Read When Summer Ends Online

Authors: Isabelle Rae

When Summer Ends (3 page)

BOOK: When Summer Ends
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“Oh right okay, thanks.” Will stood up and grabbing the box
and turned to me. “Sorry, I thought we could eat in. If you want we could eat
it at my place, it’s just around the corner,” he suggested as we walked to the

“Is it cleaner than your car?” I teased.

He laughed and shook his head sheepishly. “No actually.”

“Okay well I guess I need to put up with it so I can eat my
pizza.” I rolled my eyes playfully. He laughed and opened the passenger door
for me, waiting until I was buckled in before putting the box on my lap.

He drove us down the road for a few minutes before pulling
up outside an apartment building. He took the box off of my lap and climbed
out, while I scrambled along behind him and up to the second floor, stopping
outside his door. He fumbled with the keys while I took off my shoes. My feet were
killing me from wearing high heels all night, I would undoubtedly have
blisters. He let the door swing open and looked at me apologetically. I walked
in and stopped, my mouth dropping open in shock. His place was a tip. There
were empty takeout cartons and soda cans everywhere. Dirty dishes scattered
around the place, and random clothes on the floor.

Wow, he’s a slob!
“Oh crap, have you been robbed?” I
joked, trying not to laugh.

“Ha ha,” he replied as he walked past, grabbing my hand and
pulling me further into the lounge. I looked down at the sofa; it was littered
with magazines and clothes, a half drunk mug of what could have been week old
coffee was sitting there.

I burst out laughing. “Will, this place is disgusting! Maybe
we should have just sat on the floor in the street it would have been

“Stop whining and suck it up,” he stated, taking the cup off
of the seat and brushing everything else onto the floor, making me laugh
Wow, his idea of tidying up blows big time.
“Sit and eat,” he

I sat down on the sofa, which was actually surprisingly
comfortable. He put the box on my lap then walked off into another room; I
pulled out a piece of pizza and started munching on it. When I looked down I
realised I had my feet on a load of his papers so I pulled them up, tucking
them underneath me.

He came back a minute later with two cans of Pepsi. “I
didn’t have anything else. I would offer you juice, but you’d have to drink it
straight from the carton because I have no clean glasses,” he said, laughing

“You’re disgusting. I bet the bedroom’s worse,” I mused,
shaking my head and laughing.

“Want to go check it out?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at
me looking incredibly sexy. My food got stuck halfway down my throat so I
Oh man, does he think I’m here to have sex with him?
He laughed
and patted me on the back, handing me the can of drink. “I was kidding… well,
maybe I was kidding,” he teased, smirking at me.

“If you think I’m going anywhere near a bed in your place,
you’re very much mistaken. When was the last time you changed your sheets?” I

“You have to change your sheets?” he asked, looking shocked.
Oh my God, is he serious? Yuck!
I looked at him disgusted and shocked.
He burst out laughing. “Oh, Chloe, you are too funny.” He shook his head, laughing
so hard that he had tears in his eyes. I laughed too, but my laughter was more
out of relief.
I can’t believe I actually thought he was serious. Damn, I am
so gullible.

“So, tell me some more about you,” he encouraged, going for
his fifth slice of pizza.

“Um, like what?”

“You got any brothers or sisters, do you have any hobbies,
where do you work. That kind of thing,” he replied, shrugging.

“Okay, well, I don’t work, I go to school. I don’t really
have any hobbies, I like to swim and read, and I’m an only child. What about
you?” I answered, watching his reaction to my answers.

He smiled so I felt myself relax. He obviously wasn’t
bothered about the fact that I was still in school, which meant he knew I was
under eighteen. “Well you know where I work. I like to play pool, but that’s
just for fun with the boys, and I have an older sister and younger brother.”

“Yeah? How old?” I asked, finishing my drink and looking
around for a trashcan or something to put it in.

He grinned and took the can off of me, putting it on the
floor. I rolled my eyes. “My brother, Sam, is nineteen, and my sister, Kaitlin,
is twenty-five. Um hey, this might be a little forward so you can say no if you
want to…” he trailed off looking embarrassed. I looked at him curiously waiting
for him to continue. “Well… er… my sister’s getting married tomorrow. I was
planning on going on my own, but I was wondering if you wanted to come with
me?” he asked, looking at me hopefully.

Holy crap, he wants me to go on a date to a family
wedding? That’s a little awkward!
“Umm…” I mumbled, biting my lip,
thinking; on the one hand I would like to spend more time with him. He seemed incredibly
sweet but, on the other hand, what if it was awkward? I couldn’t exactly leave
if I was bored. It was a wedding which would mean dinner and then a party after,
it was an all-day thing probably.

He smiled awkwardly. “You have a think about it. The wedding’s
at two o’clock tomorrow, if you want to come you can call me. I mean, it’s just
a thought, I told them I would go on my own because I don’t have a girlfriend,
so my plus one’s going empty. My sister said something about setting me up with
some of her single friends in the evening.” He winced which made me laugh.

“Right, and you don’t want that because you have enough with
girls flirting with you at work,” I teased.

“Exactly! Wow, you can listen. Maybe I had you pegged all
wrong,” he mused, grinning.

“Yeah? You thought I was an airhead who would put out in
your dirty bed?” I asked, sticking my tongue out at him. He didn’t say anything;
he just leant forward and kissed me lightly. For the second time I was too
shocked to do anything.

He pulled away before I’d recovered. “I didn’t think you
were an airhead.”

“But you did think I’d put out in your dirty bed,” I
retorted sarcastically.

He laughed wickedly. “Come on, I’ll drive you home if you’ve
finished insulting my place,” he suggested, standing up and holding out a hand
to help me up. I stood up and held out the pizza box to him, he laughed and
threw it on the couch, waving a hand at it dismissively. “I’ll sort it later.”

“You truly are gross.”

He made a small bow as if it was a compliment and grabbed my
shoes off of the floor. “Come on then, Cutie, let’s get you home,” he said,
heading towards the door. He put my shoes down and waited while I slid my sore
feet into them. We chatted easily as he drove me home; he was surprisingly easy
to talk to. When we pulled up outside my house, he jumped out and came around
to my side, opening the door just as I was about to, so I pushed against fresh
air, almost falling out of the car. He laughed but stopped immediately when I
glared at him.

“Sorry,” he muttered, trying to stifle his laughs. I slapped
his chest as I stepped out of the car; it was so hard that I immediately
started to think lustful thoughts. I blushed and looked away from his smirk; he
looked like he knew what I was thinking. He followed behind me and walked me to
the door. “So, yeah, you have my number from where I called you, if you want to
come tomorrow then call me. The latest I’ll be able to pick you up is one
thirty I guess, so yeah…” he trailed off looking uncomfortable.

Jeez, he is really sweet.
I gripped the front of his
T-shirt and pulled him closer to me, going up on tiptoes and pressing my lips
to his. He wasn’t shocked like I was when he kissed me. He kissed me back
immediately, one hand going up to the side of my neck. He pulled back and I was
a little giddy. The kiss was so sweet and soft that it made my insides do a
little flip. He licked his lip lightly, his eyes locked on mine, the beautiful
shade of grey making me a little light headed.

“I’d better go. Thanks again for helping me tonight,” he
said, letting me go and turning to leave.

As I watched him walk down the path towards his car, I
realised that I didn’t want him to go. I definitely wanted to see him again,
kiss him again, and have him wrap his arms around me. “Will?” I called, making
him stop halfway up the path. “Pick me up at half past one then.”

He grinned. “Great, okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Chloe.” He
looked so happy that it made my heart beat a little faster.

I quietly let myself into the house and crept upstairs. Once
in the solitude of my bedroom I flopped on the bed and let out a little sigh. I
sent a text to Amy telling her that I was home safely, and then pushed myself
up off of the bed and grabbed my pyjamas. I pulled off his hoodie and looked at
it with wide eyes because I’d forgotten to give it back to him. I’d just have
to give it to him tomorrow instead. I smiled at the thought of seeing him
again, I could hardly wait. I pulled on my pyjamas and slipped into bed, I
couldn’t keep the happy smile off of my face as I drifted off to sleep.



Chapter Two



When I woke up I immediately remembered last night. Images of
meeting Will and us flirting washed over me leaving a warm sensation in the pit
of my stomach. I smiled when I thought about seeing him again today. I was
actually pretty excited to see him again, even though it was with all of his
family there. I rolled over to look at the time and gasped.
Holy crap, it’s
after twelve, he’ll be here in under an hour and a half!
I jumped out of
the bed and dashed down the stairs looking for my mom. I had no idea what to
wear to a wedding; I was assuming that jeans and a tank top were out of the

“Mom, I’m going to a wedding this afternoon, what should I
wear?” I cried as I burst into the kitchen at full speed.

My parents both smiled and looked at me, confused. “Good
morning to you too, Pumpkin,” my dad laughed.

“Right sorry, morning guys. Mom, what should I wear?” I
repeated, looking at her pleadingly.

“You’re going to a wedding? Who’s is it? I don’t know of
anyone getting married.” She frowned and looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

“A friend’s sister is getting married. His date backed out
at the last minute, so he asked if I would go with him instead,” I lied,
shrugging. I couldn’t exactly tell them that it was the bartender I met at the
club I snuck out to last night while they thought I was at a movie marathon at

“Oh, okay. Well, how about you borrow my strapless dress,
the one with the pink roses on it that I wore to Kara’s Christening,” she

I gasped and looked at her with wide eyes.
Wow, that
dress is beautiful.
“Really? I would love that,” I gushed, trying not to
jump up and down on the spot. I was pretty sure that I had the best parents in
the world. My mom’s dress sense was awesome. I thanked my lucky stars that we
were the same size, because more often than not, I wore her clothes rather than

“Go get ready. I’ll sort it out for you. What time are you going?”
she questioned, getting up from the table. My dad got up too and poured a glass
of juice, holding it out to me as he walked past, kissing my forehead.

“Thanks, Dad.” I turned back to my mom. “Will’s coming here
to pick me up at half past one.” I chugged the glass of juice as fast as possible,
eager to go and shower so I would have time to do something nice with my hair.

I rushed a shower and dried my hair quickly, pulling it up
in an elegant twist and straightening the loose bits around my face and my
bangs. Once I was done beautifying myself, I pulled on the dress and looked in
the mirror. I smiled, happy with the result. My dark blonde hair looked better
than I thought it would, and my brown eyes were sparkling with excitement. The
little make-up that I had put on complemented my complexion perfectly. The
dress was beautiful, and clung to me in all of the right places, showing off
just the right amount of cleavage. I sighed happily and grabbed my shoes and
purse, heading downstairs as I pulled them on. My parents had already left;
they were going to visit some old friends and wouldn’t be back until late.

I paced around the kitchen nervously until the doorbell
rang. I practically skipped to the door, straightening my dress and taking a
deep breath before pulling it open. My breath caught in my throat when I saw
him. He looked incredible in a black tux, white shirt with a pale blue tie.

I ran my eyes down his body slowly, taking every part of him
in before dragging my eyes back to his face. His hair was styled but yet still
managed to look messy and like he’d been running his hands through it. His eyes
were still raking down my body, his mouth open slightly. I smiled to myself.
likes what he sees!
I cleared my throat dramatically to get his attention.
His eyes snapped to mine and he smiled at me, his grey eyes boring into mine

“Finished undressing me with your eyes or do you need a few
more minutes?” I teased, leaning against the door frame, trying to look sexy.

“Sorry, I was just trying to work out how the hell I’m going
to keep my hands off of you in front of my family today,” he replied, shaking
his head, looking me over again.

I giggled and grabbed his tie, pulling him into the house,
shutting the door behind him. “I’m sure you’ll manage somehow,” I stated,
rolling my eyes and patting his tie back down in the right place, discretely
loving the feel of his chest under my hand.
Actually I’m not sure how I’m going
to keep my hands off of him either
. He looked so handsome he was making my
mouth water.

“I’ll have to I guess,” he said, blowing out a breath and
flicking his head to get his hair from his eyes.
Wow, that’s so sexy when he
does that.

BOOK: When Summer Ends
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