Read Chains of Desire Online

Authors: Natasha Moore

Chains of Desire (3 page)

BOOK: Chains of Desire
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She couldn’t stop what the guard was doing to her, even if
she wanted to, so she gave herself up to the sensations. Her sex was throbbing
again between her legs. Unable to do anything else, she wriggled her hips, felt
his hardness pressing into her. He must have known what she wanted, for he slid
his hand between her legs and finally brushed his fingers along that most
sensitive flesh.

Hanna sucked in her breath as jolts of desire shot through
her body. Her body jerked and she swung from the chains, even with his arm
around her. “Oh yes,” she whispered. “More.”

His slow laughter sounded deep and dark as his hot breath
brushed against her ear. He removed his hand from between her legs. “It’s not
for you to say. Not for you to demand.”

She barely restrained the cry of frustration that wanted to
burst from her mouth. Yes. She was the slave. He was the Master. It was up to
him, wasn’t it? How much pleasure she received. If she received any pleasure at
all. It was what he wanted. Not what she wanted. She had to remember that now.

But he’d said he wanted to show her pleasure, so she tried
her best to relax and not let him see how frustrated she was feeling. She hung
limply from the shackles, her wrists and ankles burning from rubbing on the
hard edges of the metal cuffs.

“Good,” he murmured. He brushed his lips against her neck,
the softest touch yet from him. “You’re learning.”

“I just need…I need…” Hanna had no words for what she needed,
but her body was on fire.

“Your Master will know what you need. He will let you know
when you can come,” he told her. “I’m only a teacher tonight, but you will
think of me as your Master for now.” He stroked her hair, her shoulder, then
rested his hand against her throat once again. “Do you understand?”

She nodded. “Yes.” He pressed slightly harder. She
swallowed. “Yes, Master.”

Hanna thought she felt him tremble before he let up on his
hold. “There will be trainers at the slave station, but if you remember what
I’ve told you, you’ll have an easier time of it. Do you understand?”

No, but she nodded anyway. She didn’t want to think about
Noria or slave stations or what kind of “training” she would be getting there.
She didn’t want to think past right now and Jarrod’s hands on her and her body
coming alive beneath them.

“Sex isn’t always sweet and gentle. Especially on Noria.”
Jarrod grabbed her nipple and twisted. She gasped, but it wasn’t as painful as
she thought it would be. In fact, it sent her sex throbbing even more
intensely. She instinctively pressed her breast into his hand, silently begging
for more. “Ah, you like it a little rough. That will help.”

Shivers skittered against her skin. He pulled and twisted
her nipple some more and she cried out, but only partly from the pain. She was
becoming overwhelmed by all the sensations bombarding her body.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the pulsing of her blood
echoing in her ears. He pulled her more tightly against him, almost lifting her
off her feet. He repeatedly pinched her skin as he roamed his other hand over
her body, the sharp stings simply sending her senses reeling even higher.

When he slipped his fingers between her legs, she was so
wet, the caresses were mere teases. He pulled and tugged on the folds of slick
flesh, but avoided the one spot that was becoming the only thing she cared
about. The pressure was building inside of her, swirling and pulsing and
growing stronger. But not strong enough. She whimpered and tried to push
against his hand, but between the chains holding her legs apart and his grasp
on her waist, there wasn’t anything she could do.

“Have you ever come, Princess?” he whispered, his voice
rough in her ear. “Ever shattered around a man’s hand? Or tongue? Or cock?”

She was panting so hard, she couldn’t speak. She shook her
head from side to side, her body searching for something just out of reach.
need…I need…

“Come. Come now.” He scraped that rough finger across the
throbbing spot and she came apart in his arms. She had no control over the
spasms that rocked her body. Her limbs pulled against the chains, but the pain
the cuffs were causing wasn’t enough to override the pleasure dancing through
her body. He continued to rub that secret spot even as she jerked against his
hard body over and over again.

Finally she couldn’t move any more, her energy spent. He
released her and she sagged against the cuffs. And cried out in pain as the
metal rubbed her skin raw.


Jarrod cursed. “Sorry.” He’d been so aroused by seeing her
come, feeling her come in his arms that he hadn’t been thinking about anything
else. He should have been thinking about her comfort first. It was a Master’s

He pressed his thumb to the small print pad on one of the
wrist cuffs. It opened and her arm fell limply to her side. He released her
other wrist. She swayed slightly, leaning against him, but quickly regained her
balance. She moaned as she rolled her shoulders.

“Hold on,” he said, then knelt down to release the ankle
cuffs. Then he stood and put his arm around her and led her over to the bunk
attached to the wall. “Sit here.”

She nodded and sank onto the mattress. He grabbed her hand
and studied the red, raw skin. “You broke the skin.” He almost pressed his lips
to the raw spot, but caught himself in time and dropped her arm as though it
had burned him.

He turned away so he didn’t see her looking up at him with
something like hope shining in her eyes. He grabbed the tube he’d brought with
him and took a deep breath before he turned back around. He sat down beside her
on the bunk and picked up her slender arm again. He brushed his fingers over
the reddened skin and she hissed.

“This is one of Noria’s greatest developments. They call it
Marvel Cream.” He squeezed out a small amount from the tube. Her body tensed
when he began to smooth the cream onto her damaged skin. She cried out when it
first touched her, but he felt her begin to relax as he continued to rub her
skin with the soothing cream.

“They’ve become one of the richest planets in the Six
Systems by exporting it. Have you ever heard of it?”

She shook her head. She looked up from her arm, where she’d
been watching him rub the cream. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Yeah. It can’t mend broken bones or repair internal
injuries, but for damage to the skin or muscles, it has become a miracle cure.”

She lifted her arm and stared at her wrist. “The redness is
gone? That quickly?”

Jarrod reached across her body to take her other wrist in
his hand. He brushed against her tempting breasts and couldn’t even lie to himself
and pretend it was accidental. He spread the healing cream on her other wrist.

“These are very minor injuries. More severe cuts and bruises
take longer to heal.”

He knelt in front of her and ran his hand down her silky
calf until he reached her ankle. As he rubbed the cream into the reddened skin,
he tried to ignore her soft, damp pussy. The scent of her arousal fed his
desire and his cock throbbed painfully in his pants.

“So this sex planet developed a healing cream like this?”

He circled her slender ankle with his fingers and looked up
at her. “Cuffs and chains and whips and clamps leave their marks on a slave’s
skin. With this cream, the slave is as good as new for the next person to
enjoy.” She shuddered beneath his fingers and he felt no guilt for scaring her.
“You need to know this.”

Fear flickered in her eyes. “I can’t do it.”

“You can. And you will.” He slid his hand up her leg until
it brushed her soft pussy. Why did he continue to play with fire? It was time
to finish this game. He clutched her firm thigh and stared her down. “You don’t
have any say, remember? It doesn’t matter what you want anymore.”

“Have you always been so cruel?”

He laughed bitterly. “You have no idea.” He pushed her down
onto the bunk and stood up. “I’ll leave you unchained for now, but if you cause
any more trouble I can’t help you again.”

“Where are you going?”

The sight of her sprawled on the bed, her naked skin
glistening, her breasts plump, her pussy wet and shiny, was almost more than he
could handle. He wanted nothing more than to rip open his trousers and plunge
his cock into her wet core. The worried expression on her face was what stopped
him. He had to get out of here. She couldn’t think she could depend on him for

“To do my job. Guard this room. Outside. Get some sleep.”

* * * * *

Hanna couldn’t sleep, even now that she was finally lying on
a mattress instead of hanging from chains. She couldn’t stop thinking about the
uncertain future ahead of her. And of the man who had just left her.

Jarrod could pretend to be hard-hearted but his touch had
been gentle as he healed her injuries. She’d felt him tremble when he touched
her. Felt the tender way he’d held her as he pleasured her. The whisper-soft
brush of his lips on her skin. He was nothing like the frightening guard who’d
brandished a knife and cut her robes off when she tried to escape, even if
Jarrod wanted her to think he was.

Jarrod had meant to scare her though, and Hanna knew it was
because he was trying to harden her to the realities of the life she was
facing. Had he been forced to accept the life he now led?

She wondered what he’d had to do to survive.

She must have fallen asleep for a little while. Her dream of
kneeling naked in front of the sexy guard had left her both confused and
aroused. The idea of submitting sexually shouldn’t be exciting. She shouldn’t
be aroused by the idea of being a sex slave, even in her sleep. What was wrong
with her?

She tried to hide her disappointment when it wasn’t Jarrod
who came into her room carrying her breakfast. She’d thought Jarrod was big,
but this giant with thick blond hair flowing past his shoulders was huge. His
sculpted muscles were massive and the bowl holding her breakfast was
practically dwarfed in his large hand.

Piercing blue eyes pinned her to the mattress. She wished
there was a blanket she could use to cover her nakedness. Since there wasn’t,
she sat up and met his stare, lifting her chin to show him she wasn’t
terrified, and hoped her lips didn’t tremble.

He silently handed her the bowl. “Thank you,” she said, good
manners instilled in her from an early age. She took the bowl, which held some
sort of gruel. “Are my women well?” She tried to make the question sound
off-hand and then took a large spoonful of the porridge to show she was going
to cooperate in exchange for information.

She glanced up to see him nod. “They are fine.” His voice
was deep, an unfamiliar accent colored his tones. She wondered which planet he
was from. “They are in a holding cell below.” He paused and studied her for a
moment. “One of them looks a lot like you. Same long wavy hair of gold. Same
tiny body. Your sister?”

Hanna shook her head. “I am an only child.”

The guard shrugged. “She’s bossy. Pleasing to the eye, but
has a mouth on her. She will be fun for some Master to train.”

Hanna remembered Jarrod’s words about Masters and training
and a slave station waiting at the end of their journey. This guard must be
talking about Princess Serena. Hanna had failed in her duty to keep the
princess safe. Though she had no appetite, she ate to keep her strength.

“Some of the women are not taking the news of their future
as well as others,” the guard said.

Hanna threw the spoon into the bowl. “What do you expect?
They’ve been taken from their home and told they are going to be sold as slaves.
How would you react?”

He narrowed his eyes and straightened his shoulders even
more than they already were. “With pride and dignity. Not cowering in a corner,

She set the bowl aside, her stomach twisting, her heart
squeezing as she pictured the women she’d grown up with and most likely would
never see again.

“I would have behaved as you have, Princess Serena,” the
guard said, surprising her. “Fight at first. Then accept and go on. Find a way
to make the situation work for you.”

“How can any part of this situation work for me? For any of

“Believe me when I say that most of the sex slaves on Noria
enjoy their positions.”

“Enjoy being bound and chained? Enjoy being told what to do
for the rest of my life?” But even as the words came out of her mouth, Hanna
remembered the pleasure she’d experienced under Jarrod’s hands. She’d been
chained then. Yet her body had come alive with the pleasure he brought her.

“Many women, slave or not, find pleasure in the bondage.
Find safety and security in the chains and collars and cuffs.” He spoke softly,
slowly, seductively. “When the Master takes care of their needs, they have
nothing to worry about. Except pleasure.”

Her heart pounded. She remembered Jarrod’s words. “Except
pleasing the Master.”

His eyes danced over her naked body. “And by pleasing the
Master, you will receive pleasure in return.”

The idea was unthinkable, but Hanna let the guard’s words
sink in. Was there truth in what he said? She couldn’t deny the way her body
had reacted to Jarrod. The way
had reacted.

“I thought being a slave would be frightening. That Masters
are cruel.”

“Did Jarrod tell you that?”

She nodded and then silently cursed the thrill that ran
through her from the mere mention of his name.

“Some people are cruel, Master or not. But most Masters are
not cruel. They simply have a need to dominate their sexual partners.”

“Like you?” Hanna wasn’t sure where the courage came to
question this guard, but beneath his powerful exterior, she sensed his words
were meant to reassure her, not frighten her.

“Unlike my friend, I refuse to apologize for my dominant

BOOK: Chains of Desire
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