Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers) (4 page)

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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I hoped that
our father’s plan to leave the states for good would keep us here in Camden City, enabling us to feel settled. With Campbell’s diner job and me getting a couple of shifts a week as a bartender at Kilroy’s, I hoped we could make a small life for ourselves.

Colton came back out and from where I was sitting I had the perfect shot of his
flawless body covered in snug jeans and a cotton t-shirt as he strutted across the yard to give Tank the plate full of burgers.
He was simply the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Although my five foot eight inch frame was a little tall, his tall frame made me feel small and dainty. He was muscular without being bulky, his lean muscle on display under his tight fitting t-shirt. Any slight movement of his arms pulled his gray t-shirt across his back making my mouth water. He turned around piercing me with his matching gray eyes, and I quickly hid my appreciation in the bottom of my beer bottle as I polished it off.

“Want another one Logan?” Colton asked as I lowered the bottle. I purposely l
icked my bottom lip and saw Colton’s eyes widen and then darken with desire, convincing me that he was just as affected as I was. He ran his hand back and forth over his blonde peach fuzz.

Hey, goldie locks,” Trigger called to him, “pulling on it ain’t gonna get it to grow any faster.”

“Shut the fuck up man,” yelled Colton.

“I think there is a good story here,” Campbell said from next to Tank. I had not even noticed that she moved to Tank’s side. I must have been staring at Colton longer than I thought.

“Oh there is,” added Tank.

“Let’s hear it,” giggled Campbell staring up at Tank with a tender look in her eyes.
Oh no Cam. This is going to be so bad.
She so had a crush on Tank. I needed to talk some sense into her. You could tell he was keeping his distance from her for a reason. What it was I was not sure.

“It’s simple,” st
arted Colton. “There was a bet. I lost and had to shave my head because of it.”

“What was the bet?” wondered Campbell.

Colton bowed his head and his shoulders sank as if in defeat. “Who could withhold having sex with a sweet butt the longest and Colton lost,” Trigger said.

“I don’t get it,” Campbell looked from Tank to
Trigger to me.

“It means that he had held out the shortest amount of time from having sex with a sweet butt,” I said as I stood and turned my back on
them seeking somewhere to throw my bottle. In reality I was trying to hide my reaction. I knew he was a player just based on his performance last weekend but I did not have to be constantly reminded of it. How could he affect me like this? I had only known him a week, and only spent one day with him. I knew I should not care what he did but for whatever reason it mattered. And seeing from what little hair he had this was a fairly recent bet. I found the trash can and tossed my bottle.

“How long did you last Colton?”
Campbell, you’re killing me.
I headed towards the gate.

Less than a day,” laughed Knox as I walked out of the gate without looking back. “Gotta work fellas, see you later,” I said over my shoulder.



It took everything inside of me not to run after Logan when she said her good-byes after my latest sexcapade was shoved in her face. It was a stupid bet. I had not even met her yet. It should not matter. Yet I felt terrible that my past was haunting Logan or what I could have with her.
Damn. Could have with her?

I shook my head to clear th
ose thoughts of her and me as anything. Did I want that? Or did I want nights that ended in me having my head shaved?
God, I sound like a pussy.
My thoughts drifted to that long run that ended with meeting Logan and Campbell. We were visiting the Hellhounds MC who were known for their never-ending supply of sweet butts, both willing and unwilling. We had gotten into camp right before sunset making the bet on the road there. I was scheduled to fight one of their brothers who was home from the Navy on leave. The first night I was beat to hell from fighting and winning so I just drank myself to sleep. The next morning I awoke to aches and pains that got washed away with my favorite amber-colored friend Jack. He was a favorite of mine and a constant companion. By mid-day I was so drunk that I could barely stand and as a reward for winning, I was given two nameless crutches with big tits and loose pussies. The worst part was I do not even remember a damn thing except waking up to a shaved head and two bare-ass sweet butts wrapped around my naked body.

I heard
Tank holler which snapped me out of my thoughts. He finished up on the grill and everyone ate outside, shit talking and laughing. I sat off to the side thinking about Logan. Tina and Worm had walked in a few minutes ago and were making plates. I went inside to check on them and grab another beer when Cam walked in as Tina and Worm went back outside.

“Do you care if I make a plate for Logan?”
She asked looking at the leftovers.

“No, go ahead.” I responded
, watching her start to pick the best of everything that was left.

“So where you from?”
I asked trying to learn more about my beautiful neighbors.

“All over,” she replied
not looking at me.
Vague much?

“Where do your parents live?”

“Mom died from cancer a while back and we had a falling out with our father, so it’s just us.”

Sorry to hear about your mom, Cam.” I walked to her side of the island and leaned against it. She just shrugged in response. “Where did you move from?” 

“A small town just like this one,” she answered continuing to make her sister’s plate.

“Where did your sister get a job?” I washed down my urge to shake some real answers out of her with another swing of beer.

Kilroy’s,” she more asked than said, “got any tin foil?”

“No shit.”
That place was a fucking time bomb. When we were not partying at the clubhouse we were dipping our wicks there.

Cam must have taken my expression as a knock on Logan’s skills because she said, “
She’ll be fine. She was a bartender before.”

“That’s not it, Cam,” I spit out through clenched teeth
, shoving the box of tin foil at her. “That is a rough bar with all sorts of shady shit going in and out of there.”

“She didn’t really have a choice. This week she went to every business and no one was h
iring. One look from the owner of Kilroy’s and she was hired on the spot.”

“Well no shit Cam,” I yelled. “Your sister is fucking gorgeous and being a bartender there will keep the fools there drinking and spending their money just to look at her perfection for a little bit longer.

“Colton, she will be fine,” reassured Cam.

Damn right.
I knew where I was drinking tonight.


It was ten o’clock and the place was packed. Mona, short for Montana, was my partner behind the bar and the Barbie twins, Candy and Brandy, were our cocktail waitresses.
Yes, Candy and Brandy.
They were nice enough and from what I could tell they knew most of the patrons, if I counted being groped and manhandled by every guy they served. I thought I saw a few women, but could not tell because of how dark it was three steps away from the bar. There was some god-awful band murdering “Welcome to the Jungle” on stage but no one seemed to mind.

all, it appeared like a typical Hollywood rendition of a biker bar. If a fight broke out, most of the patrons could be heard encouraging the action to continue. No fight lasted long and it was quickly pushed out the front door by the very scary and very large bouncers, Lance and Big Jay.

I swore
under my breath when yet another Creepy McCreeper motioned me to lean over the bar to hear his order. I knew him and his buddy just wanted to see if my assets would spill out of my very tight tank top because my breasts had nowhere to go but out. The peep show must have not been enough because as he ordered he ran his index finger along the edge of the top of my tank. Before I could pull back, two large hands appeared on his shoulders and he was ripped from the bar. Colton stepped in his place before me.

“Hey beautiful,” he rumbled picking up where the last guy left off tracing the edge of my top. Goose bumps answered the call of his index finger on my skin. An audible gasp escape
d my mouth. Colton was so close I could hear his chuckle in response.

” I straightened up, willing my breast back into my top. “How are you?” A flash of emotion was there and gone before he tightened his jaw showing his displeasure. At what I was not sure; something I said or what he had just witnessed.

“Better when you call
me Colt, Logan,” he said as he leaned upon his elbow looking out into the crowd.

“Can I get you something?” I asked
, wanting his eyes back on me.

“I don’t think you are ready to give me what I want so I’ll
take a beer.” I got my wish and his gray eyes connected with mine. The stone cold from a moment earlier was replaced with darkened desire.

I was
speechless so I just nodded as I turned to grab him a beer. As I handed it to him he reached across the bar cupping my neck. He drew me closer, murmuring, “I got to stake my claim beautiful or we will have trouble all night,” as his lips crushed mine. His tongue pushed against my lips seeking entrance which I immediately granted. I moaned as his tongue caressed mine. Everything around me faded away but eventually I found my way back to the surface of that kiss as he lessened the pressure of his mouth.  His lips hovered over mine as he lightly kissed the corner of my mouth. Colton leaned in closer as he growled “mine” across my lips before resuming his lean against the bar as if nothing had happened.

“And Logan
” he called over his shoulder, “I am taking you home tonight.” From the look in his eyes I could see that this was not up for discussion. He winked and turned back to watching the rowdy crowd.

Mona threw an arm around my shoulder as she turned me bac
k to work, “That was hot as hell honey but we got work to do.” Her laughter rang in my ears as she stepped away to help a customer. I snuck a peek back at Colton and his eyes were back on me where they stayed the rest of the night.


Logan tasted better than anything I could imagine. The second kiss better than the first. I had a feeling that it would always be like that with Logan, better every fucking time. Her pouty pink lips were soft; her resistance nonexistent as I kissed her in front of the whole bar. I noticed the minute we walked into Kilroy’s that eyes were on Logan. Every laugh, every smile drew another pair until the entire bar was staring. I almost lost my shit when I saw asshole after asshole having her lean across the bar to get their order.  Each prick drew me closer to Logan like a junkie to his next fix; I could not stop myself. I totally lost it when I saw that fucker touch her. I gestured to Knox and he removed him from her space so that I could take his place. As I stepped up I could see the vultures circling and I had to put a stop to it. I knew nothing would get them away from her unless they knew she was mine. So I staked my claim and marked her with my lips in front of everyone. I thought she would fight me and try to pull back or push me off, but instead she leaned into it, accepted it; even let me deepen it until I completely fell over the edge.

I adjusted myself trying to find some comfort in these snug ass jeans. They were great for riding but hard on the junk whenever Logan was around.  Her shift could not end quickly enough. I was going to throw her on the back of my bike so that we could figure this shit out tonight. I needed a release and there was only one place I was going to find it . . . Logan.




True to his word Colton was waiting for me as I walked out of Kilroy’s at three o’clock in the morning. “Have you been waiting long?” I asked as I walked up to his bike. Colton was leaning against it with his arms folded across his chest.

“My whole life,” he responded as he snaked his arms around my waist pulling me in between his legs.

“I find that hard to believe Colt,” I teased as I leaned in placing a soft kiss on his lips.

’s the truth beautiful,” Colton said as he trailed light kisses across my chin ending up at his spot. “I don’t know how, but it is.”

His whispered words
made my heart rate pick up as desire coursed through my veins. “I want you,” he continued into my neck as he grinded my hips into his erection. A small moan slipped out of me as I let him set the pace of our bodies meeting. “Now,” he growled, causing my core to ache and my panties to dampen. 

He handed me a half helmet as he straddled his bike. “Get on.”

“What about you?” I asked, putting on the helmet.

“Never shared my bike with someone before so I only have one,” he explained. My heart melted at his words.
Only an old lady rides bitch on a bike.
My father’s words came back to me. I pushed any thoughts of old ladies out of my mind as I took Colton’s hand and mounted the bike. I looped my arms around his waist and hugged his backside with my thighs. After righting the bike, Colton brought the bike to life. He then gave my hands a little squeeze. He looked back at me over his shoulder mouthing something.
Did he just say perfect?
I squeezed him tighter and the bike started in the direction of our duplex.

The ride was exhilarating. I lean
ed back until my arms were straight, letting the wind whip my hair. The freedom from riding was one of the things I loved about my dad’s bike. One of Colton’s hands on mine kept us connected. It was the happiest I could remember being in a long time.
He was at the center of my thoughts, my dreams, my everything lately. I pulled myself up, hugging myself to him, breathing in his leather and musk scent. The rumble of the bike, him between my legs, and his hard back rubbing against my breasts made my body hum with unspent desire.

We turned on our street brin
ging us home quicker than I wanted. After turning off the bike, Colton turned placing his hands on my waist. He lifted me effortlessly from the back of the bike to the front to straddle him. My smile mirrored that on Colton’s face as he found his spot in my neck. His deep breath caused goose bumps to break out across my neck and shoulders and a shiver to run down my back.

“Cold?” he asked. I shook my head in response. “You sure?” he chuckled
, looking at me with warm gray eyes.

“Positive,” I said as I glossed my lips over his. With
out another word he lifted me off the bike, setting me next to it as he dismounted and led me into his house.


I had to get her inside before I took her right there on my damn bike for the whole block to see. My cock was throbbing and rock hard against my jeans; the fit so tight it was starting to hurt. I never needed to be inside a woman like I needed to be in her. Like right now or I would burst in my pants. Just her scent and some whispered words and I was a goner . . . so fucking hard that I could barely walk straight. I did not stop moving until we were upstairs and I was closing my bedroom door. I was single minded in my determination to be inside of Logan. Nothing was going to stop this from happening.

The only sound in the room was my heavy pants as I released her hand and walked to the window. I
was wound so tight that I did not want to scare her, or worse, hurt her. I started to second guess myself and I hated it.
When did I ever care about shit like this?
I ran my hands back and forth over my head letting out a big sigh. My head was all over the place – wound tight for the need she brought out in me, yearning for the feel of her, needing to watch her come apart underneath me. I flinched when her cold hands encased one of tightly balled fists. Her forehead came to rest on the outside of my arm as her fingertips skimmed up and down my arm. On the next glide up my arm, her fingers moved over the outside of my cut and across my chest. Her hand stopped on my heart. She sighed as I placed my other hand on top of hers. The comfortable silence surrounded us like a warm blanket.

She did not utter a word as she came to
stand in front of me. Her eyes followed her hands as they slid under my cut taking it off my shoulders.
And this is the moment when I knew
. Instead of letting it fall to the floor like any other piece of clothing, she carefully folded it in half and laid it across the armchair next to the window.
How did she know that meant more to me than anything?

I could not stop staring at the beauty in front of me.
“I want you Colt,” she purred as she stepped back into my space finally meeting my gaze.

“Take what you
want beautiful.” My voice grew deeper from my pent up desire. Her hands moved to the bottom of her top as she pulled it up and over her head dropping it to the floor. She took my balled up fist and massaged it until I relaxed my hand in hers. Logan then moved it to rest on her lace covered breasts. She began kneading both of her breasts, with one hand still over mine until I started to take over. I reached around with my other hand and undid her bra, letting it fall to our feet. Our foreheads touched as we both moaned from me returning to caress her naked breasts and her rubbing her hand up and down my denim clad shaft.

“These off,” she
said across my lips as she undid my jeans finding my preference for going commando. She pushed them down my legs as my cock sprang free. She covered my hands still on her breasts and pulled me towards her as I stepped out of my shoes and the denim pool at my feet.

She pressed her lips to mine and
slowly glided her tongue across my bottom lip. I answered her tongue’s call and opened my mouth allowing her to deepen the kiss as she ran her hands down my body encircling my rock hard cock with her now warm hands. Logan wasted no time in finding a rhythm working my shaft back and forth with her hands. It was my turn to wander as my hands left her ample breasts and traveled down her body to the waistband of her skirt. I made quick work of removing the rest of her clothing.

We both came up for air as I lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her
long legs around my waist. “You are so beautiful, Logan.” She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against mine. “And you are perfect,” she whispered back. I walked over to the bed gently setting her down in the middle of it. I started to pull back from her but stopped when her hand slid down my torso wrapping around my weeping cock. And that was all it took for me to settle between her thighs as she continued to work me over. “Beautiful, you need to stop or this won’t be any fun for you.” Her sexy laugh made me grow harder.

In response, I took her lips in a
scorching kiss, moving my hand down between her breasts, over her stomach, to her inner thighs. They were smooth and soft as my hand inched towards her core, right where I wanted to be.  The first pass of my hand over her heat had my cock throbbing in time with my heart. “Please, Colt,” she begged. I needed to move this along or we would not be having any sex.

I started with my index finger
at her clit, slowly moving it through her folds to her entrance. My fingers rubbed back and forth until she was whimpering under me and then I plunged one finger into her pussy finding it hot and tight. “Oh God, Logan,” she sighed, “that feels amazing.” I added a second finger while increasing my pace. Her hips came off the bed in time with my fingers. In, out, in, out. A staggering pace as I felt her internal walls start to tighten. “Come for me beautiful.”


“Yes, oh God, yes,” I responded, calling out his name as I fell over the edge. My core exploded as I closed my eyes against the stars filling my vision. His fingers never stopped as I came down from my orgasm, ringing every last sensation out of me.

“You are
even more beautiful when you cum,” Colton said as he kissed along my jaw and rubbed his nose back and forth over his spot. His fingers were still moving in and out at a slow pace. His movements aided by my wetness. I nudged his cheek with my nose so that he would look at me. When he did I took his face in both my hands, placing soft kisses starting at the corners of his mouth.  I traced my tongue across the seam of his lips, begging for entrance. When his lips opened my tongue darted in connecting with his. I moved my hands down his body to his hips where I guided him completely on top of me. I spread my thighs taking all of him against me, loving the feel of his weight on me. I could feel his rock hard need for me against my stomach, which spurred my own desire for more.

“We don’t have to beautiful,” Colton whispered. His words like caress across my lips.

“Yes, we do Colt. I need you more now.” I said hoping he could hear the truth in my words. At that, he leaned over the side of the bed, my knees bending to accommodate him as he reached for his jeans. He came back ripping the condom wrapper with his teeth as he got to his knees still between my thighs.

Colton, all six foot two of him
, between my thighs was a gorgeous sight. His chest rippled as he stroked himself. My core throbbed watching him run his palm back and forth over himself. “Like what you see?” he asked sliding the condom on.

“God yes,” I answered as he settled between my thighs and started rubbing his head up and down between my
core and my clit. “Please, Colt,” I begged wanting him in me. “I need you.”

“I know beautiful. I know,” he said as he slowly settled at my throbbing core. He lowered himself so that his arms were on either side of my head and his body hovered over mine. I lifted my waist pushing his tip inside of me.
“Look at me,” he demanded, his voice as tense as his body.

I had not even realized that I closed my eyes. I opened them to see two orbs molten with desire staring straight into me. My breath hitched as he entered me slowly, inch by inch. My desire flooded my core as I stretched to accommodate his hardness. His breathing ragged next to my ear as he pushed in
to the hilt. My thighs widened to take all of him before he ever-so-slowly started to pull out. I moaned at the pleasure he was drawing out of me with his slow torture.

On his second pass of deliberate torment, I lifted my legs placing them around his waist. I whispered, “more,” in his ears as I used my legs to push him back into me as I thrust my hips up forcing him to go faster. He growled
, “Such a greedy pussy, beautiful,” as he pulled back out and slammed into me soliciting a loud moan out of me. I could feel the pull in my lower abdomen as my walls started to tighten as his pace grew more frenzied. “Not yet,” he groaned as his tongue mimicked the pace of his hips thrusting in and out of my mouth.  I held on as long as I could until blackness crept at the corners of my vision and I let go.

“Yes, oh God, yes . . . don’t stop Colton,” I begged as my hips met him one last time sending us both over the edge. Everything ceased to exist as sparks flew through my body from my core. Tremors rocked my body from the hardest orgasm I ever had.

As I came down from my high, I felt soft kisses along my jaw to my ear and back again. “Welcome back beautiful,” Colton said as he found his favorite spot and inhaled. “Even better than before, a hint of me thrown in makes you smell amazing.”
I giggled in response.
Yes, giggled.

“I am going to clean up and b
e right back. Don’t move,” he instructed. We both groaned as he pulled out of me. I already missed feeling us together, making us one. Colton was back in bed within a minute. “So beautiful,” he murmured as he placed a kiss on my hip bone. He threw the cloth towards the bathroom as he rolled me over so that my back was against his chest. He slid one arm under my neck and the other around my waist, pulling me deeper into his body. “Perfect,” he crooned as he traced circles around my belly button. “Sleep, beautiful,” was the last thing I heard as I drifted off into oblivion.

BOOK: Logan's Reaper (Soul Reapers)
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