Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2) (2 page)

BOOK: Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2)
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“Quinn, umm…”

“Shh. Talking is over.” He tapped his left knee. “Bend over my knee,
mo cailín beag dána
. You are, you know. Mine. You’re my naughty little girl. That means when you’re naughty, I have to show you the error of your ways and correct your thinking but not because what Katie did, was your fault. It wasn’t. I’m correcting you because you made light of my instructions to keep her safe encouraging her to be unsafe. You may not do that for yourself or anyone else. Understood?”

Cheyenne sighed. She accepted that he was right, and his disciplining her because she undermined his authority, made her so excited she rubbed her thighs together to assist the tingle in her lower regions.

A slap landed on her bottom, also encompassing part of her leg to refocus her. “No. this is punishment, minx. You’re a very
cailín dána
today, aren’t you?” She felt the pressure even worse with the swat, knowing he understood that would happen.

He shoved her further over his knee roughly, and Cheyenne could feel the unmistakable erection in her man’s jeans. She felt powerful and vindicated of her arousal caused by this little dance their session had become. It affected him as well. She affected him, and that was sweet power. She was learning that she had incredible influence over how they played and how he responded to her, based on her needs, her submission to him. It was missing just one little element that would signal things were good.

Hard slaps reigned on her upturned nates without further preamble. A paddle like hand landed solidly on her cheeks, and a smarting tingle turned to a pronounced stinging pain that rose in her lower region followed by inferno level heat. Almost as soon as he had started his reign of terror, he stopped. Without warning, the shock of cold lubricant slid down the crevice of her bottom making her jump.

“Oh,” she said as she tightened her buttocks reflexively.

“Hold your bottom open for me,
.” She grimaced as she slowly pulled her cheeks apart and held them open as he lubed her up, pressing a gelled finger into her.

She hated the embarrassment but loved his attention. There was the missing piece. She relaxed. Her hand slipped. Another slap fell. She jumped.

“Hold your cheeks open,
.” There it was again, the missing piece, that special term of endearment that signaled they were in play mode. She loved it. “You know the routine,” he added. They obviously entered the “push Cheyenne’s comfort zone” mode.

She groaned but rushed to comply, spreading her rosy cheeks open wide whimpering her shame at the wantonness of the position. She was embarrassed that she was giving him a clear view of her back entrance and mortified that she loved it. In play mode, she reminded herself.

This was her sacred area that had never been breached until Quinlan. He pressed his finger into her tight opening again, making sure to lubricate thoroughly which brought her arousal up another notch. Cheyenne moaned again in humiliation. She cringed at the idea of backdoor play, but she loved it to the point of anticipating his next entry. How could this be possible? Quinn had said some things were unable to be explained and, for Cheyenne, this was one of those things.

“Now here’s the visitor,” he announced with enthusiasm. “Keep your bottom spread.” His voice went deeper and more somber as he concentrated.

The hard glass plug was unforgiving as it was slowly but steadily pressed deeper into her little dark entrance that he had begun training for him. Against her hot nates, the cool plug was soothing but, in her back entrance, it was shocking in its uncanny resemblance to an oversized Popsicle—icy cold and smooth.

“Oh, these are too big. Quinn, they’re too big to use,” she had said when she first laid wild eyes on them. Now she reiterated that sentiment.

“This one is too huge, Quinn. It won’t fit.” She wiggled in protest to his insistent pressure. She felt a tingly slap to her thigh. It helped.

“Hush, I’m careful. You can take it. Relax I’m going slowly and it’s nearly the smallest size. Besides, it’s the easiest kind, shaped like a bullet. If you prefer, I can use one of the others that are twisted or different levels of sizes, those with…”

“Fine, okay, I get it,” she cut him off with irritation.

He chuckled. “Okay, now relax. I don’t want to hurt you.”

He continued to press firmly, and he knew she could feel the burn as he moved it in and out of her brown entrance. She squealed and kicked her legs, which was met with another hard slap to her thigh. She relaxed. Now if he would only…

“Behave, I’m almost there. You can’t rush this.” That was true for larger ones, but this was a smaller one, and he could have just plopped it in, but then there would have been no play, and she knew this was what he wanted.

The burn was the most she had felt. True, she had only had Quinn’s finger, well two of them, and the first trainer. This one had to be double the last one. She whimpered, and he rubbed her back as he continued to press in and pull out. Just as she was surely going to cry out, it was in. A sheen of sweat covered her body, not from just the plug but the whole experience.

“Let go, sweetness. It’s in. The tip was smaller but the base had to be large because you’re wearing this until after I take you to dinner and our announcement at Mom’s.”


“This is your penance to remind you that you don’t disregard what I say, and you don’t encourage anyone else to do it either.”

Cheyenne was horrified. “But it will fall out.”

“Nope, that’s why the end was so intense. It has a wide flared base so it won’t come out. Oh, and no panties tonight under your dress, which you’ve just decided to wear. I want you so aware of me and of this reminder that you will think carefully before you do it again. Oh, and,
,” he said as he patted and rubbed her cheeks lovingly, “you may not come until I allow it. No pleasuring yourself.” He was a sadist.

She grunted her disapproval and received a round of smacks to her hot bottom for her trouble. Quinn got up, bringing her up with him and landing a scorching kiss on her pouty lips.

“See you in about two hours.”

“But what if I can’t keep it in?”

“You can, and you will. Just clinch that gorgeous ass of yours.” He kissed her again, hungrily and left one parting pat before saying, “Lock the door behind me.”

How did he know she was already so hot she was afraid the constant stimulation would give her multiple orgasms without anyone touching her? The friction and current going through her would be agonizing. He was definitely a sadist.

The wait had been difficult but she was proud she had made it to the restaurant without coming unglued or dropping the damn thing. It wasn’t a lightweight plug, and she found herself focused solely on it, devising ways she could avoid this particular punishment again. And she was slick from arousal and slick from lube. Cheyenne had decided she was going to try to finagle her way out of this thing before they went to Sean and Siobhan’s house.

“How do you feel? You look uncomfortable,” he said, his smile slipping past his attempt at keeping a straight face.

“Really?” She spoke in subdued tones. “I mean, I’ve got to be the dumbest woman alive to let you do this to me. I could have pretended to leave…” she lowered her voice to a hiss, “
in, you know. In fact, I could let go of it now and slide it into my bag.” The look she shot him demanded his acknowledgment of her submission due to her agreement, not his dominance.

He reached for her hand. “I know you could have but the fact that you haven’t shows your acceptance of my authority. Thank you.” He sat up straighter as the waiter approached their table but keeping her hand in his and raised his voice to normal. “And I’m sure the waiter would be a bit put off if you dropped it here at the table.”

The waiter heard the last of the sentence, just as Quinlan had hoped. “Dropped something, madam? If you tell me what it is, I shall be happy to retrieve it.”

Cheyenne blushed a deep red. “No! No, sorry, I almost dropped something but didn’t. Thank you anyway.” She sent a death stare in Quinn’s direction, and he pretended not to see it even though she knew he had been watching the exchange closely.

She wiggled as he discussed the menu at length with the waiter. Finally, dinner ordered, Quinn looked over at Cheyenne and said, “I love you more than anything in this world. I want you to know that even though you are irritated at me for my discipline, I love that you accept it. Tonight, we might even say you’re enduring it.”

She looked into his hazel eyes, gazed at the laugh lines around them and smiled. He was the most infuriating and yet considerate man she knew. They talked of engagements, weddings, family, and work. Cheyenne finally relaxed in her seat and immediately opened her eyes wide.

“Notice something,
a stór
?” He expected his face told her he was well aware of the discomfort of both the plugging and the arousal.

Her face fell into heavy pleading, “Please? I have done everything you asked. Can’t I ditch the… um…
you know?

He looked up and patted her hand before leaning back. “Here comes dinner. Sit up and eat. I want you to walk into my parents’ house with your obedience in place. But you might not need to do it much longer.”

She watched the waiter leave their dinner, and then leaned forward to speak in hushed tones. “I’m sorry I encouraged Katie to blow you off. I know you were being protective when you told her about the hazards on the trail, but don’t you think I’ve been punished enough? I mean, this is beginning to bother me and…”

Concern immediately appeared on his face. “Are you in any pain?”

She could have said yes, and this would be over, but she didn’t want to lie to him. “No, but I do ache.”

He relaxed. “Well, eat your dinner and let’s see how it goes.”

Quinn started to eat his dinner but Cheyenne was too preoccupied to eat. Maybe submitting wasn’t always the best choice, even when she wanted to. There were times, like this one was becoming, that it was too much. Quinn must have known something was up for Cheyenne loved his extra attention and his caresses while encouraging her to eat. Normally, he would have pushed it but not tonight. He watched her carefully. She could feel his intentness. Quinn had her almost untouched dinner put in a takeaway container before driving to his parents’ home.

Though she blatantly squirmed in the seat, she had been able to last through dinner. She found a soft seat at the O’Connors’ to wait for Da and Quinn to pick up Ciarán at the small airport. Ciarán had come to retrieve his darling Katie from visiting his family. In the retelling of Katie’s fall and twisted ankle, while hiking that morning, Quinn was quick to point out to all that Katie was not listening to his admonitions. Cheyenne thought it was mean of him to be so adamant and getting Katie in trouble, herself still feeling her own punishment. She moved trying not to show she was afflicted.

Quinn laughed and spoke low, “
A stór
, I told you, Katie got Katie in trouble. She’s going to have a lot of explaining to do when Ciarán has her to himself.” He kissed her temple and drew her closer to him. Cheyenne gave a small uncomfortable sound. He patted her leg comfortingly.



He went on to explain that because she had refused medical care, which was a big negative in this family, Ciarán was most likely going to roast Katie’s behind.

Cheyenne looked at Katie and wondered why she wasn’t more upset. Katherine was tenderly cared for by Ciarán and even seemed to take comfort in his quiet chastisement.

Cheyenne murmured her concern, “But she’s hurt.”

Quinn leaned down and kissed her again before resting his chin on her head. He waited a moment before responding. “Don’t ever worry that any of us would hurt those we love. Being a dominant does not mean we wound or injure, ever, not even me in rough play. It demands I protect, adore, discipline, and with the two of us, play. But never damage. And, woe is the person who tries to do harm to any in our circle of protection.”

Cheyenne hoped that she would eventually be able to accept Quinn’s authoritarian ways enough that she didn’t quake in her boots, get angry at his response or get slippery. The last time she mentioned it he shrugged.

“You’re still in training, so when you push, I let you do it to see if you’ll check your attitude or behavior. If not, I help you.”

It royally ticked her off because she didn’t want to feel like she belonged to him right at that moment but she absolutely did. After they had officially announced their engagement to the family, Quinn took Cheyenne outside to give Katie and Ciarán some time.

Once they reached the barn, he pulled out two handkerchiefs from his back pocket and replaced one before waving his hand toward a hay bale.

“What are we doing?” Cheyenne asked nervously eyeing both the bale and Quinlan.

“You are bending over that bale,” he answered, indicating the particular bale.

“You aren’t spanking me,” she stated.

“Do you need one?”


“Well, go lean over the bale so I can take care of you.”

As realization dawned, she squealed, throwing her arms around his neck. Quinn chuckled and then threw his tough voice into the mix.

BOOK: Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2)
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