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Authors: Cherron Riser

Kisses and Revenge (2 page)

BOOK: Kisses and Revenge
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    As they walked toward the reception area, Adam leaned in really close, whispering so only she could hear him, "So, I'm giving these people no more than two hours, then I'm shoving you in a limo and fucking your brains out."




Chapter Two



It was hard to believe five years had gone by since the day Leslie made those precious vows. Dancing around the kitchen, Leslie worked to get Adam's breakfast made. She had the most perfect day planned for them, and he, supposedly, had their night planned. They had always celebrated their anniversary in this manner, taking turns sharing doting upon the other.

Lifting the spatula to her mouth, she pretended it was a microphone as she sang along with the song playing on the radio. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, and of course, bacon were all stacked on different plates on the counter. She was certain she had cooked more food than was necessary, but she didn't care. Whatever was left Adam would munch on after their morning dessert. Giggling at what her plans were for after breakfast, Leslie took the last pancake from the pan and placed it on the plate.

"Leslie!" She heard Adam call out to her from down the hall, and she rushed to get all of the food to the table. She was dressed in a spaghetti strap tank top and a pair of boy shorts with a frilly pink apron over her. It was her attempt at sexy domestic without enticing her husband to ravish her right away. With how much she desired her husband to be with her, she did not want their breakfast to get cold, especially not after all the hard work she had put into cooking it.

Adam walked into the kitchen pulling on a green T-shirt which matched the green and black flannel pajama pants he wore. His black hair was a bit longer than he usually kept it and stuck out in different directions. Obviously he had not put the time and attention into his looks as she had for the morning. Leslie didn't care. She was fairly certain nothing could bother her in that moment. "Well, look at you. Breakfast smells amazing, baby."

Blushing, Leslie giggled as Adam pulled her into him and gave her a searing morning kiss. She melted against her husband as he held her close to him, and she enjoyed every moment of that first sensual kiss. When he pulled away, Leslie was breathless, and it took her a couple of moments to pull herself together. By the time she was steady on her feet, Adam had taken his seat at the table and began to make his first cup of coffee.

"Thank you, I'm glad you like the way it smells. Now to see if you will like the way it tastes," Leslie answered as she began to make them both a plate from the plethora of food before them.

"Your food is always wonderful. I don't think you have ever made me a bad meal." Adam began to slather butter on his pancakes before munching on a slice of bacon. "Happy anniversary. I know we are going to have the best day. Five years have gone by so fast, and I can't wait for fifty more."

Leslie's heart always filled with love and heat when Adam spoke to her about the future. She was sure they were still too new in the marriage to have had any real issues arise, but Adam always spoke about their relationship as if they would be together forever. It was a reassurance she had grown to appreciate. Not a day went by where she had to worry if she would come home to her husband bored with her.

"Fifty years is a long time. Do you think you will still love me when I'm old and gray?" Leslie teased, cutting her pancakes into bite-sized squares.

"I swore to you I would, and I promise you again, I am going to love you until my very last breath leaves my body. When I promised to marry you that day, I meant forever," Adam answered, leaning over and giving her another soft kiss. His lips tasted like syrup, and she smiled as she licked off the residue he left on her lips.

Her heart raced as she went back to her breakfast. Things began to get back to normal, both of them eating in companionable silence. When Leslie finished her meal, choosing to eat light so she wouldn't be uncomfortable, she put her plate in the sink and took off her apron. She turned to look at Adam as he finished up his breakfast, a content smile on his face. He had no idea what was about to happen, and she loved it. Slowly making her way toward him, she fell to her knees next to him and slid her hands up his leg.

"What have we here?" Adam purred, looking down to where she rested on the floor. He pushed his chair back from the table to give her more room then sat back in his chair. His hand reached out and began to stroke along her cheek, and heat flooded his cerulean eyes. Nothing was more captivating than the look in his eyes when he was hungry for her.

Shifting so she was more between his legs, she ran her hands up and down his legs and leaned in to kiss along his stomach. His body wasn't a mass of hard muscles; instead, there was a bit of softness to it since he didn't always have time to hit the gym, but he was no less handsome. Leslie loved the way his body felt against hers, and he was still more than healthy. He just didn't look like a bodybuilder. Smiling up to him, she ran her hands up his stomach, lifting his shirt as she did. The sensation of his muscles contracting to her touch sent chills down her spine, and she softly moaned before leaning in to play her tongue over his belly button. Sliding her hands back down, she pulled at the elastic waist of his pajama pants and tugged them down, his hips lifting just a bit to help her free him.

The hard flesh he kept hidden in his pants sprang free before her eyes, and she took hold of it, giving it a couple of firm pumps. Adam's breath came hard, and a slight groan of pleasure vibrated from deep in his chest. She could see him looking down to her with hooded eyes as his lust rose higher and higher. No matter the amount of love they carried for each other, their lust for each other was just as strong. Whoever said sex got boring when you got married had never known Leslie and Adam.

"You giving me a present for our anniversary, baby?" Adam moaned, running his fingers through her silky brown hair and gripping into the strands.

"I thought I would like to have some after-breakfast dessert. I have been such a good girl this morning, letting you sleep in and making you breakfast. Don't you think I deserve a little dessert?" she returned before leaning in and licking the tip of his hard shaft. A small drop of his arousal had formed on the end, exciting her taste buds with the anticipation of what was to come.

"Well, far be it for me to stop you from your dessert. By all means, take your fill," Adam answered, shifting his hips out a bit more and spreading his legs wider.

Leslie wasted no time enjoying her husband. She took him into her mouth, sucking him down inch by inch until she could take no more. Her fist wrapped tightly around the rest of him and pumped in time to the bobbing of her head. Adam gripped more tightly to her hair, arching back as pleasure surged through him. She could feel the way his body tensed and pride consumed her. Deep growls and grunts of passion echoed out into the room as she bobbed her head up and down, hungry to bring forth her husband's deepest pleasure. All morning she had fantasized about doing this, but the actual act was exhilarating.

Pulling her mouth away, she continued to stroke him as she leaned down to lick and tease his sack. Her tongue snaked down low, and his body lifted up from the chair. She loved she could get that reaction from him when she teased him with her tongue. It was like having some sort of power over him.

"Fuck, baby, you are so evil," Adam groaned, pulling on her hair just enough to guide her back to his shaft. She could tell by the way his body pulsed he was getting close to his release, and he obviously wanted her to get back to work on making that happen. Using one hand to continue massaging his balls, she resumed sucking him in earnest, her other hand rubbing over his smooth chest.

Hearing his sounds of pleasure and feeling his body growing closer and closer to orgasm had Leslie's body tightening even more. She squeezed her thighs together to try to alleviate some of the pressure as she continued to work her mouth up and down her husband's cock. Her tongue swirled and licked at him, massaging that vein that ran down his length and making him cry out even louder. Adam never shied away from letting her know she was doing a good job. His hands reached down and pulled at her top, yanking it from her before she went back to sucking on him. She rolled her eyes up to watch him and saw a tempest of desire clouding his eyes.

"Damn it, I can't take it anymore," Adam growled, reaching and pulling her up to him. He wrapped her around his waist and tossed her on top of the table, sending the remains of their breakfast flying over the kitchen floor.

His lips slammed into hers, kissing her with hunger and desire as one hand massaged her breast, pulling at her nipple to send shocks of electricity through her body and straight to her core. His other hand braced him so he wouldn't simply fall on top of her. The table below her rocked as his hips rolled against her now soaked panties. There was no doubt she craved him just as much as he craved her. He rubbed his cock against the fabric that separated him from her, stimulating her already sensitive flesh. Leslie found herself whimpering for her husband to do more than tease her. She needed him more than anything else in that moment and did not want to wait another moment.

Sensing her distress, Adam stepped back long enough to tear Leslie's panties away before moving forward once more. Without the fabric between them, the heat of his rigid shaft teasing between her soaking folds had Leslie shaking in his arms. Adam's hot kisses trailed down her neck, sucking on that sensitive spot at the edge of her collarbone before he continued to her breast. He looked up at her with wicked eyes a moment before sucking her nipple into his mouth. Still he teased her, rubbing himself against her but refusing to penetrate her like she so desperately needed. His tongue and mouth sucked and licked at her nipple as his thrust quickened, causing Leslie's breathing to accelerate and catch. Her mind was gone; all that remained was an undeniable desire to have her husband deep inside of her.

When Adam chuckled a moment, Leslie looked down to where he was devouring her sensitive nipple. Just as their eyes locked, he bit her just enough to send a stinging sensation through her body. With a loud cry, her body tightened and began to writhe in her first orgasm. She had not even known she was on the edge of one until it was washing through her and at its peak. That was when Adam shoved himself into her body, slamming into her hard and fast. The table rocked beneath them as he thrust with all of his might, hitting that spot deep inside of her that sent shockwaves of pleasure through her body. He loved doing this to her, making her come and then fucking her through it so his body got to experience every tightening tremor her body delivered to him.

Leslie gripped to his shoulders, her nails digging in as she screamed out his name over and over, not caring if they could hear her next door or on the other side of town. All that mattered was her Adam and the way he took her with such force and passion. She looked up to see him watching her, his face wrinkled in that cute way it did when he was reaching his peak. She knew he would not last much longer, and she intended to give him her all. Squeezing her muscles as tight as she could, she rocked her hips to meet his every stroke. His head flung back, he cried out her name as if trying to hold back so he could please her more.

"Yes, fuck! Adam, I'm going to come!" she cried out for him again, letting him know she was close. There was nothing Adam loved more than them finding release together. It didn't always happen, but she knew it was possible for it to happen right then.

Adam took hold of her hips and slammed into her with several more quick thrust of his body, hitting her sweet spot just right and sending her body into a powerful orgasm that had her arched back against the table, bucking and writhing beneath him. The moment she hit that peak, Adam slammed home and roared out with his own release, clinging to her as he filled her with his seed. She could feel every pulse of his body as his orgasm came, and it made her own muscles contract tighter to milk every last bit of his pleasure from him. Locked together as they were, she could feel every single spasm, making her moan even more until her body finally loosened, and she could float back down.

They stayed in that position for several moments, holding each other and panting. Adam nuzzled against her breasts, purring a bit and softly kissing her. He was always so affectionate after they made love, and she couldn't help but smile and reach to play with the tips of his hair. He never kept it long enough to really play with it, but she didn't care. He made her happy, and that was all that mattered.

Across the room, the phone started to ring, and Adam groaned, pulling away from her body. "You don't have to answer it. Everyone knows it's our anniversary. They shouldn't be calling."

"I know, but I would hate for it to be something important. I will get rid of them quickly so we can get back to the festivities," Adam chuckled, making his way to the counter to pick up the phone, pulling his pants up as he walked.

While he took the call, Leslie went about cleaning up their mess. Food was everywhere, and broken pieces of plates had shattered on the floor. She laughed a bit as she went to get the broom and dust pan so she could sweep it all up. When Adam wanted something, he got it, no matter the consequences.

As she cleaned, she listened to the conversation. At first, she didn't think anything of it, figuring it was Warren calling. He was the type of guy who called often, always needing a favor or something. Shrugging off the conversation, she didn't really start to pay attention until she heard the frantic sound in Adam's voice.

"What are you talking about? No, Warren, that doesn't make any sense. Don't joke about something like that," she heard Adam say, his breath heavy as he clung to the phone. Leslie could see the white of his knuckles from how tightly he held to it, and it was really starting to worry her. "No, there has to be some sort of mistake. No ... NO!"

BOOK: Kisses and Revenge
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