Read Lost in Light Online

Authors: Kat Kingsley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Lost in Light (3 page)

BOOK: Lost in Light
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“Holy crap!” I exclaimed when my fingers danced over my sweet spot.

Cupping the heavy weight of my breast with one hand I rolled the stiff peak between my fingers. With slow motions I continued to rub my clit in small circles. The lingering ache kept me from slipping a finger inside, but as my heartbeat thundered in my ears I knew I wouldn’t have any trouble reaching the peak of climax.

Biting my lower lip and closing my eyes I thought again of Professor Davis, his gaze locked onto me, full of smoldering heat and spine-tingling promise. I imagined the ghost of his touch sliding across my shoulders and then lower to tease along the tops of my breasts. My fingers danced across my skin, tugging and stroking in an ever faster pace until I felt all of the muscles in my body grow taunt as a bowstring, my back arching up off of the porcelain of the tub.

Light exploded behind my closed lids. A kaleidoscope of colors swam across my vision as the world shattered and reformed around me, my orgasm ripping through me as cries of ecstasy echoed in the bathroom. When my orgasm finally faded I sagged back down into the water, feeling boneless and sleepy. Stroking lazily over my clit, I prolonged the feeling of warmth between my legs that created a delicious counterpoint to the dull ache that had almost completely faded.


I started awake with a jolt, splashing tepid water over the edge of the tub and onto the floor, startling Ansel who had been sitting in the middle of the bath mat watching me inquisitively. Pushing myself up in the bathtub I ran wrinkled fingers over my face to rub away the cobwebs clouding my mind.

Noticing that the bath water had cooled considerably I couldn’t help wondering how long I had been dozing. Shivering I levered myself up out of the water and wrapped a large towel around myself before stooping to pull the plug. I was pleased to find that the Tylenol and warm bath had helped to ease my discomfort, just as Professor Davis had said it would.

My cheeks flamed at the thought of my professor and the intense orgasm I had experienced while thinking of him. Quickly drying myself off I brushed my teeth, and feeling rather naughty dropped my towel into the dirty laundry hamper and sauntered into my bedroom naked.

Ansel, already sitting on the end of my bed, gave me a disapproving look as I strolled into my room.

“Don’t judge me, Ansel. I’ve seen you lick your ass a thousand times,” I groused, though his look made me feel foolish and spurred me to dig a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top out of my dresser. Ignoring me he extended a leg towards to the ceiling and began to slowly wash himself.

Turning off my lamp I slid between the sheets, snuggling down into the bed, my limbs feeling heavy and loose with the afterglow of my bath and orgasm. Moments later I felt Ansel lay down beside me, a warm purring mass of comfort against my hip as I slipped down into dreams of cool green eyes and long chestnut hair.

Chapter Three

Sunlight streamed far too early and bright into my bedroom as Liam flounced into the room and whipped the curtains open. Both Ansel and I moaned in protest and burrowed deeper into the blankets to escape my overenthusiastic roommate.

“Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey,” Liam chirped in a voice that made me groan all the more and bury my head under a pillow. He flopped down on the bed beside me, narrowly avoiding jabbing me in the ribs with his elbow, and Ansel went careening out of the room hissing and spitting his displeasure. I sighed in resignation when he laid his head on my shoulder and began playfully tugging at the ends of my hair, all the while singing my name over and over again in sickly sweet tones.

“Give me a break, Liam, its Saturday.”

Emerging from the soothing darkness beneath my pillow I frowned at his wide smile and rolled my eyes.

“Why aren’t you still shacked up with Patrick?” I asked gruffly while trying to smooth down my sleep tangled hair.

“He’s working the opening shift,” he said with an exaggerated pout as he plucked at a loose thread on my comforter. “So, I decided to come home and spend some time with my bestie!” he added with a brilliant smile that, despite my best efforts, brought a slightly dimmer, but no less genuine smile to my lips.

Spying my less than enthusiastic response, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Damn his inquisitive nature.

Redoubling my efforts to appear calm and collected I turned up the wattage of my smile another couple of notches, though his deepening frown told me that I had achieved a maniacal grimace rather than a convincing smile.

“What happened?” he asked his voice full of concern.

“Happened?” I parroted back at him. “Nothing, I’m fine.”

Rather than responding to my obvious lie he continued to look at me with his liquid chocolate eyes. I felt my resolve wilting under his gaze.

“Jake and I broke up,” I said in a fair facsimile of nonchalance.

“Oh Rache, I’m so sorry. You should’ve called me, I would’ve come straight home!” he said as he threw his arms around me in a commiserating hug.

“It’s not a big deal,” I shrugged, hoping my apparent indifference would bring an end to the subject, though I felt the familiar sting of tears in my eyes.

“This calls for coffee!” he announced with a broad smile.
coffee,” he amended when he saw my face twist in displeasure.

I didn’t drink coffee often, always finding it to be too bitter and acidic. But early on in our friendship Liam had introduced me to the deliciously sinful and decadent Chocolate Chip Frolatte at Dazbog Coffee and I had been hooked ever since. Coincidentally there just happened to be one not too far from campus. Rolling my eyes at his pleading expression, I shooed him off of my bed before throwing back the covers.

“Why don’t you go feed Ansel and try to make up with him,” I suggested as I got out of bed and stretched with a groan. Mumbling something uncharitable about my cat under his breath, he shuffled out of the room leaving me alone to get dressed.

Walking over to the window I looked out at the bright sunny day and felt the warmth of the sun shining through. It was the beginning of fall, and in true Colorado fashion the temperature was still hovering in the mid-seventies, but could easily snow the next day. Deciding to take advantage of the warm day, I fished a pair of denim shorts and a light cotton peasant blouse out of my closet along with some clean underwear, and walked into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

Spying my reflection in the mirror above the sink I frowned at the sleep-tangled mess of my dark red hair, deciding to braid it in pigtails rather than wrestling it into some state of obedience. My eyes still looked a little puffy and shell-shocked from the night before, but a light dusting of shimmery eye shadow and some mascara helped hide any lingering swelling. Finally donning a pair of grey gladiator sandals with a ruffled rosette on the top I met Liam in the living room, feeling my heart lighten just a little at his warm and friendly expression. Looping his arm in mine he gently bumped my shoulder and pulled me towards the door.

“Come on, let’s get you some chocolate deliciousness!”


Liam’s bright red convertible Mustang gleamed in the sun, putting my poor Jeep to shame, but I happily slid into the front seat and helped him unlatch the roof. The engine rumbled and purred as I titled my head back and slid on a pair of sunglasses, relishing the sun shining down on me once the soft top was fully lowered. Easing out into traffic he flashed me a mischievous grin before putting his foot down and roaring down the street, my stomach feeling like it was still sitting at the curb.

Within ten minutes we were pulling into the parking lot outside Dazbog Coffee, and I was glad for the Pioneers baseball cap that I kept stashed in the glove box. Coming around to my side of the car, Liam once again linked his arm through mine and together we walked into the coffee shop. The air conditioning caused goose bumps to rise along my arms, and sent a shudder rippling down my spine. After ordering and collecting our drinks we settled at a small table nibbling a blueberry scone that we split between us.

By some small grace of God he didn’t bring up Jake, or ask for any details about the previous day, content instead to gush about the Adonis that was his boyfriend, Patrick. I blushed furiously at some of the details he shared, but was happy to think about that rather than Jake. Besides, seeing him so obviously smitten with such a great guy gave me real pleasure after having watched him date one jerk after another during high school.

“What’s up with Professor Sexy Pants?” Liam asked, smirking at me over the rim of his cup as he took a break from regaling me with the finer points of Patrick’s sexual prowess.

Following the direction of his gaze, I felt my heart lurch into my throat and my face blanch before flushing deeply. Sitting a few tables away to my right was Professor Davis. He looked sinfully relaxed in a pair of faded grey jeans worn through at the knees, a slim fitting t-shirt that appeared to be equally worn and comfortable, and a pair of black boots that shone with a brilliant luster. A pair of wire framed glasses perched on his nose as he read a newspaper and casually sipped his coffee.

“What do you mean?” I stammered, taking a quick gulp of my Frolatte to hide my sudden panic.

“Well, he’s been staring at you for the last five minutes!” Liam whispered conspiratorially, his eyes shining with mischief.

“He was not!”

Furtively casting my gaze in Professor Davis’s direction, my pulse jumped as my eyes locked with his. For several heartbeats nothing happened, and then he inclined his head slightly in acknowledgement and took a long sip of his coffee. My eyes were fixated on the slow movement of his lips and the beginnings of a smirk playing at the edge of his mouth. The weight of his eyes on me made me fidget in my chair, suddenly wishing I had worn something other than my shorts and flimsy blouse.

“… Thinking of going shopping this afternoon. Patrick found a darling little boutique down on Broadway,” Liam was saying as I tore my gaze away from Professor Davis and refocused my attention.

“What do you think?” he asked, looking at me expectantly.

“Think of what?” Struggling to bring my fuzzy thoughts back under control I resisted the burning urge to look back over at the professor.

“Earth to Rachel!” Liam exclaimed with a laugh. “Shopping? This afternoon? Want to go?”

“Oh umm, shopping? I think I’ll err… pass, thanks,” I mumbled, unable to resist the temptation to glance at Professor Davis again. I quickly looked away when our eyes met, feeling a shiver of excitement rush through me.

“What’s got you going all space cadet on me today? Is it that asshole Jake?” Liam asked, his hand moving to rest atop mine in a show of support. “Or is it Professor Sexy Pants over there?”

“Stop calling him that!” I hissed, casting a quick glance in his direction, relieved to see him reading his newspaper rather than looking at me. “He might hear you!”

“So what?” he asked as he slouched back into his chair in a boneless way that he managed to make look relaxed yet refined.

“Just hush you!” I admonished in a fierce whisper, my voice trailing away to nothing when Liam’s eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent “Oh!” A long shadow fell over our table, and I felt my heart plummet into my stomach.

Just one earthquake, that’s all I’m asking for
, I thought morosely as I turned in my chair and looked up into Professor Davis’s face.

“Good morning, Miss Parker.”

His voice somehow seemed both lower and richer than ever before, stirring up memories of the previous day, and night. My skin flooded with warmth all the way down into my shirt as I remembered the intense orgasm I had experienced while thinking of him, and those piercing green eyes.

“G-good morning, Professor,” I managed to stutter in reply. One corner of his mouth tilted up with the hint of a knowing smile that made my pulse skyrocket. Somehow he knew, I felt the truth of the thought deep in my bones, and was surprised when a sliver of excitement joined the mortification flowing through my veins.

“I hope this morning finds you in better spirits?” A flash of concern shone momentarily in his eyes as he tucked his folded newspaper under his arm.

“Yes, thank you, Professor. I followed your advice and feel much better,” I said, amazed that I had managed to get out so many words without embarrassing myself.

“I’m glad to hear it,” he murmured, his eyes lingering on me in a way that made me think he was picturing me in the bath. Again I was reminded of the searing passion I had felt the night before as I was fantasizing about his hands on me.

Sweet Jesus, I hope this isn’t going to happen every time I see him
. “I’ll leave you to your day then, Miss Parker,” he said. My mouth grew suddenly dry when his eyes lingered on my lips for the barest of moments before he nodded in Liam’s direction, and turned to walk out of the coffee shop.

“Goodbye, Professor,” I called after him, my heart fluttering at the warm smiled he flashed at me as he stepped out into the sun. Turning back to face Liam I was startled by the shocked expression on his face.

“What?” I said, taking a much needed gulp of my frozen coffee to calm my jangled nerves.

“What was that all about?” Liam asked. For once his expression was devoid of devilish intentions.

“He umm… he was there when Jake and I broke up,” I hedged, focusing on the plastic cup in my hands, watching the condensation run down onto my fingers. For a moment I wasn’t sure he would believe me, his brows knotted in suspicion, but finally he relented and smiled at me knowingly.

“Now I see why you’re so into art. Are all your teachers like Professor Sexy Pants?” he asked with a grin and a devious sparkle in his eyes. I couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out of me, and for the first time since my encounter with Jake I felt like I was truly happy.

Professor Sexy Pants, indeed,
I thought to myself as I turned and watched his retreating back through the large windows.


After Liam dropped me off at the apartment so he could go shopping with Patrick, I spent the afternoon working on a paper for my Sociology class. Or rather, trying to. It was near impossible to stop my mind from wandering to thoughts of Professor Davis.

BOOK: Lost in Light
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