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Authors: Ursula Dukes

You Belong To Me (30 page)

BOOK: You Belong To Me
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Chapter Thirty Six


Danielle made sure to follow all of the doctors’ orders. She wanted to leave in the worse way and the only way he would release her, he told her, was if she rested and followed orders.

days later she was released. Mitch and the others had decided not to tell her about Julie being in the same hospital as she; they didn’t want that to hinder her recovery.

 When Mitch pulled into his driveway, he hoped that Danielle wouldn’t sense anything out of the ordinary. Shayla had planned a small welcome home party for her and he hoped that she wouldn’t recognize the cars that were parked down the street. When he glanced at her and saw that she was none the wiser he let out a sigh of relief.

“Welcome home baby,” he said before giving her a lengthy kiss. “God I missed you,” he said and got out of the truck.

Danielle chuckled. “Mitch, you never left my side, how could you miss me?” she teased.

“Let me rephrase that,” he said with a grin. “I miss
having you here with me, is that better?” He leaned in for another kiss.

“That’s perfect,” Danielle relished in his kiss.

As he helped her out of the car and into the house, he hoped that she wouldn’t be too startled at the sight of friends and family all waiting to welcome her home. When he had suggested to Shay that they wait awhile, she told Mitch that a welcome home party would be just what Danielle needed and that if he objected any further, she’d have the party elsewhere. “Gee Shay, you remind me of my mother,” Mitch joked.

“Hahaha, very funny Mitchell Conway, and just for that, you are definitely hosting the party,” she decreed.

“Take it easy babe,” Mitch wrapped his arms around her waist and carefully led her into the house.

“It’s okay Mitch, I'm fi
ne really. You're treating me like I'm made of glass.” She joked.

“I can’t help it, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable and not in any pain, that’s all.”

“I'm not in a lot of pain baby, don’t worry,” she said and caressed his face.

“Welcome home Da
nielle!” They all shouted when Mitch opened the door. Danielle smiled broadly at the warm reception.

“Welcome home Dee,” Shayla cried as she hugged her friend.

We’re so glad that you’re back, safe and sound!” Victoria and Joe chimed in.

Words could not e
xpress what Shayla was feeling seeing her best friend come home from the hospital.  Since the night that she was shot, Shayla had stayed at the hospital nonstop.  Both she and Jason put their lives on hold so that they could be there for Danielle and Mitch and they wouldn’t have it any other way. They both knew that had the tables been turned, Danielle and Mitch would have done the same for them. “That’s what best friends do for one another,” Shayla told Danielle one day while she visited with her in the hospital.

Danielle couldn’t have been happier, when most want to rest when they get out of the hospital, she wanted to spend her time with family and friends. Mitch’s parents, Victoria, Joe, Shayla and Jason were her family and she wouldn’t change a thing. “
I just want to thank you all for coming and for the lovely welcome home,” Danielle said.

“It means the world to me to know that I have family and friends who will always be there for me, so I thank you again, from the bottom of my heart,” she wept.

Mitch held her in his arms and they all raised their glasses. “To Danielle,” they all cheered. “Welcome home!”

Later that night as they lie in bed, Mitch held her gently as she cried herself to sleep. The realization of it all finally hit her and she found hersel
f crying, crying because it was all finally over and because she was so very grateful for the love and support that Mitch along with everyone else had given her. Mitch held her tight and let her cry, he wanted her to have that release. “I love you so very much Danielle,” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you too,” she said, still sobbing tears of joy and relief.


As the Thanksgiving holiday approached, Danielle lost herself in the planning of it all.

Despite the objections of Mitch’s family, she wanted she and Mitch to host this year’s Thanksgiving dinner.

“Honey, don’t you think it’s too much, too soon?” Gail asked her. Ever since she was released from the hospital and even before, Gail and Danielle had become close. Danielle told Gail that had she not go
ne for help, she probably would have died.

“You saved my life Gail,” Danielle graciously said the moment she saw her.

“Danielle, I'm sorry that I acted like a coward, I was scared and I didn’t know what else to do.” “Your actions Gail were far from that of a coward. If you hadn’t stayed in the bathroom, who knows what would have happened! Gail you did the right thing,” Danielle reassured her.

“No it’s not too much too soon Gail, trust me I want to do this I need to do this. I’ve been here in the house goin
g stir crazy, so please let Mitch and I have Thanksgiving here at his place alright?” She asked, but not really wanting or needing an answer, Danielle went on. “I’ll tell you what, you can make your famous macaroni and cheese that Mitch loves so much and a dessert how about that?”

“Danielle, you drive a hard bargain,” Gail joked. “But if you’re sure you’re feeling up to it, then yes, we’d be more than happy to come for Thanksgiving,” Gail replied. She was elated that she would be spending Thanksgiving with
all of the people she loved. Danielle included.


Thanksgiving eve found Mitch and Danielle in the kitchen preparing several dishes and appetizers.  It had been almost a month since she was shot and Mitch noticed that besides asking about her assailant, when she was in the hospital recovering, Danielle never pressed the issue. He’d told her that before Julie could be caught, that she had tried to kill herself.  What he didn’t tell her was that Julie was still alive and had been taken to the very hospital where Danielle had spent nearly four days recovering. He knew she didn’t want to think about it anymore, she wanted to move on with her life and he was going to help her do that any way he could.

Danielle smiled as she watched him
carefully slice and dice vegetables. He was making his signature vegetable dip and for some reason, the way he was using his hands excited her.

They hadn’t made love since before she was shot and standing there watching him, she knew she was ready.

“How much longer until your dip is ready?” She asked.

“Not much longer,” he said, oblivious to the sexy smirk
 she was giving him. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh no reason,” she said, and seductively came up behind him and began untying his apron strings. She’d made him
wear his Kiss the cook apron, telling him that it made him look sexy.

He immediately put down the cutlery.

“Meet me upstairs and bring the wine.” She kissed him before heading up the stairs.

He put on Danielle's favorite radio station, poured them each a g
lass of wine and watched as she undressed before him.  Instantly he became aroused as she seductively crawled onto the bed and lie next to him.  Kissing her softly on the lips he whispered, “Are you sure you’re up for this?”

“Yes I am, make love to me,” sh
e said breath heavy with want and desire.

Gazing at her breasts, his tongue soon grazed over her nipples, causing the heat in her to rise to unknown temperatures.
  She moaned a moan that made him want her even more.  He was lost in her body and her scent as he felt the wetness between her legs. 

Just knowing that she was ready for him was enough to almost send him over the edge.
  Danielle's breathing quickened as Mitch slowly slid inside of her, they stared into each other’s eyes as they made love, and whispered into each other’s ear all the sweet, and erotic things that lovers whisper to each other when their minds are full of passion and lust.

Their desire mounting, Mitch slowed his lovemaking, he reached down and began caressing her at the spot he knew
would drive her over the edge. Quickening his caress along with his thrusts, they both succumbed to intense orgasms that caused them to melt into each other and collapse.

He could not help but want her lips again, he wanted to kiss her, drink her into him.
She welcomed him totally and fully into her mouth, his scent was intoxicating to her. Always when they kissed, it felt like the first time.

Danielle let out a breathless sigh.

“Baby, are you alright? I didn’t hurt you did I?” Mitch asked.

She smiled. “N
ot at all lover I missed you,” she purred.

“I missed you too,” he said and tenderly caressed her lips with his.

After they made love, the two dozed off. The vibration of his cell phone stirred him awake.


“Hey there Mitch, how’s Danielle?”

It was
Mike on the phone and Mitch wondered why he was calling. He glanced lovingly at Danielle as she lie sleeping peacefully next to him.

“She’s doing good Mike, what can I do for you?”

“Glad to hear it. Hey listen, I just wanted to give you a call to let you know that Julie Thompson died this morning.  The doctor told her family that there was no hope of her coming out of her coma so they decided to pull the plug. I just thought that you guys should know. You can tell Danielle that it’s finally over, and the two of you can finally concentrate on your life together.”

Mitch let out a deep sigh of relief. “Well I'm glad it’s finally over and I know Danielle will be too. Thanks for letting us know Mike.”

“No problem buddy, take care and have a great Thanksgiving.”

You too man, thanks,” Mitch said and smiled as he hung up the phone.


“Danielle will be what? Who were you talking to? I hope it was a pizza delivery guy, I'm starving.” She yawned and stretched. She’d woken up curious and hungry. Making love had brought back her appetite.

“Looks like someone’s gotten their appetite back, Mitch grinned. “And I shall feed you right after I tell you this,” he said and gathered her in his arms.

“That was Mike on the phone; it seems Julie Thompson’s family pulled the plug on her this morning. She’s gone Danielle, both she and Ethan are completely out of our lives for good,” he said and gave her a kiss.

Danielle sat up in bed, the news had taken her by surprise and she wondered
 out loud why she wasn’t saddened by it.

Mitch told her that after all she’d been through it was no wonder why she wasn’t saddened to hear that her assailant had died. He told Danielle that she was still and always would be a good person. But not being sadd
ened by either one of their assailant’s death’s, simply meant that she had wasted enough time and energy on them and now it was time to forgive, forget and move on.

“You know what Mitch? You’re absolutely right. I can forgive Julie for what she did, but I
can’t forgive Ethan, he tried to take you from me and I can’t forgive that. But I can forget everything about him. Now Julie Thompson shot me, yes. But she was a very sick woman and I understand that now. From now on, I will no longer keep them alive in my heart or my soul, they are dead and gone and I'm here. I'm here with you and this is exactly where I want to be,” she said and wrapped her arms around him.

“I love you Mitchell Conway, now can we please get something to eat?” she begged lightheartedly.



When Mitch’s family arrived on Thanksgiving morning, they wouldn’t let Danielle anywhere near the kitchen. Both Gail and Katelyn took over as they wanted Danielle to get some much needed rest. During the week, Mitch had told them that Danielle had been working tirelessly to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving and that any help they could give the day of, would be greatly appreciated.

“But you didn’t hear any of this from me,” Mitch told his mother.

When Danielle didn’t object, Mitch knew that he’d made th
e right choice in asking his family for help. Gail and Katelyn were more than happy to oblige.


Chapter Thirty Seven


Thanksgiving dinner went off without a hitch, and while the men went into the kitchen to clean up, the ladies readied the table for dessert and coffee. Shayla and Jason were stopping by and Danielle was quite anxious to see them. Before, during and after the meal, Danielle sensed an unusual amount of excitement in the air.  Was it her, or was Mitch behaving a bit strange, she couldn’t quite figure it out. All she could tell was that everyone seemed to be incredibly jovial.

“So how did your first thanksgiving dinner go?” Shayla asked. She and Danielle had stepped outside for some fresh air. Mitch, in anticipation
 of his guests wanting to step outside, had decorated the backyard with white lights. They draped casually along the deck, fence line, and around several of the trees that bordered the large yard, and it provided the perfect view for the two friends to have a nice, quiet chat.

“It went
perfect Shay, it really did. I was a bit nervous at first, but once Gail and Katelyn helped out, everything went as planned. Now if they all love my desserts, it’ll be the perfect ending to the perfect Thanksgiving and I won’t even bat an eyelash when it comes time to plan for Christmas,” she joked.

“Oh I'm sure you’ll plan that perfectly as well Dee, after all, you learned from the best,” Shayla said and winked at her friend.

“Thought you ladies could use something to drink,” said Jason, handing them each a glass.

“Wine for you Danielle and sparkling water for you my love,” he winked at Shayla.

Danielle raised an eyebrow. “No wine Shay? I have to say, I believe that’s a first,” Danielle let out a chuckle.

“You’re right Dee, it is definitely a first. But w
ine is not good for me right now,” she said trying to act subtle.

Just then, Mitch joined them.
  Danielle smiled and took a sip of wine.

“Now why wouldn’t it be good… Shayla are you? You guys are pregnant aren’t you?” Danielle asked.

“Yes we are,” Shayla and Jason said in unison.

Danielle let out an excited hoot. “Oh my god Shay, come here,” she said and hugged and kissed them both. “Congratulations you guys, I'm so happy for you,” she said and put her arms around Mitch.

“Okay, when are you due? And How long have you known?”

“I didn’t want to jinx it until the three months had passed and I'm due right about the time we were supposed to be getting married,” Shayla laughed.

“Okay so you move up the date of the wedding that’s all,” Danielle told her.

“We could do that and we were thinking something along the lines of a smaller ceremony too, perhaps a gorgeous back yard like this one, under the gazebo?” Shayla hinted.

Danielle took one look at Mitch and knew that he’d agree.

“That’s fine with me,” Mitc
h beamed. “That gazebo is big enough for a double ceremony I bet.” Shayla winked at Mitch.

“Oh I have no doubt that it is Shay, but right now would you mind if I stole Danielle away for a minute? I need to talk to her in private.”

Shayla and Jason exchanged enthusiastic looks before excusing themselves.

Danielle stood puzzled. What could he possibly have to talk to me about? She wondered. Mitch nervously paced the deck as he silently went over the words that he was going to say. He had rehearsed them over a
nd over again in his head. But now that the time had come, he hoped the words wouldn’t stumble out of his mouth.

“What is it honey?” Danielle asked as she looked into his eyes. They were luminous tonight and she could drown in them.

Mitch took in an anxious breath before taking her hand in his.

“Danielle, from the first moment that I saw you, you made my heart soar. You are the most amazing woman that I have ever met and I love you.”

Danielle could feel the tears beginning to well up inside of her, she knew what question he was about to ask and she hoped that she’d be able to contain herself long enough for him to ask it.

“You are my best friend and lover Danielle; please say yes and be my wife.”

And as he stayed on bended knee, Mitch pulled out a small velvet box.  Danielle gasped at the beauty of the antique ring and said yes while he slipped it onto her finger.

They then wrapped their arms around one another and smothered each other with kisses.

“Yes Mitchell Conway, yes!” she said exuberantly.

His heart
was so full at that moment; he hoped that it wouldn’t burst.

“I could never have lived my life without you in it each and every day Danielle Martins,” he said while gazing into her eyes. Eyes that he knew would always look back at him with love.

Walking inside hand in hand, Mitch couldn’t hold back. “She said yes!” he shouted and laughed as the cheers and congratulations went around the room.

“Oh let me see,” said Gail. “Oh Danielle my mother’s ring looks beautiful on you,” she cried.

Danielle could see the tears in her eyes.  “Gail, it’s a beautiful ring, thank you so much for allowing Mitch to give it to me. You all were in on it I'm guessing?” Looking around the room Danielle could feel the sense of family.

“Sweetheart, of course we were all in on it and
we did a pretty good job of keeping it from you,” Gail laughed.  “And I promised him that whenever he met the woman that could make his heart skip a beat every time he saw her, I would gladly give him my mother’s ring and you my dear are the woman he’s been searching for. We love you Danielle and thank you for making our Mitch the happiest man alive,” Gail cried tears of joy.

Mitch took his mother’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you,” he said to her.

“And now may I propose a toast,” Mitch’s dad chimed in.

veryone raise their glasses to Danielle and Mitch. It is written somewhere I'm sure that when our children find true love, parents find true joy. And even though you’re parents are no longer with us Danielle, know that they are smiling down at you and are so very proud of you. Here's to your joy and to all of ours from this day forward. Congratulations!”

“Congratulations!” Everyone said and drank a toast to an extraordinary couple who survived through extraordinary odds.



The End



































































































































BOOK: You Belong To Me
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