Read Island Idyll Online

Authors: Jess Dee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Island Idyll (4 page)

BOOK: Island Idyll
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The adult had lived with fantasies of the perfect girl for over ten years. Had enough time passed between now and then to finally allow him a taste of what he’d missed out on as a teen? A taste of Sienna.

“Princess,” Josh said, his voice carrying an intentional warning, “I’m not that same kid. If you offer yourself to me now, I am not going to refuse.”

It was her turn to raise an eyebrow. “Ah, so you think my confessing that I still want you to fuck me six ways to Sunday is an…offer?”

Good God, her eyes were exquisite. Clear as a summer blue sky. “Is it?”

She flicked a silky lock of flaxen hair over her shoulder and sniffed again. Her eyes flashed, darkening even as her face lit up. “Hell, yeah. And mark my words on this one, you turn me down again, and there won’t be another offer.”

Chapter Four

It was, without a doubt, the longest trip back to shore in the history of sailing. The mere two hundred meters felt more like a hundred miles.

Josh steered the cat into the shallow depths, jumped into the water and dragged the Hobie onto the beach. Sienna jumped too, not giving Josh the chance to lift her off the trampoline himself and carry her back to his room.

He waved over at Luke, the guy in charge of the boats, signaling their return, then grabbed Sienna’s hand and hauled her off the sand.

“My room is just down there.” She pointed, her voice breathless.

Ah. A beachside bungalow. Figured. Kylie would have saved the best for her best friends. His own suite was situated in the staff quarters. Nothing to sneeze at, but a million miles away from here. “Condoms are in my room,” he told her, wondering why the fuck he didn’t carry one around in his pocket at all times.

New rule. From this second on always carry a condom. Always. No question.

Her lips curved into a sexy grin. “I have some.”

He faltered midstep. “You do?”

“There’s a box in the bathroom. Compliments of the hotel.”

“So, they’re not yours?”

She shook her head.

Unquestionable relief stole through him. They weren’t hers. Which meant she hadn’t come here with the intention of having sex.

“I didn’t think to bring any,” she confessed. Her lips twitched as she looked on ahead, steering him towards her bungalow. “I don’t usually use condoms with my vibrator.”

Josh tripped. Over his own feet. Fuck, she hadn’t even blushed when she’d said that.

Sienna turned to steady him. “You okay?”

Christ, the way her eyes danced, mischief painted all over her delectable face, her freckles standing out… “You said that on purpose,” he accused. “Just to get a reaction out of me.”

Why on earth had he ever thought her eyes were the color of a summer sky? Right now they looked black. Her pupils were enormous, dark spheres rimmed with navy.

“Did I get a reaction?” she asked with the tiniest hint of a smirk.

Jesus, what happened to the naïve kid he’d known in school? “Did you want one?”

She shrugged sweetly. “Only if it promises more satisfaction than my vibrator.”


He couldn’t take another second of her teasing. Of her subtle scent that drifted through his nose with hints of cinnamon. Of her creamy white skin, so silky, just begging to be touched. He couldn’t take one more second.

With more speed than he knew he possessed, he backed her up against the trunk of a palm tree, stepped in close—so close she’d have no doubt of the satisfaction his response could provide—and slanted his mouth over hers.

The little minx was ready for him, her lips soft, warm, welcoming and…parted.

Holy fuck!
She’d parted her lips for him, inviting his tongue in, leaving the hot, sweet cavern of her mouth open to his exploration.

Her taste hit him with the force of a cannonball, smashing into his chest, winding him. Sweet and tangy, like strawberries and rum. And salty, like the sea air. Innocence, mischief and…sadness, all rolled into one.

He could taste all that on her tongue? Sadness? Why?

Then she whimpered against his lips, and his thoughts scattered. She twined a leg around his, hooking her foot around his ankle, pressing her groin into his and lining her pussy up with his cock.

He hadn’t been kidding earlier when he’d said if she’d touched him, even once, when they were younger, it’d have been game over in a second. Suddenly he was that horny kid all over again. The determined teenager, aroused and desperate for a taste of her, a feel of her, knowing he could never have her.

She slid her hand between their bodies, cupping his dick through his boardies, making him groan savagely into her mouth.

The sound must have motivated her. Less than a second later the same hand was dipping beneath the waistband of his shorts and caressing his bare, aching penis. Here, in the open, standing just on the side of a public pathway, where God knew who could walk past. Anyone.

And she was holding his dick in her palm, petting it.

Christ. Fuck. Holy shit.

She was in his arms, pressing her body against him, wrapping her hand around his erection, and damned if he wasn’t on the verge of ending the game right now.

He wrenched his lips from hers, his eyes scrunched shut, pain shooting through his balls.

Fuck, release. He needed release. Needed to come.

“Let go. Quick,” he rasped.
Whoa. Close. Way too close.
“Say something, anything. Get my mind off fucking you, or it’s not gonna happen.”

Her hand was an instrument of torture, releasing him in tiny, tormenting strokes. Her breath came in shallow gasps, her breasts scraping against his chest with every inhalation.

Not helping. Not one little bit. “Princess, fuck, say something.”

With a long, breathy sigh, she released him, extricating her hand from his pants. “I…I’m getting married.”

He clenched his teeth, willing his orgasm into retreat mode, mulling over her words, trying to make sense of them.



His erection died a sudden, effective death. Her confession slapped him clean across the face.

Josh stumbled back. “Married?”

No way. No fucking way.

What was he then? Some last minute entertainment before the big day? The last hurrah? A quick spin to tie up any childhood loose ends?

Sienna’s face creased with sorrow.

“You’re getting married, and you’re here? Doing this? With me?” Irrational fury surged through him.

Tears pooled in her eyes. She shook her head. “No. I’m not.”

Josh glared, his thoughts reeling. “Jesus, Sienna, what the fuck kind of a game are you playing with me?”

“No game. I’m not getting married.” Her voice trembled.

“You said—”

“You told me to say something.”

He smacked his fist into his forehead. Christ, he had. He’d practically yelled at her. “So…so you’re not getting married.”

A tear spilled over onto her cheek. “No.” She shook her head. “Not anymore.”

He stared at her, shocked.

“We broke up.”

Ah. Could that account for the sorrow he’d tasted on her tongue? “When?”

“Few months ago.”

“Why are you telling me this now?”

“Because I’m about to sleep with you. I thought you had a right to know. I, er, I haven’t been with anyone besides Ben for a very long time.”

Oh, great. Just fucking great. “So this makes me, what? The rebound guy?”

“Wha—? God, no!” She looked as shocked as he felt.

“Then you have slept with someone since the break-up?”

“No,” she practically yelled at him.

“So I am the rebound guy,” he confirmed.

She shook her head viciously. “Interesting perspective. I’d been thinking about you as my salvation.”

He snorted. “Salvation. A quick fuck to get over your ex. Whatever. Same thing, no?”

She wiped an angry hand over her cheek, brushing away any trace of her tears. “I just told you I spent five years at school wishing you’d fuck me. That I still wish you’d fuck me. And this is your answer? This is your conclusion?” Emotion flashed through her eyes. Fury? Dismay? Confusion?

“Pretty obvious conclusion, don’t you think?” Why was he so angry? Did it even matter if he was her rebound guy?

Her face shut down. Her body cooled beside his, noticeably. “You know what, Josh? I’ve got enough shit to deal with without you getting all pissy on me.” She shoved herself away from the tree. “I’ve fantasized about you for years. But I guess it’s true what they say. The reality can never live up to the fantasy.” Shouldering him hard in the chest, she stormed past him.

Pain twanged through his sternum, the aching promise of a future bruise.

“Have a nice life,” she tossed back at him and marched off.

He watched her go. Watched her round ass swing with every furious stride. Watched her endless, curvy legs eat up the path. Watched as the woman who’d been the center of every childhood dream disappeared from his life once again.

It was better to let her walk away. He didn’t need the complication in his life right now. Didn’t need a princess.

He never had.

In fact, the whole sorry situation wasn’t worth another thought.

Acting purely on instinct, he sprinted after Sienna. One step, two, ten. Twenty. He barreled into her back, knocking her clean off her feet, the impact taking him down with her.

He twisted a microsecond before they landed, shoving them both onto the manicured lawn and landing beneath her, cushioning her fall.

Another bruise, definitely. This one on his butt, but he didn’t give a damn. Without waiting for his breath to return, or her shock to dissipate, he cupped the back of her head, hauled her face down to his and kissed her again.

Their mouths met, clashed, fought, then finally submitted. The anger abated, fury turned to passion and her lips parted, once again inviting his tongue to explore.

Arms twined around his neck as she cuddled in closer, and breasts as round and plump as heaven pressed against his chest.

“I’m sorry, princess,” he murmured when she pulled away to catch her breath. “My behavior was inexcusable.”

She pressed her mouth to his jaw, leaving a soft imprint of her lips. “You’re not a rebound guy,” she whispered. A blush crept into her cheeks. “But you are the first man I’ve been attracted to since Ben.”

“Should I take that as a compliment?”

“I don’t know. How do you normally take it when a woman confesses she wants you to fuck her senseless?”

He laughed, a gruff, low laugh. “Contrary to popular belief, it’s not every day a woman tells me that.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“After hearing about my childhood? Poverty and dysfunctional families don’t exactly attract women like flies.”

“Are you calling me a fly?”

“You’re a princess. You always have been.”

“Is that a bad thing?” She held her breath.

“Only for failures like me, who have no chance of catching a princess.”

“You’re not a failure.” She tilted her head to look him in the eyes. “You never were.”

“I was never a prince.”

“I never wanted a prince. I just wanted you to lie with me.”

“Do you still?”

Mischief flashed in her eyes. “Well, I have my vibrator…”

“Show me.”

Chapter Five

“But you asked me to show you.”

Uh-uh. No way. He wasn’t falling for her innocence all over again. Josh tossed the toy over his shoulder. “I had to get you indoors somehow. Otherwise I’d have fucked you on the very public hotel lawn.”

Her eyes lit up.

He groaned, the sound a mixture of disbelief and arousal. “You would have liked that?”

She tugged at the little black top, pulling it over her head and tossing it aside. “I may be a princess, but I’m not the good girl you seem to think I am.”

Er, no. The strapless bra she wore, although black and lacy, did not scream good. It screamed
rip me off now and ravage the breasts beneath
. “So what, naughty girls like having sex in places they can be seen?”

Her hands disappeared beside her back and seconds later the bra fell to the floor. “I can’t speak for all naughty girls, but this one certainly likes the thrill of knowing she could get caught at any time.”

He licked his very dry lips, wishing it were her nipples his tongue caressed, not his own, hungry mouth. “You’d have let me fuck you outside?”

“I’ve waited so long for this moment, I’d let you fuck me anywhere.” Her skimpy white shorts disappeared.

Josh forgot to breathe. Dear God, the woman was a picture of perfection. All lush flesh, abundant breasts, glowing skin and legs that wouldn’t quit. “Anywhere?” he managed to choke out.

“Anywhere, anytime, any way.”

She stepped out of the tiny scrap of material she had the audacity to call a thong, and Josh had to steady himself by grabbing the back of the couch. Holy hell. Never mind a princess, she was a goddess. Mother Earth.

Curvy enough to bring any man to his knees. As for her pussy, the clean-shaven flesh beckoned him closer. Closer still. Until he was in front of her. Touching her. Hauling her naked form into his arms and kissing her with all the pent-up frustration and need of an eighteen-year-old.

An eighteen-year-old who’d lusted after her for five years.

He scooped her up and carried her into the pristine wood and glass bedroom, laying her down on snow-white Egyptian cotton sheets. “The anywhere we’ll leave for later.” Sex in public? Not something he’d ever done. Not something he’d discount though. Perhaps when it was darker…? “The anytime is right now.” Well, to start with. “As for the any way… Princess, there are so many ways I wanna make love to you, you’ll be ninety before we’ve covered half of them.”

“You talk the talk, bigshot. But so far I haven’t seen any signs of you walking the walk.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You want a sign?”

“No, I want you to stop talking and fuck me senseless.”

He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. As his pants came off, he acknowledged defeat. How could he not? His dick was a solid pole jutting out before him, the head leaking a steady trail of precome. “You know I’m gonna last all of three seconds once I get inside you?”

BOOK: Island Idyll
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