Read Whatever He Wants Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

Whatever He Wants (5 page)

BOOK: Whatever He Wants
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“Everything you’ve put your mind to,
you’ve been able to accomplish. I don’t know how much help I’d be but if you
need me in any capacity I’m here for you.”

“I’ll hold you to that. But for now, how
about setting the table so we can eat? Oh, and by the way, I won a one month
free trial to this really upscale gym. I was thinking of checking it out
tonight. Apparently all the rich people go there. What better place to start

“Sounds like a plan.”

“I’m allowed to bring a friend.
How about it?”

Noelle who had never stepped foot in a gym
in her life knew she’d probably make a fool of herself. “Uh, I’m an
uncoordinated mess. I’ll pass. Why don’t you take
She’d like rubbing elbows with rich people. And she’s in much better shape than
I am. I’m sure she’d appreciate it more than I would.”

“I’d rather go with you. Come on, a good
workout will help clear your head. And who knows? You might meet some rich hunk
who’ll sweep off your feet.”

Noelle rolled her eyes knowing there was
absolutely no chance of that happening.

Chapter Four


“I find it perplexing why you’re calling
me when I’ve made it clear our arrangement is over. How did you get my personal
number anyway?” A vein throbbed in James’ forehead and he could feel his blood
pressure rising. He had enough stress from his job without dealing with an
ex-mistress who refused to take no for an answer. Megan was beautiful,
charming, witty and so sophisticated. But among those attributes was the flaw
of not realizing when things were over.

“Stella gave me the number. Don’t be mad
at me Jaime. I needed to talk to you. You can’t leave things the way they are.
How about you come over for a nightcap and I’ll—”

“And you’ll what? Be waiting for me naked
and ready when I arrive?”

“Of course.”
Her voice dripped with the smug arrogance of
someone who was used to getting her way. “I know how to give it to you just the
way you like.”

“Would you do anything I wanted?”

“Anything, darling.”


“Cross my heart.”

“Be out of the penthouse by the end of the
month and do not call this number again or you can forget about the bonus.”
James ended the call without waiting for a response and immediately phoned his
executive assistant.

“Yes, James?” Paul Winters answered on the
second ring.

“Cancel Ms. Matthew’s cell phone account
as well as any memberships she has. I’d also like you to personally see to it
that all of her belongings have been removed from the penthouse. And I’d like
for you to relay to Stella my number is not to be given out unless I say.”

“I’m on it.”

“I’ll be at the gym for the next hour in
which time this phone will be off. I’ll need you to have those documents on the
Garrison Group on my desk first thing in the morning. And I trust we won’t have
any more slip-ups with Stella.”

“Will do.”

He hung up the phone and put it on sleep
mode. Though it was left unsaid he knew Paul would let his secretary know if
she overstepped her boundaries again, she’d be out of a job. James ran a
multibillion dollar corporation where one bad decision could lose him millions
and lay off thousands. He worked hard, giving his one hundred and ten percent
and he expected no less from those he employed.

Despite the daily pressure, there were two
things that eased his stress and that was sex or a good workout, both if he could
squeeze it in. However, now that he was in between lovers he’d have to settle
for sweating it out in the gym.

After changing and locking away his
valuables, James headed for the treadmill. He usually warmed up with a four
mile run before hitting the weights.

James popped his
in and turned his MP3 player up loud enough to drown out all other sound. He
started at a moderate jog and steadily picked up the pace to a full out run.
With the cardio machines being located on the second floor, he could see the
other patrons working out below him. He rarely paid attention to them but one
woman caught his eye when she tripped over a dumbbell and face-planted. For a
second she lay on the ground, unmoving and he debated cutting his run short to
see if she was okay. The decision was taken from him as several people
including some staff members rushed over to check on her.

She looked more than a little dazed as she
was helped to her feet. He felt sympathy for the unfortunate woman but quickly
pushed her out of his mind as he focused on his run. Afterwards he stretched
and headed downstairs to tackle the weights. On his way to the free weights
something slammed into his back. 

“I’m so sorry,” a frantic voice cried from
behind him.

wasn’t the first time a woman “accidentally” bumped into him although not this
much force was usually applied.  More than a little annoyed, he turned
around to see who his assailant was and came face to face with the woman he’d
spied earlier. He planned on telling her to watch where she was going but
stopped at the sight of her stricken face. This was no ruse to gain his
attention. Judging from the tumble she’d taken earlier, the woman was nothing
more than a klutz.

“I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m
really sorry,” she apologized again. “Are you okay?”

There was something about this woman that
kept James rooted to the spot when he would have dismissed her by now. She was
by no means a conventional beauty. At most, she was passably pretty but her
face was arresting nonetheless. Possessing large, doe-like dark brown eyes
crowned with long curly lashes, the mystery woman gave off an air of innocence.
She was of average height, yet even beneath her bulky sweat suit he noticed her
curves. She held an air of mystery—hidden depths that challenged him to slowly
peel away each layer and discover the treasure beneath the innocent demeanor.

Her hair was pulled back in a short messy
ponytail accentuating a heart-shaped face and an expanse of dark cocoa brown
skin. Her nose was wide but still feminine and her lips were overly generous,
but James couldn’t stop staring. The sudden urge to lean forward and sample her
inviting mouth, hit James all at once and caught him off guard.

He’d ended his arrangement with Megan two
weeks ago and hadn’t had sex since. It was the only explanation he could think
of for reacting to a woman who in most circumstances wouldn’t garner a second
glance from him. But still, he couldn’t bring himself to walk away. The lady in
question was the one to speak first. “Well, uh, again, I’m sorry,” she said as
she slowly edged away from him, cheeks stained maroon from her apparent

“Your name,” he demanded.

She looked around as if to see if anyone
else witnessed their exchange. “Noelle. Noelle Greene.”

His lips twitched involuntarily at the
wobbliness of her voice. He made her nervous. It had been a long since he’d
been in the presence of a female who didn’t have a contrived reaction to his
presence. James held his hand out to her, “James Rothschild.”

She looked at his outstretched hand before
taking his in a surprisingly firm grip.
“Nice to meet you.
Your eyes are amazing.”

He raised a brow. “Excuse me?”

She yanked her hand away and slapped it
against her forehead. “I’m sorry. That was awkward wasn’t it? It’s the artist
in me. I notice things like that.” She looked at her feet while she spoke to
him. “I’ve taken up enough of your time. Enjoy the rest of your workout.” She
backed away but James was reluctant to see her go.

“Noelle, do you have plans after the gym?
Perhaps you’d like to catch a quick bite to eat?”

She raised her head and pointed to her
chest. “Me?”

This time he really smiled. False modesty
was a huge turn off to him but this was no act. There was something strangely
endearing about Noelle Greene. “Yes you. I usually grab a quick bite after the
gym, nothing too heavy. There’s a deli down the street that makes sandwiches
and wraps.
My treat.”

Noelle furrowed her brows together and
looked over her shoulder. “I ate before I came and I’m here with my
cousin.  Thanks for the invite but I can’t.”

Her rejection caught him off guard. James
prided himself on being able to get a good read on people and he could tell
from her body language, his attraction was one-sided.

“You can’t what?” A woman whom James
assumed was Noelle’s cousin joined them. She was tall and slender but unlike
Noelle her workout clothes hugged all her curves. This woman fit more into the
classically beautiful category, more his type but the shy Miss Greene intrigued

“I was inviting Noelle for a bite to eat
afterwards but I’ve been informed she’s eaten.”

“She barely touched her food. I’m sure
she’d love to have a meal with you.” The woman smiled brightly.

Noelle slid closer to her cousin. “Simone,
we came together.”

“I’m a big girl. I can find my own way
home. Besides, Mr. ...?” Simone smiled up at him.

“James Rothschild,” he offered.

“I’m sure Mr. Rothschild will see you
home. He looks like a nice enough
and he’s a hunk.
Besides, it’s not like he’ll try anything funny since I can now describe him to
the police.” Simone paused with a frown. “I’ve heard that name somewhere.” She
looked up at James expectantly but he had no intention of volunteering

James smiled at Noelle. “Your cousin
thinks I’m harmless.”

“She’d love to go. As a matter of fact, I
was just coming over to tell her I was ready to head home, so why don’t you two
go ahead. I’ll catch you back at the apartment Noelle.” She gave her cousin a
wink before walking off leaving Noelle with her mouth wide open.

He hadn’t meant to put her on the spot and
he wouldn’t if she truly didn’t want his company. “Look, Noelle, if you’re
uncomfortable you don’t have to come out with me.”

She shook her head vehemently. “It’s not
that, it’s just…”

“Noelle, it’s perfectly okay. I’ll tell
you what. I’m going to finish my workout, shower and change. I should be ready
in about forty minutes. If you’d like to go with me to the deli, we’ll meet at
the front of the gym.
Otherwise, no hard feelings.
Fair enough?”

Noelle silently nodded. James gave her a
tight smile before heading off to finish his workout. Once he was away from her
he wasn’t sure what had possessed him to ask her out in the first place.
Perhaps his libido was out of control.
But why her?
There were a number of women who would jump at the opportunity to share his
bed. Since making his first million, women came easy to him.

As he hit the weights, he reexamined his
motives. Perhaps it was the novelty of her apparently not knowing who he was.
Her cousin had recognized his name but didn’t know where she’d heard it from.
She’d find out eventually but by then it wouldn’t matter. He’d get what he
wanted from Noelle and never spare her another thought.

BOOK: Whatever He Wants
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