Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2)
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Lately, in response to her spoken and unspoken needs, he had increased the expectation and the penalty. Every step up that ladder rung, she would level off and appear to flourish for a while before bratting again or testing him. He would have to get firmer or branch out in his mode of response to her behavior. The balance was sometimes tenuous, for while her private actions and reactions screamed,
hold me tight
, her professional side appeared confused by them and rejected those same arms.

It was as though, sometimes, she still couldn’t balance or reconcile the two sides of her life. Equalizing her largely untapped power as a submissive, his fiancée, and the independence of a professional who owned her own business made for some interesting conversations. Such as working seven days a week to set up a new electronic accounting system for the Emerald Isle and throwing a fit when he called her out on it. Only to cuddle so tightly into him that he almost couldn’t contain the love and protection for her that overwhelmed him.

There were days he thought she needed him as her dom in more than the bedroom and for more than their few trips to the club. In fact, she actively showed her desire more often now. It was how he liked it, but he had wanted to go slow, and if Cheyenne actually balked at any of his take charge behaviors, he would reassess. They’d had their moments, but they were fewer now.

His friend Josh said that he needed to be who he was without being a dom of only kink fame. Otherwise, it would send mixed messages and that always spelled trouble. Quinn hadn’t more than considered it before now. He loved her so much that he was worried he’d mess things up. He couldn’t imagine living without her. But Josh was right, if she wanted that from him, and it was really who he was, it was unrealistic to think he could live another way forever. Honesty was what they based things on, and he needed to be honest even about this.

He’d need to really step up his game, and that excited him and unbound him in the strictures he had placed for himself. He didn’t think Cheyenne realized how she reacted to him in his real role in their lives and just allowing it to happen was turning into the best method. Yes, it was a real balancing act indeed.

Quinn and Cheyenne went to the club about once a week since it was only open twice a week plus training Thursdays. Unless there was a particular event happening, they never went twice a week. During those times he would play and explore her desires, tease open her Pandora’s Box a bit further and each time, without fail, she would need a spanking to start the night off. Tonight they would go for a theme night of gods/goddesses. Each dom came complete with mischievous nymphs, naughty fairies, and whatever else they decided their subs were meant to be.

“I don’t want to be a fairy I want to be something else. Like a water nymph,” complained Cheyenne. “A fairy is so,

Quinn laughed. “Quit whining. Well, I’ll tell you what. I’m going as Uranus, god of the sky, so you could wear that white see-through thing that you have. Just wear a cute, white lacey bra and panty. You can be the wispy cloud fairy in my sky.”

“Oh, that’s good. I could do that. Good to know you remember my lingerie.”

“I remember everything about you,
. Besides, if you were a water nymph you wouldn’t need to wear anything or at least be topless, and I’m pretty sure you’re not ready for that. And before you think to answer in an inadvisable way, neither am I. I can assure you I won’t ever be ready for that,

She grinned impishly and said, “Not very adventurous are you? Oh, well then, I’m sure a sky nymph or cloud fairy will do me just fine.” In fact, after she had put it on, she remarked in a voice full of doubt, “I’m not so sure I should wear this. It’s extremely revealing.”

“Oh, you’ll be beautiful, and you show as much in a bikini,” Quinn reassured her.

“I guess, but it seems more risqué when I’m not swimming for some reason.”

He kissed her lips still scrunched up in the scrutiny of her version of fetwear and encouraged her to hurry.

“We leave in twenty minutes so get a move on.”

Upon arrival, they went into their separate dressing rooms, the women taking their time catching up on the week before coming out in their attire ready to play. Cheyenne watched Quinn stand for a moment to get her attention, and as she approached, he made a show of looking at the clock.

“Great,” she said to her companions, “he’s going to make me pay for taking so long in the dressing room. Shoot, I wanted something to drink. Oh, well, I’ll have to wait a bit longer.” She smiled at him as she approached and he leaned down to kiss her before speaking to her just a breath away from her lips.

“That was an awfully long time to be changing,
. Lean over the bar stool and hold the legs. It’s a count of ten.”

“But, Sir, it’s the only time I have to relax and chat with the girls before our men take us off somewhere.”

He kissed her again on the lips and remained just an inch from her mouth. “Now or it will be with my belt.”

“Yes, sir, I’m moving.” She pushed her lips out in a well-practiced pout and leaned in to kiss him again, running her tongue over his lips, loving the game.

As his chest grumbled in response, she draped herself over the bar stool he had so recently vacated and felt her diaphanous cover lifted off her bottom. She then felt Quinn caress her hips and bottom covered by her pretty, lacy panties. After a few more rounds of seductive massaging of her upturned globes, he hooked his thumbs into the sides of her delicate covering and drew them down to just below her pert cheeks. She drew her breath in sharply.

Quinn was not an exhibitionist, but he had no trouble baring her bottom to the world for chastisement. She wiggled as he squeezed her proffered cheeks before expelling a little yelp when the splat of his hand on her bared ass surprised her. He said nothing in response but continued to slap four more times in the same spot before moving to the companion cheek to repeat five stinging slaps on it. She squealed.

He rubbed a few more times to continue the burn for a moment, melting it into wanton need and then he slid her panties back in place, fully understanding that the lace would now scratch her freshly spanked bottom. Also knowing if he checked she would be dripping with her honey. Dropping her see-through covering back over the whole, he helped her stand up, kissing her once again, this time running his tongue over her lips to her accompanying moan. The whole event took less than five minutes from the exiting of the dressing room to chastisement completion.

“Do you want something to drink,

Seeing she was falling into the comfort and security of seduction and submission, he wasn’t surprised when she asked for a cuddle. He sat on the wide stool and placed her backward in his lap putting her head on his chest. He got her a cold drink, which he slowly offered to her while she snuggled against his broad chest and waited until he was ready to play.
, he thought,
is perfect.

They had been socializing at the club with Cheyenne’s assistant Jacquie and husband Ace Blakely. As the O’Connor attorney, he discussed quite recently with Cheyenne about placing her company under the brand, but no decisions had been made yet.

Quinn knew it had been a long time since the club’s Master Dominant Josh, a much sought after security systems analyst and Carter, had played for more than a couple of weeks with anyone. Masters Josh and Carter’s cute little sub, Sue, had hung around for almost two months now. These two were known for sharing and leaving, but so far, that hadn’t happened. They didn’t seem as though they were going to let go anytime soon.

While it looked like Sue was quite playfully submissive to the two doms, looks were often deceiving. She was the head of software development at a prestigious firm. She could hold her own in any corporate environment. She chose to submit to relax. When naughty, her name was Susan. She was Sue when just socializing, Susi when playing. Like
it was a good tell.

Jacquie had invited them to a cookout at their house that Cheyenne wanted to attend. “Come with or without Quinlan, this isn’t club play,” Jacquie advised Cheyenne, apparently knowing the sometimes unpredictable schedule the deputy kept at work. Josh and Carter said they were free next week as well.

“I’d love to join everyone, if I’m free, that is.”

Carter, Susi’s most effective disciplinarian, informed her, “You will be free. You work too many hours. Understand me?”

“But, sir, I might have to work late, but I promise to do my best.”

Josh was the softer spoken of the two, but when necessary, his presence and desires were heard loud and clear. He used different methods, usually.

“We will be disappointed if you don’t make it, and you know we don’t do well with disappointment.” His meaning was clear. “Besides, you need to have some relaxation so you continue to enjoy your job.”

“I know, but what if I can’t?”

“Well,” added Carter, “then you need to know what will happen if you don’t show up at all.”

Susi looked at Master Josh, and he shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t override Master Carter, even if I disagreed, which I do not.”

“You do know it isn’t fair, don’t you? You’re ganging up on me, and I might not have any choice.”

Josh said, “I’m sure you’ll find a way to work it out.”

Spanking, refreshment, and conversations out of the way, the couples went to their respective, previously arranged stations to enjoy their own play. Later they would meet up and finish the night with another drink, some snacks, and be on their way. That was how most Friday or Saturday nights went and almost every Sunday afternoon, without fail, was the O’Connor dinner. The rest of the week was full of work and during some times of the year, it was full of a lot of work.

* * *

Later that week, watching his fiancée as she chatted with his brother Liam, Quinn couldn’t help but smile. Liam, who had come down this week to get some business done for the ranches, was talking about the books. They were discussing the benefits of Cheyenne joining her company to the O’Connor brand. She was animated when she worked on new projects and when she played with Quinn. She was animated now. He kissed her in a conversational lull before joining in the fray of the forever-changing new ventures of his family.

About twenty minutes into the new kennels outline, Quinn received a call. He got up to walk into the other room to take the call and while Liam didn’t show concern, Cheyenne got up to see what was wrong. He generally answered his calls in front of her. Except that one call a week or so ago.

“Quinn, are you all right? Is anything wrong?”

Startled, he ended the call and said, “No, I just need to run down to the office for a little bit to help out. I’ll meet you two at the restaurant at eight o’clock.” Leaning down, he kissed her and was gone.

Quinn walked into the club, switched on the lights and began prepping the practice area. He stood at the door until Maggie showed up. She took off her coat, tee, and yoga pants to reveal a sports bra and spandex shorts.

“You going to be comfortable enough?” he laughed as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for doing this with me. I’m glad Ace suggested it.”

“I guess I didn’t know if Cheyenne was going to be here or not.”

“No, this is a surprise for her. So I’d appreciate it if you didn’t let on we were doing this.”

She smiled big, “No problem. It’s our little secret. Now, where do you want me?”

At the end of two hours, Maggie was spent, and Quinn was dripping sweat, his shirt long tossed to the side.

Checking the time, he changed gears. “Thanks for helping me, same time Thursday?”

“Sure, sir. Um, Sir, if you need me more, you just have to ask. Most of my late afternoons are free.” She looked up at him in an invitation that fell flat with Quinn.

“Great, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks again. Now I have to clean this up and get in the shower before I meet Cheyenne. See you Thursday. The door will lock on your way out.”

Quinn had been working hard to keep Cheyenne satisfied until the wedding. He insisted that when they made love, they were married. Cheyenne bemoaned Quinn’s declaration often and loudly, and it was the reason she needed a spanking most club nights to start the evening. He had to release some of her sexual tension first so she would enjoy herself.

“That’s crazy, you know. You already play with me, spank me, and have even plugged me so what’s the problem. It will be anticlimactic now.”

“Sweetheart, I’ll give you your heart’s desires and your body’s needs when the time is right. Play on the beach with me a little longer before taking the plunge into the ocean. Let me make love to you in all other ways but that one. Once wet, you won’t be satisfied to stay on dry land, and we have to be on dry land a bit longer. And I promise you it won’t be anticlimactical.”

“One good reason, just give me one good reason why,” demanded Cheyenne after she was battling a particularly difficult day of sexual frustration. “Let me just, you know, give you love.” She begged as she reached between them to unbutton his pants.

Quinn’s libido shot right where he knew she expected it to, but he had worked long and hard over the years to control his responses and delay his gratifications. He placed his hand over hers to stop the progress of her fingers. Then leaned down and kissed her gently as he took her hand away.

BOOK: Accepting His Ways (Quinlan O'Connor Book 2)
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