Read Midnight Kisses Online

Authors: Wayne Jordan

Midnight Kisses (5 page)

BOOK: Midnight Kisses
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“You are so dirty, girl. Is sex the only thing you think about?”

“Of course not. Not when I can take home a few of those cookies you have left over.”

They laughed. Then Cheryl got serious and looked at her with a stare that suggested she knew exactly what was going on in Renée's head.

“So you like him?”

There was no sense in denying what was obvious to her friend.

“Yes, I like him,” she replied. “Cheryl, you know me. Relationships and I don't work.”

“I know it hasn't been easy, but suppose you were to find happiness with him? He seems like a good guy.”

“I don't believe he's ready for any kind of relationship yet. He's a widower. His wife died just three years ago.”

“But I see the way he looks at you.”

“Look, I like him, but nothing is going to happen between us. And I'm definitely not interested in a relationship. Besides, he needs help. He needs someone to help him deal with his wife's death. I suspect that he hasn't yet. I'm sure he still loves her.”

“You know what you need? A good curl your toes session of uninhibited sex.”

Renée rolled her eyes.

“Don't roll your eyes at me. Lately, everything for you is work.”

“And you don't spend all your time at the hospital?”

“Yeah, I do, but at least I'm getting some when I'm not there.”

“Maybe you're right,” Renée said. “Maybe I do need to concentrate on my life outside of work a little more.”

“Now, that's my girl,” Cheryl said happily.

For a while there was silence, and then they looked at each other and smiled.

Chapter 5

enée took her time dressing. She'd found the perfect little number in her closet—a dress she had purchased on a whim a few months ago. Despite the cost, she couldn't resist the earthy tone of the Ellen Tracy design.

Now, looking at herself in the mirror, she realized she had made the right choice. The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her slenderness. Its color complemented her mahogany hair, which she'd left loose, instead of secured in the serviceable bun she usually wore to work. Renée knew she looked her best. She'd often wished she had the height and body of a model, but the face looking back at her was attractive.

She turned away from the mirror, glancing at the clock on the bureau—another twenty minutes before Daniel arrived. Renée felt her hands tremble. She looked
back at the mirror. She hoped Daniel didn't get the wrong impression. She looked ready for seduction, but that was not the first thing on her mind. She just wanted to look good.

The sound of the doorbell echoed in the distance and she grabbed her bag and coat and hurried to the door. There, she paused, breathing deeply, finding control. She opened it…and almost lost it.

Daniel was beautiful.

He oozed sinful sex and she wondered again how on earth he could have been a minister.

He reached behind his back and handed her a small, short-stemmed, pink rose, soft and pale.

She took it from him, her body tingling when his hand brushed hers.

“Thank you. I love roses,” she said. She placed it in her hair.

“Is it okay?” she asked.

“You look lovely.”

She smiled and thanked him again.

“You ready to go?” he asked.

“Whenever you are, I'm ready.” She wanted to ask where they were going, but decided that she preferred to be surprised.

“Do you like soul food?” he asked, while she locked the front door.

“I love it,” she responded.

“Good,” he said with delight. “Have you ever been to Edna's?” At her nod, he continued. “I try to eat there as often as I can. There is nothing like Edna's biscuits.”

She smiled. “I know what you mean. Or the peach cobbler. I can almost taste it.”

“I'm glad you like my choice.”

They reached his car and he moved to open the door for her. She pulled her coat closer. It was a typical autumn night, a cool wind blowing through her hair. She shivered. She could do with some heat.

When she slipped inside the car, the warmth of the heater was welcome, but when his leg touched hers, the resulting heat, which coursed through her body, was overwhelming. Renée tried to focus ahead, trying to ignore to feel of his leg on hers.

For a while they drove in silence.

“You seem to enjoy your work,” he said firmly.

“Yes, sometimes, but the bureaucracy often makes it difficult. Even this case with Jamie is frustrating me. I have a few days to find accommodations for her. There is some state funding for cases like hers. Fortunately, the headaches she's been having are less frequent. The medication seems to be working.”

“I'm going to see her tomorrow,” he said. “She's talking to me but she still hasn't said too much about herself. And if the funds are a problem, I can cover the hospital bill.”

“Well, that may not be necessary yet, but it's extremely kind of you to offer. You seem to be good at this kind of work. Talking to people.”

“Came with past territory. I did spend the first fifteen years of my life after college as a minister. Counseling comes second nature.”

“Why did you stop being a minister?” she asked.
When his body stiffened noticeably, she realized she had touched a nerve.

“I didn't have much use for God in my life anymore. I wanted to do something else,” he said without emotion.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry.”

“You're not prying. It's just something I don't talk about much. I've learned to deal with it.”

“You've been working at the Center for how long?”

“About two years. Before that I did a bit of drifting from city to city.”

Renée wanted to ask more questions but suspected that she shouldn't. The tension in the car was like a pall, so she decided against pushing the issue. She didn't want the evening to be over before it even started.

His reaching over to turn on the radio only confirmed her suspicions. His past was definitely off limits.

“What's your pleasure? R & B, jazz, pop?” Daniel asked.

“Jazz, definitely.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

Soon the sultry voice of Anita Baker filled the car. Maybe something so romantic was not the best choice, but it did take her mind off their brief conversation. Someday she'd really have to press him if she planned on helping him deal with whatever has affected his life so much.

They remained quiet for the rest of the drive, the music helping to soothe their troubled thoughts, but both very aware of each other. Tension crackled in the silence
of the car's interior. While he drove, she couldn't keep her eyes from straying in his direction.

When the car pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, Renée exhaled deeply, trying to hide her relief. If she'd stayed in the car for another minute, she was sure she would have begged him to take her right there in the car. Her attraction to him continued to startle her with its power. Her whole body felt alive. The woodsy scent of his cologne tempted her with its masculine subtlety and she ached to draw near to him, bury her head in his chest and inhale deeply. She closed her eyes. If she wasn't careful, she would probably end up in bed with him. But she was smarter than that. She may be attracted to the sexy ex-minister, but she was strong and determined not to make love to him.

Not tonight.


The atmosphere in the restaurant was perfect. The food was great, the music was seductive, the company was appealing. Daniel couldn't keep his eyes off Renée.

He wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe it was the two glasses of wine, maybe it was the fact that all night long he'd inhaled her sweet scent until his blood boiled with a passion he had not felt in a long time. He knew he was attracted to her, but he'd been able to control his feelings in her presence…until tonight.

Across from him, she lifted the spoon to her lips, sipping the spicy West Indian soup. He enjoyed watching her eat. She didn't play around with her food but savored every morsel that passed her lips.

“You going to have dessert?” he asked, handing her the menu.

Renée browsed it for a while and then handed it back to him.

“Peach cobbler, right?” he asked again. “I can see you have a sweet tooth,” he said. “One only has to see the look of utter satisfaction on your face. It's a…”

“It's a what?” she asked, an eyebrow lifted.

“I think maybe it's best if I don't say.”

“Chicken,” she teased.

“I was going to say, it's a real turn-on.”

She looked at him, and he could tell he'd shocked her.

“I didn't expect that to come from you.”

“Why? Because I was a pastor?”

She hesitated. “Yes, forgive me, but I find it so hard to visualize you standing in front of a congregation preaching the good news.”

“If you'd known me a few years back, you definitely wouldn't have liked me that much. I wasn't the nicest of people. Definitely a little too self-righteous. I believed that I could do nothing wrong, but condemned everyone, even my own family. But I loved the work I did. I'm a lot more
these days.” He leaned forward. “But let's change the subject. I've been watching you eat all night and wishing your mouth were on me.”

He watched her gasp. But he wanted to be honest.

“Right now, I want to take you back to my apartment and make love to you all night.”

She finally spoke. “You are very direct, I must say.”

“Maybe I am. But life is too short to waste time beating around the bush. Not that I do this often. In fact, I don't do this at all. But I'm attracted to you and I want to make love to you. I promise you it won't be a one-night stand. I don't do one-night stands.”

“That's good to know. I guess I'm going to be getting dessert after all,” Renée said with a wink.

Dessert indeed.

“I'll get the hostess so we can get out of here,” Daniel said.

Outside, the wind blew gently. The moon, at its fullest, glowed in the night sky.

Daniel unlocked the car and opened the door for her. Before she stepped inside, he pulled her against him. He needed to kiss her and couldn't wait until they arrived at her apartment. Heat raced through him as he kissed her hard and deep, not wanting to stop. Her heart beat rapidly against his chest. Reluctantly he pulled away, breathing as deeply as she did.

“Come on, let's go,” he said, his voice husky with his desire.

Renée nodded, unable to speak. Desire flamed in her eyes.

The drive back to her apartment took longer than he wanted, and the thought of what was about to happen kept him on edge. He didn't say much, instead focusing on the road ahead. There was no need for idle chitchat. Instead Anita Baker continued to set the mood for the unfolding seduction.

Daniel felt alive with anticipation. He could already
feel himself deep inside her, and he did all he could to stop himself from groaning with desire.


Daniel practically kicked her door in, his mouth still covering hers. He didn't want this to stop. He knew he might regret it in the morning, but tonight he wanted her and that was all that mattered.

The light came on, illuminating the room.

“Where's the bedroom?” he asked, feeling empty when he took his lips from hers.

“The door to the left,” she replied.

She uncoiled from around him, held his hand and he followed. In the bedroom they stood in the darkness.

“Turn the light on.”

She did and then turned to him. She stood bold, the initial uncertainty gone. He moved to the center of the room and she followed him. He stopped, looked down at the bed and noticed its pink frilliness.

She came up behind him, her body barely touching his, but he could feel her heat.

He turned to face her.

He wondered for the hundredth time if he was doing the right thing, but then he felt her hand on him, cupping his erection through his pants, and all his reservations faded.

“Yes, touch me. I want your hands on me,” he groaned.

Her hands tugged at his zipper, slowly easing it down. His pants fell to the floor, revealing the loose boxers he wore, but they did little to hide his arousal. Those, too, slipped to the floor.

She cupped his length in her hands again, and then gently stroked him.

He reached down, stilling her movement. “Hold on,” he said. “First let's get you out of this.”

He removed her dress with a quickness he didn't realize he had, and she soon stood naked before him. She was beautiful, more than beautiful. Renée had lovely breasts. Not too big, not too small. Just right.

He reached out and touched them, loving the way her body trembled and her nipples perked.

She wanted him. He could tell and there was an unexpected pride in that knowledge. A flash of guilt stuck in his throat, but the sight before him was too much to ignore and the feeling lessened to a nagging somewhere in the background of his consciousness.

Daniel sat on the bed, moving her to stand between his legs, her breasts at eye level. He cupped one breast and one stiff nub into his mouth, his teeth tugging, pulling and giving rise to sweet groans of pleasure.

His other hand too found the gentle mound at the parting of her legs, and he slipped his hand inside, his fingers working magic as she trembled from head to toe.

He heard her whisper, “I want you,” and knew he could not contain himself anymore.

He placed his mouth on hers again, slipping his tongue inside, wanting the intimacy that came from contact with a woman. But he didn't want any woman.

He wanted Renée.

He hoped this encounter would quench his thirst for her, but immediately he knew he wouldn't be satisfied
with a one-off solution to the problem. He wanted more, needed more.

For the briefest of moments, his late wife's face flashed in his mind, but he dismissed her. He didn't want this to be about her. He wanted to do this without any guilt, without a sense of dread.

He groaned. Her mouth had found its way to one of his nipples.

His body responded immediately as he felt a bolt of heat rush through him as his penis hardened further still, until the pain of his erection was almost unbearable.

He pulled away, lowering her to the bed, then he poised himself above her.

She reached into her nightstand for a condom and placed it in his hand.

“Put it on for me,” he commanded.

She complied. Her hands were gentle on him. He'd loved the sensation that soared through his body. There was an intimacy about a woman rolling the cool latex on him that turned him on. The feel of her hand on his length evoked a groan, but he breathed in deeply, gaining control again.

When she was done, he positioned himself between her legs, slowly guiding himself inside her. Her slick wetness drew him in, allowing him to slip smoothly inside. She felt perfect.

He remained still for a while, trying to gain control. He wanted to savor the moment, the incredible feel of her body. She wiggled beneath him, trying to get accustomed to his size and hardness.

“Please,” she said.

Daniel didn't need any more encouragement. He moved slowly inside her, stroking her long and deep. Her legs widened, allowing him more access to her, a deeper penetration, until he felt they were completely joined and her body had become a part of his.

Her body moved under his, a slow, circular movement completely in sync with his actions, almost as if their bodies already knew each other intimately.

BOOK: Midnight Kisses
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