Witchling (Curse of Kin) (29 page)

BOOK: Witchling (Curse of Kin)
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He was teaching me some powerful spells, and I found myself glad. That last run in with the Others had me using fire a different way from when I was throwing it at Brie in the library. I would never have known if it wasn’t for Bones that my fire could come from inside my whole body, not just my fingertips. It was such a strong element that it had scared me at first. Funny, though, how I was getting used to things.

I reviewed the other spells and abilities through my head as I ran. Being able to change and block minds had become pretty easy once I got the hang of it. It was what had made it possible for me to ease Roman to sleep the day before, keeping him safe while I fought the demons that had taken over my friends. It had been a shame I couldn’t get through to Brie and Sully the same way when they were possessed by the Others. There must be something that they can do to stop being used that way. I must ask Bones. No, maybe I’d ask Jasper first. Don’t want Bones to get too up himself just yet.
The more I can do without him, the better,
I thought as I made my way around Widows Lake and back toward home.

By the time I crossed the river again, my head felt much clearer.
Magic sure took it out of a girl

I could hear the noise in the kitchen before I even got into the house. They were all talking at once. I took off my shoes at the door and ran upstairs, calling out that I would be down after a quick shower.

Brie came into my room while I was getting dressed.

“Morning, girlfriend.” Brie flitted around the room. “I feel ready for another magic lesson. How about you?”

“Can’t wait,” I said. “Another round of Battle of the Bones is just what I need to cheer up my day.”

“How could you be so mean, Nera? He’s just trying to help, you know. I really can’t believe you would do this to him after all he has given up for you,” she said, leaning back against my dresser with her arms crossed and her nose in the air.

Brie was starting to get my back up trying to protect Bones and his motives. “How do you know what he has given up, Brie? Are you so friendly with him all of a sudden that you have little heart to heart chats with him?” I snapped, hands on hips.

“Whoa, girls, chill,” Sully soothed, coming into the room. “They can hear you downstairs. What’s the problem now?”

“Nothing, I need food. Come on, Brie. Let’s eat.”

Poor Brie
What a sucker for a handsome Irish face. First Jasper and now Bones is the object of her latest fantasy.
Funny how my best friend was so into romance and I was the total opposite.

“Someone didn’t get out of bed on the right side,” Brie whispered to Sully, following me down the stairs to eat.

I heard her and chose to ignore it.

“What are your plans today, kids?” Mom asked as she dished up pancakes for everyone.

“We’ll probably just go over to Jasper’s, Mom. We might take Roman for a walk, and that way you can get some rest.” I reached for the maple syrup, poured it over my pancakes, and then handed it to Brie.

“That’s very thoughtful, dear. I might do that, but I think I should go and visit Fiona,” she said talking about her best friend. “She is still worried about me, and I need a girly chat. What about you, Jack? What are you doing today?”

“Well, my love, I still have to finish the plans for the Websters’ house. That will take most of the morning. Then I might go over and pick up young Roman in case the kids want to stay over at Jasper’s a little bit longer. How does that suit, Nera?” He took the cup of tea that Mom poured for him.

“Fabulous, Dad. Okay, little buddy. Are you ready to go to Jasper’s house with us?” I asked.

“Yes, I guess so. Can I stay all day too, Nera? I’ll be good. I promise.”

“We will see, Roman.” I dug into my breakfast.

“You be on your best behavior, young man.” Mom cleared our plates away after breakfast. “And don’t get lost in any of those secret tunnels that Jasper has.”

“Mom, how do you know about the tunnels?” I was stunned. “We only found out a few weeks ago.”

“I know lots more than you think, Nera. I’m your mother, remember. I’m supposed to know things.”

Dad looked on uncomfortably, his face going a pasty color. “How long have you known about the house, Hannah?”

“Long enough, my dear. Now let’s get you guys moving so I can visit Fiona.” Mom put the last of the plates in the dish rack to dry.

I put on my shoes and left the house with Roman between Brie and me, Sully trailing behind us..

“How weird is it that your mother knows about the secret passages and didn’t tell you?” Brie said, holding onto Roman’s hand as we walked out into the lane.

“Yeah, isn’t it? I really don’t know what to think. I wonder how much else she knows?”

“Do you think she has any idea about you, Nera?” Sully asked. He had his hands in his pockets, and the breeze had blown his hair over his forehead. He flicked it back and kicked at a pine cone on the path.

“No way. She would have said something by now. Sully, did you find anything about any more diaries or books that could have any meaning for us?”

Roman ran over the old stone bridge ahead of us and waited patiently on the other side until we caught up with him.

“Well, yeah I did.” He glanced quickly at me. “I don’t really know if any of it will have bearing on what’s happening with you, though. I thought we could all talk about it when we were with Jasper. Then I don’t have to go over it any more than I need to.”

“That sounds a little bit mysterious, Sully.” Brie laughed at him. “I can’t wait.”

It took quite a bit longer to get to Jasper’s with Roman in tow. I loved him too much to rush him. Innocent childhood did not last for long. Bones was in the garden with Jasper when we arrived. Roman ran squealing to Jasper to be picked up and swung around in his arms. He squeezed Jasper tight as they spun, laughing as they went.

“Well, young man, you seem very happy this morning. What are we going to do today?” Jasper asked.

“Hide in the secret tunnels,” Roman replied.

Jasper looked at me, his head tilted to one side and a question in his eyes as he put Roman down. “Somehow, Mom knows,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Don’t ask me how. Dad was as surprised as I was.”

Jasper watched Roman walk over to Bones and hold out his little hand. “Hello, dream man,” he said smiling up at him.

“Well, Roman. It is nice to meet you in person at last.” Bones leaned down and shook his hand.

The blood drained from my face. “What do you mean, Roman? Do you know this guy?”

“He comes to see me when I’m asleep,” Roman replied. “He keeps the bad dreams away.”

I looked at Jasper uncertainly. “Is this true, Jasper? Why didn’t I know about it?”

“There was no need, Nera,” Bones said before Jasper could answer. “You don’t think you are the only one who is important, do you?” He had a smirk on his face.

“No, I don’t. I know that I’m not the most important person. But why are you looking out for him? And if you are, how come he’s been attacked so many times?” I shot back at him.

“If I hadn’t been looking out for both of you, he would be dead by now,” Bones said, his voice rising to match mine. “Don’t you get it yet, Nera? As much as you may dislike me, I am your backup. At the end of the day, the only backup you have. Don’t forget it.” He turned away from me and stormed over to the bench in front of the herb spiral, kicking at the ground.

Everyone stood still, stunned by what Bones had said.

“Well,” Jasper finally said. “Give me a hand in the house will you, young man.”

Roman followed him into the kitchen, leaving Sully and Brie outside in the garden with me.

I looked over at Bones. I felt I had no choice. “I’m sorry,” I said, walking up to him. “I know I have you to thank for a lot. I didn’t realize how much you had done. Roman means the world to me and to lose him would be the end of our family. Thank you.”

I held out my hand. Bones looked at me before taking it, his eyes still hard and cold, his expression stony. “I will accept your apology for now, Nera, if only to keep things going smoother than they have been, but be warned: there will come a day when you will have to face facts and give me more credit than you have up until now. I hope that doesn’t choke you.” He let go of my hand and walked away from me to toward the kitchen.

“That mongrel. How dare he? Just how much groveling do I have to do to please him? Bugger him. I am so sick of his attitude.”

Now it was my turn to storm around the garden, mumbling and ranting to myself while Brie and Sully quietly watched me from the shade of the old oak tree. They were used to my moods and knew I would moan and rave for some time before calming down and working things through logically.

Jasper and Roman came outside with the tea tray between them and settled down to watch my tantrum slowly work itself down to a mild rumble. “Tea is ready for anyone that wants it,” Jasper said.

Brie and Sully made their way over, giving me a wide berth. Jasper handed them their cups, and they settled down on the grass until I decided to join them, still muttering to myself.

“What right does he have to treat me like this, Jasper? It’s just so unfair. I said I was sorry, didn’t I?”

“Nera, you really have to calm down. If you knew half of what Bones has had to go through to get to this point, you might actually cut him some slack instead of being so obnoxious toward him.” Jasper’s voice came out sharper than it normally was with me.

“Oh great. Now you’re getting upset with me too, Jasper. This really is just too much. After what you guys have thrown at me, you expect me to keep calm. and you get upset with me. That’s just bloody ridiculous,” I yelled.

“No. What is ridiculous is the way you think that you are the one who has to give up anything here,” Jasper yelled back at me. He stood up and towered above me, his face dark and angry. I knew that I had pushed him too far this time.
Me and my big mouth.

Brie and Sully moved back toward the house, looking worried. Bones had been watching from the kitchen window and came out to stand with them.

“Jasper, how can you stand up for him? You’ve seen how he talks to me,” I cried, totally confused by Jasper’s outburst. He had never raised his voice to me before.

“Bones has given up any chance of a normal life to wait for you,” Jasper said in a deathly quiet voice. His hand was shaking as he pointed at me.
Not a good sign. Shit.
“We have told you before, Nera, that you are the one. When are you going to accept what is and work with Bones to make the most of the situation? I really don’t understand why you have to continue to push him to the limit. This is all about you, so for once, why don’t you help instead of trying to belittle what he has done?” Jasper turned toward the house and left me standing there.

Brie and Sully quickly followed Jasper inside, taking Roman with them. Bones stared at me with a slow, lazy smile and a spark in his eyes.

“What are you staring at?” I growled at him.

He pushed himself away from the doorway he was leaning on and slowly walked closer to me then stopped less than an arm’s length away.

“You. Is that a problem?” He reached up and casually brushed his hair from his face so I could see the laughter in his eyes.

“I don’t know how you did it, but I don’t like the way you made Jasper take your side in this,” I sneered, bringing my finger up and digging it into his chest, trying to get breathing room between us.

“When are you going to understand that there are no sides between us, Nera? I realize that you are still a child, but that doesn’t give you any cause for acting like a spoiled brat.” Bones looked at the offending finger and brushed it to one side.

“Child! Spoiled brat! Why, you mongrel!” I yelled while Bones looked at me, his eyes going dark.

He brought his hand up in the air as I stepped back and let fly with shafts of flame. The smirk on his face turned to laughter as I danced around trying to miss the fire as he bounced it back at me.

“I am not a child!” I screamed at him, twirling away.

“If that is the case, why do you insist on acting like one, then?”

“How dare you! You know nothing about me, no matter what you say. I am not a spoiled brat.”

“Really? So after all of the outbursts and tears, are you saying that they are the actions of a normal adult person,” he scoffed. “Admit it, Nera. You are out of your league here. Like the other girls before you, you will probably fall to pieces at the last minute. I can see it now.” He crossed his arms and shook his head.

“I will not fall apart. I am the one, even you said so,” I retorted. “I have the power. I will beat her if it’s the last thing I do.”

“You are right on one side. It will be the last thing you do, but I seriously doubt if you will beat her. Look at you. All you can throw at me is some fire. Well done.” He turned away from me.

The next moment he was on his back. I stood by with a smile while I watched him get up and brush off.

He turned to me slowly, still looking at me, his top lip curled into a condescending sneer. “I tremble before you, child,” he bowed slightly toward me.

BOOK: Witchling (Curse of Kin)
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