Read Wolfen Domination Online

Authors: Celeste Anwar

Wolfen Domination (5 page)

BOOK: Wolfen Domination
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            He sought her mouth, nipping her neck with the
edge of his teeth as she twisted her face away.

            She groaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain
as he plowed ruthlessly past her resisting muscles, heaving against her in hard
thrusts until he was buried inside of her to the root of his member.

            He couldn’t think beyond his own burning need. 
Scouring her tender flesh with his lips, his teeth, and his tongue, he began
pumping into her with barely leashed savagery, his movements as frenzied as his
need was desperate.  She cried out, jerking as her body convulsed in pleasure.

            The sound drove him beyond even the tenuous hold
that remained to him.  He groaned hoarsely as his orgasm caught him and he felt
his body pumping his seed into her.

            Weakness washed over him as he spent himself on
her, his arms and legs beginning to tremble with fatigue.

            Through the darkness of expended ecstasy, a
thread of reason emerged.  He dragged in a shaky breath, allowing her to slide
down the wall until her feet touched the floor.  Even as he reached for her
beautiful white throat, however, the chains tightened, pulling his arms over
his head.

            He let out a roar of fury, surging against the

            Her eyes opened, widened slightly as she slid
weakly to the floor.

            Awareness flickered in the depths of her eyes,
and terror--and revulsion.

            “Next time, I’ll kill her,” he growled furiously
as he watched them enter the room and drag her away.

            He meant it.  He dwelt on little else while he
waited for them to bring her to torment him again, ruthlessly quashing the
memories of all the times he had waited and watched for her return as the only
highlight in the hell they had deviced for him.

            They doubled the injection the next time they
brought her to him.  By the time they had shoved her through his cage door, he
was writhing on the floor, his body and mind on fire.  The moment she came
within his reach, he dragged her down, pinning her to the cold stones with his
body and thrusting inside of her until he found release.

            After they had brought her to him again, he
ceased to think of much beyond taking her.  He craved her more than food or
water, with or without the drug.  He hated her almost as much as he wanted her
and he made no attempt to hide it from her.

* * * *

            Disbelief dominated Erin, filtering out much of
the emotions that she was certain she would have felt if her life had not
become a nightmare she couldn’t entirely grasp.  When the drug had finally worn
off, she’d found herself in her own bed in her own quarters.  Despite the
aftereffects of having been drugged, however, right up until the moment she
tried to move, Erin had convinced herself that she’d had some sort of ‘bad

            The protest of her muscles, particularly those
along her inner thighs, made it impossible to even hold on to the dubious
comfort of worrying that the drug they’d given her had damaged her mind.

            She hadn’t dreamed it. She hadn’t hallucinated
because that bitch had pumped an untested drug into her.  The moment she
slipped her hand down between her legs to cup her bruised nether lips, she knew
beyond any doubt that they really had thrown her in with the beast.  She
fondled him and begged him to fuck her and he had been all
too willing to do so.

            She had become their newest pet project.

            She didn’t know what they had given her beyond
the fact that the bitch had called it Formula 9.  Undoubtedly, it was something
that had been developed here, something most likely developed for the
creatures, not humans.

            She had barely been conscious of anything at all
beyond a frantic need to be penetrated.  She had needed it so desperately that
she suspected she would have been willing to try to rape him if he hadn’t seized
the initiative and assuaged the need.

            She hadn’t been pushed to that, though.  Almost
as soon as she’d begun to rub herself on him, he had yielded to his animal

            She shuddered at the memory, feeling warmth and
shame flood her all over again as she recalled the pleasure she’d felt when he
had pummeled her.  She’d ‘done it’ with a creature that wasn’t even human and
gloried in it, begged for it.

an animal.  However human he
appeared because of the silver that controlled him, that was all he really was
and the savage fierceness of his possession was proof of it.

            It was more demoralizing to have to accept that
she’d actually enjoyed coupling with the beast than if she’d merely been
savaged by it.  By the time they came to take her back to him, she had
convinced herself that she would die before she’d let that thing near her again. 
The moment she saw the two guards with Freda she knew the forlorn hope she’d
held out that they wouldn’t dare try such a thing again had been a pipe dream. 
When the guards grabbed her, she began screaming, biting, and kicking.

            Beyond a demonstration of her reluctance, the
exercise was useless.  The guards held her down impassively while Freda
injected her.

            The drug went through her and set her blood on
fire.  She was breathless with arousal, every touch burning her up with need.  By
the time they hauled her to her feet and led her down to the beast’s cage, she
was almost ready to tear free and race to him.

            Fear washed over her briefly when she saw the
look in his eyes, but the urges were far too strong to resist.  If she had
known positively that he would rip her to shreds, she didn’t think she could
have refrained from going to him and demanding that he ease the ache inside of





Chapter Three


            During the times when she was completely lucid,
Erin was certain nothing could be worse than what she’d already experienced. 
She discovered that she hadn’t reckoned on Freda’s penchant for tormenting
anybody and anything within her power.

            She had lost track of time since she had been
confined in her quarters, lost track of the number of times they had taken her
to pleasure the beast, but she knew weeks had passed, perhaps as much as a month,
maybe even more.  The day arrived when the guards came and she was injected not
with the drug that drove her wild with need, but a mild sedative instead.

            It made very little difference in her ability to
fight them off.

            It made a world difference, however, when she was
shoved into the beast’s cage. She was far more aware of her surroundings, far
more conscious of the threat she faced, and she did not have the drug driving
her libido out of control.

            Such was not the case with him.  She could see
they’d given him a powerful dose to overcome his resistance.  The moment his
gaze settled on her his eyes darkened and his features hardened with barely
leashed desire.

            But she saw there was wildness in his eyes, too,
something she had not noticed before in her own state--and hate and rage.

            It was small wonder considering what they’d done
to him.

            She huddled near the door where they’d left her,
afraid to approach him.

            He seemed to sense her terror, as hard as she was
trying to hide it, sensed that something was different.  He ceased struggling
against the chains, breathing deeply, raggedly.

            He still watched her with a predatory gleam in
his eyes, but she could see he’d begun struggling with the drug they’d injected
in him.

            They were watching.  She knew that the moment the
pulley overhead began to churn and the chains went slack.  His arms dropped to
his sides.  Pain contorted his features.

            Despite her fear of him, pity twisted hers.

            He saw it when he opened his eyes.  It enraged
him and she saw his control slip.  “What?” he asked in a low rumbling growl. 
“You think you’re so good,
, you can collect your specimen from over

            Erin moistened her lips.  “They drugged me.  I
didn’t know what I was doing.”

            His lips curled.  Amusement didn’t touch his
eyes, however.  “Coulda fooled me,
.  Seemed t’me you knew just
what you wuz doin’.  You spread them purty white thighs real nice.”  His gaze
flickered down her body to rest on the curls at the apex of her thighs.  “They
gave me three hits,” he added broodingly. “What you think about that,

You think, maybe, they’re figuring they don’ need you no more?  Think they
figure I’ll take care of their little disposal problem?”

            Erin shuddered, sorry now that they hadn’t
drugged her out of her mind.  The sedative did nothing more than disorient her,
slowing her reactions, muddling her thoughts.

            He bared his teeth in a parody of a smile. “Come
.  I got a little somethin’ I wanna share wi’ you.”

            Erin shook her head slowly, backing away until
she was plastered against the door.  The cold metal sent a shiver through her. 
She glanced up at the camera.

            As if it had been a signal, the churning of the
pulley began again.  Alarmed at the sound, Erin’s head snapped toward him just
as the beast bounded toward her.  She didn’t have time to scream.  Before she’d
managed to do more than suck in a sharp breath he was upon her, his hands
closing around her arms, pinning her to the door.

            She squeezed her eyes closed, expecting any
moment to feel pain explode inside her mind as he shredded her flesh.  She jerked
all over when she felt his heated breath against her ear.  “Now I get ta do a
little experiment of my own,

            Her eyes opened wide as he lifted his head,
capturing her chin and forcing her to look up at him.  His face closed in on
hers as he dipped his head toward her.  She felt the heat of his ragged breaths
on her face, the scent of his breath.  Her body reacted instantly to the
chemical it had been taught to respond to--his.  Warmth displaced the fear,
unfurling like an opening blossom in her belly.

            “You don’ wanna kiss the nasty beast, do you,
he murmured, nibbling her lips with his.  “Too personal?  Too intimate?  It’s
not like jus’ fucking the beast, is it,
?  Cause din you cain’t
pretend you don’ really want it, cain’t be all scientific and detached.  It’s
too much like makin’ love, ain’t it,

            Her lips tingled from his touch and his
nearness.  Her mouth had gone cotton dry from the short, quick breaths she
took.  She licked her lips to moisten them, inadvertently touching his lips as
she did so.

            He fitted his lips to hers more firmly, flicked
his tongue out to tease the seam that posed the only barrier to his intimate
caress.  Dizziness washed over her that had nothing to do with the drug they’d
injected her with.

            When he opened his mouth over hers and parted the
seam of her lips with the tip of his tongue, delving inside to explore the
sensitive recess of her mouth, she offered no more than a token resistance, her
thoughts too chaotic to consider anything else.  The warmth became heat.  The
heat became need.  The resistance inside her fled.

            Her body remembered the pleasure he’d taught it
to feel and opened to him as if he’d uttered an incantation.

            In a sense it was just that.  The rake of his
tongue along hers filled her with his chemical essence.  The thrust of his
tongue evoked keen echoes of his possession.

            She didn’t know when she ceased to accept him
passively and became a willing participant, but one moment she was merely
unresisting and the next she found herself stroking her tongue along his.

            He tensed, immediately suspicious, but as she
lifted her hands and skated them lightly, tentatively over his belly, she felt
his wariness crumble, felt his needs supplant his reason.  His hold on her
upper arms relaxed.  His hands moved to her back, pulling her more tightly
against him.  The kiss, which had begun with gentle persuasion, sharpened with

            He broke from the kiss abruptly, lifting his head
to stare at her.  With an effort, Erin lifted her heavy lids to look up at
him.  Raw need glittered in his eyes.  Behind them was a war zone.  The drugs
threatened to slip the leash he held upon it, his natural desires working
against his reasoning mind and joining forces with the effects of the drug.  He
swallowed thickly.  “That was … a mistake,
he muttered, dipping
his head abruptly and fastening his mouth over the flesh along the side of her

BOOK: Wolfen Domination
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