Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.” He stood to his full height and took several nonchalant steps into the room. His leg was throbbing after being on his feet so long putting out the fire, but he gritted his teeth and tried to minimize the limp. He instinctively knew that showing these people any weakness would be a mistake.

“Young man, who are you and what are you doing in my daughter-in-law’s house?”

Jake absently wondered if this guy had any clue how much of an arrogant jackass he sounded like.

“I’m sure he’s just a guest,” the women purred, taking a step toward him. There was no mistaking the sexual interest in her eyes, and Jake had to hide a shudder. He found her obviously plastic attributes rather creepy, not to mention the layers of makeup and unnaturally thin body.

“Nope, not a guest. But then, neither are you.” He crossed his arms over his chest, knowing it made his biceps bulge and the tattoos on his arms stand out. “As I recall, Willa told your dumb ass to leave her alone just yesterday. So I guess I’m wondering why you would be stupid enough to show up here today. But maybe you’re just one dumb fucker.”

The man actually turned purple. Jake had never actually seen someone get so mad they turned purple before. He could actually picture steam coming out of his ears. “No one talks to me like that! You will remove yourself from these premises this instant, or I will have you thrown in jail!”

Jake let loose a deep laugh. “You go right on ahead and do that. While you’re at it, tell them Special Agent Jake Lawson said hi.”

“See, I knew he was here for a reason. He’s investigating all the trouble Willa’s been having. Though, most of it’s probably her fault. Remember just last week she claimed the market got her order wrong and sent the wrong kind of cheese.”

“That wasn’t a mix up. I checked with the market and found out someone called and changed my order.” Willa protested.

“Whatever, cheese is cheese, isn’t it?” The woman smiled brightly. She took another step toward him, and Jake had to really fight the urge to not step back. He really did find her creepy. She was so thin her hands actually looked like talons with their long red fingernails. He would never understand why women thought ultrathin was a good look. Real men wanted a woman with curves.

“In his bare feet? The man’s obviously up to no good,” Willa’s father-in-law pointed out to his companion.

“How much no-good can he be up to? It’s just Willa. Maybe if it was her sister Celia I might be worried,” she told the man before turning back to Jake. “My daughter has always been completely useless when it comes to things like this. Good thing she has a nice personality, right?”

And just like that Jake went from being creeped out by the woman to wanting to strangle her. How could she talk about her own daughter like that? He opened his mouth, prepared to blast her, but the man cut him off.

“Well, he’s running around half-naked. He’s obviously up to something, and I doubt it has anything to do with an investigation. You listen here, young man. If you think you can sleep your way into my daughter-in-law’s inheritance, think again. She’s cut off. She won’t get a dime unless I say so!”

“Don’t be ridiculous! Why would a man like that sleep with Willa? I mean really.”

Jake was considering pulling his gun back out, but he doubted Willa would appreciate his making a mess on what was obviously a very old and very expensive rug. Still it was time to take back control of this conversation. He’d told Willa no one would disrespect her that way and that included her own relatives.

“Oh, you can be certain I am sleeping with Willa, though, to be honest, not a lot of sleeping goes on when we’re in bed. As for her inheritance, keep it. Hell, I’ve got more than enough money to take care of Willa. Not that she needs it, since the bed-and-breakfast is kicking ass.” He paused to let that sink in before continuing. “Now let me tell you what’s going to happen. I know for a fact Willa has asked you repeatedly to leave her in peace. So if I see either of your nasty skank asses here again without her permission, I’m going to pull out my big gun and start shooting.” He walked past them and strolled toward the front door. He could have stopped there but decided to drive his point home. He walked out onto the wide wraparound porch and spied an expensive sports car sitting in the curved driveway. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw the man starting to look a little pale, as if he suddenly realized he’d bitten off more than he could chew. He was a self-centered ass who liked to push people around. He wasn’t used to people pushing back. Well, no one was going to push Willa around anymore. Jake gave him a malicious grin as he drew his gun and casually took aim at the car. “Now you see here, this is my little gun, my backup. The big boy’s upstairs where Willa was relaxing. I like her relaxed and rested because I intend to spend the rest of the night doing all sorts of nasty things with her.” He squeezed the trigger and took out their left front headlight.

“Damn it!” He definitely had her father-in-law’s attention. The couple ran down the steps following him. “You’ll have to pay for that!”

“I’m sure. Let me make sure you get my fucking point.” Jake trained his sight on the right front headlight. His finger was on the trigger.

“Jake?” The sweet, soothing voice of Willa brought his head up. They all turned to find her standing on the porch looking confused.

“Willamena!” her mother screeched. “Please explain to this…this…this cretin that we are your family and have every right to be here.”

Jake felt his gut twist. They were her family. He was just a guy she’d met two days ago. Had it really been only two days? How had she become so important to him so quickly?

Willa glanced uncertainly between him and the pair.

“Willamena, do as your mother told you.” Her father-in-law’s voice was back to its arrogant, condescending tone.

“Yes, Willamena darling, I know he has you beguiled, but you must be reasonable. You know you’re not the type of woman to attract a man like that. Send him on his way so we can get this straightened out. Enough of your willfulness, it’s time to go home.”

Jake watched her wilt. The beautiful, confident women seemed to shrink in on herself. He felt like he’d been punched in the chest. Did she have such little faith in him? “Willa, baby, don’t do this,” he pleaded. He flicked the safety on, tucked it into his waistband, and took a step toward her. He couldn’t let her throw what they’d found away.

Her eyes met his, and he saw a small spark flare in their green depths. Hope surged.

“Willamena, you have to know better,” her mother interjected. “Maybe if you lost a few pounds and did something with that hair. I mean really, the red has always been so awful.”

“Don’t! Don’t you dare listen to her! Kick me to the curb if you want, but don’t you fucking listen to her. You know what you do to me. That can’t be faked. That’s the kind of reaction that can only come from a beautiful woman.”

Willa’s gaze swung from her mother to him uncertainly.

“Willamena, dear, listen to your mother. She knows these things.” The man’s attempt at fatherliness had her chewing her lip uncertainly, and Jake knew he had to do something drastic.

“Willa, remember that first night, how you calmed me after the nightmare? I have that same damn dream every night.” He hated admitting his weakness, but he’d do anything to keep her.

“You didn’t have it last night.” Her voice was so small and tremulous it tore at him.

“No, baby, I didn’t. It was the first time in six fucking months I haven’t had that nightmare. That’s because of you. What we have is not fake.” He stretched his hand out to her. Her gaze swung from it to her mother.

“Oh, please! Men like you don’t want an inexperienced girl like Willamena,” her mother scoffed. “You want a real woman, like me.”

Jake eyed her in disbelief. She really believed it. “Lady, a woman like you makes my dick want to crawl inside and hide.”

“You’re a crude man who obviously has no taste!” Her artificially-pretty face had turned a splotchy shade of red, but Willa’s lips twitched with the first sign of a smile.

Willa’s eyes were on his outstretched hand again. Then her lips firmed, and he knew she’d made her decision. Shoulders back, head up, she took his hand before turning to the pair. “Please leave. I warned you last time I was going to get a restraining order if you kept harassing me.”

Jake wanted to pump his fist at her strength. She was such an amazing women, and she was all his.

“Willamena, you can’t do this. We need you!”

“What could you possibly need from me?” Willa laughed.

The woman opened her mouth to reply, but her father-in-law jerked her toward him and silenced her with a stern shake of his hands.

Jake stared after the retreating pair. His cop senses suddenly went on alert. Something wasn’t right here.

Chapter Eight


Willa came out of her bathroom, her silk robe wrapped around her, and smiled at Jake. He was sitting casually in the tapestry reading chair next to her bed. His long legs were stretched out in front of him. He still had on his jeans, which kind of surprised her. She’d expected him to be naked.

“Willa, we need to talk about this afternoon.” He crooked his finger for her to come over.

“About my family’s visit? I’m sorry. I know they are a pain.”

“You got that right, but that wasn’t what I was talking about.” He patted his knee, and she sat, still amazed to not feel like she was going to crush him. He took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze before he continued. “I’m talking about earlier, about how I told you to stay back and you didn’t listen, about how I told you to stay on the porch, only to turn around and see you tromping down the stairs.”

“You didn’t think I was going to leave you to handle that by yourself, did you?”

“I damn well expected you to listen to me.”

“Excuse me?” She would have jumped up, but his strong arm circled her waist.

“You wanted the Neanderthal, well, that’s part of the package. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger. Most of the time, I am your willing slave, but when it comes to your safety, you will mind me or else!”

“Or else what?” She challenged and struggled to get up, but she was no match for his strength, and damn it, she was getting wet. How twisted was that to be so turned on by his caveman ways!

Instead of saying any more, he flipped her over his knee. She gasped as her world tilted upside-down. She tried to squirm free, but a strong hand on the small of her back held her firmly in place. Then it got even worse as cool air flooded her bottom, and she realized he’d flipped her loose robe up. And since she hadn’t figured she’d need them, of course, she hadn’t bothered with panties.

“Jake! You can’t seriously spank me!”

“Can’t I?” His hand came down on the fleshy globe of her ass with a loud pop.

Willa screeched as fire bloomed over her flesh, and then to her utter mortification, the pain was followed by a rush of creamy desire to her pussy. It was so unfair. He played her body like an expert. The second and third smacks had her writhing, and by the fourth, she was lifting her hips in anticipation. The need was humiliating. Her thighs were drenched with the evidence of her desire. His hand rained down upon her ass over and over. Her body quaked as the pain and pleasure surged through her in wave after wave.

“You will listen to me when it comes to your safety, do you understand me?” His voice was deep and husky and sent a bolt of electricity to her already-primed pussy.

“Jake, please,” she whimpered, though she wasn’t completely sure if she was asking him to stop or for more. All she knew was she was so close to coming, and her body was on fire hanging on the edge.

“Now you see what the real punishment is. Not the spanking, but the burning need.” His hand slid down between her shaking legs, his fingers dipping between the soaked nether lips. He thrust two fingers into her. “Oh, yeah, you liked that, didn’t you? You’re a naughty little girl, aren’t you? You want to come so bad you’re ready to scream, aren’t you?”

“Yes, oh please!” She was past the point of feeling shame. Desperation made her shake. The walls of her passage twitched with the need for release, yet he worked his fingers in and out of her in a slow, lazy rhythm. His thumb began to circle her clit, sweeping around it, but not quite touching. She squirmed, trying to make contact.

“No, no, baby, I don’t think so. Next time you’ll think twice before you put yourself in danger.”

“Anything! Jake, please!”

“We’ll see.” His hand slid up to the curve of her bottom. To her mortification, she felt him spread the cheeks. Embarrassment suffused her. She knew what he was looking at. The blunt tip of his thick finger traced the hidden pink, puckered rose of her anus. “Well, look at what a pretty little treasure I’ve found. I don’t need to ask if you’re a virgin here, do I? We’ll have to get you a set of training plugs to loosen you up. I will fuck you here. There won’t be any part of you that I don’t use.”

“Oh God!” She gasped, not sure if she was excited or scared by the process. It always seemed so darkly exciting in her e-books, but now, the idea was downright intimidating. He was so big! She just couldn’t imagine taking his cock there. She was pretty sure he’d split her wide open and not completely certain she wouldn’t like it.

BOOK: Breaking Away [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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