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Authors: Cherron Riser

Kisses and Revenge (6 page)

BOOK: Kisses and Revenge
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"Fuck! Adam! You are driving me crazy!" she screamed out, wishing she could score her pleasure down his back.

"It's how I like you. Crazy with lust and screaming my name. Go on, scream it so the neighbors hear you while I fuck your brains out. I love how you let the world know who makes you come so hard." His voice was harsh, like an animal's growl, and it sent a chill up Leslie's spine. In all her life, she had never thought she would experience anything like what Adam did to her when they were together. Her body trembled on the edge of another orgasm, and her breath held, desperate to force it to happen.

Adam leaned forward, nibbling and biting into her spine. The sensation shot through her body like fire, and before she knew what was happening, another powerful orgasm exploded from deep inside of her. She felt him thrust hard and deep one last time into her before he released with a roar. One of his hands gripped tightly as the other continued to wildly massage her clit until every last shiver of her orgasm passed, and she collapsed in a sweaty pile of flesh and nerves against the counter.

He pulled her to him, falling back into the chair and holding her carefully in his lap. His lips brushed lightly against her temple as he rocked her and whispered of his undying love for her. She felt high and weak and sensitive to everything. Even the way his breath grazed over her skin had her shaking in memories of her orgasm. It had been a glorious experience, and Leslie had never felt so sated in all of her life.





Chapter Eight




Warren working with Adam had been a better blessing than either of them had expected. With his newfound responsibility, a maturity began to take hold. He showed up to work on time every day, and the late night calls saying he had gotten into some sort of trouble had all but stopped. Because of this, Adam had become a lot happier, and Leslie's relationship with him had only grown.

As promised, Adam put in for them to go on vacation. He figured a cruise would be just the thing and set up a date for it. Leslie couldn't wait to be out on the ocean with her man, working hard on making their baby. Not that baby-making was a difficult task. She could spend all day every day enjoying Adam's body and never complain, but it was a trip she was most excited for. It had been far too long since they had gotten away, and Leslie couldn't help but dance and sing as she worked on getting their bags packed.

Sharron had gone shopping with her, helping her pick out sexy swimwear and lingerie for the occasion. After a day going through every store in the mall, they decided to finish things off with a makeover so Leslie would look her absolute best. A grin spread over her lips thinking of all the outfits she had gotten together for the trip. It was going to be a sexy five-day excursion, which she was sure would end with her pregnant.

The sound of the door opening and closing echoed down the hall, and Leslie smiled. Adam had said he was meeting with Warren to make sure he was okay taking over for the next week while they were out of town, and then he would be home so they could head to the docks. It was a couple of hours to where they were leaving out from, and he had wanted to have lunch with her before they got on the boat. Everything was planned out and perfect.

"Hey, baby, you about ready to head out? I don't want us to miss our boat," Adam purred, moving in behind her and wrapping his arms around her. He nibbled at the back of her neck for a moment then pulled away. Grabbing his suitcase, Leslie smiled watching him walk out glad he had taken the time to pack the night before.

"Just a few more moments. I am almost ready. I will be ready by the time you finish loading up the rest of our stuff." Leslie turned and gave him a quick kiss before he walked back out and smiled.

Finishing shoving all of her things into her suitcase, she made sure she had her makeup and toiletries before zipping up the case. Finished with her packing, she wheeled her suitcase out to Adam who was already loading up the last of their things. He took the case from her and put it into the back seat. Leslie slid into the passenger side, and a moment later they were off.

The roads twisted and turned as they cut across to where the docks were. Living on the ocean didn't mean they were always close to the cruise lines, but it did mean it wouldn't be difficult to get to where they were headed. Adam flirted with her like he did when they were young, petting her leg and teasing her thigh. It was an innocent sort of flirting that had her blushing and squirming in a matter of moments.

By the time they pulled into the restaurant parking lot, she was throbbing with need and giddy with excitement. The smile on her face nearly hurt, but she couldn't make herself stop. Adam was smiling pretty widely as well, and there was a wicked gleam in his eyes that kept Leslie's temperature climbing.

"I love this place. We haven't been here in a long time, but I remember when I brought you here just after we graduated. It was really nice." The way he looked at her sent a shiver down her spine.

The waitress sat them at a table, which overlooked the ocean, and took their drink order. The sight of the waves crashing over the sand was captivating and made Leslie smile as she reached across the table to hold his hand. Adam was right. It had been one of her favorite dates when they had come out to this restaurant, and she was glad he had remembered.

Breathing out, she looked up at Adam and his wicked grin. "You are so good to me. I am glad we decided to come on this trip."

"I think we both needed it. Things have been crazy since, well, and I know I have been taking you for granted. It isn't fair to you that you have been having to take care of me and all of my social obligations, on top of listening to me bitch about Warren all the time. I honestly don't know how you put up with me so much." Adam chuckled, but there was sincerity in his voice as well. It was the way he dealt with his issues. Adam was not good at admitting his problems, but he always handled them.

"I know you needed me to be there for you. You didn't mean for all of this to happen. You had a lot dropped on your plate all at once. I understand that, but it is time for things to get back to normal. We can't keep living like it just happened." Leslie was very passive and understanding maybe to a fault. She was sure she let Adam get away with more than she should, but she did it out of love.

"Yes, I did need you, but I think I took advantage of it. You should smack me when you see me doing that. I get caught up in life and work and stuff, and I don't think sometimes. I know I'm stupid, but I love you and want you happy too. I didn't realize you were so unhappy before." The food came quickly, and they got lost in memories of so many years ago. It was a good time and made her relax even more.

Once they had finished their meals, they got back in the car and finished heading toward the docks. The ship was beautiful, and Leslie was overwhelmed at how beautiful it was. Adam took care of getting them checked in and their bags taken by hospitality. Walking hand in hand, Adam took her up to the deck. Before long, they were on their way.




Their launch had gone smoothly, and the day was nice. Once dinner was finished, he took them to their suite. He had gone all out, making sure they had a sizable room with a balcony. Adam set about making them drinks and starting some music. With the light rocking of the boat and the setting sun, everything was beautiful and perfect. Leslie found herself sitting on the balcony, looking out at the ocean as the sky turned an array of reds, pinks, oranges, and purples. Her breath was deep as a relaxing sensation washed over her. She had not realized just how much she needed to get away from everything in her normal life.

Adam came to join her, two glasses of some fruity drink in his hand. He passed one to her, and she took a sip and sighed out, sitting back in her chair to enjoy the view. Adam sat next to her, resting his head back and reaching over to pet her leg.

"I have already had a great time. It is like we left all our problems behind. I don't feel any stress or any need to check up on anything. It is a nice feeling." Adam continued to stroke his hand lightly up and down her leg. It reminded her of earlier in the car, and a shiver ran over her body. He was right. She no longer felt stressed out about things at home. Honestly, all she really wanted was some special quality time with Adam.

"I am too. You know, we got so caught up in everything going on at home, I think we lost sight of some of the little things. I love you, I really do, but it is nice to have this time just me and you." Leslie set her glass down on the little table and moved over to the balcony rail. It was a private balcony so no one else would be able to see them. The wind lightly blew her dark hair across her face in a messy yet sexy fashion. She breathed in the salty sea air and exhaled slowly.

Adam moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and slowly dancing with her to the music playing inside of their cabin. His soft lips brushed against her bare shoulder, and she moaned out from just how soothing and relaxing it was to be safe in his arms. His gentle movements to the music had her closing her eyes and basking in the serenity around them.

"I love you so much, and I want nothing more in the world than to give you a child and make sure you are happy." His whispers sank down to her soul as they continued to dance.

"I love you, too. I hope that I'm pregnant by the end of our trip. I have been wanting to talk to you about having a baby since before Christmas, it just never seemed like the right time." She turned in his arms, looking up into his eyes with love blazing from her own hazel depths.

"You should never be afraid to talk to me about things. I hate you felt that way. I also hate you feel like I don't think about you and the things you want. I want you to be happy, always," Adam whispered before leaning down and giving her a soft kiss.

Usually Adam had an aggression about him. He was hungry for her, and it was the only time he felt free to really let loose. However, on rare occasions, he showed her a more gentle side. This seemed to be one of those moments. He kissed her like she was the most precious thing in the world to him, and her heart swelled with unconditional love for him. Never could she see herself without Adam.

Slowly moving her lips along with his, she moaned at the taste of him mixed with the drink as he sank his tongue deep within her warm welcoming mouth. Adam's strong arms held her tight as they kissed and danced in the cool ocean breeze. In his arms, she felt safe, protected, and confident in their relationship and the choices she had made. Her body began to shake with a mix of anticipation and desire, and when he pulled away to look at her, she thought she might lose her mind to that heated glare.

Lifting his hands, Adam slowly lowered the spaghetti strap sleeves of Leslie's dress, pushing them down her arms so the dress fell to her feet. Because of how it was made, she had only put on a tiny pair of panties. Keeping to his theme, he ran his hands softy over her skin, taking his time to feel and touch every inch of her all the while kissing her. Her heart pounded, and her breath grew more frantic as their passionate slow kisses continued. She wasn't really sure what to do with herself, wanting nothing more than to just fall into him as she had when they first fell in love.

Adam slowly began to kiss and lick his way down her neck, his hands moving to cup and massage her breasts. Still he was slow and gentle in his movements, making her body tense more and more with every touch he delivered to her. Lowering himself to his knees, he continued to kiss every inch of her, making sure to worship every inch of her skin. No place was left untouched, not the back of her knee or the curve of her hips. Every place was his to devour, touch—make love to.

"Move over by the railing," he whispered to her, his voice thick with lust.

Doing as he instructed, she watched as he made his way toward her. She could feel her inner walls tightening and flexing with every step he made toward her, thrumming with the need for him, and when he reached her and they kissed again, she swore she saw stars behind her eyes. Frantically, her hands worked to rid him of his clothing. He shifted and wiggled with her, doing all he could to help her, and when they were both standing there naked, he groaned into her mouth as if he couldn't contain himself.

As he lifted her a bit, so the small of her back rocked against the cold railing, she felt the head of him pressing against her opening. Her eyes gazed deeply into his. A wicked smile curved his lips as he made her wait a moment, made her feel the intensity between them just before he thrust hard and deep into her quivering, aching body. He held himself deep inside of her as they kissed with all the love and passion they possessed.

"I love you so much, my sweet Leslie." His words vibrated against her lips between kisses as he began to rock in and out of her body. Her hands moved to grip onto the railing, not wanting to fall overboard when Adam's control slipped and he really began to take her. For now he gave her slow passionate thrusts, and she could feel them all the way to the depths of her soul.

"I love you, too. Oh God, baby! I want this so bad. I need this!" Her voice was high and her head thrown back with pleasure.

As the tightness began to fill her more and more, she lifted her legs higher on his body, wanting to feel him as deeply as possible. Just as she had suspected, his control shattered, and he reached to grip her hips before he began to thrust quick and forceful, the sound of their skin slapping together echoing into the night.

Overwhelmed with her fervor, Leslie found herself arched back, rolling her hips and crying out from every thrust. Tears built in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. Happy or not, tears could ruin the moment, and she did not want to mess up anything they had going for them. Deep inside, she was certain this would be the moment they conceived and their family grew. Moving to meet him stroke for stroke, sweat formed on her skin, and the primal urge for release replaced the almost overbearing love.

Adam's kisses turned to nibbles, which turned to bites, and before she knew it, she was screaming out over and over as her orgasm built inside of her. She could feel Adam pulsing within her and knew he was growing closer. His hand gripped tighter into her ass, almost bruising her with his touch.

"Baby, I'm going to come. I'm going to fill you up with the life you crave," Adam growled through clenched teeth.

Leslie cried out again and then lifted herself so she could look directly into his eyes. She wanted to remember this moment for as long as she lived, and the second their eyes locked together, they both screamed out with orgasm. Adam pulled her into him, holding her tightly to keep her from falling from the railing as he filled her body with his life-giving seed. She had no control of herself, quivering and flailing in his arms, as wave after glorious wave of pleasure rolled through her body.

Finally the calm washed over them, and Adam pulled her away so they could sit in one of the chairs. She reached out for her drink, taking a sip to hydrate her mouth and cool off her body. Adam was panting into her breasts, and she smiled before kissing the top of her head. "What a wonderful way to start our vacation, baby. I can't wait to see what you have in store for the rest of the trip."

BOOK: Kisses and Revenge
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