Wicked And Wild: Spencers in Love Book Two (6 page)

BOOK: Wicked And Wild: Spencers in Love Book Two
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Chapter 13


The next evening, on the back
terrace of Clerendon house, Gilles gave Mirabelle to Lucien in an intimate
ceremony officiated by The Archbishop of Canterbury. Not content to merely
provide the license, he requested that he be allowed to perform the service.  

            Lucien couldn't imagine what else Anna and Alice
could have done with more time; the gown they created for Mirabelle was
stunning. Layers of transparent cream silk with a beaded gold lace overlay
wrapped about her. The bodice was fuller than the current style, displaying a
generous amount of cleavage and went almost to her hips while sleek, flowing skirts
hugged her legs. Lucien had been breathless when she walked out. For a moment
he was afraid he was overcome to the point of crying.

             With the family in attendance, Lucien promised
to comfort, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health and to forsake all
others. Mirabelle promised to do the same with the added conditions of obeying
and serving, smiling mischievously as she made her vows. As Lucien raised
Mirabelle's lips to his, he knew that he wouldn't want her any other way. She
was perfect and he was so grateful that she was his.

            Dinner had been loud and festive. Regardless of
the past torments Mirabelle had visited upon their old Latin tutor and the fact
that Lucien had been a miserable student, the Archbishop repeatedly expressed
his joy at their union. Everyone drank a little too much, including Alastair.
Lucien was relieved to see that he was no longer upset with him.

            "Please don't hurt her, Lucien. I love you
but I would have to kill you. And I believe that would be quite painful for
me." Alastair said softly as he embraced him.

            "I love you too, I won't disappoint you."
He vowed as his eyes connected with Mirabelle's, she was beaming.

            After that, the party began to break up. Once
they were alone, Mirabelle excused herself.

            "I'm going up to my room now." She was
incandescent when she said the words "my room". It gave Lucien goose
bumps. Mirabelle was his. "I'll see you soon?" She asked as she
pressed her lips to his. She stepped back and for the second time that evening,
Lucien was breathless. The smile on her face was that of a goddess, full of
invitation and promise. He nodded.

            "Very soon." Lucien whispered as she
stepped away. He watched Mirabelle's hips sway as she walked from the room.

            Good God! He was finally going to make love to
Mirabelle. In a daze, he walked to his study and poured himself a scotch. For
the first time in almost fifteen years, he didn't know what to do. Lucien had
never bedded a virgin and he certainly never had a wife before. All the women
he'd been with had been immoral and experienced. Mirabelle was neither of those
things. She was beautiful, pure and everything that was good about a woman and
he didn't want to hurt or scare or repulse her in any way. Unfortunately, the
only person Lucien would talk to about this was Gilles and one definitely
couldn't ask a man about how to bed his virgin sister.

            But it stood to reason that you couldn't do with
a wife what you did with a mistress or a courtesan. If you could, you wouldn't
need either of them. Lucien decided that that was the solution. He wouldn't do
anything with Mirabelle that he'd do with a mistress or a courtesan. He'd keep
it romantic and straightforward. A lot of kissing and what was acceptable when
trying to produce an heir. Lucien nodded. That would be enough. He'd had a
lifetime of too much. He would be satisfied and he was sure he could give
Mirabelle pleasure within those limitations. He finished his scotch and headed
upstairs to his wife. Lucien smiled. A few months ago he broke out in a cold
sweat when he realized his time would be soon. Now, he cherished the idea.

Chapter 14


Ten minutes later, Lucien was
rapidly approaching a cold sweat. He'd undressed and pulled on his robe,
feeling confident as he opened the door to Mirabelle's room. Within seconds he
was terrified.

            Mirabelle glided towards him in a nightgown that
was nothing more than transparent panels of silk, a matching peignoir and her
hair loose around her shoulders. There was enough light in the room for Lucien
to make out every detail of her body through the silk. As he stared at her
full, round, perfect breasts and petal soft nipples and the dark curls peeking
between her thighs, Lucien realized one very big flaw in his very good plan: It
relied on him maintaining control. All the types of control he'd mastered were
of no use to him now. What good was controlling one’s upper body strength,
breathing or delaying a climax when the thing you needed most was to keep from
doing too much? And Lucien wanted too much. His hands itched to touch every
inch of her, his mouth watered at the sight of her breasts and long, slender
legs. His cock was hard and aching.

            Lucien was certain that he was now paying for
all of his years of debauchery and irony was having the last laugh. He was well
and truly hoist upon his own petard. For, in all his life, Lucien had never
seen a body more perfectly suited to his tastes and designed for the very type
of lovemaking he'd just decided was forbidden.

            Mirabelle pressed herself against him and pulled
Lucien's face to hers. He took her lips and kissed her hungrily. He felt his
hands tremble as they wrapped around her waist. The urge to crush her to him
and tear at her robe and gown was almost overwhelming. She pulled back.

            "Lucien?" Her eyes were full of
expectation and trust, it humbled him. Lucien took her lips again and closed
his eyes. He would do this for her, he vowed. He had to be strong for
Mirabelle. Her hands moved between them. Lucien stepped back in time to see her
robe fall to the floor. A second later, her nightgown slid down her body.

            "Christ, Mirabelle!" He whispered
hoarsely. The smell of her body rose and filled his senses. For a moment,
Lucien thought his knees might buckle. In the soft light of the room, her skin
glowed and looked finer than the silk garments she'd just shed. Mirabelle
wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself to him from chest to
thigh. Lucien felt his cock straining. Did she know how she was testing him?

            Lucien scooped Mirabelle into his arms and tried
not to breathe too deeply. The smell of her was shredding his control.
Carefully, he laid her on the bed, her head on the pillows. Again, her
expression was calm and knowing while he was coming undone on the inside. He
untied his robe and let it fall. Mirabelle's eyes widened appreciatively and
she licked her lips. Lucien stifled a curse as he lowered himself to the bed,
coming to rest gently on top of her, supporting himself on his elbows. He
cradled her face in his hands, resting his forehead briefly against hers.

            "Hello, wife." Lucien's heart swelled
at the words and as he cherished them his resolve strengthened. He would not be
selfish or shame her in any way.

            "Hello, husband." She whispered, a
warm smile hugged her lips as she pulled him down to her.

            Lucien traced her lips with his tongue and
sucked on her lower lip. He told himself that that was alright because it was
part of what he now termed "romantic kissing"- kissing that wasn't
too provocative but suggestive enough to help make appropriate lovemaking
enjoyable. Mirabelle sighed and he brushed her tongue with his as he angled his
head to deepen the kiss. Her hands started to move down his neck. They caressed
Lucien's shoulders and his erection twitched against her thigh. He silently
swore. He positioned his arms beneath hers so she couldn't reach lower,
wrapping one around her as he rested on his elbow. He placed her other hand on
his shoulder and kissed her again. Lucien kissed her as he had never kissed a
woman. Before, kissing had been a means to an end, a way to seduce women. With
Mirabelle, he wanted her to feel his soul, to taste how he worshiped her, that
she was divine to him.

            Carefully, Lucien set his hand to the warm,
smooth skin of her stomach and gently caressed downwards. He let the back of
his hand brush her curls lightly. Mirabelle jumped and moaned against his

            "Easy, my love. I just want to make sure
you're ready." His voice was strained as he parted her folds. Mirabelle
nodded and bit her lip. Lucien let his head fall against hers as one finger
slid into her. She was so wet and so tight. The scent of her reached him and he
clenched his jaw as his mouth watered. His whole being felt pulled towards the
lushness between her thighs. Lucien continued with gentle strokes until
Mirabelle became restless and rocked against his hand. He inserted a second
finger causing her to gasp and tighten around him. He nearly cried. She was so
responsive and naturally sensual, he had to ignore all of his instincts and
experience. How could heaven and hell exist in the same place? 

            Lucien withdrew his fingers and set himself at
her entrance. The liquid heat of her caused his cock to throb. He breathed
deeply as he slid in slowly. Mirabelle was so tight; he had to lock his jaw to
keep from thrusting into her. She arched her back and moaned his name. Lucien
placed the hand that had been inside of her next to her head and clenched his
fist as if he could somehow hold on to the feel of her squeezing around his
fingers. He withdrew and slid in a little further. He knew he was large and was
stretching her, if he didn't take his time he'd hurt her. He repeated the
motion and as he nudged forward he felt the barrier of her maidenhead pressing
against the head of his erection. Lucien swore softly and raised his head. The
sight of her beneath him caused a wave of lust to crash through him. He
squeezed his eyes shut.

            "Mirabelle." Lucien's voice was barely
there. He cleared his throat and opened his eyes and focused on her face.
"This will probably hurt. I'll do my best to be gentle."

            Her lips curved as she nodded.

            "I know. But it won't last long and then
you'll make it perfect." Mirabelle reached up with her lips and whispered
against his. "Just hurry up and do it."

            Lucien chuckled as he shook his head. Once
again, she'd humbled him and was making demands. He set his lips to hers as his
chin pressed her mouth open. He retreated from within her then slowly pushed
forward. He tested the barrier a few times before he jerked his hips forward
and forced through it. Mirabelle stiffened slightly, her eyes were wide and a
soft "Oh!" escaped her lips. Lucien held very still. She'd tightened
around him reflexively and he tried to ignore his body's demands to move. He
focused on breathing in and out of his nose until he felt her relax.

            "Are you alright?" Lucien whispered as
he prayed. He felt Mirabelle's inner muscles flutter as she tested them. He was
helpless to stop the moan that tore from his throat. She looked at him in
confusion. He shook his head.

            "It didn't hurt that much, no worse than
being flicked. I feel fine now."

            Lucien hauled in a deep breath, relieved that
she wasn't hurt. Once again, he began seducing Mirabelle with his lips as he
slowly moved his hips. He reminded himself to be gentle and not enter her
fully. She was still so tight and unused to the activity. It didn't take long
for her to get caught up. Her hips began bucking off the bed and she writhed
beneath him. Lucien knew what she needed. He changed the angle of his thrusts
so that he rubbed against her most sensitive spot. Mirabelle gasped and
whispered his name. He made the mistake of looking down at where they joined.
Lucien felt his balls tighten and knew he wouldn't last much longer.

            "Let go, Mirabelle." He begged. She
squeezed her eyes shut and her head thrashed from side to side causing her hair
to swirl around her. Lucien lowered his head to her shoulder. The hand that had
been clenched opened and the sweet smell of her taunted him. Helpless, he
licked his hand. The taste of her juices drove him wild. His eyes rolled back
and he began licking and sucking on his fingers. Mirabelle tasted like spiced
honey, he was tempted to pull out of her and finger her again. At the thought
he felt his balls throb and his cock swelled. "Now, Mirabelle!
Please!" He yelled.

            Mirabelle hauled in a breath as her back arched.
She clawed at his shoulders as she froze in his arms. Just as Lucien felt his
release sweep over him and his seed burst from his cock, she screamed and began
to convulse in his arms. He buried his face against her neck and groaned as
wave after wave of aftershocks shook him. Mirabelle panted as she relaxed in
his arms.

            A few moments later, Mirabelle giggled and her
hands swept over his shoulders and down his back. Lucien jerked in surprise.
Before his erection could return, he rolled off of her. He rolled her on to her
side and pulled her back against his chest as he nuzzled his face against her
shoulder. Lucien tried not to breathe too deeply, afraid the smell of Mirabelle
would have him hard and aroused again. Taking one's wife more than once in a
night was probably excessive and he didn't want to seem selfish. Lucien wanted
Mirabelle to welcome him to her bed every night. Overwhelming and exhausting
her was not a good way to ensure her willingness, he assumed.

            "Lucien?" Mirabelle whispered.

            "Thank you, my love. That was
incredible." He kissed her neck and sighed. Despite the close calls with
his control, it had been incredible. She purred and stretched against him.
Lucien’s eyes widened as his erection began to return. He pulled her firmly
against him and tightened his arms around her. "You need to sleep; it's
been a long day." He murmured against her ear. Somehow, he knew it would
be a long time before he could sleep.


Hours later, Lucien let his eyes
crack open slightly. Weak light began to seep into the room. He turned and saw
Mirabelle's head on the pillow. In repose, she looked like an angel. He felt
his lips lift. It was the only time anyone might confuse her for one. As
Lucien's eyes adjusted to the light, his eyes wandered downwards. One arm
rested on the pillow next to her, the other draped over her stomach. Mirabelle
had kicked the covers off and her legs were slightly parted. Her breasts rose
and fell softly, the pale pink tips beckoned; he licked his lips as he looked
down. Such a mistake. The sight of creamy thighs and dark curls reminded Lucien
of how tight she felt around him and how sweet she'd tasted on his fingers. He
clenched his jaw and raked his hands through his hair. His usual morning
erection felt like lead. Mirabelle moaned in her sleep. She shifted. Lucien
froze as her hand slid up her stomach towards her breasts.

            "Oh, Jesus!" He whispered and bolted
from the bed. Lucien jumped over a chaise and rushed into his dressing room. He
locked both doors, fell into the chair and did something he hadn't done since
he was a youth: he shut his eyes and wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock
and stroked. Lucien imagined Mirabelle's breasts swinging back and forth as he took
her from behind. He didn't last two minutes.

BOOK: Wicked And Wild: Spencers in Love Book Two
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