Read Lost in Light Online

Authors: Kat Kingsley

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic Erotica

Lost in Light (14 page)

BOOK: Lost in Light
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I rained kisses over his chest and ribs, smiling against his skin when he sucked in a sharp breath and whispered, “That tickles.” Making him squirm just a little longer until a growl hung on his lips I continued down to his flat stomach, rubbing my nose in the hair that thinned as it progressed down to his navel, drawing in the musky scent that was purely him. I felt his body stiffen as my lips hovered over his navel, my breath curling back to me off his skin. Dipping my tongue into the shallow hollow I swirled it around, mimicking the way he had teased my clit earlier.

A low moan rolled over his lips and I became all too aware of his erection mere inches away from my mouth. I’d never touched a man’s penis before, let alone tasted it against my lips. I had found the thought of putting it in my mouth dirty and distasteful, and yet as always there was a small spark of curiosity in the back of my mind that flickered and burned, begging for indulgence. After all, mere hours before I had been laid open, keening and shuddering, beneath his talented lips and tongue. Wouldn’t it be only fair that I reciprocate? The idea of performing such an act on him both scared and aroused me.

So far my experience of a man’s privates hadn’t extended any further than the press of Jake’s erection through his jeans, or more recently Professor Davis’s. Succumbing to my curiosity I took a deep breath, breathing in the musky almost sweet smell of him, my brain buzzing and my blood roaring in my ears, and began to dance my fingers over him. The trail of soft hair descending from his navel gradually grew thicker and coarser as I neared the apex of his thighs. It was trimmed short and close to his skin, the thought of how it would feel rubbing against my shaven sex flittering through my mind, making my insides tighten with desire.

The brush of my fingers over his erection brought a shuddering breath from us both, his body trembling with the effort to remain still while mine was abuzz with adrenaline. His skin was far hotter than I expected, feeling almost like sun heated velvet draped over steel. It was a bizarre combination of soft and hard that I found utterly fascinating. I stroked the shaft upwards to the wide head, my thumb swirling over the small slit I found there, smearing a drop of thick liquid over him, causing him to groan aloud.

“Jesus Rachel, do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he moaned, his voice sounding almost pained. Worried that I had somehow hurt him with my inexperience I drew my hand back as if burned and began stuttering an apology.

“No, don’t stop,” he said as he grasped my hand and curled it around his erection, squeezing my fingers to show me how hard to grip him. He guided my hand up and down his length, his hips flexing in time with my slow strokes and his shaking breaths. Once I had the rhythm he released my hand, falling back against the pillows with a murmur of “So good.” Smiling proudly to myself I continued to stroke his erection, thrilled by the feel of his hot velvet skin in my hand.

Encouraged by his obvious enjoyment I dipped my head and swept the flat of my tongue over the head of his erection before I could chicken out. He tasted salty and bitter, but not entirely unpleasant as I licked him experimentally. I could feel him fighting the urge to fist his hands in my hair as they hovered over my head, stirring the wild strands of my hair as they trembled. Closing my lips around the head of his erection I slowly eased my mouth over him, cautious of taking too much of him in and gagging. His breath whistled through his teeth and his thighs trembled under my hands as I slowly moved up and down him, gradually increasing my speed until he was practically writhing.

His hands were gentle as they settled on my shoulders, urging me to stop.

“Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry, I’ve never done that before. I don’t know what to do.”

“You were exceptional,” he said with a shaky laugh. “I want to feel those talented lips against mine as you scream in ecstasy, rather than coming when I’ve just begun to enjoy myself.”

I felt a mixture of pride and something akin to disappointment swell in my chest at his words. Had I become so depraved, so wanton, that the lost chance of him coming across my lips and tongue made me feel disappointment? Guiding me up the length of his body he smoothed his fingers over my cheek, teasing my lower lip with his thumb before capturing it between his teeth. While his teeth, lips, and tongue made a feast of my mouth his fingers skimmed along my body to my hip, kneading my flesh with a tempered urgency that made me purr against him.

Hooking my leg over his hip he pressed his thigh between my legs, his soft hair brushing against my shaven sex making me mewl like a kitten. The hand on my hip rocked me back and forth against him, pressing my swollen core and aching clit against his muscled thigh that he flexed rhythmically.

“Please,” I whispered into him, my voice full of desperation.

“What do you want, Rachel? Tell me.”

“More... oh please, more.”

Gripping me with large warm hands he rolled over onto his back, smoothly pulling me with him so that I found myself straddling him, the length of his erection trapped between us, hot and heavy against my stomach. Nervousness fluttered like the wings of a trapped bird in my chest. This was it, the moment I had been dreaming about since he had first awakened my desire. Jake had stolen my innocence from me, but the man who lay beneath me was going to give me something so much more precious.

“I want to feel you inside me,” I whispered into the dark, the silken and sultry tones of my own voice arousing me further.

“I told you, I don’t…”

“Please. I need this more than I need air. I’m on fire for you.”

I felt his resolve slipping. It was evident in the trembling of the hands that gripped my hips and the raggedness of his breaths. I couldn’t see his face in the darkness but I felt the blistering heat of his hungry gaze nonetheless.

“Are you sure?” he asked, the strain so obvious in his voice letting me know that he holding onto his conviction by a tattered thread.

“I’ve never been so sure of anything else.”

Rather than saying anything he shifted beneath me, reaching across to the bedside table to open a drawer. I heard the faint rustling sound of him withdrawing something from the drawer, a spark of excitement and lingering apprehension spiraling through me at the sound of a foil packet being torn open.

There was a slight, almost imperceptible, tremor in his hands when they brushed against my stomach as he rolled the condom down over the length of his manhood. Settling his hands on my hips he shifted us both into position so that he was sitting up against the headboard and I was straddling his lap. Pulling me closer he slid his erection between my slick folds, the mushroom head brushing against my already throbbing clit. My breath bubbled out of me in a gasping moan at the contact, and I couldn’t stop the reflexive movement of my hips that dragged my sex along the length of him.

“Oh, I’m going to that special hell,” he muttered as he slipped one hand between us, guiding his erection between my lips to press against my opening. Once he was finally there, his swollen head teasing the dripping entrance to my sex he felt impossibly large. How was he ever supposed to fit inside me?

“Take a deep breath and let it out slowly,” he directed in a strained voice.

Laying my hands upon his shoulders to steady myself I obeyed.

Waiting until my breath was slowly slipping out of me, he began pressing forward, sliding into me with little resistance. There was a feeling of pressure, but thankfully no pain, as he gradually entered me, stretching me, filling me. I continued to breathe deeply in and out as he filled me, my entire body trembling with the need to feel him fully seated inside me.

Our breaths rushed out of us in tandem when he finally bottomed out, his coarse pubic hair tickling my naked mound.

“So hot. So tight,” he moaned, resting his forehead against mine. Keeping one hand on my hip he brought the other up to tangle in the hair at the nape of my neck, guiding my lips to his. His mouth slanted over mine in a searing kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth to stroke against mine.

My movements started slow and unsteady, my hips rocking in time with the languorous strokes of his tongue. But I quickly found my rhythm, and was soon flying, my hands clutching at him, my nails digging into the skin of his shoulders. Pulling my head backwards to bare my throat and arch my back he trailed kisses down from my lips, over my chin and along the racing pulse in my neck. We stayed like that for several moments, his mouth dropping to tease my nipples while I rode him, my stomach tightening as I felt my orgasm approaching.

“Not yet, don’t you dare come yet,” he growled against my breasts, his forehead slick with sweat as it rolled on my shoulder. Flexing his hips beneath me he ground his pubic bone against my clit, the intensity of the sensation almost painful.

“Oh please, please let me come!” I cried, my entire body trembling as I hovered on the edge of ecstasy, my thoughts gossamer and hazy. “Please, please, please,” I chanted.

Flipping us over in a savage gesture that made me cry out, he pinned me to the mattress, drawing back until just the tip remained inside me, and then plunged fully into me. My wail was shrill as I arched beneath him, straining against the hands that held my wrists tight against the mattress. It was too much, but at the same time it was just right. Snapping his hips back and forth to drive his erection through my folds, he growled and panted against my ear, driving me to unimagined heights of pleasure.

“Fuck! Come for me Rachel, come for me now,” he cried out hoarsely, burying his face in the hollow of my neck, his teeth scraping over my collar bone while he spasmed deep inside me. At his strangled cry of release I felt my body let go, my muscles becoming liquid and weightless an instant before every inch of me tightened and contracted.

There was nothing but sensation. Nothing beyond the weight of his body above me. The almost scalding heat of his erection as he continued to move between my legs. The savagery of his teeth pressing against my throat, and the fingers gripping my wrists. I came apart at the seams and was reknit in an instant by the words he breathed against my skin.

“You’re so beautiful.”

We lay still for a long time, the room silent except for our heavy breaths. Rolling off of me he moved quietly through the dark and into the adjoining bathroom, the soft light filtering into the room through the crack in the door casting a thin sliver of light across the floor and the bed. I was distantly aware of the sound of running water as I lay silent and boneless in the bed, the combination of his sweat and mine cooling on my skin. Letting my eyes slide closed I smiled to myself, awash in the glow of my fading orgasm, the feeling creeping back into my limbs making them feel leaden and insubstantial all at once. I heard the click of the door shutting and the soft sound of his bare feet on the floor as he crossed the room, the mattress dipping beside me as he climbed back into bed.

The warm washcloth was a welcome surprise when he laid it on my chest and began to wash me in languid strokes. Starting at my shoulders he slowly moved down to my chest, pausing to tease my nipples only long enough to make me whimper and squirm at the intensity of the sensation. He continued down to my stomach and then between my thighs, the now cool cloth a shock against the still hot and blood-engorged skin of my sex. As with my breasts he lingered just long enough to rekindle the heat that had begun to recede, making me mewl with exhausted frustration, before moving on to finish wiping down each of my legs.

Through the haze of weariness I registered the wet thump of the washcloth hitting the floor as he stretched out beside me, a soft murmur easing out of me as he gathered me into his arms and pulled me close to his chest. Nuzzling my nose in the coarse hair of his chest I draped an arm over his hip, idly stroking my fingers through the small patch of hair just above his butt as sleep lapped at me like waves breaking on the shoreline.

“Goodnight, Rachel,” he murmured against my hair, his voice already sounding distant and faint as I slipped away.

“Mmm… goodnight, Sir.”

Chapter Ten

Sleep receded slowly the next morning, the dark wooden slatted blinds and heavy drapes far more efficient at blocking out the bright morning light than my own flimsy metal blinds and thin curtains. The room was still cast in shades of twilight as I stretched languidly in the bed, reveling in the relaxed feel of my muscles. I lay quiet and still for a few minutes, my hands entwined atop my stomach, simply feeling the rise and fall of my ribs as I breathed in and out steadily.

I felt good, more than good.

My body held the traces of warm heaviness as if from a good workout, but none of the soreness. Rolling over onto my side I ran my fingers over the empty spot where he had slept, the sheets cool and smooth to the touch but still holding the faint shape of him. Casting a guilty and paranoid look around the room to confirm that I was alone I wrapped my arms around his pillow and drew it to my chest, burying my nose in the soft covering and inhaling the lingering smell of him. The sweet and musky scent of his cologne wove through my senses like a golden thread, stirring up memories of the night before. Warmth began to build between my legs in what was fast becoming a familiar sensation of blossoming arousal.

Before I could sink too deep into memories and desire, the distant scent of bacon caused my stomach to rumble loudly and drew my attention to the faint sounds of him moving about in the kitchen below. Giving his pillow one last longing sniff I relinquished my hold on it and reluctantly threw back the covers. The bare wooden floor was cool and smooth beneath my feet as I paused long enough to straighten the pillows and blankets before casting my eyes around the room for something to wear. Despite the fact that he had seen my most intimate parts up close, and had stirred up feelings of passion I could never have anticipated, I still felt shyness bloom hot in my belly at the thought of him seeing me naked.

Spying an old pair of cotton workout shorts and a faded Pioneers shirt folded neatly atop the chest at the foot of the bed I quickly snatched them up, pushing aside the flare of guilt I felt at wearing his clothes without asking. The shirt, while roomy, wasn’t overly large, and fell at mid-thigh. The shorts however, posed a bit of a problem, threatening to fall off with each step I took. Pausing to inhale the mingled scent of him and laundry detergent that lingered in the worn cotton, I spied myself in the mirror over the dresser and flushed shamefacedly. Running my fingers hastily through my disheveled hair I clutched the waistband of the too large shorts and left his bedroom to pad down the stairs.

BOOK: Lost in Light
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