Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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I can’t help but wonder if my color is the reason that I got such poor treatment. Maybe it’s my clothes because everyone here is dressed immaculately. I have on a black suit from New York and Company and I thought that I was pretty cute this morning but now I feel severely under dressed and cheap. Nine West shoes aren’t impressive when the women here are wearing Jimmy Choos!


I take a look at the girl sitting next to me. She has on an expensive tan suit that was tailored to fit her slender frame. Her shoes look out of my league and so there is really no use in asking her where she got them from. Her manicured nails are holding on to her leather briefcase and she makes my binder look downright juvenile. I want to go home. I can’t believe that I have wasted my time coming down here. I no longer feel like the confident girl from yesterday morning.


“Camille, follow me,” Amanda says to me and immediately starts walking to the back.

I follow her along the hallways and she walks inside of a big office that mirrors the lobby in décor but ups the ante with the plush white carpet and crystal everywhere. I have to make sure I don’t knock anything over because I can’t afford to buy it if I break it. Although everything is glass, his desk is cherry wood and it’s beautiful but it looks out of place.  On the desk I see the name plaque ‘Kyle Kane, CEO’. Whoa, I’m interviewing with the CEO? I am so not ready for this.

“Hello Camille,” I hear a smooth voice say from behind me.

I jump slightly and turn around.

“Mr. Kane, this is Camille Wood. Camille this is Kyle Kane, the CEO,” Amanda says before makes a graceful exit.

Please, have a seat,” Mr. Kane says as he makes a gesture towards the chair sitting directly across from him. A glass coffee table separates us.

It’s nice to meet you Mr. Kane,” I say as I take my seat.

Please call me Kyle, Mr. Kane is my father,” he says with a sly and sexy grin.

Oh yes, I said sexy. This man is off of the charts when it comes to sexy and I don’t even like white boys. Well at least I thought I didn’t. I’m willing to ignore his corny line because who cares what he says when he’s so damned hot?

He looks to be in his early 30’s. He has thick tousled black hair, beautiful green eyes, and a clean shaven face that shows off his square jaw line, and I can tell that he works out. His suit jacket is neatly laid across the back of the chair in the middle of us and so his muscles are straining against the white business shirt that he’s wearing so well. How would any woman be able to keep her hands off of him? I wonder if he likes black girls.

Okay Kyle,” I say. “Thank you so much for having me.”

He smiles as he says “Well, you had a cover letter that we just couldn’t ignore. You’re a little arrogant for a person with so little experience and I must admit that I was intrigued.”

I blush and tell myself to stop acting like a little school girl. This is an interview and not a date.

I’m not arrogant, I’m self confident. I know my worth and my value. I’m an asset to whoever I work for and you’ll never find another candidate that can do things as efficiently as me, or that has the drive that I do.”

He raised an eyebrow at me and begins to ask me a series of questions. I feel like I’m on auto pilot because in my head I’m somewhere else. In my head I’m laid on my back naked on top of his cherry wood desk and he’s on top of me impaling me with his big cock. Do white men even have big dicks? Maybe one day he’ll show me. I would love to know what he feels like sliding in and out of me as he looks at me with those green eyes.

“Camille?” he says, snapping me out of my trance.

I lick my lips suggestively out of habit and I see him adjust in seat. Hmmm, so he does like me. I can’t believe I’m flirting with a white man and on a job interview, this can’t be professional. I try to shake it and continue on with the interview. I’m clearly lusting after him because of my lack of sex. I should have rocked Rodney’s world yesterday when I had the opportunity because my hormones may lose me this job.

“Yes?” I ask.

Why should I hire you? Especially with your lack of real experience?” he asks sternly.

My experience is very real,” I clarify. “I may not have standard corporate experience but my real life experience gives me the edge that you truly need. You can trust me to not just get your coffee but to handle your clientele with ease and secure new ones. I’m extremely attentive and you’ll only need to tell me things once. I exist to make your life easier and I take pride in that.”

He gives a slight smile, “You’re talking as if you have the position.”

“In my personal experience, that’s the only way that you really get what you want. I know that I’m the best, and I know that you want the best and so we’re a perfect match.”

That’s all that I need to hear today. Please take my card, and feel free to call Amanda if you have any questions. She’s my personal assistant. You’ll be hearing from her within the week to hear the news,” he says as he stands.

I stand and see that he’s tall and looks to be about 6’2”. I usually tower over men when I’m in my heels but he still has me by about 3 inches and that makes me feel…aroused. I get closer to him and inhale his clean scent as I shake his hand. His hand is huge and it completely swallows mines. He rubs his thumb over the flesh in between my pointer finger and thumb and the sensation goes straight to my panties.

“Thank you sir,” I say “I look forward to hearing from you,” and I turn and walk out of his office.

Sir? Did I really just call this man sir? He is not my father and I don’t call me sir unless they’re over the age of 60. But it just seemed to fit the moment and he is obviously accustomed to being called sir. Why wouldn’t he be? He’s a powerful man.

Now I just have to sit back and wait to see if I got the job. I walk out into the lobby and see the confident blonde sitting there. I try not to think self defeating thoughts because she looks perfect in this environment and I’m obviously out of place. I’m ready for something good to happen to me in my life. My life needs to change and I know that this job can change my life.


So screw Becky (that’s what I guess her name is), I need this job way more than she does.

I walk through the double doors with my head held high but I’m faking the funk. I don’t think I got the job.




I wonder how she’ll look with a collar around her neck” Kyle




I need a breather after Camille left my office.


I’ve always thought that black women were sexy but there aren’t many of them in my circle. The ones that I know are usually already married or they don’t date white men. I could go and actively seek them out but that’s always seemed to be really classless. But today, she sashayed into my office, and she has a body that’s meant for sin and the face of an angel.


I brought her in for an interview out of sheer curiosity because her resume was so bare but her cover letter spoke as if she had a ton of experience. I figured she would come in and sell me a bunch of bullshit but I was willing to take that chance. I’m looking for an additional personal assistant that can help me woo clientele and that can think quickly on her feet. I don’t need a drone; I need a sharp person that thinks for herself.  Camille obviously fits the bill and I believe that she can back up every word that she said. My intuitions are hardly ever wrong.


It was an interesting interview. I had a bit of a tough time because her full lips were mesmerizing. I kept imagining my cock on the edge of her soft lips. When she licked her lips I almost lost it. I’m still hard just thinking about it. I want her, and there’s no denying that. I’m used to getting what I want and putting her over my knee so that I can spank that plump ass is exactly what I want. She has a sassy little mouth and so I’m sure she’ll deserve it.

Her clothes and shoes did her no justice. She’s a woman that belongs in the best and it’s obvious that she believes that too. Even though her clothes weren’t expensive she takes really good care of herself. Her hair was flawless, her nails were professional, and her makeup was very becoming. If I hire her I will have to give her the company card so that she can go shopping.

Who am I kidding? I’m going to hire her and hopefully I’ll have her in my bed soon. She should belong to me. I wonder how she’ll look with a collar around her neck, and tied to my bed. The thought gets me hard again and I realize that I’m going to have to do the next interview while sending behind my desk. I press the intercom button.


“Amanda, send the next one in.” 




It’s been an incredibly long day and the interviews were the most draining. Sitting through the last 3 of the day, when I already knew that I wanted Camille was boring. I tried to not be short or rude with them. Their qualifications are impressive but they don’t have the bite or edge that I need. Looking great on paper is one thing but the intelligence to naturally navigate a conversation, to manipulate, and to get what you want is another.

It’s not that Camille seems like she lacks morals, but I can tell that she is woman who is accustomed to getting what she wants. She doesn’t take no for an answer and even when she’s outclassed, she doesn’t let it stop her.


That’s what I need.


A lot of the women that I’ve hired in the past are all the same. Beautiful, educated, and talented but they lack the fire that can only be ignited by pressure and life experience.

She will have all of my clients wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger.


Hopefully that won’t extend to me but I have to admit that if she asks for something, I’ll do my best to get it for her. Some women just have that effect on a man and usually I’m immune. I mean I’ve seen it; my mom has that kind of influence on my dad. One smile and he is putty in her hands. I’ve always thought that it was cute but it’s not something that I’ve desired for myself; at least not yet.


Getting my dad to hand over the company to me last year was no easy feat. His objections usually revolved around how young I am. He wasn’t sure if I could handle the position at only 32 years old. Now it’s a year later, and our offices are still expanding and thriving. I’ve been working my butt off since I was 15 to learn the ins and outs of the investment business. My father had a series of minor heart attacks when I was 30 and gave the entire family a scare, so my mom put her foot down and he handed the company over to me.


I can see how this business would cause a man to have a heart attack. The only thing that keeps me sane is scotch and women. I tend to keep the both of them separate because when I’m enjoying a woman, I need to be in full control. When you’re flogging a woman you have to be in control of your faculties. I never want to make a mistake and injure her, beyond her personal limits.


As I straighten things up on my desk for the evening, Amanda walks into my office. She usually stays longer than she has to and I practically have to push her out the door. I would say that it’s because she loves her job but I know different. She’s interested in me, but she missed her chance. It’s the same chance that I plan on extending to Camille. I give my personal assistants the opportunity to not only work for me but to belong to me as well.


Mixing business with pleasure is something that I’ve done for quite some time and makes my life a lot more enjoyable. After all, business is often a pleasure to me as it is.


Having my submissive close to me at all times is something that’s important to me. Best stress relief ever. After a difficult meeting I can close my office door and bury myself deep into her pussy, or tie her to the chair and sensually torture her until she’s begging for release.


“Well, good evening Mr. Kane,” Amanda says coyly.

Good evening Amanda, when do you plan on getting out of here. You know that I don’t pay overtime,” I say with a chuckle.


She grins, “I’m well aware of that, but you pay damn well. I just wanted to stick around and see if you’ve made a decision about who to hire. You’re the kind of man that instantly knows what he wants.”


“I plan on hiring Camille,” I say in a matter of fact tone.


She narrows her eyes at me, “Camille, that girl with the cheap shoes? I don’t think that she will fit in here. What qualifications does she even have to achieve such a position?”

Amanda is such a little snob but she is good at what she does. Anticipating my needs is something that she’s great at and she has a memory that will rival an elephant. So she fits in great at this office. She looks just like most of the other administrative and personal assistants on the floor. She is white, pretty, and dressed impeccably. I would be lying if I said that her little skirts didn’t make me hard. Some days I’ve wanted to have my way with her but I don’t date a woman after she tells me no. She wanted to sign on as just a personal assistant and I granted her that.

“She’s qualified because I say that she is, I have a feeling that she can hold her own, and I don’t owe you an explanation.”

She looks at me with a stunned expression but quickly recovers.

“I apologize, I didn’t mean to pry. I was just anxious to figure out who my new colleague would be,” she says demurely.

Her fake meekness makes me chuckle, “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you are jealous.”

“I have absolutely no reason to be jealous of that girl. I’m the one that decided to keep our relationship limited to personal assisting.”

That’s true, but I know that you regret that decision.”

She scoffs, “Hardly. I enjoy my freedom, and vanilla is my favorite flavor.”

“Hopefully Camille’s is chocolate and vanilla swirl,” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.

You’re such a freak, but she doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl to cross the racial lines. She seems very ummmmm…urban.”

She’s definitely from the urban area but she carries herself with class and dignity. I think that her mannerisms are a part of her charm. Anyway Amanda, it’s getting late. I’m going to the restroom, file those resumes away, and let’s get out of here.” I say, effectively ending the conversation.


On the drive home, I have
on my mind.


She was my last submissive and personal assistant. She quit two weeks ago and walked out of my life forever. She wanted more from me that I could provide her with. She wanted our relationship to go public and she was tired of ‘being my secret’. I really enjoyed Charlotte’s company; she was really sweet, funny, and obedient. But a woman can only take so much before they break. I should have seen the signs earlier. She was becoming increasingly moody over everything, and she needed constant validation. To be quite honest, she was starting to get on my nerves, and she just wasn’t fun anymore. I was surprised when she quit, but I can’t say that I was upset. Relief flooded my body when I read the “I can’t do this anymore” note that she left on my desk. I made sure to give her an excellent bonus and I paid off her car as a parting gift.

The drive home for me is short. I could take a cab because I live in a penthouse loft in the west loop, but I can’t resist driving my new Maybach 57.  I debate calling my younger sister, because she called me yesterday. As the oldest and the only boy, my twin sisters are a thorn in my flesh. I love them but they are a handful. I’m 12 years their senior and their 21
birthday is right around the corner. I don’t know whether to be happy for them or to call in the cavalry. Chloe and Claire are real beauties, every woman and man knows it, and it drives me crazy.

When I’m finally relaxed with glass of scotch I call my sister Chloe.

“Hey Kyle,” she says in a tone that I know is reserved for begging, snooping, or both.

Wassup Chloe? I saw that I missed your call and I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”

Everything is fine; Claire and I just wanted to make sure that you still plan on coming to our 21
birthday party.”

I smile and say, “You both know that I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Now tell me what you two really want.”

I hear Claire in the background urging Chloe to just come out with it. They bicker for a few more seconds, have a vocal struggle over the phone, and Claire won the battle.

Hey Kyle, what Chloe was struggling to ask you is, can we please use your condo in Vegas for a week next month? Pleeeeeeaaasssse, we promise not to trash it,” Claire begged.

My first instinct is to say hell no. I remember all the debauchery that I indulged in when I was in my 20’s and in Vegas.

Hell, I remember what I did just last year.


I’m not sure if I want the two of you running around in Vegas for a week,” I groan. “But I know that I can’t stop you. So yes, you may use it but don’t be surprised if I send someone to check in on the both of you.”

I had to move the phone away from my face because the two of them squealed so loudly.


Thank you, thank you, thank you,” they repeated over and over into the phone.

Sooooo,” Chloe said, “Are you bringing a date to our party in two weeks?”

See, here comes the snooping part. Chloe and Claire have always hounded me about women. They’ve most likely picked up this habit from our mother. All of them want to see me settle down with someone and provide them with grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. However, I’m just not prepared to take that step with anyone yet. It’s my life and so I’ll live it however I see fit. Even though I date a lot of women, I don’t bring them around my family because I don’t want either party getting too attached.

“Do I ever bring a date?”

Well, we were hoping that you would surprise us this year,” Chloe pouted.

Sorry to disappoint you sis, you enjoy your night. I’m about to unwind.”

Good night,” they both yell through the phone.

I’m not going to upset myself tonight by thinking of the sin that they have cooked up for Las Vegas. I’m just going to sip my scotch and think about what I’m going to say to Camille when I call her in three days. I’m excited about having her on my staff, but I’m really hoping that she wants to be more than my personal assistant.



BOOK: Dating The White Billionaire (BWWM Interracial Romance)
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