Read Island Idyll Online

Authors: Jess Dee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

Island Idyll (10 page)

BOOK: Island Idyll
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Chapter Nine

The party would have to wait. Meeting Kylie’s lovers would have to take place tomorrow. Mack and Aidan she could see anytime. As the last flutters of pleasure washed through her, Sienna turned around and walked away. Back to her room.

Back to the balcony where she’d sucked Josh until he’d exploded in her mouth. The same balcony where he’d knelt before her and licked her into dizzying ecstasy. Three times over. Back to the sheets that smelled of sex. Back to the room where she had slowly begun to fall for Josh…again.

Only this time she wasn’t going back to the room with just Josh. Ben came as well. Did she want that? Did she want Ben back in her life? God, she didn’t know.

Her heart raced, her pulse drumming in her ears.

Ben. Ben was here. Wonderful, adoring Ben.

The Ben she’d loved so dearly for so long. Not the aloof businessman she’d lived with for a year. Ben. Her Ben.

She wanted him physically. Wanted him in her pussy and in her ass, right alongside Josh, just as he’d suggested. No question about it. There’d never been any question about her desire for Ben. She’s always wanted him. But back forever? It was too soon to tell.

If only his presence didn’t suffuse her like an aphrodisiac. His scent, his voice, his body, they all combined to reduce her to a quivering mass of need. Of want. Of yearning and lust.

She desired Ben as much as she hungered for Josh. Or maybe she desired Josh as much as she hungered for Ben. More like she wanted them both, equally—and at the same time.

Sienna pushed open the door to her bungalow and tugged the dress over her head, tossing it to the floor. Her sodden, useless thong followed seconds later.

Both men stood behind her, watching. She could feel the heat of their gazes on her back, making her spine tingle. They’d followed her wordlessly across the resort, their footsteps a soft whisper on the lush island grass.

Naked and aroused she headed straight for the bed. She would have drawn back the covers and thrown them aside if strong arms hadn’t grabbed her from behind and hauled her around, straight into a bone-melting kiss. Magic sparked through the room.

Josh. Definitely.

How she’d been unable to tell the difference earlier defied her. His scent was so different from Ben’s. Ben smelled of expensive, spicy cologne. Josh carried the scent of the island—eucalyptus and fresh air.

She buried her fingers in his silken locks—his long, silken locks, so unlike Ben’s short-cropped hair—and tugged him closer. He clasped her butt cheeks and pulled her flush against him so her clit rubbed against the front of his pants, right over his rock-hard erection, making her giddy with need.

The light growth of his beard tickled her lips. So different from the eternally clean-shaven Ben in every way. Yet both men made her burn. Made her pulse race and her flesh hum. Both had the power to take her breath away and make her heart sing.

Or weep.

Josh kneaded her flesh, rolling his fingers over her buttocks, massaging, caressing, pushing her clit harder against his dick. She let him, moved willingly with him, lifted one leg so she could change the angle, get his erection to rub just so.

Josh. Childhood crush, adult fantasy. A real-life hero. Her savior. She couldn’t get enough of him.

Seconds before an orgasm overwhelmed her, Ben plucked her from his arms and pulled her into his own, kissing her as feverishly as Josh had.

His shirt was gone, the formal button-up lying in a heap somewhere on the floor. His bare chest rubbed against her breasts, the dark mat of hair there scraping against the tender flesh of her nipples, driving her insane.

God, Ben. He felt so damn good. So damn real. He was there. With her. The man she’d loved her entire adult life. Her best friend. Her lover. Her fiancé.

Her throat clogged with emotion. She’d missed him. Every minute of every day. His absence had left a gaping hole in her life. A bottomless pit of loneliness, and now he was there. With her. Again.

She ran her hands over the thick muscles in his arms, up over his shoulders. So broad. So secure. She’d always felt safe, protected when leaning against those massive shoulders.

She still did, although not quite so safe as she once had. The trust and the security had been ripped away. Finding it again, in its wholeness, would take a while.

What wouldn’t take a while was her utter sexual surrender to him. She could never refuse Ben. Never wanted to. Physically, she couldn’t wait to give herself to him. Emotionally…they’d have to see.

He’d undone his belt and pants so they gaped open. The thickened ridge of his penis rode against her pussy, just like Josh’s had. Only the soft cotton of his boxers was more giving then Josh’s shorts. More flexible, and within seconds the climax that had begun in Josh’s arms peaked in Ben’s.

Quick and breathtaking, it flew through her, leaving her panting and boneless.

Ben carried her to the bed, laid her down on her back and lay beside her. Not once did he release her mouth. He kissed her as though he never wanted to let her go. Kissed with a soul-searing intensity. A chocolate-flavored delight that would have usurped her entire heart, her entire being, if Josh hadn’t chosen that moment to remind her of what they’d shared just hours before.

“Enjoy his kiss, princess.” Josh knelt between her legs. He was naked. Beautifully naked. He must have stripped when Ben had her full attention. “But don’t mistake his mouth for the one that’s about to show you fireworks.” And with nothing more than that warning, he hooked the backs of her knees over his shoulders, leaned forward and buried his nose between her thighs.

A sigh of untold pleasure burst from her lips.

As Ben kissed her, Josh made love to her pussy, licking, nibbling, adoring—just like Ben did with her mouth.

Bliss, sweet and hot, spread like fire through her cells. The nerves in her pussy danced, delighting in Josh’s attention to detail. They spun in dizzying circles, reaching higher, harder, faster for that pinnacle of ecstasy.

When Josh flattened his tongue against her clit and laved her, firmly, seductively, those nerves found their target, triggering an exquisite orgasm.

She groaned into Ben’s mouth as waves of rapture undulated through her. He kissed her through each delicious convulsion, and she kissed him back, his chocolaty flavor the perfect accompaniment to the sin of Josh’s mouth.

“My turn to taste you, baby,” Ben whispered when he finally pulled away, and Josh reluctantly ceded to him.

Ben buried his head between her legs and welcomed her home. Whether it was Josh’s incredible foreplay, the heat of Ben’s attack, the expertise of both men’s tongues, or the sheer familiarity of Ben’s kiss, Sienna could not be sure. But the second his mouth touched her pussy, she came.


Josh captured her lips with his, inhaling her screams. As his mouth caught hers, the magic sparked between them. He kissed her and kissed her and kissed her, and he would have carried on kissing her had Ben not finally lifted his head and spoken.

“Si,” Ben said, and Sienna broke the kiss to look at him. His lips were wet—from her juices—and his eyes dark as night, desire turning them almost black. “Tell us what you want. You’re in control, baby. Lead us.”

Josh nodded, murmuring in her ear. “I’ll follow wherever you take us.”

The only trouble with their request was that it meant Sienna had to talk, and since she was a raging mass of hormones, a multi-pleasured sack of bones, speech was not all that easy.

“F-first, kiss me,” she told Ben. Knowing she’d need to say only the bare minimum to tell him her needs, she added, “Then flip me over.”

Ben was all over her, his lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth. He tasted different now, less like chocolate, more like her. More like Josh had tasted. He tasted sinful. Made her heart fill and her pussy throb.

“J-Josh too…” she pleaded.

Ben nodded once and let Josh take her mouth.

“Generous,” Josh murmured with an appreciative nod, before consuming her thoughts with his kiss.

And when Sienna was once again a quivering, mindless mass, Ben took control. “Roll over, baby.”

He placed his hands on her hips, helping her flip over. Sienna moved willingly, quickly. Well, as quickly as she could in her mindless state. Josh still lay on the bed, and she knelt on all fours between his legs, crouching down low with her ass in the air and her elbows on either side of Josh’s hips.

Her head was centimeters from Josh’s erection, and she couldn’t help but notice the way he fisted his hands in the doona, his knuckles whitening every time she exhaled.

She’d opened herself up completely for Ben, just the way he liked. Just the way she liked.

Ben skirted around the bed. At some point he’d lost the rest of his clothes, and Sienna’s breath caught as she saw him in all his naked glory. Saw every line of his ripped body, every inch of flesh she’d loved so thoroughly.

And then he was out of sight, standing behind her. He swallowed, audibly. “Ah, fuck, Si!” He sounded mindless. “I missed this. Missed you. So goddamned much.” He fell silent as once again he buried his face between her legs, this time licking her pussy from behind.

God help her, Sienna loved it when Ben went down on her this way. Loved what he did with his tongue. And his lips. And his fingers.

Oh, God. Those fingers!

When her mind cleared from yet another bone-melting orgasm, and her vision returned to normal, the sight she beheld made her mouth water. The tip of Josh’s dick had beaded with precome and the vein on his shaft pulsed wildly. She really didn’t have a choice in the matter. She was going to have to lick him.

He tasted good. Bitter and salty and so damn sexy. An addictive taste. Nothing like the chocolaty sweetness of Ben. This was far more elemental, far more dangerous.

She tasted some more. And then a little more. Only it wasn’t just the tip of his cock she tasted now, it was the shaft too. The long, hard shaft. As much of the long hard shaft as she could get into her mouth.

Josh groaned. A low, animalistic sound.

And Ben licked her ass.

Holy fuck. He licked her ass.

Swept his tongue right over her anus. He did it again, clasping her butt cheeks and pulling them apart so he could get better access. Then he licked her pussy, but he didn’t stop there. He continued up, licking his way back to her ass, where he paused to ream her hole, tickle it, delight it, before heading back to her clit.

Torture, sweet, torture.

Everyone should know such torture. She swirled her own tongue around Josh’s shaft, licked him from root to tip and swallowed him whole. With his cock as deep in her mouth as she could take him, and Ben’s tongue in her ass, no, her pussy, no…her ass, Sienna came again.

She rode Ben’s tongue, thrusting her hips against his head as waves of sheer bliss ebbed through her. Seconds passed, maybe even minutes, before the orgasm floated away, before Ben pulled away, and Sienna returned her attention to Josh. She pushed her hair out of her face and looked up at him as she sucked his scrumptious cock.

He looked back at her, his emerald green gaze glazed. Desire seeped from his eyes. As did something else. Something…sad. Something that grabbed her heart and squeezed tight, leaving behind an answering melancholy.

Even as her body reverberated with the surplus pleasure of Ben’s expertise, her heart shuddered, telling her something wasn’t one hundred percent right. Josh, as aroused as he might be, was not altogether okay with what the three of them did.

It was up to her to make it okay, to make it as good for him as it was for her. Up to her to remind Josh that the island air had cast its spell around them. That the magic hadn’t dimmed one iota since Ben had joined them. She sucked a little harder, swirled her tongue around and around.

“Damn, princess, your lips…” His words were lost as he threw his head back and surged into her mouth.

She relaxed her suction, let Josh take control. He thrust gently. So gently, but she had no doubt he was setting the pace. And she freaking loved it. She’d spend the whole night with her lips wrapped around his cock if she didn’t know there were better things waiting for her. For them.

She was on her knees. Ben was in the room with them. There were definitely better things on the horizon.

As the thought crossed her mind, the bed dipped behind her.

Ben was back. He settled between her thighs like he had a million times before this. Only Josh had never been in her mouth any of those million times. His presence intensified her arousal exponentially. No matter how many times she and Ben had made love, she’d never, ever felt this alive. This sexy. This…adored.

The decadence of it, the illicitness, combined to send a thrill careening through Sienna’s belly.

Something brushed against her pussy.

Not just something. Ben’s cock.

Lord, it felt familiar, pressing against her lips, prodding her entrance.

felt familiar, perched between her legs, his hands holding her hips.

Josh didn’t. Not yet. But who needed familiar when the man’s very touch kindled desires Sienna never knew she had?

Again she glanced up at Josh. Caught the look in his eyes at the exact moment Ben entered her. Saw the pain and the anger flash across his face. Saw the lusty gaze turn even hazier.

Josh’s cock grew in her mouth. Minisculely, but enough for her to confirm that was desire she’d seen flare in his eyes. Desire and…jealousy?

Shit, she didn’t want him to be jealous. He didn’t need to be. She’d fallen for Josh all over again. Hard and fast. She should tell him that, should let him know. But…she couldn’t concentrate. Not when Ben slid inside her, seating himself to the hilt in her pussy. Moaning her name.


Ben was back. Where he was supposed to be. Where he should always have been. Where he belonged.

Inside her.

The sense of familiarity was so overwhelming, tears filled her eyes, and one slipped out before she could stop it. She tightened her mouth around Josh, tried to give to him as much intense pleasure as Ben gave her, but she knew it was a losing battle when the walls of her pussy began to convulse and bliss blinded her momentarily.

BOOK: Island Idyll
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