Read Chains of Desire Online

Authors: Natasha Moore

Chains of Desire (10 page)

BOOK: Chains of Desire
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“Come, slave!”

She shattered beneath her Masters, her body jerking, her
cries smothered by Micah’s cock. But she had no relief from the sensations.
Jarrod continued to stroke her relentlessly, bringing her higher again, as he
still plunged into her from behind. She groaned. Her body couldn’t take much
more. Her sight had been taken from her. Micah’s cock stretched her mouth and
throat. Chains tugged on her nipples to the point of pain. Jarrod’s cock thrust
forcefully into her core. His fingers roughly probed her rear passage. How much
more could a slave take at one time?

Jarrod took her sensitive nub between his thumb and finger
and pinched. “Come again.”

She screamed as the orgasm slammed into her, harder than
anything she’d felt before. Her body shook uncontrollably and this time, Jarrod
gentled his strokes between her legs.

Just as her spasms began to lessen, Micah roared. He pulled
his cock out of her mouth and dropped it on her shoulder. Warmth ran down her
back. She was confused for a moment, until she realized he spilled his seed for
the Station Master to see. Proof that she had satisfied him.

She’d been so caught up in the amazing sex between the three
of them, caught up in the sensations and the emotions, that she’d forgotten all
about the man watching them. Forgot for a moment that she was a slave with an
uncertain future.

Micah let go of the chain and pulled her head against his
hard stomach, stroking her hair. He murmured softly in a language she didn’t

The strokes of Jarrod’s cock became stronger, faster, until
he too pulled out of her body and emptied himself across the small of her back.
Her heart was still racing, her breathing faster than it should be. Micah’s
fingers slipped through her hair and she felt him move back and stand. Then
Jarrod slipped his fingers out of her last hole and he moved away from her as
well. She was suddenly empty. On her hands and knees. Alone. Seed of both
Masters slid down her back.

She heard footsteps walking away, quiet talking across the
room. She was concentrating so hard on those sounds, she was startled when
strong hands grasped her shoulders. Jarrod’s scent wrapped around her like a

“Rise, slave,” he said softly. He helped her to her feet and
then washed her back with a soft cloth. “You are an excellent slave,” he said,
his voice louder now. “The king will be pleased with his new purchase.”

Chapter Five


Hanna was afraid to move, to speak. Afraid he was really
taking her to the king. Afraid she’d never see him again.

She’d been blinded before she’d been brought to this
building. The darkness was so disconcerting. She wanted to see Jarrod. See the
expression on his face. Maybe then she’d be able to tell if he’d lied to her.
But she couldn’t do anything but stand there, her shoulders straight, her hands
trembling behind her back. The chain attached to her nipple rings swayed
against her legs.

She could sense Jarrod was close to her. She could detect
his scent, hear his soft breathing. But since he’d finished wiping off her
back, he hadn’t touched her. Hadn’t said a word. She could hear Micah’s low
voice somewhere behind her, but she couldn’t make out the words. Was he talking
to Prax? Was the Station Master going to let her go? What would happen to her
if he did? What would happen if he didn’t?

The questions were driving her crazy, especially since she
could only stand perfectly still, not pace restlessly as she desperately wanted
to do. Only keep her mouth closed and not demand to know what was going to
happen to her. Although, in the end, it didn’t matter what the answers were.
What would happen, would happen. She would go where she was taken. She didn’t
have any say in the matter.

“We are ready.” Micah was back. Relief was evident in his
voice. “The Station Master has released the slave. We must leave the blindness
patches on until we arrive at the palace. The king demands he be the one to
remove them, so the first thing she sees is her Master.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Jarrod replied, his voice strained.
The chains rattled and Hanna felt the tug on her nipples. “Follow me, slave.”

He pulled on the chain and she tried to keep up with the
rapid pace he set while she couldn’t see where she was going. Her heart pounded
against her ribs. He was taking her to the king. After having her hope raised
and her heart filled, they’d both been dashed to pieces.

She heard the door close behind them. The men’s heavy boots
echoed through the hallway. Terrified of stumbling and falling, Hanna tried to
concentrate on the simple act of walking, not on where they were walking

They were silent as they left the building. Hanna felt the
sunshine on her face again, but this time it didn’t make her smile. She could
hear people talking around them. Smell unfamiliar scents. The walkway was hot
against her bare feet.

Hanna stumbled briefly on something in her path but kept
walking. Jarrod didn’t even pause. She choked back a sob. If only Jarrod hadn’t
been the one sent to test her, to collect her for the king. Earlier, when her
body was being prepared for the king, she had resigned herself to living her
life without him. Why did he have to tease her with another taste of his touch?
Now she could never be happy with another Master.

They continued a little farther, then turned a corner and
stopped. Had they reached the palace already? She drew a long, shaky breath.
Then large hands, Jarrod’s hands, gently peeled away the blindness patches.

“Such a good slave. So strong,” he whispered, his voice

Hanna squinted for a moment, blinking as she adjusted her
eyes. Jarrod stood before her. The man she’d always think of as her Master. She
feasted her eyes on his handsome form, she’d been so afraid she’d never see him
again. But what good did it do to be tempted by his presence? He should have
brought her to the king with the patches still on her eyes.

She tried for a regal sneer, but her trembling lip most
likely gave her away. “So you two work for King Barrus.”

“Ssh. Keep your voice down,” Micah whispered.

“No, Princess,” Jarrod replied. “We don’t.”

She stepped away, not knowing what to think. “No? So were
you lying to me when you said you and Micah owned a cargo ship? Or when you
said you were training me for the king?”

“We intercepted the king’s men and took their place,” Micah

“What? I don’t understand.”

Jarrod surprised her by gathering her into his arms. She
rested her head on his chest and he gently stroked her hair. “I couldn’t leave
you to the king.”

Hanna pulled back to stare at him. “You’re not taking me to
the king? I’m not going to be his personal sex slave?”

“Not if we can get you to that ship we own without getting
caught,” he told her wryly.

Hanna let herself sink into Jarrod’s embrace once more. Did
she dare hope that meant he wanted to take her with him? Why else would he have
rescued her? She would be so happy with him as her Master.

She was just realizing what he and Micah had risked to
rescue her. She gazed up into his warm gaze. “I have no words worthy of what
you have done. Thank you.”

“We shouldn’t linger.” Micah’s deep voice broke through her
pleasure. Jarrod released her abruptly as if he’d suddenly realized he’d shown
some emotion. Hanna didn’t let that dampen her joy. They’d saved her and she
was with Jarrod. That was all that mattered.

She turned to Micah. How could she have forgotten him and
his role in her escape? She threw her arms around his waist. “Thank you too.”
He wrapped his arms around her for a moment, then stepped away.

“Come, Princess,” Micah said. He picked up two weapons,
long, black and lethal, that were propped up in the shadows of the alley and
handed one to Jarrod. “We have to get out of here before the palace starts
wondering where you are.”

“I’ll lead you by the chains and no one will suspect a
thing,” Jarrod said. He gathered them in his hands again. Her woman’s spot
tingled again, just from the sight of him holding her chains. “We do have a
ship and it’s ready to take you back to Vanya.”

“Vanya?” They were taking her back to Vanya? Back to her
boring life? Jarrod wasn’t going to be her Master? She refused to move, even
though he’d turned to leave the alley. His yanking on the chain hurt her
nipples. But they didn’t hurt as much as her heart. “Why can’t I go with you?”

Jarrod stared at her and for a moment she almost thought she
saw his expression soften. But then his face froze in that mask she recognized
all too well. “You’re a princess. You’d be of no use to me at the trading

He might as well have slapped her in the face. Hanna refused
to let tears spring to her eyes. How foolish she’d been. She’d thought if he’d
risked his life to rescue her he must have cared about her. Why else would he
have done it?

So all he cared about was her use to him? Hadn’t she been of
use to him on her knees with his cock in her mouth? But he obviously didn’t
even want her as his slave. Then she remembered what Fawn told her. Just
because a Master seemed fond of a slave didn’t mean he wanted to keep her.

Fine. She didn’t need him. She’d find another Master. A
better one. But one thing was for certain, she wasn’t going back to being the
princess’ slave on Vanya.

Hanna gasped in horror. How could she have forgotten the
real princess and the other women? Shame poured over her like hot oil. “We have
to rescue the others! I can’t go back to Vanya without them.”


Jarrod glared at the princess, both annoyed at her and
admiring her loyalty to her subjects. He knew he wouldn’t have done any
differently if it had been Micah or other men he’d worked with who were
imprisoned. But that didn’t mean he liked it. They didn’t have much time.

“I don’t know where they are and we don’t have the time to
search for them.”

“I know where to find them,” Micah said dryly.

“How—? Never mind.” Micah had sources everywhere. Jarrod
slung his weapon over his shoulder and handed Micah the princess’s chain. “Tell
me where and then you get the princess to the ship. I’ll bring them out.”

“No,” the princess said stubbornly. “I’m going with you.”

Didn’t he just risk his ass to get her out of there? “You
are not going with me. You’ll be no help at all.”

Her face grew red and she yanked her chain right out of
Micah’s strong fingers. Jarrod wanted to take her over his knee and spank her,
but they didn’t have time for that right now.

Micah actually handed her his weapon. “You take this,
Princess. The holding cells are in the last building straight ahead. It
shouldn’t be too heavily guarded, but I can’t say for sure.”

“Are you crazy? Don’t give her your weapon. She doesn’t even
know how to use it.” She’d probably shoot him in the back.

“The trigger is right here, Princess,” Micah said, pointing
it out. “The safety is on the top. Here. When it is solid red, the safety is
on. When it is blinking green, you can fire the weapon.”

Jarrod rolled his eyes. “We could be on the ship by now.”
She looked ridiculous, so tiny and fragile, holding that huge TX-95. He grabbed
the weapon out of her hands. “You can’t handle this. It’s too heavy for you.”

She rose up on her toes, obviously trying to get into his
face. Her hands were balled into tight fists. “Didn’t you just say I was
strong? Didn’t I prove myself to you?”

He tore his gaze away from her and faced Micah. “I don’t
want her to go with me.” He steeled himself against the hurt he saw on her
face. If she got herself killed now, after all she’d been through, he didn’t
know if he could live.

The princess lifted her regal chin. Damn, were those tears
in her eyes? “The women won’t trust you. I have to go with you.”

“Give her the weapon, Jarrod,” Micah said wearily. “We don’t
have time to argue.”

The princess reached for the weapon. Then stopped. “Will it
look strange for a slave to be carrying a weapon?”

“No,” Micah said. “Slaves carry all kinds of things for
their Masters.” He glanced out into the courtyard. “Listen. I’ll get the
airborne. You just need to get the women out of the building. I’ll teleport all
of you to the ship on your signal.” Micah took off, striding purposefully away
from them.

Jarrod paused and caught the princess’s gaze, the weapon
between them. “Don’t ever pick up a weapon unless you’re prepared to use it. If
you hesitate and are overpowered, it could be used against you.”

The princess nodded solemnly and held out her hand. He
handed her the weapon and grabbed the nipple chain. How in the name of the Gods
was he going to liberate all those women and keep the princess safe and not get
caught himself, when all he could think about was how her soft, pale skin felt
beneath his hands and the sounds of her passionate cries as she came beneath
him? He didn’t need the distraction. He tugged a little harder than he needed
to. “Let’s go.”

He walked as fast as he could without looking like he was
hurrying. If the princess had to trot along to keep up, that wasn’t his
concern. He couldn’t resist glancing back over his shoulder, though, to admire
the way her breasts bounced. Her silver bondage wear sparkled in the sunlight.
Her hair floated around her shoulders, turning her into an angel.

Much too good for someone like him.

No one in the courtyard bothered them. In fact, most of the
people gave them a wide berth. When they reached the long, low building Micah
had pointed out, there were two guards standing in the open doorway, armed with
TX-64s. Smaller than his weapon, but just as deadly. So much for light

Jarrod looked over his shoulder at the princess. “Stay
behind me,” he said under his breath. “And don’t say a word.”

The guards looked so young and innocent or was he just
feeling old and jaded lately? Their expressions were suspicious, but Jarrod
could tell the moment they spied the royal insignia on the front of his

They jumped to attention, their weapons at their sides. The
taller one, with skin the color of copper, stepped forward. “We don’t get royal
representatives here often. What can I do for you?”

Jarrod had no qualms about lying. “The king has ordered me
to bring the other Vanyan women to the palace. Bring them out to me now.”

The other guard, even younger, with light hair and freckled
spots on his face stepped forward. “But they haven’t been prepared yet.”

Jarrod stared him down. “I don’t question the king’s orders.
Do you?”


“But we don’t have any orders,” the other guard finished.

Jarrod’s finger twitched on the trigger of his weapon. If
they wouldn’t give up the women without orders from the king, he would have to
use force. Damn, he hated using force.

Then the princess stepped out from behind him. She remained
a step in back of him, as was proper for a slave. Her hands, holding the
weapon, were behind her back. In that position, her breasts, decorated with the
thick, shiny nipple rings, were prominent, making the young guards’ eyes
practically bug out of their heads. Jarrod also noted his smart little slave
stood with her legs slightly parted, so that her pretty pink flesh was easily
visible from her bared pussy.

“Please, Sirs. My Master has need of these women. Surely you
will not refuse him.”

The guards stared at her for a moment longer before they
looked at each other and nodded.

“Go get them,” the older one said.

“Could you please remind them that, as slaves, they should
not speak unless commanded?”

The princess continued to impress him, once again proving
there was an intelligent mind inside that delectable body. If the women did not
remain silent, they might give them away if they recognized him as a guard from
the slave ship.

The three of them stood in the afternoon sunshine, not
moving, not speaking. The guard was taking in his fill of the princess, his
eyes wide, his mouth hanging slightly open. Perhaps she would play in his
fantasies tonight.

Jarrod wouldn’t blame him. She’d be playing in his fantasies
for the rest of his life.

He had to return the princess to her home. She had people to
rule. A daddy who was king. She was mistaking sex and submission for something

BOOK: Chains of Desire
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