Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers) (5 page)

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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I came awake slowly
to the sound of soft snoring. As last night’s events came back to me I could not help but smile at everything that had happened. I now found myself in Colton’s bed, naked and sated from a night of amazing sex. He reached for me one other time during the course of the night making me see stars once again. He was insatiable, like a man who had not been fed meat in months and was offered a steak buffet. I moved slightly, feeling the delicious ache between my thighs.

It was amazing.
Not that I had that much experience. Brock Phillips and a random night make out session right after high school. I read
and all those grocery store magazines that instructed woman “how to orgasm” or “what position worked best,” but Colton did not seem to have any trouble sending me over the edge. Just thinking about the way he touched me, kissed me, loved me, had me wanting more. He was so attentive but demanding at the same time.

Now, I lay in his arms tucked in
to his side while my head rested on his chest.
Thank you Campbell.
She picked this small town out of a laundry list of places. If she would have asked me before getting here if I would be in anyone’s bed, let alone someone like Colton’s, feeling these feelings and thinking these thoughts, I would have called her crazy. Safety was an illusion that we built up behind locked doors. I never thought I could feel safe in the arms of any man. But now I felt like nothing could hurt us as long as Colton was by my side.

Should I tell him?
Could he protect us?
I knew some folks were after my dad for money that he took and could not repay. It had happened before but this time seemed more serious. The details around the mishap with the money were unclear but one day Dad called and told us not to leave the motel and the next he told us to run. Campbell and I did not hesitate, hell we did not even pack. We took the three back packs that were always ready and jumped in the car and just drove. A couple of towns over we stopped to refuel, bought a map, and played “poke.” Campbell and my favorite game as kids, where Dad would give us a section of a map and tell us to poke a finger and wherever it landed was the town we went to. It was Campbell’s turn. I knew she picked one when she called out “Watch out Camden City, here we come.”

Dad warned us that we
could be a target so we laid low staying under the radar as best we could. No high school registration for Campbell and jobs that paid in tips. Another small snore pulled me from my thoughts. I looked up at Colton’s sleeping form. He looked so relaxed in his sleep. I kissed his chest, wishing him dreams of me as I started to slip out of bed. The tattoo on the inside of his arm that was around me caught my attention. I was close enough to read the words to one of my favorite “Caged In” songs:

heart always seems to be aching
My beast tearing to get out
His caged walls nearly breaking
My soul dead I have no doubt             



Was his heart aching? Did Colton hide a beast inside that was tearing to get out? His choice of lyrics to permanently mark his body was sad and did not match the person I was growing to love. Was I easing that ache or was he hiding it from me like he did from the rest of the world? I sang the lyrics again in my head.

The song that touched Colton was one I knew by heart. Caged In’s lead singer went to one of the high schools I attended so I started to listen for that reason and instantly fell in love with their music. I smiled thinking again of what happened between us last night. I slipped out of bed in search of coffee and breakfast even more determined now after seeing Colton’s tattoo to find out what was going on between us and if I was getting to know the real Colton. I threw on the t-shirt he had worn last night taking a big whiff once I was in the hallway.
Yummy – Colton.

Once downstairs I
walked into the kitchen and saw two bikes in the backyard. I recognized Colton’s and guessed the other one to be Tank’s. My cheeks blushed as I thought about the noises I made last night and prayed Tank was not in the second bedroom. I never called to let Campbell know where I was so I went out Colton’s back door to ours to find Tank in our kitchen. A wave of relief washed over me as I knew Campbell was not home alone all night.

then made myself at home in Colton’s kitchen looking for coffee. I eventually found some in the refrigerator, where I also found eggs, cheese, and some left over bacon which I laid out on the counter. I started the coffee and went to work locating a skillet and cooking spray. As I poured a cup of coffee, I felt an arm wrap around my waist pulling my back against a warm, bare, and very firm chest. “Hey beautiful,” Colton said in his husky sleep voice which was even sexier than his deep bedroom voice. “Hey yourself,” I said leaning into him.

“Why are you
down here and not in bed with me?” He asking as he moved my hair to the side and placed kisses on the back of my neck.

“Hmmm. That feel
s good,” I murmured as I ground my bottom into his morning wood. He responded instantly to my actions growing harder against me.

“So do you beautiful,” he
rumbled. Colton nipped at my neck and continued his assault to the back of my ear lobe. I set the coffee pot down and turned in his arms putting my arms around his neck.

“A girl could get used to this,” I said as I grinded my pelvis against him.

“I already am,” he replied dipping down to kiss my lips. “You are so soft in all the right places,” he said finding his way under the bottom of his shirt that I was wearing to squeeze my butt. His hands continued to massage me as he pulled me tighter against him. The only thing separating us was his tented boxer briefs. Colton buried his nose in his spot inhaling deeply. “No shower for you today.”

“What?” I asked pulling back to look at him. “Why?”

“I can smell me on you. And I want you to stay like that so every guy who comes close to you knows you are mine.”

“How very caveman of you,” I giggled against his lips. A tingle ran up my spine at his answering
deep chuckle. He added more pressure to his kiss, seeking entrance that I gladly gave as he deepened our kiss. My need for him growing as his hands ran up and down my body. They made their way under my shirt to tweak my nipples. The pleasure pain made my core weep for more. I ran my hands down his chest, over his nipples, to his briefs. I teased him running my finger back and forth across the top of them. I reached inside taking hold of his silky steel rod. The control I felt was as intoxicating as the sounds he was making.

The need to taste him was overwhelming. I dropped to my knees, making quick work to free his erection. I cupped his balls as I started my tongue at the base of him, licking him like a lollipop. I ended with a twirl of my tongue around his tip. “Oh beautiful, that feels amazing.”
I massaged his balls as I ran my other hand over his tip to the base of his erection. My mouth followed the same path as I took him in my mouth. He tasted salty and musky with a hint of me.

My mouth pulled back with my hand following. I
continued this in and out, in and out at a slow pace savoring the feel of him on my tongue. With each pass of my mouth I took him deeper until he hit the back of my throat. “Logan, you are killing me.” I laughed with him deep in my mouth drawing a moan out of him. His hands found their way to the crown of my head as I picked up my pace placing my hands on his thighs for leverage. His erection thickened in my mouth. I knew he was close so I tightened the suction of my mouth. Shock did not even have a chance to register when the next moment I was lifted under my arms coming eye-to-eye with Colton. His eyes glowed with passion and a need so fierce that it stole my breath away. His lips smashed into mine as his tongue plowed into my mouth taking control.

Just as fast I was naked being spun around and bent over the granite island.
Its coldness stung my overly hot body. “Need you beautiful. Have to have you now,” he rumbled in that deep bedroom voice that I was growing to love as he ran his fingers from my clit to my core. He plunged one, then two fingers in, drawing a moan out of me. His other hand wrapped around my waist finding my swollen nub. He pulled out of me to only dive back in twisting his two crossed fingers, in a corkscrew motion. In and out, in and out he pumped me from behind. A loud moan ripped from my throat as the exquisite torture of him twisting in and out drove me out of control.

He gave me no rest as he drove into me extending my orgasm.
I cried out from the pain pleasure as I adjusted to his swollen cock and pounding rhythm. There was no slow and sweet as he squeezed my hips hard enough to leave small fingerprint bruises while increasing his pace. Already my core was tightening when he changed his angle deepening his thrusts. I swore he was knocking on the door to my cervix. “Cum with me,” he grunted as he reached around and pinched my clit. The jolt of sensation sent sparks flying to my core as I yelled his name with my release.


I felt her body go limp as I detonated inside of her calling out her name. My forehead came to rest on her back as I caught my breath. Never had sex felt like this. Never ever had it been this good. I was addicted. Logan was my drug dealer and her pussy was my drug. I could not get enough. Hell, I even dreamed about it last night waking up hard as a rock and needing nothing more than her wrapped around me moaning my name. Her response to me was like no other woman. She knew everything I needed and craved without me saying a word.

“Beautiful, you still with me?” I croaked then cleared my throat.

“Hmmmmm,” she responded.

“Logan,” I said fearing I had hurt her, “are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No Colt.” She laughed that sexy, throaty laugh of hers. “Baby, I’m fine. This is just me oversexed and happy.” That brought a smile to my face.

“I like oversexed and happy.” I kissed
up her spine pulling her stand. I slowly pulled out of her not wanting to hurt her.

“Oh shit,” she exclaimed as she spun around looking at me wide eyed. “We didn’t use a condom. Oh shit, oh shit. I’m not on the pill. We could never afford it and I didn’t exactly have a sex life. And oh my god, what if I get pregnant? What would happen? I’m too young, too young to be faced with these choices. Oh my God. Oh. My. God.” She dropped her head in her hands.
It appeared that her tirade was over.

“Logan. Look at me.” I lifted her chin with my finger. Her eyes were still closed and she shook her head. “Look at me,” I commanded. She slowly opened her crystal clear sapphires and looked at me. I held up the condom we just thoroughly used with a smirk on my face. “Better?”

“God, yes,” she sighed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I was so into what you were doing I didn’t even hear the wrapper tear or anything. I’m sorry if I ruined the mood,” she said into my neck.

I put one arm around her waist picking her up as I walked to the trash disposing of the condom. “Beautiful, nothing is ruined.
And if anything were to happen,” I said as I put my other arm around her squeezing her close, “I would be there to help no matter what.”

“You are my beautiful girl and nothing would change t
hat,” I whispered in her ear, “Ok?” She answered with a head nod. We stayed like that for while just breathing each other in and enjoying the feel of one another. “I can ask the guys where their old ladies go to get pills, ok?” Another head nod.

I pulled back to look her and said,
“I see you were in the midst of starting breakfast,” effectively changing the subject.

“I was,
I’m starving.”

“Why don’t you go and sit at the island while I make us breakfast?”

“Sounds wonderful,” she said as I placed a kiss on her forehead, then her nose, and finally on her lips.

We reluctantly
separated. I walked over and picked up my shirt when I heard a gasp. “What is it beautiful?” I questioned looking back at her.

“Your back,” she said
, coming over to me and turning me around. “It’s huge,” commented Logan and she ran her fingers along the outline of my Soul Reaper tattoo. “It matches your cut.”

“All the brothers get them once they are patched in.” I let her explore
, loving the feel of her fingers against me.

“I thought the cut was intimidating but this is crazy scary. A winged reaper on your back,” she said tracing the wings, “with a scythe. The skeleton hands kind of freak me out, I’m not gonna lie.” She traced the S-O-U-L R-E-A-P-E-R-S across the top and the C-A-M-D-E-N C-I-T-Y across the bottom.

“You hate it?” I asked afraid she would say yes but needing to know.

“It’s a big part of who you are
, isn’t it?” Her answering question scared me.

“All of me.” I waited anxiously for whatever happened next. I knew she could not
literally run away at that moment because she was naked but if she eventually did I would go after her. After what seemed like forever she said, “Then I love it,” laying a kiss on the center of my back. A breath I did not even know I was holding rushed out of me with relief.
I am falling in love with you.

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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