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Authors: Xavier Neal

Mollify (9 page)

BOOK: Mollify
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Chapter 11


Parking outside of Dean’s house, I let out a deep sigh.

I can do this. If I can tell him to his face it’s better if we’re just friends then maybe I can tell Marcus to his that it is over. Seriously over. Which it is even if he refuses to accept it. We’ll call this practice!

I pull the keys out of the ignition and hit my head against the head rest.

Damn it. The difference is I don’t want this to be over. I want to keep going, but I can’t. I already let Marcus use me. I’ve already been the pincushion girlfriend, neglected lover. I won’t do that again. I deserve better than that. I deserve...I don’t know if deserve is the right word, but I gotta stand up for myself. I broke up with Marcus. I am moving out. I’m moving on...and even if I love Dean, let’s face it, I do, clearly I shouldn’t. He may be the same sweet guy desperate to make me happy, but he’s not that innocent any more. Any guy who had a threesome before his graduation ceremony on the school grounds isn’t the guy that falls in love with you. Oh yes. People talk.

The light tap on my passenger window has me jumping out of my skin.

“Shit!” I scream before pushing the button to roll it down.

“Sorry,” Maxx apologizes. “You headed in to see the Kid?”

“He home? I would’ve called but my battery died and I don’t know where my phone charger is.”

“Lost it?”

“I think so. I’m always losing it.”

“I’m always losing mine too. Last week it was in the freezer.”

That’s beyond weird.

“I’ve been misplacing stuff a lot lately. Mainly in the fridge. My car keys were behind a jar of pickles a couple days ago.”

“Sounds like lack of sleep.”

“Probably.” Maxx shrugs it off. “Dealing with kids doesn’t typically let you get a lot of sleep. You sure you wanna be a teacher?”

With a giggle I nod. “I’m sure. How’d you know?”

“Aside from your natural way with them? Dean told us at dinner one night.”


“Yeah. He talks a lot about you. He’s never done that before.” Hope fills my eyes. “Alright, I’ll leave the door unlocked so you can just slip yourself in. But can I give you a word of advice? Mainly because I’ve been exactly where you are.”

You don’t think she means Kellar used to hit her right?

“That gut feeling telling you you’re just one of many, duct tape it’s mouth closed and listen to the other feeling. Trust me. That’s the one that really needs to be heard right now.” Her sweet smile actually soothes me.

No wonder Dean’s so much happier now. With her for a mother I can’t imagine ever not feeling safe or unloved and I’ve only met the woman twice.

“Thanks.” I smile back.

She nods and rushes over to the SUV where Kellar is buckling in Faith, who is waving at me. I wave back and she tosses her head back in a huge giggle.

This is a beautiful family. Why am I so desperate to get away from them again? Maybe because they remind me of what I lost almost three years ago now. One bad decision on my father’s part and I’m doomed to live the rest of my life in misery.

Now unsure of what I’m going to say, I get out of the car and slowly head inside. Taking a right, I head up the stairs, each step feeling like I belong here.

Is that bizarre?

Reaching the top I make a bee line for Dean’s room, which I figure out through process of elimination from the babysitting date. I open his door to the sound of the shower running. The bathroom door is slightly cracked leaking steam into the room. My eyes roam around at the space that is nothing like Marcus’ room. His bed is disheveled, clear he’s the one who makes it or it doesn’t get made. There are clothes sticking out from his closet door that’s slung wide open. Comic books overflowing on his bed side table. There’s a dresser beside me right next to his door, with a flat screen mounted on the wall. On the others are random posters of everything from superheroes to framed photos of him with his family and friends. Caught up in admiring just how normal his space is, how inviting it is, it doesn’t register when the water cuts off.

Dean walks out of his bathroom and gasps, “Megan?”

I gasp in return at the sight in front of me.

Now I know what they mean when they say what wet dreams are made of...mother of God!

Water is beaded across his sculpted body. My tongue wets my lips all on its own. I watch as he drops to the edge of his bed, towel giving me a glimpse of what I didn’t get lucky enough to see the other night.

And how exactly am I supposed to tell him what I was supposed to tell him? Shit. What was it?

In a strangled voice he says, “Megan if you keep looking at me like that I can’t be held responsible for what happens as a result.”

My bottom lip slips between my teeth as my face tilts nonchalantly trying to steal a better peak of what’s rising under the towel.

“Seriously,” the grumble now sounding agonizing.

“But you’re just so...” my voice trails off.

Much bigger than my ex-boyfriend isn’t the way I should end that sentence. But damn! I need to see a little more. Right? Just a tad. Just a—

“Please stop biting your lip.” His face tilts up to the ceiling as he leans back on his palms, the towel loosening like my Jedi mind tricks are finally working.

This is not the towel you’re looking for.

My feet stroll me over closer to him, my relocating having him moving again, the towel now barely hanging on at all. Suddenly my hands have a mind of their own, much like my tongue and undo the last little bit revealing a vision that snatches all my breath.

Oh God if this is what the men in porn look like, I know why Liv is always telling me I need to broaden my horizons from book porn to internet porn.

“Megan I swear—” is all that makes it out of him before a violent hitch of breath at my hand wrapping around his dick shuts him up. It pulses at my touch at the same time he whimpers.

I made him whimper! Did you hear that! He actually likes when I touch him.

Slowly I slide my hand down his shaft entranced by every reaction I receive. Dean’s chest is rapidly rising and falling like he’s restraining himself harder than ever before.

Lowering myself to my knees to get a better look and hopefully a taste I command, “Whatever you do...don’t take your hands off the bed.”

When Marcus would force a blow job on me, he always held my head where he wanted and it kept it there until he came. Thankfully was never a long process. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Another reason to be glad he’s gone.

Sliding his cock into my mouth causes Dean to moan loudly, “Fuck!” at the same time his hands grip the sheets tightly. With a small smile I take more of him into my mouth, the taste of his pre cum sweet and sticky like candy I need more of. I start sucking and exploring his dick with my hand, short strokes, long strokes, fast and slow. Every movement receives praise in the form of cuss words or my name. Dean’s death grip on his sheets is accompanied by shaking arms as he tries to hold himself up, eyes struggling to stay open while viewing me.

I drag my tongue from base to tip, which is when he begs, “Baby...I can’t...I can’t hold back much longer.”

“Good,” I whisper my hot breath right on his tip. An incoherent grumble comes out of him. In a plea, but unsure if it’s to myself or him I say, “Let me taste you please.” My lips engulf as much of his cock as I can, desperate to taste what he’s holding back.

No more than three hard sucks later Dean cries out, “Fuck...I’m coming.”

The warm liquid fills my mouth in long strides. I lick up every last drop.

Heaven forbid I’m wasteful.

Once he’s bathed clean from my tongue, I let go, and rise to my feet wiping away the spit from the corner of my lips. Seeing him sprawled out and helpless on his bed fills my body with an emotion I’m not sure I can deal with right now.

This is not what I meant to do. I meant to come here to talk. We needed to talk, which clearly isn’t happening now.

“I have to go...” my voice barely says before I scurry out of his room.

“Megan wait!” He calls after me, but I don’t look back.

Fuck me, I’m turning into the girl who cried mixed signals. I can’t keep doing this. I just need a minute to figure everything out. Away from him. Definitely away from him. He creates this orgasm fog and it’s really hard to think about anything other than letting myself join that list he has that’s a mile long. Ugh. Space. I need space.

Chapter 12


“Let me get this straight,” Jackson laughs following me from our class. “She left
. She bailed?”

“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore,” I grunt heading the direction of the parking garage. “I wanna get to work and punch the shit out of something.”

But no holes in the wall. Dad’s understanding but I can’t repair shit very well.

“The irony,” Jackson continues chuckling at my misery. “She ditched you. Won’t return your calls for almost a week now? Won’t—”

“Do you wanna be punched in the face?” I suggest, stopping. “It would suffice the need to pound something into the ground.”

“Wouldn’t it just be easier to talk to her best friend if you can’t talk to her?” He points to where Liv is standing obviously waiting for someone.

I start walking when I notice he’s not moving. “Aren’t you coming?”

“No. I now know why the devil weeps.”

With a shake of my head, I maneuver quickly around people making my way over to Liv, who’s face is startled the moment she lays eyes on me. “Whoa there cowboy. What’s the hurry?”

“Just didn’t wanna miss you.” I offer her a smile.

“Mmhm,” she hums out. “You mean you didn’t wanna miss Megan.” I smirk and she rolls her eyes. “I know she’s avoiding you.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know why,” I confess. “Did I fucking say something? Do something wrong?”

“From my understanding you keep doing everything right.”

Did you hear that? Was that a hint of sexual indication in that? You think she told her? Fuck, I hope she didn’t mention the coming in my pants part.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“It’s complicated.”

In my family we’re not allowed to say that. Always ends with mom smacking someone on the arm. Everyone’s life is complicated I’m learning. It shouldn’t be used as a cop out.

“Can you fill me in a little?”

“No,” Liv denies. “But I can force her to hang out with you. Just answer me one thing first.”


“The whole Mr. O reputation. Is that your end game is? Expand that list? Cause if that’s the case—”

“I wouldn’t be here,” I finish the sentence for her. “If all I wanted was to tap some ass there are enough quick and easy fucks to fill my bed. It’s not like that with Megan. At all.”

Liv smiles and pats my chest. “Good boy.”

I’m not a dog, but I’ll let that slide.

“Dean?” Megan’s voice questions from behind me.

Turning around I provide her with a warm look. She can’t help but give one back. “That’s me.”

“What are you doing here?” She adjusts her shoulder bag.

“I just got out of introduction to marketing,” I reply. “Thought maybe we could talk?”

“Uh...” She glances at Liv who is fiddling on her phone. “Liv and I kinda have plans for the afternoon.”

“Nope,” Liv contradicts. “I have to cancel for dinner. Study group got moved to tonight.”

“You’re not in a study group,” Megan complains putting a hand on her hip.

“I am now.” She shoots her a smirk. With a wide grin she says, “She’s all yours lover boy.”

“That’s the hope,” I state and Liv snickers.

“Text me later,” she calls to Megan over her shoulder as she walks away.

Megan’s jaw bobs for a bit before she sighs, “I can’t talk right now. I have to get to work.”

“I’ll come too.”

“And do what? Just hang out while I work?”

“Yup. I’ll do my marketing homework until your break and then we can talk.”

In a huff she tosses her hand in the air. “About what Dean?”

“About us,” I declare loudly.

“There is no us!”

“Why the fuck not!” My volume increases gathering more attention.

In a sharp whisper she bites, “Lower your tone please.”

“Why?” I ask ignoring the request. “You don’t want the world to know that I’m crazy about you? That I haven’t thought about another girl from the second I walked into that bakery?” Her face fights the urge to coo at my speech. “Because I do. I want the world to know that I’m all but on my knees begging you to give me a chance. But if you want me on my knees I’ll get there. There is no sex hopping for me anymore. There’s no hook ups I’m picking to pass the time with. There is no Mr. O any more Megan. Just Dean. Your Dean.”

When she caves a smile appears on her face. “You mean that?”

“Yeah.” I take a step wrapping my hand gently around her nape. “I do.”

My lips plant themselves on the territory I am marking as my own for all the world to see. All the ladies to witness.

Ding. Dong. Mr. O is dead and Dean Kellar is reigning champ. As it should be. If Megan would have never left Mr. O would’ve never existed. Now that she’s back no need for him to be here. So, no, it wasn’t in a ring with a crowd of people waiting to applaud, but close enough. Look, I can’t let this girl go. Not again. As Dad said, I’d rather die first.

Chapter 13


For the next several weeks, Dean makes every effort he can to spend time with me. Between school and his job at the gym it’s difficult, but he makes it happen the best he can. He spend parts of my shift in a booth working on his assignments in between making lovey dovey faces at me.

It’s sickeningly cute. I’ve never had a guy this head over heels for me.

Any time the idea of Marcus coming home and ruining this for me pops into my head, Haven assures me that it’ll all be okay. That everything will work itself out. Liv, to no surprise gives me the same speech. I’ve been crashing in her guest room, but long term I know it’s not going to cut it.

Marcus will look for me there. It’s the first place he’s going to look.

“You’ve got that look again.” Dean pulls me out of my head planting a kiss on the back of my hand, pushing his laptop to the side. “What’s goin’ on in that gorgeous mind of yours?”

I shake my head and he sighs.

Still haven’t come clean to him. It’s not like I’m cheating on him. It’s not like I’m still in love with Marcus, though to be fair I never was. It’s just...I don’t want him to know what he did. What he’s threatening to do. I don’t want Dean to know I’m slightly scared.

“Wanna have dinner with the family tonight?” the offer is followed with him closing his text book. “It’s over at my Uncle’s place. Pizza. Board games, which I will warn you in advance right now, no one in my family loses well.”

On a short laugh, I question “And you do? If memory serves me correct any time you lost when we played games the only way to soothe your ego was with candy.”

“I-I-I’ve gotten better,” his defense spawns another laugh from me. Dean wets his lips and softly says, “I cannot tell you how beautiful that sound is.”

“I love it too,” Haven agrees coming around from the back. “You, Dean Kellar, are just what the doctor ordered for her.”

He smiles brightly. “I like to think so.”

Doctor must’ve decided I needed to make up for the lack of orgasms I’ve experienced in my life time. I swear to God his fingers have a mind of their own. What do you mean does his tongue? I....we haven’t...shh.

“You’re blushing.” Dean touches my cheek.

“I am not.”

“You are too,” Haven agrees smirking. “Do we wanna know why?”

Flustered, I fiddle with my hair. “Don’t you have cookies to bake?”

Haven chuckles again as the shop door rings and in runs JD her adorable two year old son. “Mommy!”

“Hey!” She picks him up and plants a kiss on his cheek.

“Mommy,” her husband, Clint mimics. She kisses him on the lips and he sighs, “God I missed you.”

Dean lowers his voice, “I know the feeling...”

“Clint, you remember Megan right?” She motions her hand towards me.

“Pleasure to see you again.” He shakes my hand before extending it to Dean. “You’re Kellar’s kid.”


“You’re pretty good in the ball pit. Not as good as Glove, but close.”

Confused I look at Dean, “When were you in a ball pit?”

“I’ve been to a lot of kid birthday parties over the years....” his confession makes me stifle a snicker.

“Kids love him,” Haven agrees. “Right JD?”

“Yeah!” JD waves at Dean who waves back. “Cookie mommy!”

“Please,” Clint sharply reprimands.

“Please mommy...”

“Yeah, let’s get you a cookie.” She bounces him on her hip. “Megan, why don’t you go ahead and shut the shop down. You and Dean can head out a little early.”

“Sounds good...” I stand up but am stopped by Dean who slips me another kiss.

“Now, you can go.”

Shaking my head I move towards the counter, my cell phone vibrating in my pocket.

Sure that it’s Liv checking on me, or demanding I bring home some banana nut bread she’s becoming addicted to, I open it, the smile on my face disappearing effortlessly.

Marcus: Leave him before I ruin his life to teach you a lesson.

I glance over my shoulder at Dean who is stuffing his gym bag.

Marcus doesn’t make empty threats. And Dean doesn’t let go that easy...more importantly, I don’t want him to. Shit. What the hell am I going to do?

BOOK: Mollify
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