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Authors: Xavier Neal

Mollify (5 page)

BOOK: Mollify
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“I’m the Kid’s dad, Logan Kellar,” he offers me his hand too. “You can call me Kellar.”

Shaking it, I nod, “It’s nice to meet you. I definitely like you better than Mr. Cofax already.”

“Who’s Mr. Cofax?” The little girl looks up at me.

Shit. What if she doesn’t know he’s adopted? Did I really just mess up my first meeting of his parents? Should I be this concerned? I’s not like I’ll see him after tonight right? No matter how much I want to...huh? What’s that? Don’t say of course I will! I can’t put Dean in the middle of my messy long awaited break up. Not happening.

“Remember we told you Bubba used to have a different mommy and daddy?” Maxx starts to explain.

“A bad daddy.” She shoots her head up. “And now he has the best daddy ever!”

“Exactly.” Kellar nods.

Maxx rolls her eyes, “Ugh. Daddy’s girl.”

“Rightfully so,” he jokingly argues.

“What about Bubba?” Dean leans down in her face. “Can you love Bubba too now?”

“My Bubba!” She reaches out and leaves my grip for his. “I want cake with Pretty Megan too!”

“We’ll all go,” Maxx insists.

Following behind them we walk out onto the patio area where everyone is gathered now stuffing their faces with hot dogs and hamburgers, grilled chicken and fajita meat.

You know how in movies the shit looks amazing and then it tastes like cardboard? I pray this isn’t the case.

Maxx and Kellar make intros to the people Dean told me about while he grabs us each a plate. His Mimi and Pop, which are actually Maxx’s aunt and uncle who raised her like parents, are just as warm and welcoming as everyone else.

This is so foreign to me. How is it any group of people can just be so welcoming to a complete stranger? My own aunt and uncle could barely stand me living in the same house, and Marcus’ family, well they looked down at me every chance they got. Rarely was I allowed at any of the functions they hosted. Why can’t all families be this warm?

After a couple hours of discussions filled with playful banter between the couples, and embarrassing stories as much as proud ones about the man Dean has become, the sun is starting to fade just like the two children.

“Mi Amor,” Mimi says planting a hand on Dean’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go put your sister in the guest room to sleep?”

“I can do that,” he replies.

Faith wiggles in his lap, eyelids drifting closed.

“I can do it,” Maxx volunteers preparing to get off of Kellar’s lap where she’s spent most of the night.

“It’s cool Mom. I gotchu,” he says standing up with his little sister basically limp in his arms.

While it’s unusual to hear him call someone Mom, it’s truly heartwarming. He never had that growing up and now he does. I had it and now it’s gone. It’s like we switched places. I would never ask to switch back. Not because I enjoy being miserable, but because he’s alive and happy and loved. That’s all he ever wanted. That’s all I ever wanted for him. Well, that and of course to be his princess since he is my prince. What I meant was… Don’t look at me like that.

“I’ll come with you.” I stand, which is when Erin speaks up.

“I’d run from this family too girl.”

Shaking my head I sigh, “I don’t wanna run from this family, are you kidding? If anything I wanna run
this family.”

Damn. Too honest. Why didn’t you stop me?

“You are more than welcome here,” Mimi says as Pop hands her a coffee mug. “It’s nice to see my grandson finally taking after his mother instead of his father.”

“Ouch Mimi.” Kellar pretends to be wounded.

“Oh.” She waves a hand at him. “If it wasn’t for Maxx we all know you would’ve never settled down. Too handsome.”

“At least she thinks I’m handsome,” are the last words I hear before we’re in the house.

Hearing me giggle, Dean shoots me a look, “I’m sorry about that. Mimi is—”

“Honest?” my question causes his shoulders to slump.

“It’s not like that.”

“It’s not?”

“Not exactly,” he mutters heading up the stairs.

“You mean to tell me you don’t have chicks just rolling in and out of your bed.”

“Okay...” Dean wets his lips. “It’s exactly like it sounds. But it doesn’t mean it can’t change.”

Nervously as we reach the top of the stairs I ask, “Why would it change?”

With a very serious look he says, “Because I found you again.”

My mouth drops to argue but I’m not sure with what.

Now would be a great time for some help.

“You were the big part of life that made all that shit not so bad—”

“We were just kids,” I try to fight.

Why am I fighting? Right. Marcus. You’ve seen what he can do to my face...can you imagine what he would do to Dean’s? I mean...I kind of think Dean could take him, but still. What a shitty thing that would be to make Dean deal with my past when I can’t.

“Maybe. But we’re not now. And you still manage to make my life better. Even if it doesn’t need it now like it did then.” The words shut my mouth.

That’s fine. Swoon. I did.

I follow him into a guestroom that’s clearly for children with the small beds, toys all over the floor, and kid’s books spread out. Dean carefully places his baby sister down on the bed. Leaning against the door frame I watch him sweetly kiss her forehead and tell her how much he loves her, painting a perfect picture of the type of man you wanna have kids with.

I love kids, one of the many reasons I want to be a teacher, but I would never have them with someone like Marcus who would use them like some sort of pawn every chance he could.

Sliding out of the way I let Dean shut the door, leaving us right on the other side. Before I have the chance to move away, he slides one hand around the back of my neck and one on my hip bracing me against him tight enough to show his obvious intentions, but with a loose enough touch if I want to walk away I can.

Would you walk away?

Slowly he lowers his face, lips lightly feathering mine in what feels like fear. The soft feeling makes me whimper and melt into him, which is when our lips press together. A moan that borderlines on a growl comes out of him as he grips me tighter, tongue meeting mine with several long hard pushes one right after another until my knees buckle.

I’ve never been kissed like this before. And now that I have, I’m not sure I can ever be kissed by anyone else ever again. Damn it. Dean Kellar has ruined kisses for me from all other men. Funny how I said that at 10 when he kissed me on the swings with just a peck and here he is almost ten years later proving why that’s a fact and not an opinion.

Chapter 5


When I kissed Megan the first time we were 10. It was the day before she moved away. At the time it just seemed like the right thing to do. Kiss your best friend goodbye. Kiss the girl you love goodbye. That way she never forgets you. But a few nights ago when I kissed her at my grandmother’s party it seemed like the right thing to do and not because she’s my best friend, but because she’s my girl. I know she’s not mine yet. You don’t have to remind me. Trust me. I’ve been kicking myself in the ass for not asking if she was single. Or married. I just jumped the gun. I couldn’t help it. Have you seen those lips? Fuck, I’m in trouble.

“Mr. O late for work,” my best friend, Blaine, jokes resting his back against the lockers beside me.

Blaine looks like a fucking Disney prince. Too shiny. And too perfect.

“What would your dad say?”

“Why did you hire Blaine?” the response gets a laugh and fist bump.

“How was class fish breath?”

“You know, I hated English in high school,” I start and rip off my t-shirt to replace it with my work t-shirt. “And I hate it even more in college. I’m a fucking business major. I get needing to write proposals and shit, but classic lit? I don’t fucking need that.”

Don’t let my mom hear me say that. She’d light me on fire. She’s a huge book nerd. I dig comic books but that’s it in that department.

“You’ve got that class with Katie Muller right?”

“Miller.” I drop my jeans to change into my black gym shorts. “And she’s not much better about being blown off after having her back blown out.”

Blaine starts chuckling at the same time Jackson, my other best friend, walks in.

One looks like a prince, the other a choir boy. Believe me. Both are actually far from what their looks suggest.

“What are you two dick brains laughing about?”

“Just another story about one of Mr. O’s satisfied yet unhappy customers.”

“They don’t pay me fuckhead,” I snap tossing my clothes in my locker. “If girls paid me for orgasms, let’s just say I’d make Bill Gates look poor.”

“Cocky much?” Blaine folds his arms.

“Just cause it’s cocky doesn’t make it not true.” I wink.

Jackson shakes his head. “Speaking of chicks, there’s this blonde at the front desk, with the best pair of legs I’ve ever fucking seen. Offered to help her but she’ll only talk to the owner’s kid. You’re up Mr. O.”

“Another day, another blonde,” I mumble and Blaine gives me another fist bump with a chuckle.

Come on now. You’ve seen me in action. You wanna deny that’s true? Puh-lease.

Walking out of the staff locker room of “Push It to the Maxx” the very popular, exclusive gym that my father owns with his old agent from his fighting days, I hustle down the steps and around to the front desk where I see a face I do know quite well.

“Legs,” I greet the woman Jackson was describing with a wink.

“Oh don’t wink at me.” She shakes her head as my two best friends end up slightly off to the side while I place myself behind the counter. “You were too young when we met and you may be legal now, and just as sexy as your father, but you will always be too young to tap this.”

Another smirk crawls on my face. “I’ve never had a complaint before.”

The innocent flirt receives me a swat on the arm. “Your mother would kill you if she heard you hitting on me.”

True story. Legs or Liz which is her real name, I think, used to be a thing with my dad before my parents got together. But that’s not my history to know or tell.

“What can I do for you today?” I lean on the counter.

“My cousin Becca just moved to town and is staying with me to take classes in the fall.” My eyes glance over her shoulder at a younger spitting image of Legs.

It really is creepy to see a younger version of someone standing right behind them. Is this what you feel like when me and Dad stand beside each other?

“Don’t even let it cross your mind Kid.” She points a stern finger at me. “Not a fucking possibility.”

With a slight shoulder shrug I say, “No worries. I’ve already got someone else on my mind.”

And by on my mind, I mean I haven’t been able to function with thoughts of her just popping up. Do you know how hard it is not to text her all day now that I know she’s just a short drive away? To study for a test the same time I’m picturing her naked? Not a good combination.

Legs looks at me suspiciously. “I don’t know if that comforts me or makes me worry more. I know what your dad was like over your mom. I watched the beginning of that relationship almost tank and struggle to float before you showed up. Brace yourself is my warning.”

Why do I feel like I need the warning?

“Back on topic now,” Legs redirects the conversation. “Since she’s my cousin and not my daughter I need you to work some magic to get her under my account without all the extra fees and registration crap.”

“No problem,” I assure clicking a few keys. “I can get that set up with you and Blaine can give her a tour of the facility.” Glancing to the side, I toss my head, “You’re up.”

“Yes sir,” he replies like he should since we’re in front of customers.

Yes, I’m the owner’s son and in charge when he’s away, but the position wasn’t just given to me. Well, it was, but I fucking earn it every minute I’m here. I swear. I work as much as I’m allowed between family and school. Making girls come until they think their pussy is gonna burst is just a hobby to pass the time. To fill the time that if I wasn’t making them scream would be occupied with self-doubt that I’m not good enough for the people who adopted me or how I wasn’t ever good enough for Megan and that’s why God took her away from me.

“Keep your eyes up Romeo,” Legs advises him.

Blaine nods. “Yes ma’am.”

“Oh don’t ma’am me. Makes me feel so old.” She frowns at me. “Am I old?”

“No.” I cock a smirk. “But too old for me, or so you say.”

“Mmhm,” she hums as Blaine swipes his badge entering the bottom level of the gym.

Our gym is what workout nuts consider holy ground. It includes pool areas, spa and massage areas, a healthy snack bar, private classes, group classes, and normal gym equipment. We have been voted best gym in the state both years we’ve been open. 7th and 5th in country. We’re hoping for number 3 this year.

“Who’s this girl you have on your mind already?”

The only girl I’ve been with in the last couple of years whose pair of gorgeous legs I didn’t dive in between within the first few hours we hung out. What? With my reputation, I don’t typically have to wait longer than 45 minutes before they less than subtly ask, or beg in some cases, to see why I got the nickname I have.

Not answering, I keep typing on the computer, “Why? You wanna warn her to stay away from me too?”

“I’ve met you,” Legs replies with attitude. “Might be doing the girl a favor.” When I glance up she shrugs. “Or drive her right into your arms. All girls like the bad boys they can fix.”

“I’m not broken.” My eyes dart back down ready to type in the new information.

“Yeah,” her voice drops to what feels like a whisper. “Your dad wasn’t either.”

The words force my eyes to hers. Still in a dropped tone she states, “To the right girl you never will be. Ready for my info?”

I nod slowly.

Is that true? I mean, I don’t think I’m broken any more, even if sometimes late at night the nightmares of my past become too much to push through. Those are the nights I sneak into Little Bit’s room and fall asleep in her rocking chair or on the floor. There’s something about being close to her that chases those demons away. Like knowing she needs me, that she loves me, that she wants me in the family, having no clue about where I came from, that soothes something inside. There’s only one person who’s ever had that same effect on me. Her family once loved me like I was their own too. Maybe I am still broken...but I don’t think Megan has ever thought that before. Do you?

BOOK: Mollify
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