Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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“Hi, who are you?” 


Kyle opens his mouth and answers for me before I ever get the chance.

This is my new assistant Camille, Camille this is my intrusive sister Chloe.”

Hi, Camille,” it’s nice to meet you.

Hello, it’s nice to meet you as well,” I say as I rise to give her a handshake.

I’m here to make sure you don’t renege on your promise to me and Claire,” she says as she turns to Kyle. “We’re making plans and we can’t afford for you to have a change of heart.”

Don’t worry sis, I’m not planning to change my mind. I want you and Claire to have a good time.”

Good!” she says as she lifts up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

Oh! Camille you should come to me and my sister’s birthday party. We’re turning the big 21 and it’s going to be so much fun. Free cocktails all night, a desert bar, and an amazing DJ.”

I instinctively look at Kyle and he looks torn at the prospect of me coming to the party.

“Thank you for inviting me, but I’m not sure if I can make it.”

That’s crap, you can totally come. I’m sure Kyle will give you the night off to party. You can even bring a date. You’ll love it, we’re even playing hip-hop.”

Kyle’s jaw visibly tightens and I can tell that he’s tense because of her comment. Don’t get me wrong, I love hip hop but I enjoy other music so much more. I can’t really get mad at her because she doesn’t mean any harm by it.

“Okay, I wouldn’t want to miss your party. It sounds like a lot of fun.”

Good! I’m looking forward to seeing you there, I’ve invited Amanda too.”

I should have known that there would be a catch. I should have asked more questions first; maybe I can get out of going. The last thing I want to do is see Amanda outside of work. If I go, I’m definitely bringing back up with me, I’m sure that Sandy will want to come to a fancy birthday party. At the very least, we can see how the other half lives and that will be entertainment enough.

“Well, I’m off to class; it was good meeting you Camille.”

I say goodbye to Chloe and watch as Kyle says his goodbyes. The way that he interacts with his sister is really cute. I can tell that even though she gets under his skin, he really loves her. He’s spent so much time over the last week and half talking about his twin sisters. He makes me wish that I had siblings; it would have been nice to have someone to share my experiences with. I’ve only had Marcus and right now he just doesn’t seem like enough. He would like to be friends but I know that it’s possible for me.

“Sorry about the intrusion, we were getting ready to have so much fun.”

I squirm as the plug shifts in my ass. His sister showing up was like someone dousing me with freezing water. The mood had been killed immediately. As much as I would have liked to finish I know that he’s due for a meeting in ten minutes. So much for me finally getting the opportunity to be fucked on his desk.

“It’s okay; it’s not your fault. Your sister is really cute. Do you mind if I come to the party? I’m going to invite my friend Sandy.”

Well, if you don’t show up, Chloe will take it personally so I suggest that you show your face,” he grins.

Well, this should be interesting.”





I’m tripping” Camille



Okay, so run this by me again. You’ve been fucking the billionaire the whole time?” Sandy asks me disbelief.

I finally told Sandy everything about me and Kyle. I figured that I should let her know because it’s been killing me keeping it to myself, and I don’t want her to feel awkward when we’re at the party together. I’m so happy that she decided to come with me to Chloe’s party. We both look great because we purchased the cutest dresses yesterday when I got off of work. It’s been nice to spend some time with her and I realize that I’ve been all about Kyle since he offered me the job. I have to make sure that I continue to spend time with my friends. At the end of the day, they’re really all that I have. When Marcus and I blew up, they were around even when I didn’t want them to.

“Yes, we’ve been together for the entire time. I really like him.”

I would like him too if he gave me a credit card, paid my salary, and fucked me regularly.”

I laugh, “Shut up! You are crazy. I didn’t want to tell you at first because I wasn’t sure what you would think of me, and I wasn’t sure what I thought of myself.”

“So you have to tell me, how big is it? Do you enjoy it? How kinky do the both of you get?”

All that I’m going to say is that yes I enjoy it a lot, we do things that I’ve never really imagined doing, and the rumors about white men are not true. He’s the biggest I’ve ever had.”

He’s bigger than Marcus?”

Yes, by at least an inch.”

Oooh, no wonder you’re dick drunk. You’ve been avoiding my phone calls and when I do talk to you it’s been pretty short. Now I know what’s been going on,” she laughs.

Sorry, girl I’ve been enjoying myself a whole lot for the last two weeks.”

Believe me, I’ve noticed. So his little sister is having her party at the Wit and she managed to get the entire roof shut down for her party? They are fuckin’ loaded.”

I know, it’s absolutely crazy but I’m looking forward it. I’m glad you’re coming with me and you get to meet Amanda the bitch.”

We park at the Wit and start walking through the hotel towards the roof of the building. I capture a look at the both of us in the mirror and we look really good. If we had Cynthia with us we would look like the black Charlie’s Angels. When we step out onto the roof, I’m immediately made aware that we’re the only black people in attendance, that aren’t working the event. I know that it’s something that I’m going to have to get used to but it does bother me. I spot Kyle sitting on one of the white plush lounge chairs and I point him out to Sandy.

“Damn, he’s hot. I don’t have jungle fever but I would be all over him too,” she shouts into my ear over the loud music.

I look at him and smile inwardly. He is pretty hot and not just for a white man either. He’s universally hot, and no woman could deny that. I feel pretty lucky and I wish that I could walk over to him and plant a big one on his lips but I know that this isn’t the time for place for that. He and I are still keeping our relationship under wraps. I still don’t understand that concept, especially since he’s the CEO of the company. He shouldn’t have to hide what we have from anyone. I can’t help but think that it’s because he doesn’t plan on keeping me around for long. I sincerely hope that’s not the case because I’m falling in love with him.

“Camille! You made it, I’m so happy you’re here,” Chloe shrieks as she approaches me with her twin. They’re twins but fraternal, and Chloe is the prettier of the two.

I’m happy to be here, happy birthday to the both of you,” I say to the pair.

It’s great to meet you,” Claire says.

And who is this?” Chloe asks.

I introduce the both of them to Sandy and she says happy birthday. We all do a celebratory shot together. I decide to walk over to go speak to Kyle but I’m stopped in my tracks when I notice Amanda take a seat beside him. She looks good in the white mini dress and Kyle is appreciating the view.

“Aren’t they so cute together?” Chloe exclaims interrupting my thoughts.

Well they both look nice,” I respond.

We’ve been trying to get the both of them together forever. Amanda is finally deciding to make her move tonight. That’s why I invited her; I think that they just fit. Kyle’s interested in her but he doesn’t know how to deal with a real woman. He’s always whoring around. Hopefully they’ll settle down,” Claire says.

My heart feels like it’s about to come out of my chest and my mouth goes dry. I’m a mixture of pissed, hurt, and embarrassed. I’ve been bragging about Kyle the entire ride over with Sandy and this happens right in front of her. Sandy looks at me with pity written all over her face and it’s too much to take. I swallow back the tears prickling at my eyes.

“Excuse me for a moment,” I interject before I walk off in the opposite direction.

I have no clue where I’m going and end up going to the rest room. I have to go and get it together. Just because his sisters want him to be with Amanda doesn’t mean that it’s what he wants. He said that it was just professional between the both of them and I can either choose to believe him or move on. I can’t get the idea of the both of them sitting together, and the way that he looked at her. I know that sometimes men can’t help it, but he knows that I’m supposed to be here too.

“Camille?” I hear Sandy say as she enters the bathroom. She turns the corner and sees me standing at the sink.

Sorry for walking off, I just needed some time to breathe. Can you believe that shit?”

Don’t let them get to you, they don’t know about your relationship with him. They seem to just want him to be with anybody at this point. It wasn’t their intention to hurt you. It’s their birthday and they’re drunk.”

You’re right; I guess I am being super sensitive about this entire situation. I can’t believe that I care this much. I’m tripping.”

Like I said, you’re dick drunk,” she laughed, “Now let’s get the hell out of here and start partying. You ready?”

Yep, let’s go.”

We exit the bathroom and go back out into the sea of people on the roof. I make a bee line directly to Kyle. When he sees me he smiles brightly and stands to greet me. When his arms encircle my waist I melt into his body and he kisses my cheek. Just as quick as the hug began, it was already over.

“Hey you look great,” he winks at me, “Who is your friend?”

I introduce him to Sandy.


Amanda gives me the ultimate stare down and I return it with a polite smile. She leans over and whispers something into Kyle’s ear.

“Excuse me ladies, I have something to attend to,” he says before he walks away.

What the hell? I’m not a jealous person but I feel slighted. I saw him for all of 1 minute and he’s already walking away from me. Unable to stand any more drama, Sandy and I head to the bar. We order drinks and make small talk with other people there. Men are swarming all around us because we’re the only black women there and we’re hot. Sandy is soaking up all of the attention and I appear to be doing the same. The entire time that I’m talking to the men, I’m thinking about Kyle.


That’s right, I’m dick drunk.


I look around the deck for Kyle and I finally see him... kissing Amanda.


My entire body freezes up and I drop my cocktail glass. Everyone surrounding me looks in my direction, and I just stand there. I don’t know what to do; the man that I love is kissing Amanda.

“Let’s get out of here,” I say to Sandy before I head for the door.

Without looking back, I start towards the exit.


Camille!” I hear a voice that sounds like Kyle yell, but I don’t let it stop me.

I can’t take any more of this, and I don’t know what I was thinking. I have no business at a party like this and I have zero business, being involved with someone like Kyle. Other women may be okay with this kind of situation but I can’t take it. I don’t want to be his secret, while I have to sit back and excuse his behavior. I’m done.





If looks could kill, there would have been a massacre” Kyle




Have you ever just known that your day was probably going to suck?


That’s the way that I felt when I woke up this morning. Today was the first day that family and pleasure collided in my life. I pushed back my fear and moved forward with the day. I was excited to see Camille tonight because she went home yesterday to hang out with her friend, shop, and all of the other things that women do together.

Arriving at my sister’s party felt like torture. Watching the both of them drink freely and flirt with men was enough to make me want to punch someone in the face. My solution to this was to subdue my anger with alcohol. I took a seat on the comfortable loungewear and gave myself a view of the entrance. I wanted to make sure that I could see Camille when she finally showed up. It seemed like forever and I almost thought that she wasn’t going to show.

I couldn’t blame her if she decided not to come. It’s not like I decided to invite her as my date. I think that’s what she was waiting for but I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I don’t like to merge those parts of my life, but Chloe had already invited her and I wasn’t going to rescind the invitation. Chloe can be so pushy and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Finally, I saw Camille strut out onto the roof and she had my immediate attention. How could anyone not notice her when she walked into the room? She looked just like a sexy ebony goddess and my cock was at full attention. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and saw my sisters swarm her and her friend. They laughed and chatted for a bit. While I was watching them Amanda came and sat next to me.

“Kyle you’re looking especially good tonight,” she whispered into my ear.

Thank you Amanda, you look pretty good yourself,” I couldn’t help but appreciate the view. She was wearing a hot white little number, with the emphasis on little. All of her best assets were on display. Her fake C cups looked downright delicious. Even though I found her to be attractive, I wasn’t interested in taking it beyond that.

Chloe and Claire told me that you are letting them use your condo in Vegas for a week, you’re one trusting man,” she says with a sly smile.

I look up from her C cups and look for Camille, and she’s nowhere to be found. I wonder where she’s gone but I don’t think much of it because it’s a huge party. Hopefully she’s off enjoying herself, but not too much. I laugh and joke with Amanda for a while about my sisters. She knows how much I love them and how much they get under my skin.

I really enjoy Amanda’s company. Overall, I think that she’s a great person. Everything turned out for the best, and I’m happy that she turned my proposition down. I know that we are better off as friends, she’s conniving and I don’t like that kind of behavior in a partner. One reason that I keep her around is because she’s always been loyal to me. In my business loyalty matters and she’s never done anything to my knowledge to hurt or betray my trust.

I look up and Camille is standing in front of me, she looks even better up close. Her curves are to die for and her dress is hugging all of them. I think of her naked spread on my desk as I rise to greet her and her friend. After we all make introductions Amanda leans over to tell me something.

“Gregory is all over your sister,” she says.

I look over and I see one of my employees with their hands on Claire’s waist. He’s damned near 40. I excuse myself to take care of the situation.

“Greg, get your hands off my sister,” I say as I stalk towards them.

Oh please, I’m an adult and I can take care of myself,” my sister drunkenly says.

Okay, I’ll just run over to dad and let him know how much of an adult you are,” I challenge.

Whoa, I’m sorry Kyle. You’re absolutely right and I won’t touch her again,” Greg says as he scampers off.

Wow, you’re a real buzz kill, I’m going to the bathroom. You can hold my dress up while I pee if you want,” she rolls her eyes.

I don’t respond to her comment and I walk to the other side of the deck with Amanda on my heels. I order a drink from one of the servers.

“Don’t worry about her, she’s drunk and you swooped in to save the day. Believe me; she’ll thank you in the morning,” Amanda insists.”

I don’t care if she thanks me or not, those two are never going to happen if I have anything to do with it.”

After a few moments, I look around the deck to see if I can spot Camille, and I see her at the bar. She’s surrounded by men making small talk and they have other things on their mind. They are shamelessly flirting with my woman, and she seems to be receptive. My jaw clenches in jealousy and I almost break the glass that I’m holding.

“Don’t worry about her,” Amanda says, “You have me, and I’m not going anywhere.”

She traces the line of my jaw with her hand and lifts up to kiss me on the lips. I instinctively respond before I pull away and grab her hand roughly.

“What are you doing?”

Something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now, “she says before stepping in to kiss me again.

I take a step back to get some space between us.

“We are never going to happen; I thought that I was clear about that. You made your choice and now we have to live with it.”

But we have something special and…”

Her words fade out in my brain when I look up and I see Camille high tailing it for the exit. She had to have seen Amanda kiss me. I run after her leaving Amanda standing there while she’s still talking.

“Camille!” I yell.

I know that she heard me yell her name because she starts to walk faster; her friend looks back and gives me a cruel stare. If looks could kill, there would have been a massacre. There is nothing like a black woman looking at you evilly, so much is communicated in her eyes and I’m sure she literally wants to rip my head off. I continue behind them and run into the elevator behind them just as the doors are about to close.

“Why are you here?” Camille yells at me.

I know what you saw but I just wanted to tell you that it wasn’t what you think.”

Save it, because I don’t want to hear it. You’ve made your choice and it wasn’t me. I refuse to sit around while you publically acknowledge the woman that you really want to be with.”

No, she kissed me, but I didn’t return it.”

Camille responds with a smack of her lips. My stomach is in knots as I try to think of something to salvage our doomed relationship.

“I only want you Camille,” I plead as the elevator reaches the lobby. We walk out in silence.

Prove it then, take me back upstairs and introduce me to your family as your girlfriend.”

She asked for it, the one thing that I cannot give. I’m falling in love with her but what will my family think? What will my clients think and am I really ready for that?

“That’s exactly what I thought,” she responded to my silence. “You know what; you and that bitch Amanda deserve each other. Tell her that she’s won, and she can add me to the list of the women that she’s chased away.”

What does Amanda have to do with any of this?” I ask.

Ask her!” she yells before walking off with her friend.



BOOK: Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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