Win an Alpha, A Gay Romance (Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: Win an Alpha, A Gay Romance (Book 1)
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The woman on the other end didn’t seem to catch his irony. “Of course. I’ll be sending you the information on your future mate soon, as well as the details of your itinerary.”


Romeo promptly received the information of the man Paws Corp. presumed would be his mate. Like hell. Romeo never obeyed anyone’s rules, although...seeing the handsome laughing photo of the blond young Omega made him instantly hard. More photos followed, of the Omega shirtless, and only wearing a pair of boxers. Still, the boxers didn’t manage to hide the Omega’s sweet ass.

He scrolled down the Omega’s file. A cutie and a virgin to boot? Seeing the photo stirred his wolf up unexpectedly. Romeo couldn’t remember the last time his wolf reacted to any of his lovers this strongly.

“Maybe for you, I’ll make an exception.” Romeo found his name. “Rhys.”

Romeo could already imagine Rhys, stripped naked and blushing in his bed. Would Rhys be shy, or unexpectedly sassy?

His virgin prize—how could Romeo refuse? Romeo had plenty to teach and he had a feeling Rhys would be one willing accomplice. Rule number one? Romeo didn’t take the unwilling, but he knew plenty of ways to make an inexperienced virgin say ‘yes’ to him.

What a mighty fine gift.

He could see Rhys in his head, crying out so sweetly and begging Romeo for more once Romeo put his expert mouth and hands to work. Romeo could already smell him, so pliant and eager.

Romeo couldn’t get on his bike fast enough. Stepping on the accelerator, Romeo headed straight to Chicago.


* * * *

For the next couple of minutes, Rhys could do nothing but stare at the Grand Paws hotel’s entrance. He clutched at his crumpled lottery ticket in one hand and the key to his car in another. The call from the lottery organizer came yesterday. Rhys thought it might just be another lonely Friday night in his studio apartment. How wrong he was. Rhys took the better part of a half an hour, determining if the caller played a cruel prank on it.

Evidence and physical proof—via scanned documents and his signature on the contract he signed the day he bought the ticket, proved otherwise. With the vague threat of not fulfilling his contract, Rhys packed up an overnight bag and drove up to Chicago. Every minute on the road, Rhys questioned what the hell he was doing. He’d dropped everything to meet a stranger, supposedly the Alpha who was to be his fated mate.

Four weeks had passed since he bought that silly ticket—which was turning out to be less silly by the second and more dangerous. Rhys didn’t believe in dumb luck or coincidence. He had to slap himself a couple of times to make sure he hadn’t been dreaming.

“Your car, sir?” the valet asked politely.

No one has ever called Rhys ‘sir’ his entire life. He didn’t have much growing up, but his parents made do. Being here made his stomach clench and he’d never been good with dealing with pressure. One look told Rhys he didn’t belong here in this fancy place which he could never afford if he hadn’t won the lottery.

“Rhys Longboat? We’ve been expecting you, sir.” A cheerful and attractive blonde walked up to him, clipboard in hand. “This way please, your Alpha is waiting and they aren’t exactly known for their patience.”

Rhys swallowed. He couldn’t back off now. Besides, Rhys might have entered on a whim, but he was also curious. What was life without a little fun? Also, a roll in expensive sheets with a looker and growly Alpha like Romeo might be just what the doctor ordered. Maybe Romeo could help in curing Rhys of his heartache, even for just a little bit.

Entering the lottery woke Rhys up about his impending future, one he might end up spending alone. If Romeo wasn’t the answer, then it was still a good wake-up call. Straightening his best shirt, Rhys nodded to the woman.

“Lead on, please.”

Smiling, she led him into the grand lobby of the hotel. Chatting guests stopped to give him appraising looks, probably knowing he won the lottery. Rhys had never been comfortable with attention, so he was glad when his guide slipped a key card in the lift panel and pressed the button to the penthouse suit.

Of course, where and how else would Rhys lose his virginity? Better to give up his cherry to a drop dead gorgeous Alpha in a five-star hotel, an establishment eager to cater to their every whim. Well, Rhys wouldn’t mind catering to Romeo’s every desire. Buying the ticket didn’t cure Rhys of his sickness. No, he often masturbated to fantasies of Romeo at night despite not knowing what would happen.

Well, something did.

Rhys could call this fate, or was it destiny?

Time he found out for himself.

“Are you nervous? You shouldn’t be. Your Alpha seems like a fine man, a good one,” the woman said. The name tag pinned to her blouse read ‘Ruby’.

“My Alpha.” The words felt odd on Rhys’ lips. Romeo wasn’t his anything yet, so he shouldn’t get his hopes up yet. “I hope he’ll be, once this night is over.”

She nodded, eyes shining bright. “Be a go-getter.”

The elevator doors hissed open and Rhys found himself staring at a single door.

“Good luck.”

“You’re not coming with me?” Rhys asked, hating how uncertain he sounded. He should sound more confident, but he’d never been this terrified his entire life.

“You need to make that first step. Trust me, it gets easier.”

The first step proved to be a hard one, but the second and next proved easier. The elevator doors closed behind him. Swallowing, Rhys raised a fist, about to knock, but a deep voice interrupted him.

“Come in, little Omega.”

Unable to help himself, Rhys shivered. How many times did he envision how Romeo’s voice sounded like? Deep and rough, just like the voice from behind the door—a voice capable of issuing commands and whispering dirty and suggestive things in his ear. 

Rhys turned the knob and walked in. He found himself looking at all six-foot plus of Romeo. The Alpha leaned against the wall, looking menacing and out of place in a battered leather jacket and faded jeans. The photo on the website didn’t do him much justice.

Standing so close, only a foot apart at most, Rhys could see every taut sinew and muscle on his sculpted body. A face, more roguish handsome than polished, stared back at him with a gaze that turned yellow with hunger the moment he walked in. Waves of power rolled off him in waves.

Seeing the dominant wolf in front of him, the Omega in Rhys only wanted to submit, to roll on their belly and present their vulnerable throat to the Alpha. And if Romeo told him he wanted to fuck doggy style, Rhys would scramble on all fours without protest, offer his ass up to the Alpha like a gift—a gift Rhys knew a man like Romeo would appreciate.

Where were these images coming from? Rhys’ cheeks burned with humiliation, but his cock betrayed him, waking and pressing against his jeans.

“You look much better in the flesh, sweet thing,” Romeo remarked. “I want to eat you all up.”

“Isn’t that why we’re here?” Damn it, why couldn’t Rhys stop his voice from trembling.

Within moments, Romeo stood in front of him, gripping his chin and tilting his head backwards. Those rough and callused large hands touching him had been enough to ignite a hidden fire in Rhys.

“Can you hear that, little Omega? Your heart’s hammering for me and I can smell your arousal. You want this, you want me to rend you open and claim that virgin ass of yours.”

Rhys couldn’t get any more red. “You talk to all your lovers like that?”

“You’re not my lover, Omega. Not yet, anyway.”

Romeo quirked a wicked smile that effectively turned Rhys’ insides to jelly.

“Now that you’re finally here, let the games begin.”



Chapter Three


Romeo still held his face captive, making it damnably hard to think or come up with a witty response. The Alpha sounded so confident, so astonishingly arrogant about his claim that it left Rhys stunned.

How could Romeo not sound cocky? A man like Romeo wouldn’t have any trouble getting any man he wanted. For tonight though, that meant him—lucky number 777, so Rhys couldn’t afford to screw this up

He’d hesitated, debated running away, but faced with Romeo, he knew opting out no longer became an option. Fate threw them both together in this very room. Romeo was going to take his virginity whether Rhys liked it or not, and make no mistake—Rhys couldn’t imagine giving up his purity to any other man.

Heck, any other man paled in comparison to Romeo.

“Do you participate in the lottery often?”

Great way to start the evening, Rhys
. He couldn’t help but be nervous. Most of the dates he’d been on often ended in failure, which ensured Rhys had never gotten to this point.

“One-time gig,” Romeo answered. “Now shut up while I fucking do this.”

“Do wha—”

Romeo kissed him then, tongue and teeth, a whirlwind of violence Rhys craved. Kissing Romeo felt like the sun—it possessed the power to incinerate anything along its path. Romeo pulled him close, banding one arm around his waist. Rhys opened his mouth further, so Romeo could stick his tongue down his throat.

When Romeo pulled away, they both panted, staring at each other in awe.

“Fuck, pup. You taste better than I imagined,” Romeo muttered.

No one ever complimented Rhys for being so tasty.

What did Romeo expect Rhys to say to him after he’d unloaded that little truth?

“More,” Romeo practically growled out the word. “Bed, Omega. Come on.”

Without asking, Romeo grabbed his arm and began dragging Rhys to what looked like an ornate bedroom. No one ever led Rhys by the hand either, and it sort of felt good, comforting. All the guys he’d dated before were pricks who only wanted to breed him and ensure Rhys gave them pups.

Romeo though, Rhys could tell with one glance, wanted something more, something Rhys couldn’t give. Like the others, Romeo would end up hurting him too, telling Rhys how such a disappointment he’d been. Better to spare both of them that pain, but that didn’t mean Rhys couldn’t enjoy this evening.

Romeo sat on the edge of the bed. “Undress for me, Omega. I want to see all of you.”

The firm authority in Romeo’s voice demanded obedience. Rhys began to strip in a hurry, until Romeo said, “slowly.”

Rhys peeled off every inch of clothing, aware of his naked skin, stretched tight across his bones and his taut muscles. He tried meditation, employed breathing exercises, but none worked. He was as excited and nervous as ever. There was something visually powerful about Romeo remaining clothed while he was naked. Rhys was incredibly turned on by that knowledge, his cock already at half-mast.

“So hard for me already, Omega? I promise you this. By the end of the night, you’ll be howling for me, and begging me to take you again and again.”

“You’re so full of yourself.” The comment slipped out, unbidden, but Romeo didn’t seem mad.

“Are you saying you don’t want my cock buried in your sweet young ass, Rhys?”

It was the first time Rhys ever heard Romeo call his name. It felt a little personal, but why was he bothered with that one little detail?

“I do,” Rhys said quickly, embarrassed by his admission.

“Little wolf, there’s no reason to be ashamed in telling the truth.”

“When do I get to see you naked?”

Again, the words slipped out. A temperamental Alpha would cuff and resort to discipline when an Omega mouthed off. Angry Alphas used to terrify Rhys, but there was something about Romeo’s calm demeanor that unsettled him more.

“Soon, Omega. Come help me.”

Shyly, tentatively, Rhys helped Romeo out of his jacket and shirt, mouth practically watering at the sight of Romeo’s well-defined torso. Romeo kicked away his boxers and bottoms. Gods, but Romeo’s prick turned out to be massive, the largest Rhys had ever seen. Could that really fit in him?

“You know what to do,” Romeo said in a teasing voice.

Rhys dropped to his knees and positioned himself between Romeo’s legs. Rhys had never done this before, give another man head, but he’d watched porn before coming in. What little education Rhys gleaned, he put to good use. Romeo threaded his fingers into Rhys’ hair, tugging, encouraging.

Licking his lips, Rhys leaned in close, tongue lashing out to swipe the pre-cum on Romeo’s tip. Romeo groaned, but Rhys continued his exploration, licking him from crown to balls. Romeo’s balls, Rhys took each in his mouth and sucked. Rhys loved every satisfied sound that came from Romeo’s s mouth, savored every moment of this. Was this what true happiness felt like, being with a man who appreciated all his efforts and talents?

“Don’t tease,” Romeo chided, but Rhys had trouble obeying.

Romeo tasted fantastic on Rhys’ tongue, tart and sweet at once.

Romeo groaned when Rhys traced his member with his tongue again. Romeo tugged at his hair. When Romeo pushed his dick between Rhys’ lips, Rhys accepted his shaft. Gagging once, Rhys maintained his cool the second time. He bobbed his head up and down and marveled at the way Romeo grew hard instantly.

“Fuck, Rhys. Have I told you how amazing your mouth feels, stuffed with my dick?”

Rhys could only nod his head in agreement. On the verge of coming—Rhys could tell from the way Romeo panted, Rhys applied more suction.

“Mouth or face, Rhys?”

Rhys had an answer ready when Romeo pulled his prick out of his mouth. “Face, Alpha.”

“Good answer.”

Romeo took control, fucking his mouth and Rhys held his mouth open. With a grunt, Romeo pulled out and let strings of his cum coat Rhys’ face. Rhys’ own dick thickened at the sound of Romeo’s growl. Leaning down, Romeo’s tongue lashed out and began cleaning Rhys’ face. There was something about the gesture that felt so erotic, arousing and intimate.

“Fuck, pup. You’re a fine little cock sucker,” Romeo said. The approval in his voice made Rhys blush, made Rhys feel he was treasured and he’d never had that before. Romeo’s eyes gleamed with want. “We’re not done yet.”

“No, Alpha.”

“Are you ready, Rhys?”

“I’ve been born ready.” Rhys knew it was a cheesy answer, but it seemed to spur Romeo on. “I haven’t done this before. So tell me, how do we do this?”

BOOK: Win an Alpha, A Gay Romance (Book 1)
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