Read Wrath Online

Authors: KT Aphrodisia

Tags: #breeding, #soldier, #new species, #jr ward, #bred, #monster erotica, #knotting, #new breed, #knot, #monster porn, #interspecies breeding, #laurann dohner, #knotted sex

Wrath (2 page)

BOOK: Wrath
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It only took one person to open this kind of
thing up to the public, one person to make a difference, but first
she had to get to get proof and smuggling it out of this place
would be difficult if not impossible.

A big part of her wanted to quit, but how
could she do that when she knew about the atrocities going on
behind closed doors?

Emma was afraid, but she had to keep up the
farce and make them believe her ties and loyalties remained with
Trax Industries. If she did that she could see the experiments were
treated as gently and kindly as possible while she was here, and
maybe one day be presented with an opportunity to really make a
difference in their lives and help them gain freedom.

In the meanwhile, she had to continue to try
and do a good job so she could gain access to the kind of
information that could blow the roof off of Trax’s secret prison
and torture facility.

It only took one person to make a difference,
and she believed it was going to be her.

She squared her shoulders and buzzed the
intercom next to the office door of her supervisor. A second later,
he answered. “Hello?”

“Dr. Lee? It’s Emma. I have a question for
you? Can I come in?”

A buzzing sounded and the lock clicked
unlocked. She pushed it open and walked inside.

The doctors had access to many areas she
didn’t. She often wondered how much more there was to this
facility. How many more victims did the facility hide within its
concrete walls? It was wrong on so many levels. She needed to do
something but at the moment she was at the bottom of the
bureaucracy. She was being tested and watched closely.

Dr. Lee was at his desk working over a stack
of papers, and he didn’t look up when she entered. He was older,
but his age wasn’t shown in his smooth olive skin. He had short
gray hair and steel grey eyes. It was an odd combination for an
oriental but she imagined he was of mixed descent to get those
unique features. “What can I do for you, Ms. Hunt?”

“I, umm, just had a question about the orders
that were left in the files this morning.”

“Oh?” He looked up. His gaze was intense on

“Yes, sir.” She licked her lips and continued
shuffling nervously. It had to be a mistake. “It’s about one of the
specimens you want me to collect.”

“Yes? I left very specific orders. What’s the
problem, Ms. Hunt?”

“Yes, well, it’s about 216. I saw the note
about the semen sample.”


She was suddenly struck with the fact, this
was no error.

“Well, I was thinking there had to be a

Dr. Lee set down his pen. The harsh look on
his face shared his irritation at being disrupted. “I assure you
there was no mistake.”

She had collected countless samples before,
mouth swabs, blood samples, but this? Why would they want his seed?
The thought struck her as odd, but of course it never dawned on her
they would want to reproduce his species, or even find out if it
was possible. She shook her head and held her lab kit with both
hands in front of her. “I don’t understand.”

“What’s there to understand, Ms. Hunt?”

That wasn’t a question he expected her to
answer. She clenched her lips and stared back at him.

“You collect the samples. We use them in our

“But a semen sample is going to be hard to
get,” she explained.

He smiled as if she was an imbecile he had to
make things very simple for. “Just do whatever you have to do to
get it.”

“Number 216 won’t cooperate with this kind of

“He never does. We’ve tried bringing in
females for him before and he refuses to mate them, even by force.
He’s uncooperative and just, ugh, mean. We still need his

“So you can try to do an implantation into
the females later?” It sounded horrible, being bred like a prized
cow. Emma couldn’t hold back her grimace but then she never had a
real good poker face.

“I am sure, you will find a way.”


“Just be creative.”

“Dr. Lee, I can’t do this.”

“Are you saying you aren’t up to your job?
When I hired you I thought I hired a professional. Are you saying I
need to replace you Ms. Hunt?” It was a threat.

“No.” All the fight went out of her like a
popped balloon.

“I could send a few men from security to
restrain him if you have any other issues.” Dr. Lee’s brows drew
down in a frown and lines creased his forehead.

She sighed deeply knowing it would make
matters even worse if that happened. He would fight if there were
men to fight against. It was best if she went in alone and tried to
gain his trust. She wasn’t sure it would work, but it would be the
kindest way to collect the semen sample. “No, let me do it alone.
I’ll take care of it.”

Emma wasn’t sure how, but she would find a
way. Dr. Lee’s eyes were on her as she left the room. She could do
this. She wasn’t sure how, but it would work out. If she had to
request the armed security team help, it would only mean
embarrassment and full body restraints for number 216. He was
always in chains, but the security guards measures were harsher
than she wanted him to have to submit to. If she talked nicely,
maybe he would be nice back. So far, he had not harmed her.

Stress was getting to her and making her

Who was she kidding? She was going to get
hurt this time and no one was going to come to her rescue. She’d
seen the feral, half wild look in 216’s eyes before. She wasn’t
about to kid herself. This was dangerous. He could snap her neck in
a New York minute. Those chains were nothing to his species. He
could snap them if he went ballistic and she would be entering the
kill zone to take this sample even if he was willing to let her use
the syringe. She was in trouble and way over her head today.

She punched her code into the security door
and it slid open. Immediately, she saw him across the room. He wore
a baby blue jumpsuit, much like a prisoner would wear in jail. His
nostrils flared as she entered, but he didn’t move his head. She
felt his primal energy and it was extremely male. He may have
looked like a beast, his sharp jaw bones were contorted with
details that reminded her of a canine. His lips lifted and sharp
incisors framed his mouth.

That could have been a smile or warning. She
hoped it was friendly.

It was hard to tell with these experiments.
She entered the chambers, purposefully staying behind the red line
painted on the perimeter of the floor. That was the kill zone. It
had been drilled into her how unsafe it was to cross that without
securing him further, and she would have to do it eventually but
she wanted to put him at ease first. She set the lab kit on a
wheeled table and opened the lid. “Hi.”

He didn’t respond, but his eyes devoured

She cleared her throat, knowing he wasn’t
likely to talk to her at all. He never did before. He turned his
face and she saw the purple welt beneath his eye.

“Oh shit, you’re hurt.” Compassion flooded
her heart. She didn’t think. She just reacted and before she knew
it she was beside him—touching him. His cheek muscles flinched as
her fingers traced the bruised flesh. “How’d this happen?”

He didn’t respond, didn’t act like he was
hurt at all, but instead inhaled the scent of her deeply. His wide
eyes flared with intensity and heat and she felt an unbelievable
pressure rise in her belly. She pushed it down, trying to pretend
it wasn’t there. He wasn’t going to answer her question. He never
did talk back to her. In her heart, she knew what happened. He
didn’t have to explain. This place was evil and some people took
great pleasure out of giving other people pain and making them

Emma wished she could shut it down.

“I wish you’d talk to me. Tell me who did
this to you. I’d make them pay. This isn’t right, 216.”

His lips closed into a tightlipped

Yeah, he didn’t trust her to help. He’d been
hurt too many times by humans just like her.

If their positions were switched she wasn’t
sure she would trust herself either. “I’m sorry. For whatever its
worth I don’t think this is right.” She had been touching his face
the entire time, and been unaware of it. His face was covered in
soft fur and she liked the way it felt against her fingertips. She
pulled away self consciously and whispered, “I think you’re going
to be fine. I’ll get you some ice though. It should keep the
swelling down.”

His kind healed faster than humans. They
moved faster, were stronger, and had many animal-like
characteristics. She knew this. This bruising would probably be
gone by the end of the day, but she still worried about him.

She sighed deeply as she pulled out her
equipment. This was going to be awkward, but somehow they would
both manage to get through this. “216 I don’t know how you put up
with this, what we do to you, but I want you to understand I would
never hurt you. Not purposely.”

He watched her intently, predatory like.

She licked her lips and continued speaking,
“I have to take a special kind of sample today. I don’t want to do
this, but it’s my job. I need to take some of your seed.”

It felt intense to be this near him. Anger
radiated from his body. He didn’t seem to react well, but he always
felt like he was angry with those dark hungry looks he shot at her.
“Do you understand what I am saying?”

Silence drifted between them and then for the
first time he spoke to her. “I understand English. They sent you to
mate with me.”

Her chin dropped to the floor and heat burned
her cheeks and entered unwelcome into her pussy. Shit, if that was
what he thought she wanted she was in deep trouble. “Humans aren’t
compatible to your kind are they?”

“Did they send you here to find out?” His
deep voice purred at her.

Blood drained from her face.


Why did he think of that before she did?

She hoped not. Emma did not sign up to be a
lab rat, but at the same time the thought of his body sliding
against hers was not an unwelcome thought. He was not beautiful by
human standards but there was this amazing animalistic quality to
him that she appreciated as a woman.

He wanted to breed with her.

That knocked the breath from her lungs.

She pretended he didn’t affect her.

“No, I just require your seed. I can use the
syringe if you like or think it may be easier but I think the less
painful option would be to have you, uh, come for me in this jar.”
She extended her arm, sharing the cup with the twist off lid for
him to take. He looked blankly back at her.

“Come for you? Is that what you call it? Make
me come and I will give you my seed.” There it was. That very male
confident smile tossed back her way.

“You want me to touch you?”

He didn’t respond but she knew the answer.
His gaze was intent and quite disturbing. Just the thought of
touching his erect cock stirred lust deep inside of her. The
forbidden thought of sliding her hands over that part of him was
erotic, and hypnotic. Her mouth went dry and her heartbeat was
erratic. She didn’t know she had stopped breathing for a moment
until she felt the sharp pain in her chest and lightheaded. She let
out the air with a whoosh.

Okay, she could make this work. She was a
medical professional. She could act like one. If that’s what it
took to get the semen sample, she’d just have to suck it up and do

Sometimes the real world required some


“Well, aren’t you going to touch me?” Number
216 snapped, knocking Emma out of her lust induced stupor. Her
mouth was dry and my eyes were glued to his powerful cock sticking
out of the top of his blue cotton pants. From the moment he had
pushed down his pants to reveal the monster he was hiding under
there, she couldn’t turn away. Her eyes were glued to his sex
organ. His cock was huge and erect. She felt so slutty and dirty to
want to take advantage of him while he sat there in chains. It was
wrong, and yet she ached for him.

It was wrong on so many levels.

He knew Emma was attracted to him and yet he
was flaunting himself for her to see. He was so big, and every time
his hands stroked his dick, his sex grew larger, redder, and even
angrier looking. Number 216 was bigger than any man she’d ever seen
and my mind immediately went places it probably shouldn’t have. He
was a creature of science, possibly more animal than he was

Would humans and his species be sexually
compatible? Seeing him made her wonder. He was similar to her in
some ways, their body parts seemed to line up, but what else was
different, besides sheer size?

Emma was too curious, and her body was
reacting in a very unexpectedly sexual way. Heat warmed her thighs,
and a liquid pooled in her pussy, wetting her panties.

His pupils dilated, reminding her she was in
the presence of a predatory creature. A cold blooded creature this
company created for the sole purpose of creating an inhuman
soldier. He was a weapon. He could destroy her in a heartbeat and
he was extremely dangerous. His voice rumbled deep in his chest, on
the edge of a growl. “I can smell your arousal, female. You’re
interested in me.”

Emma clenched her thighs together suddenly
very uncomfortable. He was looking at her like she was a sex object
and she didn’t altogether like it. “I am not just a female. I have
a name and it’s Emma.”

“They never bothered to name me.” His voice
was tinged with repressed anger.

That had to hurt, to not even have been
bothered with a name. Emma wanted to give him one. Did his mother
name him? Would she have called him John? Somehow no name she could
come up with seemed to fit him.

“I know.” Emma’s eyes shut for a moment.
Breathe. Just breathe, I reminded myself. I knew him as a number.
He could remain faceless, and no one had to feel as bad for him if
he went on nameless. “It’s terrible how they treat you here.”

BOOK: Wrath
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