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Authors: Danielle Sibarium

Man Up Party Boy (9 page)

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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"How do you feel?" He asks kissing his way back up to my lips.


"Good." A satisfied smirk lights up his face.

"Why are you so happy?""

"Are you kidding? That was so fucking hot."

"You liked it?"

Noah grabs a pillow and adjusts himself on the bed so that only his feet are hanging off. He pulls me up next to him, and wraps me tight in his arms. "I didn't just like it. Getting you to scream my name like that, was exhilarating."

I bring my hand to the waistband of his boxers, but he stops me before I could slip it under. I look at him confused, wondering why he doesn't want me to touch him.

"Tonight is about you."

"But I want you to feel good, too."

"I just did something I've been imagining for the last couple of days, and now I get to fall asleep next to you and wake up with you in my arms. It doesn't get much better than that."

Noah didn't sleep, at least not very much. I was so exhausted I shut my eyes and drifted off almost immediately. I woke a few times through the night, like when he moved and settled us under the covers, or when I felt his fingertips trace over and around my nipples, but I managed to fall right back to sleep. 


I wake to the smell of bacon. The bed next to me is empty. Noah's cooking breakfast.

Hearing me enter the kitchen, he looks over his shoulder and smiles at me, flashing his dimples, helping me shed the ounce of nervousness I have facing him after last night.

"Good morning, beautiful."

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head against the skin of his warm, strong back.

"Do you always cook?"

"Often enough. If I don't cook, I'll be forced to live off greasy fast food and chips. Then I'll get flabby and I won't have to wipe the drool off your mouth when you see me without my shirt."

"Conceited jerk." I slap his ass.

"Oh, baby. Do it again, harder this time."

"You really are in a mood this morning."

"That's right. Your party boy had the best night. I had my way with the hottest fucking chick on the entire east coast last night. I got her off using nothing but my tongue and had her screaming my name so loud I'm sure the entire town heard it. And to top it all off, I got to wake up next to her this morning." he says over the crackling of bacon in the skillet.

"My party boy?"

He turns to me and slips his arms around my waist. "I thought we established that."

"I thought you didn't like the name."

He shrugs, "I don't know, it sort of grew on me. Besides, the key word in that sentence was your."

"Okay, party boy."

Noah kisses the top of my head as I nuzzle into his chest. The warm, silence between us makes the crackling and sizzling of the bacon sound louder than it did a moment ago, I wonder if it's foreshadowing to how hot we sizzle when we're together.

"Fuck." Noah shouts as he lurches forward.

I can't help but smile as I realize a spittle of grease jumped out of the pan and hit him.

"Maybe you should start wearing shirts when you cook."

"Just sit your ass down and eat." He pulls a dish of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast out of the microwave.

I shake my head. "Sorry, I can't yet. I have to go exercise."

"No, you don't." His voice is stern. "You didn't eat last night, and you need to keep your energy up. Cause if you don't eat you'll be weak, and you might not be able to handle what I have in store for you tonight."

His eyes crawl down my body, and without laying a finger on me, he's got me hot and wet. Even though we're the only two people in the house, he leans in and whispers in my ear.

"Because now that you know how good I could make you feel with my mouth, imagine what I could do with my cock."

Just to accentuate his point, as if I might not remember how my body responds to him, Noah's lips press against mine, and lead me into a deep, wanting kiss that leaves me yearning for more.

Chapter 13


Noah shocks me at every turn. He really isn't anything like I thought. I didn't peg him to be the type of guy that made sure his girl's needs were met unless his were also. But last night, he gave of himself unselfishly. In thinking about the assholes I've dated, and I use date for lack of a better word, none of them really cared if I had an orgasm, as long as they did. In fact, they preferred if I'd take care of them and they didn't have to do anything.

What's more surprising is it's not just about sex. I thought once I gave into him, he wouldn't want to leave the bedroom. Instead, it's the opposite. He cooked me breakfast, he came out to the beach to do yoga with me, and while he passes crass remarks every chance he gets, he's a perfect gentleman, holding my hand or wrapping me in his arms.

"You don't have any plans this afternoon, do you?" He asks as we walk back to the house after our workout.

"No, why?"

"Let's go out."

The ride is long, but I don't care because it's alone time with Noah. He doesn't tell me what he has planned, but clearly he has a destination in mind. We hold hands in the car and make small talk. It takes a while to get there, and I'm surprised when the car turns into a winery. After parking, we walk through the flowery paths, as we wait for the next tour to begin.

I don't pay attention to the man giving us the history of the place. I don't care how many barrels of wine they have stored below ground, or how many years it takes for each bottle to ferment and age. I only care that Noah's close, and every time we make another stop, he pulls me into his arms and leans his chest against my back, sneaking in neck kisses, whenever the guides back is to us.

We're given glasses to taste several different wines. Sip, swirl, spit. It continues like this as bottle after bottle is opened. Only I don't always spit. There are a few sweeter wines that I like. I think spitting these out is wasteful.

"You okay?" He asks as we are about to be given our last sample.

"I think I'm a little tipsy," I whisper. "Sometimes I swallow instead of spit."

He recognizes the sexual innuendo I slipped in.

"Oh yeah? Maybe we should get lost in the trees surrounding the vineyard so you could demonstrate your swallowing skills."

"Okay, party boy," I call his bluff.

"There'll be time for that later," he says paying for the five bottles of Blueberry Champagne he ordered.

"Why so much?"

"Because it was your favorite. I need one bottle for you to take home to remember this trip, one for breakfast tomorrow, and the rest we can drink out on the beach tonight."

After the winery we find what looks like a nice restaurant to eat at. Once we were seated, I feel the effects of the wine on my bladder, excuse myself, and make my way to the ladies room.

While I wash my hands, the lady next to me makes eye contact in the mirror as she runs her hands through her hair. She's older, like maybe in her late forties or early fifties.

"Do you see any leaves or twigs in my hair?" she asks.

The question seems so strange and out of the blue I think maybe I drank a lot more than I thought. But the way she keeps trying to turn and look in the mirror at the same time tells me I heard right.

"Not that I can see," I answer while drying my hands.

"Oh good. My boyfriend and I went for a ride on his motorcycle."

I smile, wondering why she feels the need to talk to me. I turn to walk out of the little room, when she touches my arm.

"Did you ever have sex on a motorcycle?"

This is not happening. Random strangers don't approach you and ask questions like this. I wonder if Noah set this up to convince me to get lost in the trees with him, but the lady was in here before me.

"If you haven't, you need to. It's the most amazing sex you'll ever have in your life. You go ride with the wind whipping through your hair, and pull into a shady spot, and then just bouncing up and down on top of him in the open like that, there's nothing like it."

"I'm sorry, my boyfriend is waiting for me. I have to go."

"I'm telling you honey, try it. There's nothing better than a good fuck in the open air."

"Thanks," I answer as I rush through the door.

"Everything okay?" Noah asks when I get back to the table.

I'm about to tell him about the strange encounter I just had, but decide against it. Instead, an idea forms in my head.

"What do you say we have some desert and champagne on the beach tonight?"

"Sounds great."


I put my hair up in a sloppy bun, leaving some wisps of hair loose to frame my face. I don't change out the sundress I've had on all day. Noah's commented a few times on how good it looks. He's out on the beach setting everything up. He liked my idea so much, we stopped off on the way back to the house to buy a picnic basket, battery operated candles, and plastic dishes and champagne flutes. Whatever I want, he's more than happy to give me. This is a new concept for me, and I wonder if it will change after tonight. Is this his proven method of getting what he really wants?

In my bare feet, I walk across the boardwalk and down the ramp onto the beach. I'm giddy with anticipation. There's something about taking control that makes my feelings of being beautiful and sexy spike on the confidence meter. Noah is halfway between the shore-line and the boardwalk. There are a few people walking by here and there, but none of them are on the beach. If any are, they aren't in the immediate vicinity, which is what I'm counting on.

Noah's sitting with his legs extended in front of him, leaning back on his hands, his short sleeve, button down shirt hangs out of his shorts and is unbuttoned. It's like a welcome sign. Welcome to Club Noah. I meet his playful eyes, and feel myself drowning in them. The blue of his eyes matches his shirt and is overpowering the green right now. They remind me of the flawless water and beaches of the Caribbean.

"See something you like, pretty lady?" He reaches his hand up for mine.

"Hmm. I do," I answer as he pulls me down next to him. "Something I like a lot."

"Looks like I found your weakness, keep my shirt off and you only have eyes for me."

Once I'm seated, Noah hands me a flute shaped glass full of the blueberry champagne. I drink it all at once, and he refills my glass. The energy between us had changed. Earlier in the day, it was light and playful. Now it's cracking and sizzling. His eyes are again burning through my clothes. I can't help but wonder if he has any idea what I'm planning.

After I finish my third glass of champagne, Noah sets it aside. "I want tipsy, not drunk," he whispers in my ear, before running his tongue down my neck. He has one hand at the back of my neck, and I can't help myself, I rest my hand on the chiseled muscles lining his stomach and chest. The muscles beneath my fingers are hard, but his skin is soft and inviting.

"Did you have a good time today?" He asks as I climb on top and straddle him.

"Yes," I answer with a moan in a low voice, my eyes closed.

He takes a deep breath while running his hands from my knees to mid-thigh and back again. "God, Lexi. That sound. I'm hard already."

"Good." I take his hands and move them up to the top of my thighs, under my dress. With his hands carefully placed, I interlock my fingers behind his neck, lean into him and initiate a kiss that I hope expresses how much I want him.

Just as I hoped, Noah's hands move up my hips, and then around to my ass. He groans and moves my hips back and forth over him, rubbing against him. One hand stays on my ass, the other slips around front and I feel his fingers gliding over me.

"Fuck, have you been going commando all day?"

"Nah, I ditched the underwear before we came out. I figured they could only get in the way."

"You're so wet already," he says before pulling my bottom lip between his teeth and sucking on it. "You want to go inside?"

I shake my head. "No." I reach into my bra and pull out the square wrapper I hid in there. "I want you here, under the stars."

"Lexi Sutton, when did you get to be such a naughty girl?" He asks his eyes gleaming.

"When I decided I wanted to be with my party boy."

He pulls his hands out from under my dress and cups my face.

"Don't do it because you think it's what I want."

"So you don't want to fuck me right now?"

"You know I do. But I can wait until we get in the house."

"I can't. This is what

"In that case, have your way with me."

I nod and unbutton his shorts. Noah waits for me to pull them and his underwear down enough to release him from his confinement. It's my first real look at him. I reach my hand down between us, and stroke his long, thick shaft. He doesn't move. He just watches me. Every cell of my body fills with heat. I know it's from more than a blush that I'm holding him out in the open. That's part of it, but the other part, the greater part is the heat of wanting him to ease the ache inside me.

Noah pulls my head to his and explores my mouth with his tongue. I shift on his lap, and rub against him, flesh to flesh. My pulse races, tiny beads of sweat form at my creases. I pick the foil packet up off the blanket where he left it, and hand it to him. Understanding that I don't want to wait any longer, Noah rolls the condom on, and then helps guide me down onto him. I wince as his tip enters me.

"You're so tight, baby. Go slow," he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my back.

I hold his shoulders, digging my fingers and nails into him as I slide down his length. He pulls me against his chest and holds me tight without moving his lower body.

"Nice and easy."

I expected this to go so much better. I planned to get on top of him and rock his world, not have him talk me through it. How could I be his sex goddess if I'm so unsure of myself. Once I've come down on his full length, and have given myself a chance to get used to his size, I lift my hips until he's almost out, and come down again, and again. Faster. Harder. Once I find a rhythm we both like I stick with it and allow myself to enjoy the feel of him inside me.

Noah's watching me with hooded eyes, like he's in some sort of trance. He lets a loud groan escape his mouth and then pulls me in for a kiss. I'm getting closer, and lose myself to the increased tingling and tension in my lower body. A memory of the intense feeling I had last night flits through my mind. The pressure, the need is growing inside me. I'm moving faster, and Noah's hands on my hips are helping me up and down, leading me into a whole new rhythm. I'm right there, about to explode, and just as I do, he pulls my mouth to his and drowns out the scream I can't help but release. As I finish, I feel his body jerk and spasm in my arms. For the moment we're both satiated. Although we arrived together, neither of us makes a move to break away.



"I just got an email from Cooper," I tell Noah as I climb into bed and snuggle up next to him after drying off from our shower and second round of the night.

"Oh, yeah? Is he having a good time?" He asks pulling me into his arms and kissing my neck.

"He didn't say. He wants to make sure we're getting along. Wait till he hears how
we're getting along."

Noah pulls back, "I thought we were keeping Cooper out of it."

"Yeah, I forgot. Sorry." I hope he can't read the disappointment in my eyes.

Noah runs his fingers through my hair. "We'll tell him, Lexi. Just not yet. Not now."

I nod. It was my stupid idea to suggest we could walk away from each other at the end of this, or that Cooper never has to know. I can't imagine ever walking away from Noah, and the one person I most want to share that with, the one person that knows and understands him the best is Cooper.

An uncomfortable quiet wedges between us.

"I mean it, baby. We'll tell him. No, I'll tell him. But it's got to be man to man, face to face."

"You don't think he'll get mad if you tell him in person?"

"He's going to blow his fucking top, and I could care less. At least if I tell him that way, I know I'm doing the right thing."

I feel slightly better, but I understand that planning to tell Cooper later might translate to not telling Cooper at all.

"Hey, Lexi? You don't have plans for Saturday night, do you?"

I shake my head. "Why are you looking to ditch me for the weekend?"

"Very funny." Noah sits up, "I wan't you to go shopping tomorrow, my treat. Buy the sexiest dress you can find, because Saturday night we're going public."

"Public? What was today?"

"Public as in with my friends. Minus Coop. I'm supposed to go to a wedding, and I want you to come as my date."

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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