Read When the Boss Gets Jealous Online

Authors: Ann Victor

Tags: #erotica, #erotica contemporary, #erotica adult passion, #erotica adult, #erotica adult fiction, #erotica alpha male

When the Boss Gets Jealous

BOOK: When the Boss Gets Jealous
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Behind Office Doors
Book #1


An Erotic Novella by

















When the Boss Gets Jealous


Copyright 2013 Ann Victor/Susan Ann Wall,

Smashwords Edition


All Rights Reserved

An erotic novelette. Contains graphic sex
scenes and adult themes and language. Not intended for readers
under 18 years of age.

Edited by Micheline Broduer of Purple Pen


Cover Images: © Konradbak |;
© Dash |

Design: Susan Ann Wall, LLC


This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents are a creation from the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously.

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enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to
other people. If you would like to share this book with another
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To the women in my life who give me courage
and encourage me to own my fate and my flaws.





Thanks to the gang at
When Words Count
for the great feedback and making me blush! Many
thanks to my editor Micheline at
Purple Pen


~ 1 ~

Alec Winter slammed the laptop closed and
peered at the woman sparking his temper. Jenna Craven needed to cut
the shit before he lost it right there in the conference room.

“Jenna, can I see you in my office.” It
wasn’t a question. All six project managers gave him a curious
glance before they looked at Jenna. The little vixen recognized his
statement as the command it was, giving him a quick scowl before
she steeled her expression with that infuriating indifference she
always wore.

Except when she was naked.

All the blood rushed from his head at the
memory of Jenna Craven’s naked body. That was just what Alec
needed. A stiff cock would do wonders for his persistent bad
attitude. Fisting his hands, Alec shoved them in his pockets to
avoid slamming them on the table. Or worse. He’d have a lot of
explaining to do if he throttled the new guy. He’d have even more
explaining to do if he bent Jenna over the conference table.

Jenna took her time, deliberately evading
Alec’s command. This wasn’t new behavior for the senior project
manager, but normally she did it for the pleasure of being
punished. That was no longer the case.

She laughed at something the new guy said,
one of her perfect hands falling to her hitched hip. The long gray
pencil skirt hugged every curve, revealing only a short length of
her delicious legs. Alec knew the black silk that covered her skin
ended mid-thigh. She always wore those lace trimmed stockings that
made his cock rise to attention at just the thought of them.

Everyone thought Alec wore a suit because of
his executive role in the company. What he told no one was that he
needed the jacket to cover the perm-erection that Jenna Craven

His cock jumped, practically reaching out to
beg Jenna for the attention that Alec had already demanded. Between
the surging temper and aching need, he was on the verge of breaking
into a cold sweat. Jenna needed to obey soon or he was going to
fucking snap.

With a quick turn on her red fuck-me shoes,
Jenna glanced at Alec with that schooled indifference and strutted
across the large conference room. Stepping out before she got ahead
of him, Alec led the way. They passed through an endless sea of
cubicles en route to his office, Jenna’s heels clicking behind him
with confident steps. He tried not to picture the sway of her round
ass in that tight skirt. Hell, it was the reason he left the room
in front of her. But no amount of reason could wipe the image from
Alec’s mind. He’d never seen an ass as perfect as Jenna Craven’s.
Not in clothes and certainly not out of them.

Alec continued to fist his hands. The sweaty
palms wanted to rake through his short hair. Instead, his knuckles
were likely turning white inside his pockets. Jenna knew all the
signs of Alec losing control. Revealing that he was on the brink
would give her all the power. He couldn’t do that. Not ever

When they reached his office at the opposite
corner of the building, Alec held the door as Jenna pranced by him,
her control amplified by that signature confidence and defiance.
Alec closed the door firmly, ignoring the compulsion to turn the

“What the hell are you doing?” he demanded,
crossing his arms as he leaned back on his desk.

Jenna crossed the room and took up the same
posture against the small table in the corner. Her brow raised, she
looked at him like he was out of his mind. “Standing in your

Alec slammed his palms against the desk.
“Don’t be flippant.”

The little vixen snickered. “Flippant?
Excuse me, but you’re the one who demanded, in front of the entire
department, that I come to your office. Jesus, Alec, you make me
feel like a little girl being summoned to the principal’s office.
And for what?”

Alec didn’t give a shit if she felt as if he
was about to spank her, which sounded like a damn fine idea. His
eager cock twitched at the thought, but Alec was too furious to act
on the surge of need. “What the hell are you doing with the new

“Introducing myself. That’s common office
courtesy when someone joins the team.” She looked so incredibly
relaxed. Jenna loved facing off with Alec, even before he’d become
her boss. So right now, she was in her element, testing his control
and pushing him further and further into a fury.

“Looked more like you were flirting,” Alec
pointed out, trying not to sound accusatory. He wasn’t one to lose,
but had nearly lost everything because of the woman standing
defiantly in his office. Just because he’d chosen to give her up,
didn’t mean he had to accept that she’d moved on.

“Flirting isn’t against the law.”

“No, but it pushes the limits of our human
resources policies.”

The corner of her mouth lifted in mock
amusement. “Well, you would know all about those, wouldn’t you Mr.

If there had been any blood left in his
brain, it stormed south in response to her insolent tone. Good
thing his suit coat was buttoned, hiding what was likely to be a
large tent pitched in his pants. The discomfort nearly had him
palming himself right there but Alec refused even a slight
adjustment. If Jenna knew how hard he was, she’d have an edge in
this little stand-off. Alec wasn’t willing to give her that. “Yes,
Miss Craven, and I’ll remind you of the strict no fraternization
policy here at Logicesse.”

The hint of a smile disappeared and she
crossed her arms, pinching those beautiful breasts to reveal the
enticing swells of pale skin beneath the buttoned blouse. Alec
nearly groaned, remembering how soft her skin was there, how Jenna
reacted when his tongue…

“Believe me, Alec,” she sneered,
interrupting the memory he shouldn’t allow himself to indulge in.
familiar with the policy. But the new guy isn’t my
boss, nor is he my subordinate. We’re peers. The policy doesn’t
forbid peers from getting it on.”

“Is that what you want, to fuck Jalen

“That really isn’t any of

Oh, but it was his business. Everything
Jenna did was Alec’s business. He didn’t give a shit that Jenna
wasn’t sleeping in his bed any longer. He certainly wasn’t ready to
allow her to sleep in anyone else’s.

She crossed the room, but before she reached
the door, Alec pushed off the desk and blocked her path. He was
careful not to touch her, knowing that was like striking a match
over gasoline. But as he stepped close, she retreated until the
wall prevented her from escaping further. Alec hovered over her,
taking in the flowery scent of her shampoo. He could feel the heat
radiating off her body, could see the tension in her lips and the
desire in her eyes. His lips nearly brushed against hers.

“I don’t like it. I don’t like him. Stay
away from him, Jenna.”

She laughed, the mocking sound lighting up
his temper. The warm caress of her breath on his lips heated him up
even more. “You hired him, Alec. He’s on the project management
team. He’s my peer. How am I supposed to stay away?”

“Work with him. Keep it professional.”

“Or what?” she challenged, her gaze moving
to his mouth. The taunting smile that curved her wet lips provoked
him to take just one taste.

The little seductress nearly broke his
control. It’d be so easy, so unbelievably satisfying to take her
right there against the wall, just like he’d fantasized about so
many times. His cock jumped again, enticing Alec to lose the
control that he commanded with a very taut tether.

When Jenna’s lips parted, her breasts rising
as she sucked all the air from the room in a silent gasp, he
conceded. Alec despised losing, but letting Jenna snap his control,
again, would ruin him. Stepping back, he fisted his hands and once
again shoved them into his pockets.

“I don’t want the drama of inter-office
romance on my team. It impacts everyone’s productivity,” Alec
explained. “HR will support me if I ask that the policy be enforced
among the project managers.”

“Of course HR will. I’m surprised Candace
Pelack hasn’t already issued a memo.” Jenna sneered, her distaste
for the vice-president of human resources apparent. “Then again, as
long as you aren’t involved with anyone, she doesn’t much care what
the rest of us are doing.”

“Candace doesn’t write policy. She just
enforces it.”

“Of course,” Jenna agreed in her signature
feisty tone, anger flashing in her eyes briefly before she reeled
her temper back. “Is there anything else, Mr. Winter?”

There was so much more, but nothing that
Alec could allow. If he got involved with Jenna again, it was her
career that was at risk. Worse than having to give her up, he
didn’t want to see her lose her job over something that wouldn’t
last anyway.

When he didn’t speak, she pushed herself
from the wall, taking two teasing steps toward him before she
turned to the door and went out.

Alec leaned against the door jam and watched
Jenna walk away. She took long steps, her departure filled with
anger and frustration as her pert ass continued to test his
control. Curiosity set his feet in motion when she went past her
row and turned down the row that held the new guy’s desk. Alec was
not going to let Jenna date this guy. Or do anything else with

BOOK: When the Boss Gets Jealous
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