Read When the Lights Go Out Online

Authors: Roxy Mews

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Holidays, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

When the Lights Go Out (4 page)

BOOK: When the Lights Go Out
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Chapter Nine

Sizzles raced through her fingers all the way up her arm. Sure, darn near everything had gone wrong today, but nothing felt wrong anymore. Nothing about this felt like what her parents talked about either. For the first April Fools’ Day she could remember, April was not thinking about her parents having sex.
Thank. The. Gods.

Her heart raced in her chest, as her breaths warmed the air. The setting wasn't ideal, but this stranger was. He could be anybody she wanted him to be. She couldn’t see, but she could feel. His chest was muscled and hard. April’s body felt more alive from touching his, and she realized that
was what she wanted as she started her new life. She wanted to feel this excitement. She wanted something all to herself, and in this moment, he was hers.

She pushed the meal bar off to the side and it skittered somewhere near the sinks.

“What was that?” he asked.

“I got rid of the wrapper. I wanted to touch something else.”

April slid her hands down from his chest, to his abs. His stomach fluttered beneath her palms as he sucked in his breath. Then he grabbed her wrists.

“What are you doing?”

April paused at his words. Had she misread him? He sounded shocked, sure. But there wasn’t any revulsion in his voice. Quite the opposite in fact. Unlike her parents, April learned to read people fast.

She knew when someone wanted to get away from her or her family. The hitch in their voices or the way they would take a second too long to respond, let her know to back off and retreat.

His voice didn’t hitch, but it stuttered a bit in his rush to get his words out. The heat from his hands seared into her skin. He pulled them closer instead of pushing them away. It had been over two years since April had someone pull her close like this. And in the dark…locked away…she decided she wouldn’t pull back.

“We’re all alone.” She reminded him. She spoke because she had to let him know she wanted him to touch her too. “We have to use our senses. I like your hands on me. Now tell me what you like.”

He didn’t say anything, but his grip stopped being so punishing. His thumbs stroked the backs of her hands.

“I don’t even know your last name.” His voice dipped low and he was trying to tempt the information out of her.

She wasn’t going for it. “That just means I can be whoever you want me to be.” And it meant she could be whoever she wanted herself to be too.

She pulled from his grip and reached her hands out into the darkness. Her arms slid over his shoulders and she readjusted just a bit.

“You know you gave me a concussion less than two hours ago.” He sucked in a breath as she stroked the back of his neck. “I’m probably imagining this. You have to be a hallucination.”

April licked her lips and slid her knees forward. If she wanted to be reasonable, she could start a conversation and pass the time. They might hold hands. They might share confidences.

They might miss this opportunity.

April let her voice sound as sure as she felt, and she could only hope he needed this as much as she did. She let all that longing out in her plea as she reminded him, “If I
a hallucination, then you can do whatever you want because I’m not real.”

This whole scenario let her pretend too. She imagined she was the woman with all the answers. She was the brilliant brunette in the boardroom. She was someone who was sexy and in control, and she certainly wasn’t the woman who slammed this man’s head into a urinal.

She was the woman who smiled and watched as the man swelled at the sight of her, and who knew how to take advantage of the situation. She’d read about that kind of magic, and thought it was just fiction. She’d been wrong.

Those fantasies weren’t just in her mind now. The hot swell of a man was beneath her as she climbed on top of him and wiggled into place. The heat traveled up her spine, and the groan from in front of her gave her the exact location of his mouth.

He’d lost all conviction when he said, “This is a really bad idea,”

“I couldn’t disagree more.”

April kissed him. If she hadn’t closed her eyes, she would have been sure that the sparks would have lit up the darkness. Her lips opened as his tongue stopped protesting and plunged into her mouth. She sucked him further in and wrapped her legs around his back.

She was so lost in the sensations that she jumped when his fingers dug into her back and began to ease her shirt up.

April felt the heat of the already-warm room amplified through his palms and the first trickle of sweat formed between her breasts.

She wanted to feel more.

“Take off my shirt for me.” She wiggled from his grasp and held her arms up. “I don’t want to accidentally elbow you in the face.”

“I think you’ve beat me up enough today.” Stalling at the sound of his own words, he began to ease the fabric back down. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Even though he couldn’t see it, April rolled her eyes. It was good this man was a nice guy in reality, but she didn’t want to be in the real world at the moment. His tongue felt ignited her, and she wanted to nothing more than how he made her feel. She needed to be blunt. Nothing had gone right today, so she was damn sure going to revel in this one gloriously wrong moment.

“I want you to fuck me. I want to feel something beautiful in the midst of this insane situation, and I want you to quit dicking around and take my shirt off.”

He laughed against her skin and gave her a little nip for her attitude. But instead of backing down she felt his lips slide into a smile against her shoulder as he slid back only to reply, “Yes, ma’am.”

He lost the timid touches and yanked her shirt from her torso. The air should have been cool against her skin, but they were undoubtedly fogging up the mirrors in this place.

He unhooked her bra with an expert twist, and April wiggled from its hold on her. Instead of the hesitation she felt his hands grow sure. April put her palms flat on the ground behind her to ease her descent as he leaned her back.

“You know…since we aren’t talking,” She thrust her chest up, “Why not suck a nipple into your mouth?”

“I could point out you
talking at the moment, but instead, I’ll just let you know that I need a bit of wiggle room.”

The air moved around her and April felt the faintest touch of fabric brush her skin. He moved something behind her, and this time when April arched she felt the stubble of his chin nuzzling against her collar bone. She gasped at the rough sensation, but she was unable to exhale. She held her breath until she felt dizzy, but she didn’t want to move and miss one second of this.

His lips were soft amid the roughness of his facial hair. It wasn’t until he latched down on her nipple that his gentle nips turned harsh.

Her hands flew from the floor to hold onto his biceps. His really strong biceps. She didn’t need to touch the floor with her hands any longer, because when she touched his now bare skin she knew the floor had been swept out from beneath her anyway.

He leaned her back further and April realized the fabric she had felt moving behind her had been his attempt at a makeshift bed. She lay back under his direction and scooted just a bit to the side to take advantage of his shirt against the tile.

A second later his hands moved from her torso to slide down her rib cage and toward her pants. His palm flattened against her stomach and goose bumps popped up under his fingers. Her stomach sucked in. So close to where she needed him to be.

“I wish I could see you.” He seemed like he might have been talking to himself. So April didn’t reply.

His hands cupped the sides of her hips and massaged the skin there as his mouth once again found her chest. He laved his tongue in the dip between her breasts. He used the little trail he drew to walk his kisses from the very tip of one nipple down the side of her breast and back up to the other.

April’s hips moved in restless anticipation, and her hands explored to give her clues to what her eyes couldn’t see.

She swept her hands up over his shoulders. She spread her fingers as she eased down his spine and dug in just the tiniest bit as she scratched her way back up.

He was moving above her, but his kisses never went below her belly button. Before he could drive her any more insane, April gripped the back of his hair and pulled his head up.

He hissed at the strength of her grip. She was about to demand he fuck her. She was about to tell him to stop screwing around and get to what she could feel building in her gut, but April’s unspoken demands were silenced as he captured her mouth again. Her punishing grip didn’t loosen. He dipped a hand beneath her waistband and gripped her ass below her underwear. April didn’t want him to soften.

She told him so with a nip of his lip as he started to pull back and a push of her hands to find the button and release his fly. She shoved down the pants, forcing herself to finish the job even when she couldn’t ignore the pressure from an impressive bulge insistent against the backs of her hands.

He was hard as a rock and searing hot as he pressed against her stomach. April abandoned the pants and gripped his cock. Her hand could barely wrap around his thickness, so she squeezed to enjoy the hardness of him. They both moaned as blood rushed in heavy pulses under her palm.

His mouth communicated with small growls as his tongue told her exactly what he wanted to do to her. His hips thrust forward into her hand and his tongue matched the same pace in her mouth.

April moved one hand lower and gently massaged the sac she’d abused just hours ago. He was strung so tight April wanted to throw him down and jump on top of him. She couldn’t see her hand in front of her face, but she felt like she could see herself better in this darkness.

This was who she wanted to be in the daylight.

This was what she needed to find for herself.

She stroked his cock and felt him grow to solid steel beneath her sure touch. She felt his legs shake just a bit against her own when she swiped her thumb over the tip of him. She took control at work. She stood strong when it was her job. In front of men, she usually stumbled, but not now. Not with this man. She could stop, she told herself. She could do what she always did when she was with a man, and back away. It was the right thing to do if he wasn’t sure…but then he sucked in his breath and stole hers.              

Knowing she was pushing him to this state of arousal had her own skyrocketing. She was soaking through her underwear just waiting for his hands to touch her, but she didn’t want to let go of him to take off her own pants. She mewled her frustration into his mouth.

He had to hold himself up enough to keep from crushing her, and his mouth was leaving her too breathless to voice what she needed. She only hoped her pleas would be heard. She didn’t want to end this kiss. His other hand gripped her ass and pulled the skin in an anxious grip. Every time he moved, he pulled her cheeks apart. Her skin was hot and the slight friction he was causing with her panties as he moved was driving her mad.

Enough. She wasn’t waiting to take what she wanted one moment longer. With a cry of frustration she released his dick and pushed him up enough to work her hands to her own pants. “Just let me get these off. Damn slim fit pants are going to be a pain. Hold on.”

The hands that had been everywhere but where she wanted them gripped her wrists again. Just like the last time she felt them pulled away from a zipper.

“I get to do that.” His voice had changed. The deeper timber of his tone sent chills down her spine.

When he pushed her hands up above her head and pressed them against the hard tile April struggled for just a second, but instead of fear she felt a heavy pulse explode below her waistline. Then his deep voice was against her ear. The warm breath was against her neck and he punctuated each word with a nip on her pulse.

“Stay still. I. Want. To. Lick. You.” He sucked her skin in hard, and April felt her pulse burn to the surface along with more than a couple blood vessels. “I can’t see you. Tell me this feels good. And if it doesn’t tell me how to do it so it will.”

Her hands framed his face as he slid down her body. April felt his movement stammer just a bit and his body shift. He must have taken his pants all the way off. She felt the heavy weight of his cock against her ankle before he made his way to her waist and readjusted.

April lifted her hips and wiggled to help free herself from her pants. Her panties were wet as he slid them off.

But she didn’t have time to worry about it. Her pants were gone in an instant and her legs were where her hands had started out. Over the top of his shoulders. He pressed forward and breathed his words just inches from her pussy. “I’m about to make a meal of you. And you’re already wet, so it looks like I get honey on my dessert.”

April locked her ankles behind his head and pulled him in. If he wanted dessert, she’d damn well give it to him.

He spent a moment just rubbing his face against her swollen sex. The hairs on his chin scraped against sensitive skin and as his nose found her clit April was pretty sure she pushed him in so hard he wouldn’t be able to breathe.

“Oh fuck. I’m so close already. Just lick me. Please. Just. Oh. Right there.” His nose was replaced by his tongue and he swirled expertly around her clit before pressing in and flicking against the swollen bud with ferocious speed.

BOOK: When the Lights Go Out
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