Read Devilishly Sexy Online

Authors: Kathy Love

Devilishly Sexy (9 page)

BOOK: Devilishly Sexy
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“You are so sexy, baby,” he said, delving his tongue deeper into her.
She cried out, her arms still trapped at her sides, her fingers digging into the edge of the counter. He licked her again and again, until her hips were rising off the countertop to meet each stroke, mimicking the way he wanted to thrust into her.
He raised his head, his lips wet with her arousal. She looked down at him, her eyes heavy with desire. Her own lips were deep red from their kisses and from her teeth worrying her lower lip with each orgasm he’d given her.
“I want to be inside you,” he told her, and she nodded without hesitation.
“But not here,” he said. “I want us both naked.”
“Yes. God, yes.”
He lifted her off the counter, holding her waist until she was steady; then he waited for her to lead the way.
She caught his hand and led him through the doorway into the living room. Michael had a vague impression of comfy furniture and nice big windows, but he was more intent on Liza. The sway of her hips, the way her skirt was still up around her waist. Her panties clinging to her perfectly curved ass.
Liza guided him through another doorway into another room. Her bedroom.
He could make out the queen-size bed in the waning light of dusk.
She stopped at the foot of the bed, turning back to him. He reached for her, unfastening her bra and tossing it to the floor. Quickly, her skirt, shoes and panties followed until she stood before him, gorgeous and naked.
He then turned to his own clothing, making short work of it.
Liza’s eyes roamed over his body, appreciation evident under her desire-laden lids. But when her gaze moved back to meet his, for the first time since they’d started, Michael could see a hint of uncertainty in her aquamarine eyes.
“I should tell you it’s been a long time for me,” she admitted, her voice soft and unsteady.
He smiled. Oh, if she had any idea how long it had been for him.
“Believe me,” he told her. “I think we are going to do just fine.”
She hesitated for only a moment longer, then nodded. Given how hard his body was and how fiercely his blood pounded through it, that was all the encouragement he needed.
Chapter Nine
iza was glad when Michael pulled her back into his arms, and his lips found hers. Somehow it was so easy to just relax and let go when he was touching her. Standing there naked was too overwhelming, too lonely. His hands on her gave her strength and conviction.
It gave her the daring to do this. To not worry about anything past this moment. She wanted nothing more than to be lost in this very instant. In fact, she hadn’t even noticed that he’d walked her backward toward the bed, until he was easing her down onto it.
With the weight of his hard, muscular body pressed against her, his smooth, hot skin gliding over hers, it was easy to just give in. To just enjoy.
She groaned, and God, she did enjoy it. He felt wonderful. Perfect.
“I love the little noises you make,” he whispered against her lips.
“Do you?”
He kissed her deeply.
She moaned for him and he laughed, the sound wonderful, the vibration of it in his chest even more amazing. She groaned for real. He laughed again.
He lifted his head and looked down at her, brushing her tangled hair from her cheeks, his eyes roaming over her features.
“You are amazing,” he told her, and while she wasn’t sure he could make that assessment yet, she accepted the compliment.
And she wanted to touch him more. Touching. What a wonderful, wonderful thing. She slid her hands over his back, shaping the sinew under his velvety skin, her fingers dipping into the indentation of his spine, traveling down to the hard muscles of his buttocks. His own hands wandered over her body, her shoulders, her waist, the curve of her hips.
As wild and impulsive as their lovemaking had been in the kitchen, this round was more leisurely, more methodic. A learning of each other through their bodies. And both ways were amazing to Liza, heady and thrilling in their own right.
But by the time her roaming hands reached the thick, heavy girth of his erection, she was panting again. Both from touching him and from his touches.
Michael’s breathing was uneven too, his touch growing a little more desperate. A little more demanding.
And when his finger parted her sex and began to stroke her wet flesh, she was nearly begging for him to be inside her.
She did manage to rouse herself from her desire long enough to reach into her nightstand. Michael watched, confused by what she was doing.
She fished blindly around in the drawer until she located what she was looking for. She waved the gold packet in triumph.
“What is that?”
She grinned at him, sure he was teasing. “A condom.”
Michael frowned, but then nodded. “Okay.”
She found his reaction a tad odd, but given how desperately she wanted him to be deep inside her, she wasn’t going to question it now.
She ripped the packet open. “I hope this is still okay. I’ve had them for a while.”
She never had an opportunity, or reason, to use them. But she was glad she’d still thought it wise to have some.
She sat up, sliding the condom down the length of him, which wasn’t easy, given his girth.
“Is it uncomfortable?”
Michael looked down at it dubiously. “It’s—okay.”
She smiled sympathetically. “You are a big guy.”
He looked up from his latex-squeezed penis. “Am I now?”
She nodded. “Very.”
He gently pushed her back down against the pillows.
“Hmm, I wonder if I will fit.”
Liza giggled, enjoying the teasing as much as she did everything else about this man.
“I think we should check and see.”
“I agree,” he said, positioning himself between her parted knees.
Slowly he eased himself inside her, and she was actually surprised that he had to go slow. She hadn’t done this for a long time, and the tightness of her body was proof of that. But when he was fully inside her and she was stretched and full and he started to move, his size felt ...
“Oh my God. Amazing.”
He groaned this time, a deep, pleasured sound.
Soon they were both lost in the rhythm and overwhelming sensation of their lovemaking.
And when Liza’s orgasm tore through her, powerful, breath-stealing, and perfect, she realized that in all her life she’d never been touched like this.
Michael looked down at Liza, her body curled against his side, her head on his chest. She’d been asleep now for thirty minutes or so. In fact, she’d had the quintessential “guy moment,” having promptly fallen into a deep sleep almost as soon as her orgasm was finished.
Hell, he’d barely had time to ease himself off of her limp, sated body and settle in beside her, before she let out a cute little snore.
He smiled when, as if on cue, she made that sound again, a sound somewhere between a small snore and a sigh. She then nestled her cheek against his chest, and fell back into soft, even breaths.
Michael stretched as much as the constraint of having Liza’s body across his would allow—
that was amazing sex.
“Dyn-o-mite,” he murmured to himself, then winced. Even though that saying was out these days, damn, it had been that good, the best sex he’d ever had. And he didn’t think it was the fact he hadn’t had an orgasm in over three decades talking.
His reaction to Liza was unlike his feelings for any woman he could recall. He adored everything about her. Her body. Her smile. Her smell. He lifted his head to nuzzle his nose amidst her tumble of raven waves. He liked the way she could flip between being a little shy, to suddenly outspoken. He loved the sweet little noises she made.
Another snore/sigh answered his thought.
He smiled, then raised his head and breathed in her flowery, sunny scent again. He closed his eyes, savoring it.
He sighed. Again she seemed to answer him with another snore/sigh.
His whole body hummed with satisfaction. He felt content for the first time since he’d returned. Damn, that felt good.
And this woman felt good beside him. He sighed again, letting sleep drift peacefully over him.
Liza roused, coming out of a lovely, tranquil sleep. Her body warm, her limbs feeling heavy in a pleasant, relaxed way.
She stretched, her legs twining with longer legs, her fingers stroking smooth skin over hard muscles, and only then did she realize she wasn’t alone in bed, and the man beside her was the reason for her satiated, deliciously weak feeling.
She lifted her head to look up at him, his face serene and beautiful in sleep. His new haircut, mussed and adorable. His bare skin and chiseled muscles cast in the mellow golden glow of the faint light shining in from the other room.
Wow, she admired him further. Wow. This man was truly a perfect specimen of masculinity. And he’d made love to her.
She smiled, pressing a light kiss to his chest.
A low growl filled her head. In her bliss and contentment, she didn’t even register the irritated sound for a moment.
Then another growl echoed through her head. This time a little louder. A sound she knew well and couldn’t believe she had managed to ignore, even for a few seconds.
Oh God, he was waking up.
She sat upright, her heart beating wildly in her chest.
He was waking up.
She scrambled away from Michael, her movements awkward, panicked. The bed bounced under her frantic effort to move away from him.
Michael woke immediately, sitting upright too. He peered around him, surprisingly alert, considering that she had just jostled him out of a deep sleep. Or she assumed she had.
“Liza? What’s wrong?”
“You—” She rushed over to her bureau and pulled out an oversized T-shirt, tugging the garment over her head. “You have to go.”
She turned toward him. Michael watched her, confusion clear on his face, his brow furrowed, his hair still adorably mussed.
So gorgeous.
Another groggy, irritated sound ricocheted through her head.
“You have to go,” she repeated, almost shouting her command this time.
Michael still didn’t move. But he had to. He had to go before the demon woke up. She wouldn’t be able to hide her reaction to the damned thing, who would, without a doubt, be ranting in her head.
She couldn’t act normal with that going on. Plus, this had been her night, her stolen moment, and she wasn’t going to let a bigmouthed, interfering demon try to be a part of it. This was hers and hers alone.
But mainly, she did not want Boris to know whom exactly she’d been with. As it was, the demon knew too much. He knew she was attracted to someone, but she couldn’t risk his knowing too much. She had to keep Michael away from the craziness of the demon world she was stuck in. Michael worked at
but he didn’t need to know exactly what that meant.
“Liza? What is wrong?”
She hated that look on Michael’s face, but her abruptness couldn’t be helped. Maybe she could explain herself to him later, when the demon was drugged again, but right now, he just had to go.
“I told you,” she said, keeping her tone hard and adamant. “I want you to leave. Now.”
Michael stared at her for a moment, and when she didn’t look away, didn’t soften her determined glare, he finally threw his long legs over the edge of the bed and stood.
He started to move around the room, gathering his clothing, and Liza couldn’t take her eyes off of him. His long, muscular legs, his broad back and shoulders, the strength rippling under that golden skin of his. He was breathtakingly beautiful and utterly masculine, like some gladiator from ancient times.
He stopped, his shirt and boxers held in his hands.
“There has to be some reason for this,” he said, his tone almost pleading—or at least as close to pleading as she imagined this man ever got.
Her heart twisted in her chest, wishing she could tell him why she was acting this way. Or even better, she wished she could still be in bed with him, cradled in those strong arms.
And there was the reminder of why she couldn’t handle this any differently—and how un-freaking-fair it was.
“I—I don’t let anyone stay the night,” she stated.
Again he stared at her, his eyes stony, unreadable. But then he nodded and began to pull on his clothes without any other comment.
She watched, feeling heartbroken. She should have guessed this evening would end this way. But she hadn’t thought that far ahead. Hadn’t that been her whole plan? To just live in the moment, with no thoughts of later.
Well, that sort of thing never really worked out, did it? Only in books and movies, where impulsive actions somehow turned into happy endings.
Another groan filled her head. The demon was close to waking up completely. She’d heard him struggle to consciousness enough times to know his pattern.
“Okay,” Michael finally said, dressed. “Well, I guess I will be going.”
She nodded, not daring to speak.
He nodded too, his expression one of lingering confusion and something else. Something that tore at her already aching heart even more. Disappointment.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said.
She didn’t reply, really struggling to keep her own expression passive, indifferent.
He nodded again as if he couldn’t believe she wasn’t saying anything more, wasn’t giving him an explanation.
“Keep on keepin’ on,” he said wryly, then headed out of her bedroom.
She didn’t move. Keep on keepin’ on. An odd good-bye, but not any weirder than her suddenly ordering him to leave. And keeping on was all she ever did, so she supposed it was an apropos farewell after all.
BOOK: Devilishly Sexy
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