What Lola Wants (London Dolls Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: What Lola Wants (London Dolls Book 1)
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He threw his arms out, unsure how to respond to Lola sitting on his lap. His dick sure knew how to respond, though. Quickly, that’s how. “Perhaps you won’t need me anymore when Al is caught. You’ll go back to the company and I’ll be history.”

“Hey, I’ll always need you. Always.”

“Really?” His heart skipped a beat.

“Yes.” She writhed over his throbbing length with a sparkle in her eyes that ignited millions of memories he shared with her.
Damn it

“Are you kidding me? Dennis, money or not, and ballet or not, I need you. More than ever.” She shifted on his knee, wiggling her arse and positioning herself right on his crotch. “I’ve always needed you.”

“Goddamn it, Lola, do you know what you’re doing to me?”

“Yes. I know.”

“Stop it,” he growled.

She shook her head. “Without your help, I’d have failed my GCSEs and A Levels. And I might have stayed in town, and now be married to a fisherman and taking care of my drunken mother. Instead, here I am, an ex-prima ballerina sitting in your lap waiting for a kiss.”

“Lola.” He shuffled beneath her, shifting his weight to try to relieve the pressure of his hard-on. “Are we ready for this? For us?”

“I was wrong to have treated you the way I did. Let me make it up to you, let me show you how much you mean to me.” She launched at him and mushed her lips to his, explored him with her velvet tongue, and slithered her lower body over his groin.

Grabbing her shoulders, he held her back. “Before we take this any further, before I become engulfed in the Lola whirlwind, please, tell me truthfully, why did you leave?”

“I’ve already told you, Dennis. You would have been a distraction,” she rasped in a low breath, her words choppy.

“I will never keep you from your dreams.” He cupped her face, forcing her to catch his stare. “Ever.”

“I know, but if I’d have allowed myself to fall in love with you, I’d have lost myself in you. Like I’m doing now.”

“Is that so bad?” He thumbed the zip of her top.

“Not at all, it’s pretty amazing actually. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.” She swept her tongue over his lips before kissing him with a hunger matching his own.

Fevered with need, he grabbed her waist and pushed her farther down on him. Passion exploded, the heat between them electrifying. She clawed at his shirt, her fingers tangling as she unbuttoned the garment. He yanked at her pajamas, opening the top and discarding it to the side. Inching his hands inside the terry cloth of her pants with one hand, he cupped her breast with the other and brushed a thumb over her nipple. She shivered, and her buds pebbled under his touch and beckoned him to taste her. His groin twitched, and blind need took him over.

He dipped and took a hardened nub into his mouth while sliding his hand into her knickers. Her mound was moist and slick, and so warm.

Arching, she pushed against his hand and uncoiled his defenses, his resistance long forgotten.

“Taking it slow is for pussies.” He lifted her off and stood to unbuckle his belt. Stripped in a jiffy, he then reached for the condom he kept in his wallet and rolled on the latex.

“Agreed, so what are you waiting for?” she teased, slipping out of her lemon-colored clothing to reveal her nakedness.

“Nothing.” He sat and lifted her onto his throbbing spear, her heat taking him inch by inch. Sweet nirvana, her moist warmth swallowed him all the way to the base. So deep. So welcoming.

“I’ve dreamt about what you’d feel like inside me for so long.” She rotated her hips and moved to her own rhythm. “And how I imagined it was nothing like this, it doesn’t even compare.”

Up and down, around in a circle. Down. Down. Up and down, around in a circle, her boobs bobbing with the motion.

“You fit me perfectly,” she whispered with a quivering voice. “I feel complete.”

Grabbing her soft, plump arse, he rammed her closer into him and nuzzled her neck.

“Shush,” he demanded, hushing her sweet words. “Or I’ll fill this condom too soon.”

A creak caught her attention, and then another and another as if someone had entered the flat.

She pulled back. “Did you hear that?”

“Probably just this old building moaning with age.”

The sounds of a door slamming jolted her upright.

“Don’t worry, it’s the next-door neighbor. He likes to slam doors. It’s fine. Trust me.”

“I don’t think it is.” She rambled off a list of fears, “What if I left the door unlocked? What if it’s Al? He got my number for the new phone, so maybe he’s following me? Am I being paranoid?”

“He really did a number on you, huh?” Brushing back her hair, he shook his head. “It’s okay. He couldn’t be in the building without the key code or being buzzed through. Probably just the neighbor, like I said.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. And besides,” he nibbled on her lobe, “I’m thinking you could kick any man down if needed. You’ve done it to me in the past.”

Her mouth kicked into a grin. “Yes, I remember. You were playing keepsies and wouldn’t give me my Kylie Minogue CD back.”

He swirled her onto her back. “There you go, just make like he stole your favorite CD and you’ll be fine. Not so sure he’ll survive, but all’s fair in love and…obsession.”

“See, this is why you make me feel better. You always know just what to say.”

“And do, I hope.” He lay atop her, his feet wedged against the arm of the sofa, and nudged between her legs to slide into her warmth. Her skin rubbed against his, her moans brushing his ears, her sweet aroma of arousal seeping into his nostrils. It wouldn’t be long. His balls tightened, and his pulse raced thick and fast to his groin. He hurt with need to spurt his seed. To have her kiss him as he released, and to have her whisper that she loved him. Oh, how much he wanted that.

Bucking and slithering beneath him, she cried out and her warmth fluttered over him.

“Oh, Dennis,” she cried.

Faster. Harder. He was so close.

Cupping his face, she slowed his movement with her hips and guided him to a gentle rhythm of in and out while exploring his mouth with her velvet tongue.

Slowly withdrawing then plunging back into her searing heat, he moaned.

“Easy, baby. Nice and easy.” She wrapped her legs over his bum and pushed against him, the sudden movement triggering his explosion. Hard, fast droves of his liquid filled the condom, and the walls of her tunnel vibrated around his length.

Had she come again?

He glanced at her. Eyes closed, mouth rounded, breath erratic. Beautiful.

“Hmm, delicious,” she whispered, squeezing her limbs to trap him atop her. He didn’t want to escape her toned-leg jail. Instead, he buried his head into her sweet-smelling hair and smiled, for he was a step closer to those three little words he had longed to hear from her lips since their impromptu kiss goodbye.

A creak in the floorboards by the entrance drew his glare to the door.

“The front door is ajar. Someone’s been here.” Eyes wide, she sat.

“Don’t worry.” He eased her back with a kiss, resentful of the interruption. “I’ll go check it out.”

“What if Al found a way in?”

“Hey, it’s okay. I bet Jane walked in on us then sneaked out to give us private time when she saw what we were doing.”

“You’re probably right,” she sighed. “But could you check anyway?”

“Sure.” He climbed off her, disposed of the filled latex covering, and slipped into his pants before checking the hallway. “There’s no one here.” He locked the door then curled up with his Lola on the sofa. A warmth took hold. “Don’t you worry. I’d die to keep you from danger.”

“Don’t do that. I’d miss you.”

Chapter Seven



She’d slept wrapped in his arms in the guest bed she’d claimed as hers for a little while, and had the best night’s sleep until she woke around three o’clock with a sense of dread.

Dennis had noted her fear and quickly spooned her, whispering calming words. Perhaps in his sleep, but she appreciated the sentiment and snuggled into him.

Al may be possessive and greedy, but he wasn’t a total loony tune. He wouldn’t actually hurt her. And then she realized how wrong she was. Al
hurt her. He already had, on several occasions. Sure, it was usually with the intent to control, but he’d proven his aggressive nature.

She talked about her concerns over morning coffee, and Dennis was not pleased.

“Maybe I should call in sick today, stay here in case he shows up,” Dennis offered, clearing away the breakfast dishes.

“Damn, I wish I hadn’t said anything now. I’ll be fine, Dennis. Jane’s not working today. We’ll do a girl’s day. We’ll stay in and catch up, okay?” she pleaded, hoping he wouldn’t miss his scheduled classes for her.

“I’m only going at your insistence,” Dennis hissed. “You keep a phone with you at all times if you do go out, and stick together.”

“Got it.” She kissed his cheek and joked, “Have a good day, dear.”

He snorted and grabbed his briefcase. “You be sure to have my drink poured when I get home, and the house clean and tidy.”

She winked. “Absolutely.”

As soon as he left, Jane bounced out of her bedroom and squealed. “Manicures and cakes. Celebrity gossip, followed by, of course, dance. Are you in?”

“Heck yes, I’m in.”

Hours passed by quickly, and they got caught up with the latest goings on of their old school friends. They’d beautified themselves, whilst still wearing their comfy sleepwear, and watched Grease then Grease 2.

The musicals led to impromptu singing and dancing, which then led to a burlesque lesson somehow.

Louisa wasn’t sure how or even
she’d agreed, she only knew there was no escaping Jane once she had an idea in her head.

“Bound to happen,” Louisa placed her empty mug on Jane’s kitchen counter and rolled up her sleeves.

“What was?” Jane shrugged and lifted a brow.

“Wearing PJs while learning the art of striptease, it’s so…so…Jane.”

“Call it a re-bonding of our friendship through dance.”

“Uh-huh. You say it’s for fun, but I’m not stupid, I know you’re prepping me so I’ll be a London Doll. I know you.”

“As if I’d do that?” She fluttered her eyelashes. “Now, move your hips side to side.” Jane demonstrated the sensual movement again with her toes pointed, and her stare low and seductive. “This is all about me being a good friend. Someone has to get you out of your ‘I have a crazy ex’ funk.”

She was so right, and she could burlesque. “How is striptease more complicated than any classical dance I know?”

“Do I have to do a ‘feel the music’ spiel on you? You can do it. Work it. Pretend you’re slamming a car door shut then bounce back quick.”

“Like this?” Louisa swung her hip to the left. Conscious of her bum cheeks wobbling with the motion, she pulled on her strengths instead then tightened her muscles and pirouetted. She could do any ballet step with her eyes closed. Graceful and symmetrical, some might say a classic beauty, or even delicate and feminine. But never had she been described as raunchy before.

“Show off. Try again, bend your knees and isolate each motion.” Jane demonstrated the movement, her demeanor changing from bubbly to raunchy in a flash.

Pretending Dennis stood beside her, she imagined bumping him.

“Perfect. Travel with the bump. Step, bump. Step, bump.” Jane yelled instructions at her in the same manner their strict ballet teacher in Torquay had. “One arm up behind the head, and the other on your hip. Close your legs, point the front leg, and bend the knee across your front. Bump forward and snap it back. No. No. Not thrust, snap. Don’t move the elbows or the chest. The movement should be from the waist.”

“All you need is a wide headband like Miss Lilly’s and you’d be her doppelganger.” Louisa poked her friend in the ribs. “Bossy much?”

“As I remember, her bellowing kept you on your toes during class.”

“Ha. Ha.”

Louisa stuck out her chest and lifted her chin. “I can do this. Of course, I can. I am a dancer for goodness sakes.” Boom. Bump. Snap. “How’d I do?”

“Nailed it.”

“Honestly? It seemed more booty-bumping elephant than sensual burleQ dancer.”

“There’s one thing missing, though. Pout for me.”

Lola stuck her bottom lip out.

“Perfect. Now, lower your sight a touch. Seduce me with your eyes.”

She shimmied the heck out of her shoulders; a wink here, a tilt of the head there.

“A natural.” Jane clapped. “Breathe, and calm the shimmy. Breasts don’t need to knock you out. Shiver a little. Nice, that’s it. Pull in the tummy and lift up. Let the cheeks go where they desire. Let it hang out, honey.”

Lola followed the cock-handed tips being thrown at her and glanced up. Jane covered her mouth but failed to hide her snicker.

“Why are you laughing at me?”

“No reason, you’re doing great. More bum, though.” Jane thrust out her behind to demonstrate.

“I can’t stick it out any farther without looking like a duck.”

“Shake that booty, pop that hip. Snap. Lure me in, make me want you.”

She poured all she had into getting the moves right.

“Now, shimmy and walk. Forward and back. Down and up, grind down low. Around in a circle and when you turn, wink behind you as if it’s the audience. Make them want to throw you down and make love to you.”

She pivoted, doing her best to muster up an alluring gaze. Half closing her eyelids, she focused on following instructions and resisted the urge to rise on her toes and step into first position. Raising her chin, she met Dennis’s wide grin.

“Where’d you come from?” She tripped over her own feet.

“Nice moves.” Dennis clapped and cheered.

Jane burst out a belly laugh.

Louisa stilled. “You could have told me your brother had sneaked in. Traitor.”

“Some payback for making my eyes burn at the sight of my brother going at it with my best friend.” Jane cocked a brow.

“So it
you spying on us yesterday.”

“Yes, and I wasn’t spying. I couldn’t miss the fact that you were shagging on my sofa. Dirty buggers.”

BOOK: What Lola Wants (London Dolls Book 1)
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