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Authors: Danielle Sibarium

Man Up Party Boy (4 page)

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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Chapter 7


I can't get comfortable in bed. I toss and turn. Really what I want is to smash through Lexi's door, climb on top of her and pick up where we left off. I can't get her out of my head.

She's like a wand of cotton candy at an amusement park. A rare treat, sweet from the abundance of spun sugar used to make it. Dressed up to be appetizing with pretty colors. Soft, and delicate to the touch. You can pull off pieces and devour the decadent treat, but tiny, sticky bits you can't see cling to you, stick to your skin long after you're done.

Dangerous. Eating too much at one time, or having some every day over a long period of time will make you sick, eat away at your teeth and heart. She's every bit as  delicious and delectable as the carnival delicacy. And just like a five year old forced to pass it by without even a little taste, I'm ready to pound my feet and throw a tantrum.

She hates me. No¸ she thinks she hates me. Or does she want to hate me because she wants me as bad as I want her? I think of how good she felt in my arms. She fit my body like a well-fitted glove. She felt how a piece of perfection would feel if you could see and touch such a thing. Like a missing piece of myself that's been cut off and hidden away.

She's driving me fucking crazy. I can't figure her out. One minute she kisses me like I'm the only guy on the planet, the next she's using her words to slice me open. But those few seconds that she gave herself over to me, set me on fire. I close my eyes and think about her pressed up against me, her hips, her lips, her tits.


I don't know what happened, what got in her head and spooked her. I want to email Cooper and ask what the fuck is going on? He has to know what's up her ass. But that'll raise a flag and I'm not sure I want to do that just yet. He's my best friend, but there's got to be a reason he trashed me to his sister.

I'm hyper-aware of the fact we're sleeping under the same roof. I use sleep lightly. There's no sleep happening in my room. I wonder what's going on in hers. Is she asleep? Or is she lying awake in the dark thinking of me? Is she wearing pajamas or does she sleep in the nude?

I listen to the crickets sing as I think of all the things I don't know about Lexi. I don't know anything about her anymore. Not what she does for a living, or where she lives. I don't know if there's someone special in her life. I have to think there isn't. If there was, wouldn't he be here with her? What if there is and he couldn't make it here yet? What if he's going to meet her here and I have to see them together? Hear them in bed?

The thought of another guy touching her bothers me. No it seriously fucking disturbs me. I reach for my phone and look back at the email she sent. She warned me to keep any girls I brought here dressed unless in my room with the door closed and she'd do the same with her guys. Definitely no-one special. That question's answered. But she intends on hooking up with guys and bringing them back here.

I can't let that happen. I have to show her that I'm not who she thinks I am. I'm not looking to fuck her and move on. Although, I don't know what more we could have. I'm not a good relationship guy. Most of the girls I dated over the years dumped me because I didn't seem interested enough in what they did with their life when we weren't together. But, Lexi, she's Cooper's sister, which means I can't touch her unless she's different.

She is different. I've known her for years. There has to be some foundation of friendship between us, even if it is buried under some hard feelings at the moment. But why? She's a puzzle I can't solve, and she doesn't want to give me the chance to move the pieces around to try and fit them together.

Tomorrow is a new day. Whether sleep comes or not, tomorrow morning I'll start operation 'tear down walls.' I'll turn myself into a wand of cotton candy, sweet and sticky, just like her. I'll infiltrate her mind and possess her thoughts. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but tomorrow it's on.


I open my eyes to the morning light sneaking into my room through the slats in the blinds. The room's bright. I can't tell if it's six in the morning or twelve in the afternoon. All I know is it's a new day.

My thoughts race to Lexi. I listen to the silence of the house. She's either still sleeping, or out. After pulling on a pair of shorts I grab a tee shirt, but think better of it. I can get a better read on what's going through her mind when she looks at me if I do it without a shirt on.

Once downstairs I look out the window. She's doing yoga on the beach again. I want to go out and watch her close up. I don't. Instead I remain glued to the spot I'm standing in for several minutes. When I finally pull myself away, I look around the kitchen for a sign that she ate breakfast. Finding none, I take out a skillet, and the bacon, eggs and asparagus I bought yesterday. I know the saying is the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but maybe a nice breakfast will endear me just a bit in hers.

Fifteen minutes later, I hear the sliding glass door open. Red faced, all traces of make-up from the previous night are gone. Her hair's swept up in a ponytail, away from her sweat dampened skin. I try to keep my eyes up, above the neckline because her shirt is clinging to her and I don't want her to think I can't have a conversation with a girl without staring at her tits. If it's possible she looks even sexier now than she did last night.

"You're up early." I greet her with a smile and a cold bottle of water. I toss the bottle at her knowing she'll react and catch it, taking away her ability to decline it. She reaches her hands out for it just as I thought she would.

"Thanks," she says twisting the cap off. Her eyes go straight to my chest. They move up and down my body taking me all in, before finding my eyes again. Bingo!

"I hope you're hungry. I've been hard at work in here."

"What?" She shakes her head like she's pulling herself out of a trance, "I mean no."

"Too bad. You won't enjoy it as much as you would if you were ravenous."

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to eat if I'm not hungry," she snaps.

Now she's pissing me off. She wants to think of me as the cocky party boy, then that's what I'll give her.

"You don't get a say." I move closer to her, doing my best to keep all emotion out of my eyes and off my face. "I bought the food, I cooked it, I say who eats it."

"Bossy, aren't you? If this is the way you talk to girls. I really can't understand what they see in you."

"Really, Lexi?" I close in on her so that we're almost touching. So close that if she stands straight and fills her chest with a deep breath her tits will touch my chest. So close, she won't look at me. Instead her eyes are off to the side. I crook my finger under her chin and tilt her face up. "I think you know exactly what girls see in me." I challenge. "But, if you still can't see it, maybe you should take a moment to feel it." I reach for her hand.

Fear flashes in her eyes as Lexi backs up and yanks her hand out of my reach. Her hands flail out at her sides as she stumbles back and falls into a kitchen chair. I allow her to straighten herself up and gather her bearings before I bend down and bring my face to hers.

"I've had enough of your smart mouth." Holding on to the chair, with a hand just above each of her shoulders, I cage her in.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?"

The tremble of her lip is the telltale of her uncertainty.

I bring my face closer, allowing my lips to brush ever so slightly against hers. This kiss is calculated. It's meant to tease, to threaten, to awaken something inside her, any bit of affection she might have for me.

"I suggest you at least try the food, before I'm forced to feed it to you."

"Now, Noah. Do you really expect me to believe that you'd waste your time feeding me?" She asks in a condescending tone looking amused.

I push her chair all the way into the table, and pull another chair over so that I'm right up against her. "Are you kidding?"

I use the fork to cut off and stab a small piece of the omelet, and bring it to her lips. I wait for her to accept what I'm offering before I continue speaking. Once she chews the food, I bring my mouth to her ear, because I'm not sure I could pull this off if I'm looking into those big green eyes.

"Having this close up view as I watch you open your mouth over and over again so I can put something in it, that's time well spent, if you ask me."

I'm on guard, half expecting her to slap me across the face. I wouldn't blame her. I never spoke to her this way. I play it off, acting like this is as natural for me as breathing while I break off another piece of the omelet.

I meet her stare again, and to my surprise, she doesn't look angry or annoyed. She has a playful glint in her eye. She opens her mouth wide, her eyes never leaving mine, until she reaches for my hand, and helps guide the fork deep into her mouth, sealing her lips around it, and then closing her eyes.

"Mmmm." Slowly she pulls the fork out, and offers me a mischievous smile.

I can't move. She just upped her game. All I can think of is seeing that look of pleasure on her face with her lips wrapped around my cock.

"See, you just had to give it a chance," I say as I get up and move over to the sink. I turn away from her because I don't want her to see what she just did to me; how she unraveled me.

I take a deep breath.
What the fuck am I doing?

Chapter 8


I succeeded, sort of. I managed to scare Noah York off. Again. He's standing at the sink with his back to me, hands on the counter, and his finger tapping away. He started it. He insinuated he wanted to put something in my mouth. I just played along. For a moment, I thought what if? What if the chemistry bubbling up between us is real? What if there could be something more between us? Clearly the thought disgusted him because he can't bring himself to look at me. Jackass.

"Noah." Part of me hopes he doesn't turn around, because I'm not sure what I'm going to say to him.
Sorry? Go to hell?

He does turn. Chest heaving. Eyes smoldering.
Holy shit, did I do that

"I'm sorry."

"Don't." He shakes his head, eyes locked on mine. "I'm glad you're enjoying the-- omelet."

"Maybe I was wrong." I let my eyes study the image of his perfectly chiseled chest and abs. I wish my eyes weren't the only things being dragged across his hard body. "I should've given it a chance before I said no."

We both know neither of us is talking about the breakfast he surprised me with. 

My phone rings, and I'm relieved to have a distraction because the air between us is heavy and thick. And there's something else, something that's making my heart race and turning my brain into mush. Whatever it is, it's the same something that was going on when he kissed me on the beach last night, and it's terrifying. I'm so anxious to lose myself in this distraction, any distraction, that I don't check to see who's calling before I answer.

"Hello, beautiful."

Great it's my father. At least the man who lives across the country and likes to call himself my father. Sperm donor would be more accurate. He hasn't acted like a father since he left us when I was ten. He's the last person I want to deal with right now. I'd rather hang up and pick back up where Noah and I left off.

"Lexi, are you there?"

"Yes, I'm here."

"I'd like to see you."

"Hey, is that Cooper," Noah asks. "If it is, let me talk to that prick."

Hearing Noah in the background my father asks, "Is that your brother? We could all go out to dinner tonight."

"No. It's not Cooper." I answer both men at the same time.

"Oh." Disappointment rings out on both ends.

"Tonight's not good."

Noah's eyes are narrowed, his lips drawn into a tight line. "Who is that?" he mouths.

I ignore Noah and turn my back to him. I can't look at him and deal with my loser father at the same time.

"Feel free to invite your boyfriend."

"My boyfriend." I repeat my father's words, not bothering to clarify that Noah isn't my boyfriend. It's none of his damn business anyway. "Listen, thanks for the gesture, but I'm not home, I'm sort of on vacation."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Lexi. I came to celebrate your graduation."

"My graduation?" I can't tamp down my anger anymore, between him and Noah, and the spread of emotions I'm feeling, I'm going to explode any second now. "Are you kidding me? My graduation was three weeks ago. If you were a half way decent father you would've been there," I yell into the phone.

Before I could stop him, Noah is at my side, pulling the phone from my shaking hands.

"Hi, Mr. Sutton?"

I throw daggers of death at Noah. "Give me my phone." I order through clenched teeth.

He holds up his hand.

"Yes, I'd say she's quite upset. Maybe tonight isn't the best time to see her. How long will you be here for?"

Noah flashes me his dimples, and winks one of his blue eyes at me.

"Give me my phone right now," I order.

"I don't think coming here would be a good idea. Seeing how Lexi doesn't want to see you at all. Maybe we can agree to a cup of coffee somewhere neutral? There's a diner nearby."

"No. I will not see him!" I yell at Noah.

"I understand, sir. Again, I can't make any promises."

I shake my head violently.
Why the hell is he doing this?

"Any means necessary. Hmm." He looks me over with a dangerous gleam in his eye. Dangerous because as much as I want to punch him in the face right now, the look he's giving me is hot. It's so hot my hormones are overriding my emotions. "Yes. I'll tell Lexi you encouraged me to get her there using
means necessary."

The son of a bitch is enjoying this. The blue of his eyes looks deeper, brighter as he flashes his dimples at me.

"I'm not going!" I yell as he gives my father his phone number so they could keep in contact.

Noah extends his hand with my phone in it after ending the call. His eyes lock on mine, and the amusement clear in his eyes a minute ago is gone.

"I know you're probably mad at me."

"You think? Wow you really are a genius."

"Hear me out." He takes a baby step toward me, still holding my phone out to me, like a peace offering, or a white flag of surrender.

"We could always cancel. Right up until we walk in, you can change your mind."


He nods. "He thinks I'm your boyfriend, and he said there's something important he needs to tell you. He wants me to come along for moral support." His lips dip at the corners as his brows pull together. Not quite a frown, but not a happy look either. "Unless you'd rather talk to him alone. Then I could wait for you in the car."

"You'd really come with me?"

"Of course I would." He nods and flashes a warm smile at me. This one is different than the flirty smiles he's been giving me; this one is somber, muted. As I look at him I see a hint of the seventeen year old boy I once had a secret crush on. I see the lump in his throat bob as he swallows. "If you want my opinion, I think you should go. If you don't hear him out and something happens, you won't forgive yourself."

I smirk. "Then you don't know me that well. I guarantee, I won't lose any sleep over it."

"You don't know that."

"Yeah, I pretty much do. Because I hate him. He showed me what men are really like, and how I should never depend on him, or any other man to stick around. But, I'll give you this. I
considering going just to put the screws to you. It might be worth it just to make your night miserable."

"You know what you don't understand, Lexi?" he says, his hand on my shoulder, "I can't be miserable if I'm with you." Silence falls between us. "Come on. Finish your breakfast. Then maybe we could go spend some time on the beach together."

I settle back into my seat and watch as he sits back down next to me, pulls his plate over to his spot and eats. How did, in the last twenty-four hours, my life become consumed by Noah?


The idea forms in my head while I shower. Instead of focusing on how I wish his hands are moving over my body lathering me up, I think of ways to get even with Noah. He needs to pay for stealing my phone and making plans with my father. I know just what to do.

Excitement surges through me. I can't wait to put my plan in action. I just need to run to the grocery store. And I have the perfect excuse. I dress quickly and sweep my towel dried hair into a ponytail.

"Hey, party boy. I'm going out. Want some coffee?"

"I was just about to put a pot on."

"Too late. Besides, I want to do something nice to thank you for breakfast."

I can tell by the skeptical look in his eye he's on to me.

"You sure you're not really going to just run off and never come back?"

"Would it bother you if I did?"

His hands find my waist, I didn't expect that, and now my heart's acting all fluttery. Shit. I suck at playing these games.

"Yes," he says straight faced and serious. "It would bother me a lot."

"Because my brother would be mad at you?"
Please say no. Please say that's not the reason.

"Yeah." His eyes move away from mine. "I promised Cooper I'd play nice."

"Okay then." I do my best to sound upbeat and act like he didn't just wreck my morning even more. "I promise I'll be back. Just going to get my green tea smoothie."

"Eww. That sounds gross."

I shrug. "Maybe you should give things a chance before you make decisions about them. I turn and take only one step away before he grabs my arm. I turn and our eyes lock on each other.

"Lexi." There's something in the way he said my name, something that causes my stomach to clench with expectation and anxiety. He hesitates. I wait, holding my breath. His eyes leave mine, and I know he changed course. Whatever he's going to say now isn't what he wanted to say a moment ago. 

"Surprise me with something."

"Sure thing."


"Noah," I call when I return. No answer. "Noah." I try once again, this time louder as I place his mocha latte on the kitchen table. Again, no answer.

I look out the window and spot him sitting in the sand. He isn't in the house. Perfect. This makes what I'm about to do a piece of cake. I place my hand over my front pocket to make sure my secret weapon is there. Yep. It's there, safe and sound. I listen to the surrounding silence carefully as I sneak into his bathroom.

I close my eyes and draw in a breath. It smells clean, of soap and of him. His aftershave scents the small room. It's not overpowering, just strong enough to make my insides tingle. Trying not to make a sound in case he returns before I'm done, I reach into the stall shower and pull out his bar of soap. This way, I get a small dose of revenge, and even if he's pissed enough to leave me and head to the local bar, he won't be picking up any girls tonight.



I startle at the figure standing beside me, and pull my ear buds out. I didn't hear him come in. My heart's leaping and bounding from both fear and excitement.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I called, and you didn't answer."

"It's fine," I say clutching my chest. "I have a good strong heart."

"Glad to hear that," he says with a wicked twinkle in his eye as he holds his coffee up and takes a sip. "Thanks. It's delicious."

"Huh?" I shrug realizing he means the coffee. "Glad you like it."

"How'd you know what to get me?"

"I didn't. I thought you might like to try something a bit decadent."

"Chocolate is decadent?"

"Mmm. For me it is. Very."

His eyes run down my body. He takes his time trailing them down my legs before meeting my stare once again. He does so with a cocky grin, and closes the distance between us. I don't want him to realize I'm flustered, but the bathroom is small and the heat in his eyes is making my heart race. The room is full of him; his body, his heat, his scent. I need to get a grip.

"Let's do something together. Get reacquainted."

"Sorry, I can't. I told Drake I'd go watch him in the volleyball tournament."

"Drake?" His face is blank. I can't read him. I want him to be disappointed, but I can't help thinking he asked just to be nice and now he might be relieved.

I nod. "The guy I was talking to in the bar last night."

"The ass-hat," he mutters under his breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I couldn't have heard right.

"Nothing." Noah gives me a big, fake, cheesy smile. "Do you mind if I tag along? I mean if there are guys playing, I'm sure there'll be girls watching."

His stare is intense as he brings the cup to his lips again.

"Sure. Come along."

He nods and leaves the small room. I feel his absence. It's almost painful; almost as if someone cut off my oxygen supply.

BOOK: Man Up Party Boy
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