Read Midnight Kisses Online

Authors: Wayne Jordan

Midnight Kisses (10 page)

BOOK: Midnight Kisses
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Relief was evident in her voice. “I'm glad things worked out okay. I'm sorry for calling but I knew I had to. I couldn't let him come here and you not see him.”

“He invited me to the opening of the show tomorrow. You're invited, too. You can't refuse. Taurean is looking forward to meeting you.”

“I'd love to join you,” she responded.

Daniel heard a beep.

“Sorry, Daniel. I have to go,” Renée said. “I'm expecting this call. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye.”

Renée was right. She'd done what she'd done, but in the process she'd disregarded his wishes. He'd wanted to do things on his own time and she'd made the choice for him.

He did, however, understand her reason for doing what she did. Renée was so accustomed to helping people that she would think she had to help him. Daniel hoped this wasn't why she'd been so willing to spend time with him. That she saw him as some troubled, tragic hero who needed to be healed. A feeling of dread caused a physical pain in his gut. It immediately reminded him of when he'd lost his family.

He breathed in deeply. He had to take control of his life. He'd basked too long in the shadow of his past. Here
he was again, blaming external forces for his state of mind when he was in control of who he was, who he'd become.

Maybe this was a new start for him.

Though he was off of work tomorrow, he planned on spending the day with Jerome. Here he was wallowing in his own despair and there was a young boy out there without a father or a friend. He had decided to do this work because he wanted to work with kids. He'd felt something for Jerome yesterday. He'd felt his heart cry out.

He enjoyed working with kids, always did, but since starting at the Center, he'd kept them at a distance—until Jerome. He didn't know why his thoughts were heading in that direction, but the boy needed a father. He was single and he was a counselor.

He'd spend some time with him and see where it went from there. Maybe it would keep his mind off of everything else that was going on. Tomorrow night he'd spend time with Taurean and his wife. Renée would be there.

Change. He'd always thought that change brought sadness with it. Instead, now he realized that change could bring something good.


Daniel finished eating his breakfast quickly and arrived at the Center just as the night shift was going off. He greeted his colleagues and explained that he knew it was his off day, but that he was in to do some work. He informed the counselor on duty that he wanted to see Jerome as soon as he arrived. He worked steadily on
finishing the reports he needed to complete by month's end and was on the last one when there was a knock on his door.

“Come in,” he said.

Jerome walked in, bedecked in his usual getup.

“Yo, man,” he greeted Daniel.

“Yo,” he responded.

“I heard you wanted to see me.”

“What are your plans for the day?” Daniel asked him.

“Well, I was going to hang with my boys later and then I have this chick to meet.”

“That means my plans can't work.”

“What plans you mean, man?”

“I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang with me today.”

“For real?” he asked and then stopped. “Man, it's cool. I can give my friends a call and let them know I'm going hang out with a friend. And I'm the man, I'll let the girl know, another time. She won't mind.”

Daniel smiled. “So it's on then.”

“Yeah, man. I can spare you a few hours of my valuable time.”

“Okay, I'll be ready in about fifteen minutes. I just need to get this report completed.”

“I'll go outside and hang until you're ready.”

Jerome left the room, whistling. Daniel knew he'd made the right decision. He was sure Jerome didn't have any plans for the day, but his pride wouldn't allow him to admit it. In time, he hoped Jerome would learn to trust him.


Renée walked out of the changing room and turned around, striking a sensual pose.

“I totally approve,” Cheryl exclaimed. “You're going to have him lusting after you all night.”

“Okay, let me put it back. I want to look classy and elegant. I'm going to the opening of an art show. I don't want my date to feel like he's escorting someone without class.”

“Renée, you know what I mean. You do look classy and elegant and
The dress is perfect for the show. I'm not letting you leave unless you buy it.”

“Okay, I do love it.” Renée giggled. “You know me and red. But I'm going to be broke for the rest of the month.”

Cheryl clapped. “You're going to be the belle of the ball—and you are getting to meet your brother-in-law to be.”

“Cheryl, I think you're going a bit too fast.” Renée laughed.

Her best friend laughed with her. Then she grabbed her hand and took her back to the dressing room. “We also need to get you some sexy undergarments.”

“I don't need any!”

“Oh, yes, you do. I've seen what you have in those drawers.” She giggled when she saw the look on Renée's face.

Renée couldn't help it, either, and broke down in a fit of laughter.

It would take Cheryl to cheer her up. She needed a
little boost of joy and Cheryl had a habit of knowing just what to do to get her smiling again.

They headed for the lingerie department after Renée paid for the dress. Of course, sexy was the aim, and Cheryl didn't relent. So they left the store with a shopping bag of Victoria's Secret panties and bras.

Tonight was going to be a good one. She had all intentions of enjoying the seduction.


Daniel watched as Jerome took photo after photo of the animals at the zoo. The boy was fascinated with animals. Daniel had been surprised when Jerome had said he wanted to go to the Brookfield Zoo, but he'd gone willingly. He'd expected the movies or an arcade. Of course, Jerome did stop to stare at a teenage girl who caught his eye. To say that Daniel was enjoying himself was an understatement. At fourteen, Jerome was smart and mature for his age.

“You ready to get something to eat?”

“I guess. But can we come back another day?”

“We're not leaving yet. Just getting a snack. But yes, we can come back, if you'd like. But you may not want to spend too many days with an old man like me.”

Jerome didn't respond, but Daniel could tell he wanted to say something. He guessed that there were too many people around.

“What about I buy us burgers and fries and we sit on one of the benches over there,” Daniel suggested.

“That's cool. Can I still watch the animals?” he asked.

“Sure,” Daniel replied.

At that moment a man with his wife and two kids asked Daniel if he could take photos of them. After Daniel took several photos, the man turned to him and said, “I can see your son loves animals, too. My sons are just like yours. They would come here every week if I had the time. I try to bring them once or twice a month.”

When the man and his family moved on, Daniel turned to Jerome who'd suddenly gone quiet. He just took the money Daniel gave him and went to buy the burgers and fries.

When Jerome returned, Daniel pointed to an empty bench. They ate in silence.

“So what's wrong, Jerome?” Daniel finally asked. “You've gone quiet on me.”

“Sorry, I was just thinking.”

“You want to share?” Daniel asked.

“It might make you angry,” Jerome replied quietly.

“I promise I won't get angry. You haven't done anything to make me angry yet.”

“I was just thinking about what that man said.”

“What he said?”

“Yeah,” he hesitated. “He thought you were my father.”

“Yeah, he did.”

“You didn't have a problem with it?” Jerome asked.

“No. I'd be proud of you if you were my son.”

Jerome lowered his head. “If I told you I lied to you, you won't think so,” Jerome said.

“I'm sure I won't change my mind.”

“I told you this morning I was going out with my
friends and my girl. I don't have lots of friends. At least none that would invite me out. They all think I'm a thug, but I'm not. I just don't want anyone take advantage of me.”

Daniel nodded.

“And you still want to hang with me. I guess I just…really appreciate it.”

Daniel smiled. “Well, I enjoy hanging with you.”

“So we can keep on hanging out?”

“Sure. As long as you want to.”

Jerome looked up at him, his eyes brimming with tears, and he smiled, a smile that nearly broke Daniel's heart.

“Let's finish eating and head over to the lions. We're going to have to leave soon, but I want to see them.”

“Okay, that's cool.”

Jerome gobbled his burger and fries and was finished well before Daniel was done. He jumped up, eager to resume their visit, and sat back down immediately.

“Sorry, I thought you were done, too,” he said. “I'll sit and wait.”

“I can walk and eat. Let's go.”

Jerome walked briskly. Daniel could tell he was trying to contain his excitement.

Daniel watched him go. The boy's happiness was infectious. He'd almost forgotten how it felt to be young. Here, Jerome had shed his
image. He was just an ordinary teenager, excited about life.

It was ironic how life, once so meaningless, could suddenly be so full of hope. He'd only met Renée three or four weeks ago and already his life had changed.
Despite his bravado, he'd been unconsciously scared to live again. He'd hidden it under an air of indifference…somewhat like Jerome.

Daniel dumped the half-eaten burger in a nearby garbage can. His urge to see the lions had increased.

Chapter 11


The word came to mind as Renée looked at her image in the mirror for the hundredth time. If she were honest with herself, she'd admit that when she'd finally decided to purchase the dress, her mind had strayed to the possibilities that wearing it entailed.


That was all she'd thought about for the past few hours. The rules of the game were changing and she didn't like it one bit. Her plan had been to stay distant as she helped Daniel to deal with the tragedy in his life and start to live again.

The rules had definitely changed. She wanted to help him but she wanted him, too. After leaving the office, she found herself unable to focus, so when Cheryl had
suggested she needed a new dress for the occasion, she had jumped at the chance to get him out of her mind.

It had worked for a while. Her thoughts had remained focused on shopping. Cheryl had been the perfect distraction. But he'd still been there, in the back of her mind, waiting until she was alone to continue weaving his erotic images of carnality. She sighed. The clock on the mantelpiece struck six o'clock.

Daniel had said he'd be there for six. As if on cue the doorbell rang. She grabbed her bag off the table and headed to the door.

When she opened it, she did all she could not to grab him and drag him into the house. If she were dressed to be the seducer, he definitely looked like he was ready to be seduced. He wore a black tux, which fitted him perfectly, emphasizing his rugged, serious look. He smiled, belying her stern impression of him. He looked happy, as if his day had been a good one.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She showed him the bag in her hand, and said, “Yes, I'm ready.”

She stepped outside, closing the door behind her and activated the security system. She breathed in deeply. The night had just begun. She wondered where it was all going to end.


The interior of the gallery sparkled with bright white light. They stepped out of the dark into a room that pounded with the sweet, calypso rhythm of the islands. Palm leaves were everywhere, placed artistically to give a sense of the vibrant, tropical landscape.

In one corner, a table laden with food and tropical fruit completed the picture of sultry richness.

“Daniel, over here.” Taurean beckoned to them. In person, the resemblance really was uncanny.

Taking her hand, Daniel guided her toward his brother and the beautiful woman who stood at his side. Alana was even more beautiful than her photo in the newspaper.

When they reached the couple, Taurean stretched his hand out and said, “You must be Renée. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Taurean and this beauty next to me is my wife.”

Alana stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. “I'm delighted that you came.” She turned to Daniel. “And it's great to see you, Daniel. It's been too long.”

She reached out to embrace him, planting a kiss on his cheek. “You and your brother can do some more catching up. I'm going to take Renée to see my paintings.”

She took Renée's hand in hers. When they were out of hearing range, she turned to Renée.

“I'm sorry to pull you away, but I just wanted to give them some time together. They haven't seen each other for so long but they'll be all right. They are both strong men, but sometimes, I don't think they realize what real strength is.”

“I know what you mean. I haven't known Daniel for long, but I know he is strong. He just needs to remember it's there.”

“You love him, don't you?” Alana asked. “And don't deny it. I can tell.”

Renée hadn't expected the question, but now that it had been asked, the answer scared her.

“You don't have to answer. I can see it in the way you look at him. And you stepped in to reunite the brothers even though you knew Daniel didn't want you to. You don't have to answer that, either. I'm sure my suspicions are correct.”

Renée was at a loss for words, but when she eventually found her voice, she said, “I can see we're going to be good friends. You can already read me like a book.”

“I hope so, too. I think we have a lot in common. We both love a Buchanan man…that's reason enough to be friends. I think I'm going to like you.”

Renée returned the smile. “While I'm enjoying talking about the man in my life, I really, really want to see your work. So lead the way.”

“Now I really think I'm going like you.”


Daniel and Taurean watched as the two most beautiful women in the room walked away.

“They're already engrossed in each other. I think we are witnessing the birth of a new friendship.”

“Yeah, and we're not going to be safe when the two of them gang up on us.”

“The two of them? I'm not even sure if Renée is going to be around for any length of time. I'm not sure she likes me that much.”

“Don't like each other and the two of you are sleeping together?” At Daniel's expression Taurean laughed. “Yes, Bro. I can see that the two of you are making
whoopee,” he continued. “And I have no doubt that you'll end up in each other's arms tonight.”

“Wishful thinking on my part. She's determined to keep me at arm's length.”

“In that getup? That dress is made to be taken off.”

“I've been taking it off all evening,” Daniel said, his voice wistful. “Trust me.”

“I plan to have the hot number Alana is wearing off as soon as we get back to the hotel room. Twice in one day can't hurt, right? I have to catch up on those seven years I was in prison.”

Daniel paused, then said, “Look, about that time you were in prison. Well, I'm really sorry about that.”

“You already told me you were,” Taurean said.

“I know I did. A part of me did because I felt I had to. But I'm sorry today because I really
sorry. I haven't been the best brother.”

“You were a little self-righteous and arrogant, yes, but you were still my brother and I love you,” Taurean said. “And I never doubted you loved me. I just knew that you loved God more. And that's the way it should have been.”

“I'm not even sure if that's what it was. It was more about loving me more and not letting God teach me to love,” Daniel replied. “I need you to forgive me.”

“Daniel, there's nothing to forgive. Just thank God we've found each other again.”

“Then we're good with each other?” he tentatively asked.

“We are definitely good.” Taurean smiled broadly.

“Well, now I suppose it's only fair I take you to see my wife's work. She's talented, and I'm proud of her.”

He turned to lead the way and then turned back.

“Actually I want to ask you a question first and before you tell me no, I want you to think about it.”

“What is it?'

“Thanksgiving is coming up. I spoke to Mom today and she's coming to Barbados. Patrick and Paula are planning to come, too. Mason still needs to confirm if he can be there. What do you say about coming to Barbados in the next two weeks? I know it's short notice, but it'd be good for the family to get together. They will want to see you. It's Thanksgiving. Even though it's not celebrated on the island, we can have our own tropical Thanksgiving.”

Daniel hesitated. He wasn't sure if he was ready for a big Buchanan family gathering.

“Taurean, let me think about it for a few days. I'll let you know by the time you leave.”

“Good, that's all I ask. And of course you can bring your girlfriend.” At Daniel's silence, Taurean continued. “So are we are going to go through another round of denial?”

Though it's nothing official. Like I said, she's skittish.”

“So she's the skittish one?”

“And what does that mean, Bro?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. Come, let me take you to see the paintings. You have to see the big naked one of me. It always makes all the women swoon.”

“You have got to be kidding!” Daniel exclaimed.

“No, I'm not. But fortunately the jewels are hidden.”

“Oh, good, I was getting nervous.”

Their laughter filled the gallery and all eyes turned in their direction. Daniel turned to where Alana and Renée stood. Alana frowned and put a finger to her lips, but there was a smile on her face.

Daniel's eyes captured Renée's across the room and his heart increased its pace.

He wanted her. Desired her. He trembled, his need for her so overpowering. He wasn't ready for this sense of helplessness. He was falling deeper into the swirling mist of uncertainty.

What he felt was strong, but it was too soon to be thinking of love. Inside he was still grieving for his wife and daughter.


Alana and Taurean wished them a good night and headed up to the room. Daniel turned to Renée.

“You ready to go home?” Daniel asked.

“Are you?” she responded.

He smiled. She knew exactly what he meant, but she was trying to be difficult.

“My home or yours?” he asked.

“Mine is fine,” she replied. “Just a nightcap?”

“Just a nightcap,” he agreed, but he smiled at her, a sly, knowing smile.

Thirty minutes later, they entered her apartment. Renée was already wondering if she'd made the right decision. They'd end up in bed and in the early hours of the morning he'd leave her alone. For some reason, she
didn't want tonight to be about sex. She wanted them to spend time together, to talk, laugh and share. But to expect that would be all was wishful thinking. Men were controlled by their baser instincts.

She turned to him. “I'm going to get into something a bit more comfortable and take these heels off. You can get something to drink from the refrigerator.”

“Thanks. I just want to get out of this jacket.”

She turned to head to the bedroom. He was taking his jacket off and moving toward the settee. In the bedroom, she took her dress off and slipped into a large T-shirt. She smiled when she saw him. He was sprawled out on the sofa, legs up, shoes off, eyes closed.

She went back to the bedroom and returned with a blanket. She placed it over him, turned the lamp light off and headed to her bedroom. She was tired, too.

She laughed. She'd wanted them to spend some time together, talking, but he'd gone and fallen asleep. No problem. They'd talk another time. She was drained, so getting some well-deserved sleep was a blessing.

She took a quick shower and as soon as she hit the bed she was fast asleep.

During the night she woke suddenly.

“It's only me. Go back to sleep.” It was Daniel.

He was lying next to her. He placed his arms around her, drawing her close to him until she was curled against him, her back against his chest.

“You feel good lying next to me. I could get used to this.”

“I could, too.”

He kissed the nape of her neck. “I could get used to kissing you every day, too.”

She didn't answer for a moment. When she did speak, she said, “I really enjoyed tonight. Your brother is a gentleman and, Alana, I love her. After spending all day in the store shopping and then going to the hairdresser, tonight was perfect.”

“Cheryl kept you busy, I see.”

“Yes, she told me I had to go to the show looking like a million dollars.”

“And you did.”

“Thank you. You didn't look so bad yourself. Of course, I'm sure you didn't spend all day shopping and preparing.”

“Definitely not. I spent it at the Brookfield Zoo.”

“I've never taken you for a zoo kind of person.”

“I would have you know I enjoy going to the zoo. But this time I took one of the boys from the Center. Jerome. I've been mentoring him. He's a good kid.”

“He must be.”

“I plan to spend some time with him. He has no parents and lives with his grandmother. He's pretty decent. Just searching for someone to care for him.”

“You seem to like him a lot.”

“I do. And for some reason he seems to enjoy being with me.”

“He needs a father figure. And to me, you're a great choice. He chose you. Maybe God wants you to be there for him.”

He didn't respond at first. “Maybe God does.”

She turned to face him. “Promise me something. You won't get attached to him and then run out on him.”

“I have no intention of doing that. I've retired my running shoes. I must be crazy, but I've actually thought of doing something permanent about it. His grandmother is concerned about him, but I don't want to make a rash decision. I'm not even sure if I can be a good parent or guardian.”

“Well, that certainly is a big decision, but you do a fairly good job of it at the Center,” she teased. “Go talk to his grandmother and see what she says about it.”

“I just don't want to do this and then someone special comes along in the future and doesn't want him in our lives.”

“Then, I'd say she doesn't deserve to have you. She'd be one selfish bitch.”

He laughed. “I didn't know you used that kind of language.”

“Oh, I've been known to use a few choice words on occasion.”

“I'm impressed. How'd you like to meet Jerome?”

“Only when he's ready. I'm not sure if he's going to want to share you right now.”

“But he has to know that you're going to be part of my life.”

“I don't know. Maybe if you let him know I want to meet him he might be more accepting,” Renée suggested. “He needs to know that you will always have time for him.”

“That makes sense. But I'll play it by ear.”

“You feeling tired?” she asked. “I can hear it in your voice.”


“Me, too. I just want to fall asleep in your arms.”

She turned back around and snuggled into his hold.

BOOK: Midnight Kisses
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