Wolf Shapeshifter Romance: Her Alpha Soulmate (Shapeshifter Alpha Werewolf Romance)(BBW Paranormal Alpha Wolf Shapeshifter Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Wolf Shapeshifter Romance: Her Alpha Soulmate (Shapeshifter Alpha Werewolf Romance)(BBW Paranormal Alpha Wolf Shapeshifter Romance)
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Chapter 2


Ashley followed the sound of Ruby’s barking, “Ruby, come on girl,” Ashley called with a worried pitch to her voice.


Ruby had gone quiet now, which Ashley wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. Did this mean she was quiet because she was hurt, or quiet because she’d found something more interesting than barking to occupy her mind?


Ashley walked by the sign swinging in the light breeze stating that she was now on ‘Whites Creek Road.’ The first property was by far the nicest, even though the residents weren’t it easily had 4-5 bedrooms with stunning land surrounding it and the views must be spectacular. Technically you weren’t supposed to be in the area unless you were a resident or visiting one of the houses, but it didn’t even occur to her that she might be trespassing.


Movement by the house caught Ashley’s eye, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” she mumbled as she continued toward the property. The movement she’d spotted was Ruby. Her beloved pooch had ended up in front of the best house up here, unbelievable! Ashley marched down the path leading to the house and there, crouched down with Ruby was a young man.


Ashley’s gaze had now moved completely from Ruby toward the gorgeous man petting her. He looked to be in his early thirties with blonde hair tied back in a low ponytail and from what she could see from his position he had an athletic build.


“Sorry, Ruby here girl,” she apologized as she grew closer, and as she spoke he stood up and turned to face her. Ashley could see she was right with her guess about his athletic build; he was about 6’1” and wearing a tight t-shirt and reasonably tight blue jeans. His t-shirt clung to his toned physique in all the right places and she could see his muscular arms. 


“Hey there, no need to apologize Miss,” he smiled as he said the words, and Ashley’s knees felt very weak all of a sudden and she had butterflies doing somersaults in her tummy. He was so softly spoken, the men Ashley knew shouted in comparison. He started to walk toward Ashley with his hand extended, “I’m Mason and I see this lovable hound is Ruby, and who might you be?”


“How did you know her name’s Ruby? Are you psychic?”


“Ummm nothing as fancy I’m afraid, her name’s on her collar tag,” he grinned.


Ashley went as red as a tomato and stuttered, “God I’m so stupid! I’m Ashley.”


He took her hand lightly and Ashley assumed he was going to shake it, but instead he put it to his lips and kissed it gently. Ashley felt his light touch in every part of her body as she shuddered with desire and wished he’d kiss her again.


“Pleased to make your acquaintance Ashley,” he said, as he looked straight into her green eyes, his own eyes seeming to reflect the lust that she was feeling. No surely not.


This hunk of a man gazing at her with lust, no that just wouldn’t happen, but she could see it deep in his eyes as he longingly undressed her, slowly looking her up and down. Mason’s eyes rested on her breasts a little longer than they should have and Ashley felt her face start to redden again.


He was stunning. His eyes were an ice blue color and he was ruggedly handsome, not a pretty boy in the least. His hair was a sandy blonde color and worn back in a low ponytail, the look suited him. His kiss on her hand had left her skin tingling.


Ashley realized she was staring at him as much as he was staring at her and dropped her eyes; she turned her attention toward Ruby who was more interested in Mason than her. It was only then she noticed the foul stench her dog was emitting, her fur was dripping.


“Ruby, what the hell have you been rolling in? Come here,” Ashley looked at Mason as her dripping wet dog came toward her, and they both burst out laughing.


“I didn’t like to refuse stroking her as she’s so friendly, but I did notice she smelt rather unpleasant,” he winked at Ashley. He had a warmth about him; he made her feel at ease immediately.


“She’s normally afraid of men,” Ashley commented as Ruby left her side and returned to sit at Mason’s feet.


“Well I obviously don’t pose a threat to her, and what about you Miss Ashley, are you normally afraid of men too?” he smiled at her. He had the cutest dimples when he smiled.


Ashley blushed again, “No, not afraid, shy normally but not afraid.”


“Yes I can see the shy part by your coloring,” he smiled tenderly at her. Ashley felt herself attracted to him in a way she’d never experienced before. She’d only met him moments ago but it felt like she’d known him for years.


“Are you new here?” she asked, wanting to carry on the conversation as long as she could. He fascinated her. His blue eyes seemed to peer into her very soul and he listened intently to every word she spoke. He appeared to be just as willing to stay chatting as she was. She moved closer toward him and noticed him watching her every move.


Normally Ashley would feel conscious of her figure this close to an extremely sexy man, but Mason made her feel desirable. She thought she could detect a hunger for her in his eyes, and she was hoping her interpretation was right.


Ruby wandered off for a root around the land and Ashley used her departure to move even closer to Mason.


“Yes, I moved in about a week ago. It’s so lovely here,” he was so close to her that she could hear him breathing now.


She looked straight at him and said, “This has always been my favorite house up here, it’s so beautiful.”


“I can see something just as beautiful standing in front of me right now,” he whispered as he leant toward her.


Again with the blushing. Ashley looked down at the ground feeling embarrassed, she shuffled her feet awkwardly.


He lifted her chin up gently so she was looking straight at him, “Why be embarrassed Miss Ashley? You’re beautiful and you smell gorgeous.”


Ashley was a little surprised by his comment and assumed he was referring to the jasmine shower gel she’d used earlier and replied, “That must be my shower gel.”


He kept his finger under her chin and leant toward her with his face inches away from hers, she could feel his hot breath on her cheek, “No I meant your scent Miss Ashley, not your shower gel.”


Ashley felt herself being turned on by his comment she felt the delightful rush of arousal between her legs, she bit her bottom lip provocatively as he straightened himself and looked into her eyes. She wanted to kiss him, to feel her tongue inside his moist mouth the very thought turned her on even more and Ashley felt her silk panties growing damp from her lust for him.


Ruby came bouncing back and broke the moment. She bounced straight by them and straight in the front door.


“Ruby no,” Ashley screamed after her canine chum as she vanished into Mason’s house with her fur still dripping.


Both Mason and Ashley ran down the path following Ruby’s muddy prints as they went, to her surprise Mason was laughing he didn’t seem at all annoyed that his beautiful home was about to be turned upside down by a dripping wet dog. Ashley entered his house after him completely out of breath and sweating, suddenly she didn’t feel so sexy. She looked across at Mason. There wasn’t a drop of sweat on him anywhere and he wasn’t even breathing heavily.


They caught up with Ruby who had made it to his kitchen, and wow what a kitchen it was. “This room alone is bigger than my whole house,” Ashley whispered under her breath.


“Is it really?” his question caught her by surprise as she’d spoken so quietly.


“Your home is stunning Mason, simply stunning,” she wondered if there was a Mrs. Mason in the picture as the place was so clean, almost clinically clean.


As if he read her thoughts he said, “I don’t do bad for a guy living alone, do I?”


“Not at all, I’m impressed, and now my daft dog has left dirt everywhere I’m so, so sorry Mason.”


“Don’t be sorry Miss Ashley, I’ve not had so much fun in years,” he chuckled.


Ruby started to bark.


“She’s a good guard dog, there’s someone at my door excuse me Ashley,” he said as he left her standing in his kitchen while he answered the door. Ashley looked around; the place was beautiful with nothing out of place. She felt so guilty about Ruby messing his spotless home up.


He came back through to the kitchen with a very striking woman following him. Ashley’s heart sank, why did she assume he had nobody in his life just because he lived alone. Of course he’d have someone; he’s sexy and obviously got money.


“Ashley this is Jessica, Jessica this is Ashley and her dog Ruby,” Mason said chuckling again at the sight of Ruby.


Ashley politely held out her hand toward Jessica. She took it and shook it with a very halfhearted attempt at appearing civil. It was obvious to Ashley that she was no longer welcome in Mason’s home.


Jessica was striking in every way and made Ashley suddenly feel very big and clumsy. She had short blonde hair which showed her stunning facial features off perfectly, including her very unusual amber colored eyes. Her waist was tiny and her breasts were small but pert and dangerously close to spilling out of her low cut top. Her jeans looked as though they’d been sprayed on and her boots must have cost a small fortune. 


“Mason what has that animal done to your beautiful home?” she snapped glaring straight at Ruby. Ruby growled at her with her hackles raised.


“Ruby, quiet. I’ll be on my way Mason,” Ashley said, clipping Ruby’s lead on. She’d never growled at anyone before in her entire life, she was as placid as they come.


Ashley muttered goodbye to Jessica, who just made a grunting sound at her and Ruby as though they were things she’d remove from the bottom of her expensive boots. Mason caught her up by the front door and spoke softly to her, “Sorry about Jessica, she’s not known for her people skills Ashley.”


“That’s fine I’ve got to go and get Ruby cleaned up anyway. I’m so sorry for the mess she’s made Mason,” Ashley felt terrible. Firstly for the mess her beloved pooch had made and secondly because the first man she’d met in ages that she liked had a beautiful and skinny girlfriend.


He leant toward her and pecked her on the cheek, “Hey, it’s been fun. I truly hope we meet again Miss Ashley.” He placed his hand on her shoulder as he spoke.


“Don’t think your girlfriend would like that,” she whispered.


“Sometimes things aren’t always what they first appear to be Miss Ashley, Jessica is not my girlfriend,” he said as he winked at her. Ashley and Ruby left and as she walked away from his home Ashley had a funny feeling she’d see him again very soon.

Chapter 3


The next day saw life return to normal for Ashley, although it seemed like every single second she was thinking about Mason. She was fascinated by him. The way his sexy dimples showed when he smiled, his gorgeous ice blue eyes, his sandy blonde hair and god that body, just thinking about his body got Ashley all hot and bothered.


She was working, as normal. Ashley had the back shift today meaning she would be working late and locking the diner after her shift. It was nearly closing time and Ashley’s feet were grateful, Abigail had left about ten minutes earlier in a hurry as she was going on a date with a new guy. Ashley was going to tell her all about Mason but thought better of it in the end; he was her secret.


Everyone had gone and Ashley was clearing the tables when a familiar voice behind her whispered, “Hello Miss Ashley.”


Her pulse raced as she turned around and looked into those beautiful ice blue eyes once again. He looked stunning in black jeans, an orange t-shirt and black sneakers, but the main thing that Ashley noticed was his hair. Today he had worn it down and it cascaded over his muscly shoulders, it made him look almost wild. 


“Mason, how did? I mean how did you know I worked here?” Ashley was flustered and sounded like a babbling fool.


Mason smiled at her, “It didn’t take much detective work. I asked in a few of the local shops if anyone knew of an Ashley, I took a guess that you might work locally.”


She was flattered. Mason had asked about her.


“Well it’s not a very glamorous job I’m afraid. Hey, did your beautiful home clean up okay after Ruby’s rampage?” she asked as she carried some dishes through to the kitchen.


“Yes it’s all good. Here let me help you,” he offered as he went to take the dishes from Ashley’s hands.


She jumped as his hand brushed against hers and all the dishes scattered across the diner floor with a loud crash.


“Shit,” Ashley shouted as she knelt down to pick them up.


Mason knelt down beside her to help, he placed a finger under her chin and tilted her face toward him he looked deep into her eyes and said, “I’ve thought about you every minute of the day since we met. I wanted to find you and apologize for Jessica’s behavior.”


Ashley shivered at his light touch, “You don’t need to say sorry Mason she’s probably better suited to you than I am.”


Mason’s voice was quite short when he replied, “Don’t you do that, you hear me. You’re are a million times better than she is Miss Ashley, for one thing you have a heart, and passion running through your veins these are traits Jessica knows little of.”


Ashley felt her heart skip a beat as she looked at Mason, “How can you tell I have passion running through my veins?”


“I can see it in your beautiful green eyes when I look at you. Can you see it in mine?”


Ashley looked deep into his eyes whispering, “Yes, yes I can.”


Mason took her arm and helped her to her feet, “Let’s pick the dishes up in a minute. I have something I want to do that I’ve been dying to do from the first moment I met you Miss Ashley.”


Now her heart wasn’t just racing it was nearly flying out of her chest as he placed one hand under her chin and the other one behind her head.


His touch felt as light as a feather and he smelt so good. He leant toward her and as his soft lips touched hers, she felt dizzy with passion. She put her arms around his neck and his tongue gently teased her trembling lips apart before plunging into her mouth, darting to explore and seeking out her tongue. Mason’s kiss was intoxicating and lingering. Ashley had never been kissed like it before. As they drew apart, he looked down at her and whispered in her ear, “You’re so beautiful Miss Ashley.”


Ashley looked down embarrassed by his comment, but he lifted her chin up so she was looking at him once again.


“Don’t be shy with me. You’re truly beautiful. Is there anywhere here that’s slightly more private?”


Ashley could hardly talk let alone think but she managed to stutter, “Out the back in the staff-room.”


She took his hand and led him through to the staff-room on legs that would barely carry her; he kissed her hand as they walked. She was wearing her uniform that consisted of a knee- length skirt, a t-shirt and flat ballerina type shoes. As they walked, his kisses traveled from her hand up her arm and his light touch tickled Ashley’s skin, she giggled.


“You have a great laugh and you’re so, so sexy,” he whispered in her ear, his hot breath against her flushed cheek. Ashley had never considered herself remotely sexy, hot, cute or any of the adjectives generally used to describe a desirable person.


“Jessica’s the sexy one not me,” she said and regretted the words as soon as they tumbled out of her mouth.


Mason stopped walking and spun Ashley around to face him, “Look you have to remove her from your head. I see nothing in her but a manipulative woman, oh sure, she wants me and has made that clear on more than one occasion. Ashley you have more lust, longing and love in your little finger than she has in her whole body. Your body is so hot. Do you want me to continue?”


She smiled cheekily, “I can listen to your compliments all day long, but I’d rather you kissed me.”


Mason obliged by kissing her hard on the lips. This time his tongue wasn’t as patient and his kiss was full of intensity and hunger, engulfing Ashley in its passion. She kissed him back running her fingers through his hair and pulling him into her moist and welcoming mouth.


“Where’s the staff-room Miss Ashley?” his voice sounded husky and gruff.


“Come with me,” she said as she took his hand again. They walked to the back of the diner and into the staff-room. Ashley turned the light on and as it flickered she felt Mason’s strong hand on the small of her back, he guided her into the small room.


There wasn’t much in the room, just the bare minimum required for a staff-room. A table stood in the middle of the tiled floor with a few chairs scattered around it, there was a counter top with a kettle, microwave and toaster on it. There were some mugs hanging on a mug-tree and a small fridge in the corner quietly humming away.


Mason guided her toward the table and kissed her tenderly on the mouth, he walked her backwards until the backs of her legs touched the table. She felt it behind her and scooted on to it, sitting on the table’s edge. Mason stopped kissing her and stood back from the table slightly. He lifted his arms up implying that he wanted her to lift his t-shirt off. Ashley started to raise his orange t-shirt up from the bottom and slowly up over his head. His torso was so toned and he had a spectacular six-pack, Ashley gasped quietly as she looked at the sexy man standing in front of her. He took his t-shirt away from her and leant behind her laying it out on the table for her to lie on.


Ashley caressed his bare skin as he leant behind her and felt her panties dampen. His body was so taut, smooth and warm. She kissed his chest softly and felt him shudder, his hands left her back where they’d been holding her and snaked their way toward her ample swollen breasts. Ashley gasped loudly as he gently caressed them through the flimsy material of her t-shirt. Her breasts were aching for his touch. He cupped a breast in each hand, gently massaging them while he kissed her neck lightly.


“Mason take my top off,” she breathlessly whispered in his ear as he kissed her neck harder.


She raised her arms and he carefully lifted her t-shirt off. Ashley was so glad she’d opted for her yellow lacy bra that morning, the light under-wiring and plunge design of the bra accentuated her natural curves. Mason moaned softly when he saw her.


“See I told you, you’re beautiful.”


He reached behind her and unclasped her bra freeing her breasts from their lacy prison. He bent his head, starting to kiss her neck softly once again, and as he did his hands crept to her creamy smooth breasts, caressing them gently. Ashley moaned softly. His fingers found her aroused nipples as he teased them, squeezing gently. He lowered his head from her neck and took one in his mouth. Ashley moaned loudly throwing her head back and thrusting her throbbing breast hard into his moist mouth, Mason sucked it while he caressed her other bare breast. Ashley moaned louder telling him to suck it harder.


Mason stopped and held her close to him. Her naked breasts against his bare chest. His hand started to creep up her skirt and she parted her legs as much as her skirt would allow. His fingers found her panties and when he felt their wetness, he groaned loudly. Ashley held him close while his fingers felt her wet pussy through her panties.


He kissed her hard on the mouth and she craved his fingers inside her. She could feel his bulge through his jeans as she held him close and now he pressed against her harder. Ashley wanted to feel him inside her, thrusting his hard cock into her soaking wet pussy.


“Oh shit, fucking shit, sorry Ashley,” Abigail’s high-pitched voice shouted.


“What the fuck Abi?” Ashley cried trying desperately to find her t-shirt on the table behind her where Mason had thrown it. He helped her find it and put his own top back on.


“I came back for my bag Ash, jeez I’m sorry girl, hi,” Abigail said raising a hand at Mason.


“Hi, forgive my manners. I’m Mason,” he said as he held a hand out to Abigail.


“Charmed, hey what happened to the dishes out front?” she said as she shook his hand.


“I dropped them, we’ll clear them up,” Ashley said.


“I’ll leave you to it,” Abigail said and grabbed her bag. She looked back over her shoulder and mouthed the word, ‘Wow,’ to her friend as she left.


Mason and Ashley looked at one another and burst out laughing.


“Well that poured cold water on that then,” Ashley smiled. Mason nodded and gave her a lingering kiss on her soft lips.


“We’ll continue this another time sweet Miss Ashley,” he said.


They finished clearing the broken dishes away and Mason walked Ashley back to her home. She felt awkward about him seeing the small condo, but he didn’t seem to even notice as he only had eyes for her.

He saw her safely indoors, patted Ruby gently on the head as she’d insisted on saying hello to him, and then walked off toward the dark forest.
BOOK: Wolf Shapeshifter Romance: Her Alpha Soulmate (Shapeshifter Alpha Werewolf Romance)(BBW Paranormal Alpha Wolf Shapeshifter Romance)
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