When Love Hurts and Ghosts Linger (6 page)

BOOK: When Love Hurts and Ghosts Linger
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My neck felt sore, he had grabbed me so tight, I never thought ghosts could inflict pain on you, Amy once pinched me but that was the most I had ever felt and when she tried to hurt her, well, husband I suppose, she simply couldn’t do it, so how the fuck was this ghost able to hurt me, and even more so how was he able to lift me up?

When I arrived at Jay’s he looked at me in panic, a frightful expression all over his face, I didn’t quite understand why he was so scared.

“What the hell happened to you?” he shrieked as he ran towards me.

“What do you mean?” 

“Your neck babe, it’s purple….” He pointed.

I went to look in the mirror and saw the bruising around my neck, you could see that someone had, had their hands on me and had gripped my neck with such force that it had left a mark.

I looked at Jay who had dread all over his face, he could be such a worry-ass sometimes, even though I was stood in-front of him and I was now OK, he was still scared of whatever it was that happened to me.

“I was on the train coming here, usual thing, coldness….ghost….anyway he uhhh, he gripped me and told me to not take them away….oh and uhh that one day he was going to have me too” I spoke too quick.

“Took who?” he asked apprehensively.

“I don’t know” I shrugged.

I was trying not to look so scared, terror ran through my veins like a wild fire spreading in the woods but on the outside I put on a brave face. 

“We need to get help; it cannot go on like this….” He stated a tad angry.

“You think I want this? Ghosts following me everywhere I go? What? You think I want them hurting me? Well I don’t, I can’t help it’s something I’ve got to bloody live with” I cried.

I didn’t want this, I wished all the time it would go away but I had accepted that I had this gift and that there was pretty much fuck all I could do about it.

That evening on our night out things between Jay and I were a little tense. I knew it was just because he was worried about me; I could see it in his eyes and all over his face but the fact of the matter was there was nothing he could do to help me. 

He couldn’t see them like I could and he didn’t have the power to make them go away. I knew then that seeing a psychic was an important thing and I needed to speak to someone urgently and find out what this was and if there was a way it could be controlled.

All night ghosts were in the club but they weren’t bugging me, they seemed to float around, I could tell they had died here or somewhere near and had just not been able to leave but after what happened to me that day I was in no mood to try and help them.

Jay and I tried to act like everything was ok but the tension could be seen between us and our friends could see it too, I didn’t want to lose him so I was going to go on my own and seek answers.






A few weeks later I had sought out a psychic that wasn’t really well known and rumour had it people tended to stay away from her from what I had read about. She had the reputation of being scary and telling it how it was, whether it was bad or good luck. I needed straight answers, not someone to pussy-foot around the matter; I left my house and made my way to the address I had written down on a piece of paper.

As I approached the building, I could see it needed some serious TLC. It was old and shabby and had bushes overgrowing on the outside brick work. There was a light in the window and a sign that read ‘Psychic – Reading Appointments Available.’ Taking a deep breath I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. 

A gust of wind blew passed me and then the door opened by itself. Now in normal situations, when shit like that happens, your gut tells you to run away as normally something bad will happen if you enter, but I had been seeing bad things all my life and I needed answers, so very slowly, I entered the building.

“Hello” I called out a little scared.

But I didn’t get a reply, I looked around and there were candles everywhere, no normal lighting, just rows of lit candles, like a scene from Carrie, the décor looked like something from a world war two movie and it was dead silent, just the wind chimes moving from the breeze coming from the open window. 

I walked through until I came to a room where there was a really old woman sat by a large round table. This was all a little too typical, something you would see in a horror movie, what was next? A demon was going to jump out of the fire?

“Uhhh hi, I’m….” but she cut me off.

“Robyn, Yes I know, please take a seat….” She told me in her old croaky voice.

Obviously that didn’t prove anything, I mean I had called her to see if she was free so obviously she knew it was me. As I looked at her I realised that this woman was blind. Her eyes were white with no colour but her eye balls seemed to look up at the ceiling as they couldn’t fix themselves on a particular object; she had grey frizzy air and give or take she was well into her nineties. 

She wore what could only be described as a very old and tatty lace nighty from something out of interview with a vampire. In my head I was honestly thinking 
‘what the fuck.’

“Don’t be scared my dear, I will not harm you, however I know you’re afraid they will….” Her voice was so croaky and creepy.

I hadn’t said anything at this point and I still hadn’t sat down, I was observing my surroundings so I could leg it the fuck out of there should I need to.

“They?” I repeated.

“They my dear, spirits from the other side, you have the ability to see them don’t you, here, give me your hand….”

She extended her wrinkly arm across the table waiting for me to place my hands in hers, but her hands were grey and to be honest I was like 
‘oh hell no I don’t want to touch them’
 but then again what choice did I have? 

I needed answers and she had already said all this stuff without me even opening my mouth. I was hesitant at first but then I did eventually place my hands in hers. I didn’t say anything; she just went off my touch, as if she could see all these things around me and in my mind.

“Oh wow, you do have a powerful gift, they have been coming to you your whole life, they were there the day you were born, Ohhhh, they seek you out, they know who you are but something more sinister is coming” she looked worried.

“Is that bad?” fear could be heard in my voice.

“You are stronger than he who comes for you, he craves life, something inside of you is very special and he needs that from you…..” she went on.

“But not all of them are mean….” I told her.

“No my dear, some of them wander the earth because they don’t want to move on just yet, some of them are harmless, but there is one that is taken the dead and keeping them, the more souls he gains the more power he has in the spirit world, he wants to be in our world where he can live again, but you, you’re the key to this, only you can prevent this by setting them free and only you can stop him, wait…. I see a child, a boy, he will be beautiful but you must protect him, this boy, he needs the boy, only you can give him that….” She started shaking.

“What boy?” I asked her confused.

“Your son” she replied.

I was shocked, one I was eighteen and at this point kids were not on my mind and two there she was telling me that a horrible ghost was going to come for me because I was some sort of key he needed to cross over into our world and that I would need to protect a child I didn’t even have, this was fucked up.

“My dear, remember you are strong, you can beat him, you have the power within you, he is nothing but darkness and evil, don’t let him drag you into his world, your gift is a powerful thing, it will help you my dear….” And with that she took her hand away.

The building started shaking, ornaments and objects went flying off the mantelpiece and the candle light started flickering. My heart was pounding so hard I felt like it was going to leap out of my chest at this point but before I could ask the old woman what was going on she had disappeared. 

I wasn’t going to stay in this creepy house any longer and I ran out of that house into the street. I looked back trying to catch my breath and bring my heart back to a normal speed but to my own shock the house was all boarded up as if no fucker lived there. Well that couldn’t be right as I had just been in there.

I gripped a passer-by “Excuse me but this house, I was just in there, who lives there?” I pointed.

“That’s impossible, no-one lives there, no-one has lived there for years since the old lady died….” He answered me looking at me like I was some sort of idiot.

“Old lady?” now I was panicking inside.

“Yeah, an old lady used to tell fortunes in that house but she died a while ago and since then the house was boarded up to stop squatters going in there until its sold, not that they will the tale states that the house is haunted” he smiled sarcastically at me.

Yeah cheers mate, I felt like a right dick, I had just told some random person I had been in the house but yet there was no fucker there. So who was I speaking to on the phone? And who was I in there with?

The man went to walk away “WAIT!” I shouted after him, “can you tell me her name, you know, the woman that lived there?”

“Yeah sure, she was listed as psychic Madame Richmond but her real name was Agnes Millar,” he gave a polite goodbye nod and walked away.

I had sought her out, I found her number in the yellow pages and I had rung and spoke to her and now I was being told she was dead. So why did the phone ring and why did someone answer? 

As I looked up at the house I pulled out the piece of paper from my back pocket where I had written down the address and the torn out piece of yellow pages with her number on it. Before my eyes I swear the whole page changed and her number seemed to have disappeared and left only words 
‘believe in yourself.’ 

I felt the same gust of wind again and leaves swirl around my feet. I realised she just wanted to help me, I was grateful and scared all at the same time. I returned back to Jay’s house as I hadn’t seen or spoken to him in a few days and from the amount of texts I had received from him I could see he was worrying about me.

His mum had gone out for the evening and we had the place to ourselves, it was nice as we could catch up and talk about what the psychic had said. I didn’t give him the whole truth, I just told him that she said I had a gift and that I needed to believe in myself to help set them free.

“Robyn I love you…..” he told me as he leaned over me to kiss me.

“I know you do” I replied as I kissed him back.

His kisses were deep and passionate; I could feel his emotions through his kiss, so powerful and so connected with me. 

He started moving his hand up my body until he was slightly gripping my breast and rubbing it. I moaned as he kissed me, he always said he loved it when he could hear the moaning vibrations on his lips. 

He moved his hand gently caressing and teasing my nipples as they hardened under my top. I moved my hands up and down his back slightly. I could feel his kisses become more intense and his erection pushing against me. 

Slowly he slid my jeans and panties off as he slid his off and threw them on the floor beside the bed. When he entered me I felt a rush of pleasure shoot through my body. It felt amazing, so pleasurable. 

He moved his hips slowly as his hard erection went in and out of my vagina, he could feel me dripping all over him and it was intense. I moaned and he groaned as our bodies rubbed against each-other intimately and I could feel his heartbeat on my chest beat harder as he was close to climaxing. 

As he drew closer he pushed inside me a little faster, he was breathless and I was biting my lip to keep from moaning out loud. As he reached orgasm I came with him, it was sensual and loving. We laid there in bed afterwards having a chat, cuddled up in each-other’s arms before we couldn’t stay awake any longer and fell asleep. I felt that night that our troubles in our relationship had been forgotten.

That night, whilst I was sleeping peacefully, I heard a noise, like rustling which disturbed me and woke me up, I rolled over and noticed Jay was not in bed with me but the bedroom door was open and so was the window. 

The rustling was the net curtain brushing against the window sill as the wind blew in. I felt cold, too cold for it just to be the wind coming from the open window. I quickly chucked on some of Jay’s jogging bottoms and my top and made my way downstairs. The temperature had plummeted even more by the time I got downstairs.

“Jay….”  I called out quietly but nothing.

I heard a bang coming from the kitchen, none of the lights worked so I was walking through the house in darkness, bloody typical, why couldn’t the bloody lights work!

As I reached the kitchen I remember the back door was open and the blowing wind was making it bang against the counter. I put a jacket over me, slipped on my UGG boots and went out into the back garden.

The wind was strong now and the temperature was below freezing. Leaves and debris from the garden were flying bloody everywhere as if a storm was taking place. How this didn’t wake the neighbours I do not know but no-one came out to help, no-one looked out of their window when they heard me call out for Jay who was standing butt naked at the bottom of the garden.

“JAY!” I screamed worried.

As I approached him he turned to face me, his face was evil and eerie, like it had been transformed somehow, his eyes were red and his teeth seemed pointy. Was he possessed?

“Jay….” My voice was trembling with fear.

“I claim this boy now, haha, this soul is mine, and you ghost hunter you can’t stop me” Jay spoke but it wasn’t him, it was something else.

“I’m no ghost hunter, please let him go….” I begged this thing inside him.

“This being believed he could help you defeat me but he was wrong, now I will keep him, you think you can challenge me? You have NOTHING!” he shouted with such force.

It was so strong that I flew to the other end of the garden. I looked up to see Jay levitate into the air, still looking at me with that face, that face that would haunt me, this thing inside him, it broke him in two and let his lifeless body fall to the ground.

BOOK: When Love Hurts and Ghosts Linger
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