Read When Danger Follows Online

Authors: Maggi Andersen

Tags: #Romance

When Danger Follows (17 page)

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But he had stopped.

She saw the surprise in his eyes. “Darling, I’m the first?”

“Just love me,” she begged.

He groaned and began to move.

She met his rhythmic thrusts, lifting her hips as her passion mounted to such an exquisite pitch.

He shuddered uncontrollably and she felt warmth spreading through her stomach.

As Jake rested his head on her breasts, Caitlin slid her fingers into his thick, dark hair and lifted his head, needing to confirm that it had been as good for him as it was for her. “I’ll get better,” she promised.

“You’re perfect, my darling” he said, moving to lie beside her, “but why didn’t you tell me?”

“There never seemed to be a right time,” she confessed, feeling her cheeks grow hot.

He kissed her. “I was so afraid I’d lost you. It wasn’t something that could be said over the phone. I couldn’t get away until I found the right governess. I spent sleepless nights worrying that I’d left it too late and some other guy had snapped you up.”


“But at the same time I needed to get things straight in my head, and I knew you did too.”

Caitlin nodded and closed her eyes.

“Caitlin?” He shook her gently. I’m telling you how deeply in love with you I am.” He laughed. “I never thought I’d feel this way again.”

“I love you too, Jake, desperately.” She tucked her head into the hollow of his shoulder. “But I feel so lazy. Let’s have a rest and then make love again.”

Jake gathered her up in his arms. “Let’s go and have dinner. We need to make plans. And then,” he grinned, “we’ll come right back here where we belong, in your bed.”

Caitlin sat up. “I can’t wait to see the children. And Harry.”

Jake’s eyebrow rose. “Harry?”

“I owe him twenty dollars.” She laughed.

“You talk too much,” Jake said, pushing her back and kissing her, long and hard.

When she could, Caitlin gasped. “What about dinner?”

“We’ll have an early breakfast.”


The End

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BOOK: When Danger Follows
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