Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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He locked and bolted the door before wedging a chair under the knob.

“Come here, baby.” He pulled her into his arms. “I know you’re scared, but I’ve got you. I won’t let them near you. I promise!”

“I, um….” she stammered breathlessly.

“What is it?” He’d been prepared for crying, not conversation.

“Well, I’m not saying I’m not scared, but well…” She paused, and that’s when he noticed her beautiful hands sliding up his chest, grasping fistfuls of his shirt and understood.

“It’s just the adrenalin high, that’s all. I am buzzing from it, too. It will go away.” He took a step back, but she followed.

She slid her hands over his shoulders, and she was pressing herself against him.

“You’re probably right, but it’s making me hot. Is that normal?” He groaned as she began rubbing herself against him like a cat.

“Yeah, it is for some people, but I couldn’t take advantage of you like that. It’s not fair.” He tried to tell that to his dick as it twitched to life, pressing against the zipper of his jeans. He retreated another step, only to have her follow, yet again.

“Well, can I take advantage of you then?” Her hands were moving over him, and his resolve was quickly turning to ashes.

He hadn’t realized how close to the bed she’d backed him. Damn, it was like a reversal of the night before. She was all over him and damned if he had the willpower to resist. He tumbled them backward onto that faded motel comforter, letting her take the lead, curious to see how far she’d go.

“What do you want, baby?” His voice sounded rough even to his own ears, but that just seemed to get her even hotter.

He watched the prim and proper Willa struggle with the new, adventurous Willa. He could almost see the little angel and devil on each shoulder arguing with her. The devil must have won because her eyes took on a decidedly dangerous look, and she leaned in, letting her lips brush his before she answered.

“I want to go for a ride.” Her voice was low, and there was a beautiful pink blush coloring her cheeks.

He groaned and whispered softly, “You know the old saying, ‘Save a pig, ride a biker.’”

She chuckled even as her hands went to his belt and yanked it loose. “I thought it was hog.”

He lifted as she yanked his jeans down, allowing his straining cock to bounce free. He sighed with relief. “Well, didn’t you hear? I’m the pig.”

“I don’t like that term. You’re a good man. Not a pig. I don’t care what those men said.”

“My fierce little warrior, you’re so fucking hot!” Grasping his dick, he pumped it several times. “Climb up here and take me for a ride.”

Eager to comply, she jumped up, throwing her clothes off, the adrenalin burning away her inhibitions. She crawled up his body but then paused as she straddled his hips. “You’ll tell me if I don’t do this right?”

Jake felt the urge to go find her late husband’s grave and dig him up just so he could kill him again. This wonderful, beautiful, exceptional lady was so unsure of herself. He bit back the curse on the tip of his tongue though. That wouldn’t help her. “Pretty lady, you do whatever you like. Consider me your plaything.”

The smile she rewarded him with was worth every bit of the self-restraint he was fighting so hard for. Slowly, she rose up, catching his cock in her long, elegant fingers. Gazing down, she slowly stroked it, before guiding it between the moist lips of her labia.

He threw his head back in a groan as she rubbed the spongy tip against her swollen little clit. “Damn, if you don’t want this to be a really quick show, you better get me inside of you right now.” He heard the plea in his voice but didn’t care. So what if he’d never begged before? He hadn’t known Willa before.

She took him at his word though and positioned her pussy over him and slowly impaled herself, working her way up and down bit by bit. Their moans filled the room, mingling. She was a hot, wet vise around his dick. He knew she was as close to the edge as he was. The adrenalin was coursing through them, fueling their desire like gasoline. He could already feel the tight walls of her cunt quivering with her pending orgasm, and she hadn’t even moved yet.

“Come on, baby, ride me. We’re going to blow the roof off this place.”

She rose slowly, letting him slide partially from her before slamming back down, taking him to the root. Quickly finding a rhythm, she rose slowly and thrust down hard. The contrasting sensations sent jolts of white-hot pleasure from the tips of his fingers to the tips of his toes. He cursed and reached between their bodies to find her clit. He wasn’t going over this cliff alone. His thumb circled the throbbing knot, her juices making it a hot, easy glide.

“Oh! Oh! Jake, I can’t, it’s too much!” she screamed even as she went over the edge, dragging him with her. He arched up into her, giving up his cum in hot, steaming spurts. He felt it all over, and it was like his brain had been fried. She collapsed on him, and his arms slid around her.

Almost too dazed to think, the last thing he wanted was to move, but he was still mostly dressed. With a reluctant sigh, he stood and shucked his clothes. She eyed the Glock 9mm he pulled from his ankle holster but didn’t question him. He checked the safety and made sure it was in easy reach before falling into bed next to her.

He barely managed to get them under the covers and turn the lights out before he gave in. Exhausted, utterly sated, and happier than he’d been in his entire life, he slept like he hadn’t slept in the last six months.

Chapter Seven


The faint, acrid smell of smoke tinged the early morning air, tickling Willa’s nose. She’d awakened to Jake’s lovemaking. She was learning that, while he might be wild at night, in the mornings, he was tender, taking his time, making it slow and sweet. For Willa it was like heaven, and even the simple things seemed magic. Unfortunately, it was now time to return to reality.

They’d enjoyed a pleasant breakfast after slipping back into their dirty clothes from the night before. All in all, it had started out with a dream of a day, at least until she’d smelled the smoke. As they drew closer and closer to be bed-and-breakfast, it grew stronger. A knot began to form in the pit of her stomach, but as they rode up the curved driveway and the inn came in sight, it seemed untouched. The smoke was definitely thick in the air though. Jake must have noticed it as well because she felt his strong body tense as they rounded the side of the main house.

The barn came into view, and the source of the smoke became apparent. A black cloud billowed out the partially open door.

“Didn’t we close the door before we left yesterday?” she questioned.

“I know we did.” His words were sharp. His features had gone hard, and she realized this must be what he looked like on the job.

“It’s probably just kids smoking or something like that.” Her voice didn’t seem convinced even to her own ears.

“Doubt it.” He brought the bike to a stop and rocked it back onto its kickstand. “Stay here,” he ordered as he dismounted and drew his gun from its ankle holster. He jogged toward the smoking structure.

Willa quickly climbed off after him. There was no way she was letting him go in there alone. She jerked her phone out of her pocket and called 911 before following after him. The 911 operator told her they had already had a call, and the fire department was in route.

Only thinking of getting to Jake, she approached the barn. She pushed the door open and found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.

“Shit!” Jake cursed, jerking the gun skyward. “I almost shot you! Did I, or did I not, tell you to keep your cute little ass on the bike?” he thundered.

“I’m not letting you go in there alone! The bed-and-breakfast is my responsibility.”

He shoved the gun down the back of his jeans and scooped her up in a fireman’s carry. She let out a startled “umph,” which he completely ignored.

“Jake, put me down! We need to put the fire out!”

“No, you need to keep your ass over here where it’s safe.” He dumped her onto the back porch. “If you move again, I swear you’re going to wish a spanking was all you got.”

“You can’t spank me! I’m a grown woman.” He couldn’t be serious!

“Oh, your ass will see just how serious I am tonight, little girl. Now don’t push me!” He stalked back off toward the burning structure.

“Oh!” she screamed after him in pure frustration. “You really are a big Neanderthal!”

He stopped and grinned, looking back over his shoulder at her. “Glad you finally noticed.”

Willa threw her hands up in exasperation. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed the fire extinguisher. If he thought he could order her around, he had another thing coming. She was at the foot of the steps, on her way back to the barn, when he rounded the burning structure and spotted her. He rolled his eyes and stomped back over to her.

“You don’t listen for shit, you know that!” He grabbed the water hose from its reel and began wetting down the bushes and trees surround the inn. “Hang on to that, but I think our best bet is to wet as much down as we can. The barn is a loss. Fortunately, your truck is still parked around the side of the house where I loaded the back with bricks to fix the barbeque pit.”

He worked silently while she went back and forth to fill a large bucket of water, which was used to douse the flower beds. She wasn’t sure how much good her little bucket did, but she couldn’t just stand there.

The sound of approaching sirens finally filled the air. She’d told them to just drive around the back of the house, and the massive red truck did just that, lights flashing, sirens blaring.

The firefighters hit the ground running. Willa noticed the fire hose trailing behind the truck and realized they must have hooked it up to the fire hydrant near the end of the long driveway. They worked quickly and efficiently.

After setting them to their work, a firefighter with a smudged red helmet strolled over. The word
was stenciled on the front placard. He eyed Willa. “You the one who called it in?”

She nodded. “I’m the owner.”

He nodded. “Well, we’ll try and do what we can, but I doubt we can do much more than protect the property. Your barn is pretty much toast. Sorry.”

Willa nodded. “Just do what you can.”

Jake set the small garden hose aside. “We wet down everything we could.”

The chief nodded. “Smart thinking. Well, keep your lady here and we’ll take care of the rest.”

Willa rolled her eyes. Men! Apparently they were all Neanderthals.


* * * *


The Chief had confirmed Jake’s original assessment. The barn was indeed a loss, but they managed to save nearly everything else. Only one small rosebush near the original fire was lost. The firefighters roped the area off as Willa called her insurance company. The chief warned her there would definitely be an investigation. Jake wasn’t surprised. He’d smelled gasoline at the back of the barn.

It was late afternoon by the time they trudged up the stairs, tired and filthy. He’d sent her off to soak in the ancient claw-foot tub while he took a quick shower. He headed down the stairs to get the duffel bag he’d left in the truck the day before. It contained most of his clothes and a few toys he’d picked up while he’d been in town at the hardware store.

As his booted foot hit the stair landing in the kitchen, he heard voices coming from the dining room. He was glad he’d shoved his Glock into the waistband of his jeans. Of course he wasn’t wearing anything else since he’d just intended to run down to the truck. He drew the gun out and unlocked the safety.

“Willamena!” The voice was snotty and filled with disdain. Jake guessed it to be male, though he wasn’t entirely sure. “Willamena, you will get yourself down here and explain your rudeness to me.”

Jake had a sneaking suspicion who had invaded the peaceful bed-and-breakfast. He flicked the safety back onto the Glock but decided it would make a better impression if he left it showing, so he tucked it down the front of his jeans where it stood out against his bare belly. It was time to put this situation to rest once and for all. A little badass Neanderthal was called for here.

He eased the door that separated the dining room from the kitchen open and spied a man and women. They were well dressed, in a classic, conservative uptown way. The women bore some resemblance to Willa, under all the silicone, makeup, and bleached-blonde hair. Cougar Barbie, he thought wryly. The man reminded him of a well-dressed used-car salesman, just a little too slick.

His smile was menacing as he opened the door wide and casually leaned against the frame. He waited for them to notice him. The woman was the first. Her eyes widened, traveling from his bare feet to his face. Instead of being intimidated as he expected, she actually smiled.

“Oh my, eye candy,” she whispered, her voice husky with blatant interest.

Noticing her distraction, the man followed her gaze. His reaction was entirely different. His gaze was filled with disdain, and a sneer appeared on his smarmy face. “Now see here, I don’t know who you think you are, but this is a private establishment, and you need to leave.”

Jake was a bit shocked. Apparently, these two were so used to being obeyed it simply didn’t occur to them that he was a threat.
Hello! Badass with big gun!
He really must be losing his touch. He couldn’t have that.

BOOK: Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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