusion.

It’s currently not secure to take you to the flat in London,” Keegan says casually, reminding me we’re not alone in the car. With Asher, it’s like I have tunnel vision.

My eyes move
back toward the window and notice we’re coming up on another magnificent estate. Asher’s hand takes mine. He rubs his thumb in slow circles over my knuckles before tilting his head to me. “Welcome to La Gargouille Manor – Wiltshire.” His tone is proud.

,” I say breathlessly. “This is…incredible.”

“It’s a fourteenth century medieval manor.
My mother had the interior décor and structure modernized but the exterior and formal Cotswold gardens remain intact and original,” Asher explains with pride.

stops the Escalade in front of two wrought iron gates, each adorned with the family dragon symbol. It reminds me of the house in the States, oddly setting off a pang of longing to be back there. As soon as he enters the code and completes the fingerprint scan, the large doors open, allowing us access to the mile-long driveway, lined by strong and exquisite white birch trees.

As we make our way
to the estate, my breath halts at its simple but mature beauty. The facade of the home showcases intricate taupe stonework in various shades of creams and browns, which renders the manor warm and inviting.

grows on parts of the residence, strategically outlining the windows as if intentionally highlighting them so your eye is directed to that section of the structural design. There are several bay windows in the front, accentuating the multiple gables on the roof
I sigh internally. It’s magnificent.

Keegan parks the
vehicle near the expansive garage as we all prepare to exit. Asher turns to me, motioning his head toward the monstrosity of a ‘vacation’ home. “Come on. I want to show you the inside and introduce you to Fiona,” he says with a hint of mystery.

My brows pull together.

Our housekeeper. She’s also a panther shape shifter,” Abby throws out with a smirk.

My mouth
hangs open, stunned. I need to close it but I can’t. “Um, o-okay.”

squeezes my hand and grins, clearly amused at my reaction. “She was also our nanny when we were growing up. Since we’re not here very often, Fiona lives here and oversees the residence for us. She’s a kitten. You’ll really like her, siren.”

I just nod
. No matter how many supernatural creatures I’ve met over the past few weeks, I’m still processing the fact these legendary beings exist. He rolls his eyes and laughs at me, pulling me out of the car.

walk up to the iron door and before Asher can even open it, a short, round, older woman flings the heavy door open and snatches him in a tight hug, forcing him to let go of my hand and reciprocate her squeeze.

Hello, luv,” she says with a warm English accent. She backs away and cups his cheeks in a motherly way, taking him in.

Asher beams at her. “
It’s so good to see you, Fiona.” His voice is full of admiration and love.

yellow-green eyes twinkle at his greeting then move toward me. “Ye must be Eve. ‘Tis luvely to make yer acquaintance, dear.” She ushers us into the house.

“Thank you,” I
reply shyly as I look around, taking it all in.

re in a long, bright entranceway. The walls are a sunshine yellow accented with white crown molding, emphasizing the high ceilings. There are light hardwood floors throughout and multiple stone tables with plants on them. Asher guides me down the hall as I hear Fiona greet McKenna, Keegan and Abby with just as much fondness.

Once in the foyer, I notice the staircase to the left and
an open area to the right, leading to a sunroom, which overlooks the gardens. Contrary to the home in the States, which is made of dark stone and woods, this home is light and airy.

Fi,” Callan announces like a child who’s found his favorite toy. We turn to see him pick up the older woman in an embrace and twirl her around. His eyes light with worship.

Hello, me baby boy.” She pets his cheek after planting a kiss on it and closing the door. The older woman turns her five foot self around and plays with her gray haired bun, putting it back in place. I have a hard time imagining her as a panther because she reminds me of Mrs. Potts from
Beauty and the Beast
. Her eyes twinkle at me with delight as I look questioningly to Asher.

“One of Fiona’s shape shifting abilities is to read
female minds,” he offers, amused.

I smile politely at her and she quirks an eyebrow up. “Now don’t ye go tellin’ all o’ me secrets, lad,” she teases and swats Asher with her hand.

He places his hands up
in defeat. “I wouldn’t dream of it, Fi. Just keeping Eve up to speed.”

She narrows her eyes playfully at him.
“Well now, are ye all hungry? I have supper waitin’ fer ye,” she says, her accent heavy.

“That would be
delightful. Thanks, Fi,” Abby answers as we’re escorted through the bright home into a burgundy colored dining room. There are two large windows highlighted with silk drapes and a modest fireplace with a gold gilded mirror above it.

We each take a seat a
t the long wooden table. It’s covered in dishes as Fiona flitters around. She seems happy in her element as she pulls the covers off each platter.

Fi, you’ve outdone yourself. This all looks delicious,” Callan says, rubbing his hands together.
The gargoyle certainly loves food.
I release a soft laugh.

Glowing from the praise
, she walks over to Callan and kisses him on the top of the head. I’m guessing she’s the reason Callan is so down-to-earth and loving.

“I made all ye
favorites, lad. Cumberland sausage soup, shepherd’s pie, roast beef, and Yorkshire puddin’ and fer dessert an apple pie with custard.” The panther smiles at us excitedly.

, Fiona,” Abby says.

.” Fiona claps her hands together. “Ye kids eat up. Ye’re lookin’ too thin,” she reprimands as she glares at McKenna. “When ye’re all done, we’ll have a chat in da sittin’ room ‘bout the trouble yer all facin’.” She taps Keegan’s shoulder then leaves the dining room.

I turn to Abby. “She doesn’t join you?”

Abby shakes her head. “No. Fiona likes to ‘take care’ of us. Always has. She can’t sit still.

ccording to her, it makes her nuts.”

Mmmm. By. The. Grace. Eves, you’ve gotta try the soup. It’s the best ever,” Callan says, moaning in cuisine ecstasy.

I smile
at his foodie enthusiasm. Leave it to Callan to cause my smile to resurface. I sit back and watch everyone eating and joking. I’m once again reminded how lucky I am to be under the protection of this family.



Wants and Needs

After the very
large dinner and the most delicious dessert I’ve ever tasted, we make our way into the sitting room with Fiona. Everyone plops down on one of the two large, plush couches that form an L-shape in front of the fireplace. Each sofa piece is adorned with silk throw pillows.

a brings in a tray of tea. Everyone grabs a cup while Keegan starts a fire in the brick hearth and everyone gets settled in.

, dear, please sit wit me, luv.” Fiona pats the seat next to her, coaxing me over.

I go willingly
, appreciating the kind gesture. I wonder if this is what it would be like to have a grandmother. Both my grandparents died when my mother and father were younger. I guess history repeats itself since both my parents passed away when I was a baby too. My aunt doesn’t have any living relatives. At my thoughts, my nose scrunches, remembering Fiona can read minds.
My eyes shift to her in embarrassment.

response is gentle. “Tis all right, dear. I hope dat ye come ta think ‘o me as family.” She brushes my cheek as I sit.

, you can shape shift into a panther? Forgive me but you seem a little...sweet...for that,” I question as Fiona releases a hearty laugh.

BOOK: Restraint (The Revelation Series Book 2)
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